Mediclinics varupaberihoidik R/V teras AISI304 harjatud
• Holder for toilet paper roll, AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish, for wall mounting.
• The stainless steel AISI 304 construction protects the product against rust and ensures quality and longevity.
• Model suitable for the hotel sector and for collectivities.
• Wall bracket made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 0.8 mm thick, bright finish.
• AISI 304 Stainless steel cylindrical axis for the roll, Ø 13.8mm.
• With no removable components.
• Mounting on the wall by means of one screw and one plastic plug (provided).
• It normally goes along with a stainless steel tower ring or rail.
Haceka Kosmos kroom tualettpaberihoidel sirge
Haceka Kosmos kroom tualettpaberihoidja sirge seinale
23,00 €
Kosmos varurullihoidja, 3 rulli, teras
29,48 €
kroomitud messing
Ava laiapinnas d25mm
75,00 €
Keevisõmbluseta korpus on aluste kinnitatud kahe vandaalikindla poldiga ja lukustatud spetsiaalse Saniflow võtmega
3mm paksune alumiinium alus
Tulekindlast plastist ventilaatorikamber
Termostaatlülitiga F-klassi universaalne harjadega mootor
Alumiiniumist tsentrifugaalne topeltsümmetriline õhuvõtuventilaatori tiivik
Elemendi on termokaitselüliti
Elektroisolatsioon klass 1
Kaitseklass IP23
543,00 €
Teras valge epoksükate , max rull d230mm
61,00 €