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Kirurgiline valamu pesurenn "Hygiene+" 2 kohta 1400mm roostevaba teras satiin AISI304

Tootekood: DE-186020
Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
Hind: 3422,00 €
3079,80 €
Kuumakse alates: 261,78 €
Kogus: - +

Kirurgiline valamu pesurenn "Hygiene+" 2 kohta 1400mm roostevaba teras satiin AISI304


Ref. 186020 kirurgiline valamu on mõeldud spetsiaalselt haiglate ja tervishoiuasutuste vajadustele. Valmistatud bacteriostatic 304 roostevabast terasest ja varustatud innovatiivse "Hygiene+" disainiga, mis vähendab bakterite arenguks sobivaid alasid ja tagab lihtsa puhastamise. Valamul on madal pritsmekaitse (75 mm), parem äravool ja kinnitusdetailid.

Peamised omadused:

  • Seinakinnitusega disain
  • Madal pritsmekaitse: 75 mm
  • "Hygiene+": varjatud äravool, bakterite arengualade vähendamine
  • Sile pind ja varjatud sifoon lihtsaks puhastamiseks
  • Valmistatud bacteriostatic 304 roostevabast terasest
  • Paksus: 1,2 mm
  • Ilma segistiaukudeta
  • CE-sertifikaat, vastab EN 14296 standardile
  • Mõõdud: kõrgus 645 mm, laius 400 mm, pikkus 1400 mm
  • Kaal: 26,6 kg

Surgical scrub-up trough with low upstand 
Ref. 186020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 75mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 1,400mm, 2 services. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+": reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 26.6kg.


Sarnased tooted

Kollektiivne pissuaari renn 2400 mm roostevabast terasest

Tootekood: PURM-2400 ,   Tarneaeg: 5-6 nädalad
2569,00 €

RMO 02


automatic washing system for wellingtons

RMO 02 is a stainless steel sensor-controlled washing system with rotary brushes for wellingtons. A built-in photocell sensor reacts to the user holding the handrail. The electromagnetic valve switches on, opens the water inlet, the brushes start to rotate and the circular jet injection of the disinfecting lotion is carried out. After placing the foot with the wellington on the grid in between the rotary brushes, the sole is cleaned by means of the horizontal brush and the leg portion is cleaned by means of two vertical brushes. The system is automatically switched off when the user releases the handrail. There is a CENTRAL/STOP button on the handrail for emergency switch-off.
The washing system is intended for free standing installation on the floor. Imperfections of the floor are balanced out by four adjustable hobs. The construction of the system allows the outlet to be placed above the floor level.
The RMO 02 washing system, with its easy maintenance, is mainly intended for operations where quick removal of mechanical dirt from wellingtons is required.
The canister with disinfecting solution is not part of the delivery.

Package contents

  • body of the washing machine
  • removable grid
  • electronics with photocell
  • three rotary brushes
  • jerican holder
  • priming hose
  • adjustable supporting legs
  • central stop button
Radius of sensor 0,7 m
Water inlet G 1/2“
Water pressure 0,1 – 1,0 MPa
Outlet G 6/4”
Electricity protection IP 55
Power supply 230 V, 50 Hz
Power requirement 370 W
Water temperature max. 42°C
Weight 95 kg
  • Set up water inlet as per picture
  • Set up outlet G 6/4” via effluvial cover
  • Set up cable for power supply – 230 V, 50 Hz


Tootekood: AZP-RMO 02 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalat
16293,00 €


  • Frost-free drinking system for cattle and horses
  • Fresh and clean water for the animals all year round
  • Without wiring or electricity 
  • A minimum of maintenance
  • No concern about filling the drinking vessels
  • No concern about cleaning the drinking vessels
Automaatjootjad sobivad kasutamiseks nii karjamaal kui ka tallides ning nende läheduses asuvates joogikohtades.
Jootjaid on lihtne kasutada ning hobused saavad kiiresti aru, et mugavam on vee juurdevoolu avamiseks vajutada klapile
mitte nina otsaga vaid selle ülaosaga. Kui koon (mokad) on joomiseks vabad, joobki hobune loomulikul viisil vee pindmiselt
kihilt. Seetõttu olemegi valinud jooginõuks lai ja sügav kauss, et tekiks joomiseks mugav veepind.
Töötamise põhimõte
Tõusutoru on varustatud isetühjeneva 3-tee
ventiiliga, mis on paigaldatud kaevu, mis omakorda
on süvistatud pinnasesse.
Kui jootjat ei kasutata on veest tühi nii ventiil kui
ka tõustoru, milles olev vesi võiks muidu külmuda.
Nii jootja ventiil ja tõusutoru on külmumiskindlad nii
kaua kuni on külmumiskindel ka vee toitetorustik.
Tootekood: FL-A382 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1189,50 €

Saappaidenpesuallas 7130

Saappaidenpesuallas 7130 on omilla jaloilla seisova allas, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi esim. päiväkodeissa kumisaappaiden ja kuravaatteiden huuhteluun sekä teollisuudessa hätäsuihkualtaaksi.

Tuote on kotimainen ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu monikäyttöinen allas. Altaan reunat on pyöristetty turvallisiksi.

Altaan ulkomitat ovat 600x600x350 mm, sisämitat 550x550x250 mm. Allasta valmistetaan myös erikoismitoin.

Altaan mukana toimitetaan pohjaventtiili sekä pohjatulppa helmiketjulla. Altaan jaloissa on säätötassut, joilla se on helppo asentaa suoraan.

Tootekood: KAV7130 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1075,00 €

Joogifontään free-standing mehaaniline R/V teras AISI316

AFO 02 - IIstainless steel free-standing drinking fountain (indoor/outdoor)

AFO 02-II is a stainless steel drinking fountain of modern design with a manual press valve that allows its easy use. The water flows only when the valve is pressed and then there is a certain adjusted time to rinse out the nozzle.
The drinking fountain is to be placed in an open space. It is made up of an anchoring part intended for embedding in concrete and the column itself with a press valve and nozzle. These parts are connected by means of 3 screws and the upper part can be, therefore, easily dismounted in case of necessity (e.g. during winter).
The water inlet is fitted with a flexible hose, the siphon is made from a stretchy, flexible connector. The flexible finish of the water inlet and outlet allows the variable and problem-free connection of the fountain.
AFO 02-II stainless steel fountain is suitable mainly for schools, medical facilities and spa resorts, and is utilizable outdoors.
Drinking fountain AFO 02-II is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. AFO 02.CL-II is made of the stainless steel AISI 316 and is suitable for places with higher concentration of chlorine.
For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).Detail of the bowl

Package contents

  • stainless steel column and cone with nozzle
  • press valve
  • anchoring construction
  • flexible hose siphon
  • connecting hoses
  • anchoring material
  • Set-up water inlet - pipe G 1/2“
  • Set-up drainage d = 40 mm
  • Prepared alcove for embedding (concreting) in the base construction
Water inlet G 1/2"
Water pressure 2 – 6 Bar, recommended 3 Bar
Outlet d = 40 mm
Inner dimensions of sink d = 290 mm
Weight 20 kg
Tootekood: AZP-AFO02.CL ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
1903,00 €
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