Mediclinics käetugi parem sinale/põrandale, roostevaba teras AISI304 harjatud
General description
Wall-floor grab bar, with three support points, made of a diameter of 32 mm AISI 304 stainless steel tube, bent in an "L" shape at 90o and with a 32mm diameter lateral arm, welded on the lower part of the grab bar and also bent at 90°.
With snap flange covers that conceal the installation screws, improving the aesthetics of the bars once installed on the wall.
These grab bars offer a great safety and comfort to the user, helping to make the bathroom much safer for the elderly or those with reduced
mobility. Models suitable for public use.
Well suited for keeping bathrooms and public enclosures barrier-free.
Highest durability and great resistance to rusting.
Optionally, these grab bars can be electrically isolated, installing the electrical isolation kit code KA0020.
Supplied with plugs and screws to fix the bar to a brick wall.
Components and materials
BSD020C: right hand grab bar made of AISI 304 stainless steel tube, bright finish.
BSI020C: left hand grab bar made of AISI 304 stainless steel tube, bright finish.
BSD020CS: right hand grab bar made of AISI 304 stainless steel tube, satin finish.
BSI020CS: left hand grab bar made of AISI 304 stainless steel tube, satin finish.
TUBING: made of a 32 mm diameter tube, seamless construction. The bending process guarantees the uniformity of the diameter along the bends.
CONCEALED MOUNTING FLANGE: three units made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 3 mm thick. Incorporates two Ø 6.5 mm screw holes for wall mounting.
SNAP FLANGE COVER: three units made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 0.8 mm thick and Ø 82 mm. Each cover snaps over mounting flange to conceal mounting screws.
36,00 €
Korpuse paksus 0,8 mm
AISI 304 roostevaba teras, poleeritud
kaal 1,8 kg
Rätikud max 260x100mm
C/Z volditud rätikute mahutavas 400-600 tk
122,00 €
must epoksükate,
R/V teras AISI 304
Vandaalikindel lukuga korpus
128,00 €
Föön automaatne
Elemendil on termokaitselüliti
Lülitab käsiseadmete võtmesel hoidikust automaatselt sisse.
ValgestABS termoplastist käsiseade.Termiliselt tegevdatud sisemus.
PBT termoplastist korpus
Twermokaitselülitiga B-klassi harjadega mootor.
PP UL94-V0 kruvijas ventilaatoritiivik.
Pikendav valge polüuretaantoru.Kinnitatud pöörlevatele laagritele, mis takistavad keerduminekut.
Pinge 220-240V
Sagedus 50/60 Hz
Elektroisolatsiooni klass 2
Õhutemperatuur (d=10cm ja toatemp 21C) 60 C
Paigalduskõrgus 1300-1500mm
Korpusepaksus 3mm
Voolutarve 3A
Müüratase 69dB
Tegelik õhuvool 667 l/min
Koguvõimsus 850W
Mootori võimsus 150W
Küteelemendi võimsus 700W
Toru pikkus 800-2000mm
p/min 15 000
Õhu liikumiskiirus 79km/H
179,00 €
Keevisõmbluseta korpus on aluste kinnitatud kahe vandaalikindla poldiga ja lukustatud spetsiaalse Saniflow võtmega
3mm paksune alumiinium alus
Tulekindlast plastist ventilaatorikamber
Termostaatlülitiga F-klassi universaalne harjadega mootor
Alumiiniumist tsentrifugaalne topeltsümmetriline õhuvõtuventilaatori tiivik
Elemendi on termokaitselüliti
Elektroisolatsioon klass 1
Kaitseklass IP23
561,00 €