Käterätiriiul lisaharuga Mediclinics HARMONIA R/V teras poleeritud
• Towel rack made of AISI 304 stainless steel with a hidden wall mounting system and four fixation points, from Mediclinics’ Harmonia series.
• Its up-to-date and functional design gives it a touch of elegance and creativity, while it also allows you to keep your towels tidy and nearby for a greater level of comfort when getting out of the shower.
• The high quality of the stainless steel makes this bathroom accessory very resistant and durable.
• The hidden wall mounting system of this towel rack and its four fixation points mean that the installation screws are not visible and that it is perfectly fixed to the wall.
• An essential bathroom accessory, this towel rail is ideal for bathrooms in hotels, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as for your own home.
• This bathroom towel shelf is also suitable for public use.
• Includes stainless steel hardware to install on brick walls.
Haceka Kosmos kroom shampooniriiul
Haceka Kosmos kroom shampooniriiul seinale vannituppa
53,00 €
Kätekuivati Mediclinics Machflow valge , korpus on terasest
Turvaline ja võimas mudel.
-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg
-Minimaalne Energiakulu
-Minimaalset CO2 heitmeid
-Reguleeritav ülekiire mootor
-Kindel ja kompaktne disain
-GreenSeci nimekirjaar
Kuivatuseaeg on ainult 10-15 sek!!!
409,00 €
Seebidosaator must/suitsukava
ABS termoplastist klaas
26,00 €
Käetugi 692mm sirge
teras valge epoksükate
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 81mm
40,00 €
Käetugi 738mm ületõstetav
R/V teras AISI304 harjatud
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 85mm
189,00 €