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Keha hädaabidušš SOS, seinale kinnituv 3/4"

Tootekood: BR-17582009
Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
615,00 €
Kuumakse alates: 52,28 €
Kogus: - +

SOS dušš, seinale kinnituv 3/4"


Sarnased tooted
The fitting is delivered with an integrated BALLOFIX® ball valve.
Handle: Metal, BROEN POLYCOAT powder coated
with media indication according to EN13792
Spout: Full swivel action
Hose nozzle: Removable metal
Headwork: Ceramic
Opening/closing function: 180° (wrist action lever: 90°)
Temperature range: 0-90°C
Max. working pressure: 10 bar / 147 psi
Test pressure: 1 x working pressure
Weight: 3 kg
Metals: Brass
Plastics: POM, PTFE, SPX (hose)
Sealing: EPDM
Lubricant: Silicone based
Ceramics: Al2O3 96%
Solder: DIN L-Ag55:Sn
For standard configuration please refer to the item
numbers below.
Other options:
- aerator
- fixed hose nozzle
- integrated non-return valve
- alternative hose inlet connection / without a hose
- other inlet options (type, length)
- national approvals
Tootekood: B-25360021039-52B ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 päeva
365,00 €
Ögondusch för bänk med skål

Ögon/ansiktsdusch med skål och bänkfäste. Alla delar är ytbehandlade med BROEN-LABs POLYCOAT som inte bara gör att ögon- & ansiktsduschen syns väldigt bra, den står även emot de flesta kemikalier, UV blekning och värme. Utrustad med FLOWFIX som gör spolbilden stadig i varierande vattentryck.

• Min. arbetstryck: 1,5 bar
• Fälls in i bänk
• POLYCOAT står emot de flesta kemikalier
• Uppsamlingsskål i rostfritt stål med POLYCOAT
• FLOWFIX: 26 l/min
• 2-sidig efterlysande skylt, dekal & testkort
• Vikt: ca. 3,5 kg
• Anslutning: inv. DN15
• Avloppsanslutning: inv. DN32

Artikelnummer: 17 934 009

Tootekood: B-17934009 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
1275,00 €
R/V teras veetrapp, D75 mm vertikaalne, 150x150mm
On võimalik versioonid , vertikaalsed, horisontaalsed D50mm,75mm,110mm

PV 01

stainless steel floor trap


PV 01 is a fully stainless floor trap with braz designed to drain showers, industrial premises and other inner spaces. The trap is designed as stepping (not driven-over). The trap is made of AISI 304 quality stainless steel. Detergents containing chlorine must not be used for cleaning. If chlorine is contained in the environment, we recommend custom-made model of another material (e.g. AISI 316).

For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 

We produce other custom-made models – outlet d = 50 mm, 110 mm; without rim for waterproofing; alternative cover grid (mesh); without braz; with adjustable height, etc. Send us your requirements, we will promptly answer!


Version types
PV 01.D.75.P - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap, outlet down, rim for waterproofing, not adjustable
PV 01.D.75.S - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing, adjustable
PV 01.B.75.P - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side, rim for waterproofing, not adjustable
PV 01.B.75.S - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.D.50.P - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.D.50.S - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.B.50.P - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.B.50.S - - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.D.110.P - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.D.110.S - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.B.110.P - floor trap t d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.B.110.S - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
Basic technical information
Minimum inner diameter: 70 mm
Diameter of connecting sewerage pipe: 75 mm
Water flow: min. 50 lts / min
Loading class: K3
Weight: 2,2 kg
Complete delivery
  • Trap body
  • Grid with braz cover
  • Hook to pull up the grid


Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Completed sewerage drains terminated by DN 75 coupling
  2. Prepared hole in the floor with diameter min. 300 mm (200 mm without rim for waterproofing) and depth min. 120 mm
Tootekood: AZP-PV 01.D.75.P ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
423,00 €
Eye shower, wall mounted in brass with chemical resistant BROEN-LAB Polycoat.


  • Professional solutions for employee safety
  • Easy to mount
  • Anti-limescale design and material
  • Improved functionality with long lifetime
  • Available with or without bowl


With built-in FLOWFIX for regulation of water flow (14 l/min) and stainless steel bowl for eye wash.


Min. working pressure: 1,5 bar
Tootekood: B-17552009 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
2115,00 €

SOS Hädaabidušši Tester Trolley for Emergency Showers pumpaga

BROEN-LAB tester Trolley aitab kiirendada ja lihtsustada igakuiseid hädaolukorra dušide jõudluskontrolli. See võimaldab mahtvoolu, juga kõrgust ja vee kvaliteedi kontrollimist teostada kiiresti ja hügieeniliselt vaid ühe inimese poolt. Tulemuseks on see, et katsetamine on võimalik kiiresti ja tõhusalt saavutada ilma ämbrite käsitsemise ja valamise koristamiseta.

Praktilisel kaubanduskärul on tugev lehter, et tagada isegi tilkade valamise vältimine. See on kergesti reguleeritav ja saab tõstetud maksimaalse kõrguseni 2,3 meetrit. Tänu võimsale pumbale saab suure mahutavusega kaubanduskäru tühjendada mõne sekundiga.

Käru kompaktne disain teeb sellest ideaalse valiku vastavalt DIN EN 15154-1 ja ANSI Z358.1 nõuetele kontrollide läbiviimiseks.

Kaal: 27 kg

Alus: 2 fikseeritud rattad, 2 lukustatavat pöördraami

Voolik: 1,5 m pumba voolik

Mahutavus (liitrites): 90

Pumba tüüp: Kõrgjõudlusega pump (tühjeneb umbes 2 minutiga)

Kraan: Madala tasemega kraan gravitatsiooniliseks tühjendamiseks

Materjal, paak: Tugev polüetüleenplastikust paak

Materjal, raam: Pulbervärvitud alumiiniumraam

Materjal, toru: Teleskoopiline toru: anodeeritud alumiinium

Materjal, lehtri: Polükarbonaadi lehtri

Tootekood: B-17851929 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
9570,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile