Mediclinics Kätekuivati sensoriga Speedflow® Plus HEPA filtriga, valge teras

Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
Müüja: PEGU OÜ
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PEGU OÜ – neile, kes hindavad stiili, kvaliteeti ja laitmatut teenindust.
• The Speedflow® Plus line of hand dryers is categorized within the eco-fast range of product but with the added value of complying with the requirements of ADAAG for accessibility of public washrooms. This regulation requires that the depth of the dryer cannot exceed 100 mm to facilitate access and movement to people with disabilities inside the washroom.
• The new Speedflow® Plus hand dryer is especially suitable for places with a high traffic frequency such as airports, shopping centers, sports facilities, etc.
• Energy efficient, this hand dryer presents very low power consumption. With a maximum power of 850 W, this hand dryer, depending on the configuration applied, consumes only between 0.6 and 2.8 watts per drying cycle and 0.4 W in stand-by mode, one of the lowest energy consumption in the market.
• Fast (maximum air speed 400 km / h) and quiet (57-65 dBA). Dries hands in only 12 seconds.
• Adjustable power motor to regulate power consumption between 180 and 850 W.
• It incorporates as standard a HEPA filter medium that filters solid particles in suspension and can optionally incorporate an ionizer ("Ion Hygenic") that purifies the air through negatively charged particles (anions).
• Micro-switch "ON/OFF" located on the electronic board. Allows to activate/deactivate the heating element.
• Detection of fixed targets. If a static object is detected in front of the sensor, the hand dryer automatically stops at 3-5 seconds as a safety measure.
• Automatic safety cut-out. After 30 seconds of continuous use the device switches off automatically.
- plastic
- Uriini separeeriv kuivkäimla
- Hoone siseseks kasutuseks
- Ventilaatoriga 12/230V
- Ämbri -ja Wc istelauaga
585,00 €
White back plate. RADA is a shoe rack with a minimalistic design. The unique design of Rada give the option to place the shoes in two different ways, where by it is suitable for lady shoes with high heels as well as trainers and boots.
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Föön automaatne
Elemendil on termokaitselüliti
Lülitab käsiseadmete võtmesel hoidikust automaatselt sisse.
ValgestABS termoplastist käsiseade.Termiliselt tegevdatud sisemus.
PBT termoplastist korpus
Twermokaitselülitiga B-klassi harjadega mootor.
PP UL94-V0 kruvijas ventilaatoritiivik.
Pikendav valge polüuretaantoru.Kinnitatud pöörlevatele laagritele, mis takistavad keerduminekut.
Pinge 220-240V
Sagedus 50/60 Hz
Elektroisolatsiooni klass 2
Õhutemperatuur (d=10cm ja toatemp 21C) 60 C
Paigalduskõrgus 1300-1500mm
Korpusepaksus 3mm
Voolutarve 3A
Müüratase 69dB
Tegelik õhuvool 667 l/min
Koguvõimsus 850W
Mootori võimsus 150W
Küteelemendi võimsus 700W
Toru pikkus 800-2000mm
p/min 15 000
Õhu liikumiskiirus 79km/H
183,00 €
Kosmos vedelseebidosaator metall, valge
46,00 €
Kangsegisti keraamilise töörganiga
Kahes suuna pööratava jooksutoruga.
Toru mõõt: 10 mm
Paigaldusava:30mm, max.35mm