Intra pesurenn roostevaba terasest P3 600mm1.jpg Zoom

Pesurenn Intra 600 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega

Tootekood: I-P3 600mm
Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
909,00 €
Kuumakse alates: 77,33 €
Kogus: - +

Pesurenn Intra 600 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega



Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.

Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex

Sarnased tooted

Koristajavalamu R/V teras 455x330, pritsmisplekiga+ämberrestiga


  • stainless steel wall hung cleaner‘s sink
  • with splash-back and grating
  • overflow set
  • waste output Ø 50 mm
  • material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
  • brushed finish
Order number 98010
Code SLVN 01


  • stainless steel wall hung cleaner‘s sink
  • with splash-back and grating
  • overflow set
  • waste output Ø 50 mm
  • material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
  • brushed finish
Арт. № 98010
Название SLVN 01
Tootekood: SA-SLVN 01 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
635,00 €


Shelf is 18‑gauge (1.2mm), type 304 stainless steel, satin finish; 36" Long, 6" H, 8" D (915 x 150 x 205mm). Four anti-slip mop holders have spring-loaded rubber cam that grips handles 7⁄8" to 1 1⁄4" (20–30mm) diameter. Holds mops 8" (205mm) from wall. Three stainless steel rag hooks. Rod for wet rags below shelf.
Tootekood: B-224x36 ,   Tarneaeg: 6-8 nädala
647,62 €

MINIMAL corner washbasin
Ref. 121550

Wall-mounted corner washbasin (90° angle).
Basin internal diameter: 320mm.
Clean and simple design.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm
Rounded edges prevent injury.
With Ø 35mm central tap hole.
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste.
Without overflow.
Supplied with fixing elements.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688.
Weight: 4kg.

Tootekood: DE-121550 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
472,50 € (10%)
525,00 €

Kirurgiline valamu kõrge pritsmekaitsega pesurenn 700mm roostevaba teras satiin AISI304

Kirurgiline valamu kõrge pritsmekaitsega
Tootekood: 185000
Viimistlus: Poleeritud satiin 304 roostevaba teras – 1 töökoha jaoks – "Hygiene+" disain


Seinapealne kirurgiline valamu, millel on 450 mm kõrgune pritsmekaitse. Sobib kasutamiseks haiglates ja tervishoiuasutustes.

Valmistatud bakteriostaatilisest 304 roostevabast terasest. Poleeritud satiinviimistlus ja 1,2 mm terase paksus. Valamu on 700 mm pikk, mõeldud ühele töökoha jaoks, ilma kraaniavata.

  • Sile pind ja ümarad sisemised servad lihtsaks puhastamiseks.
  • "Hygiene+" disain: vähendab bakterite tekkekohti, varjatud äravool ja lihtne hooldus.
  • Äravool paremal küljel.
  • Ilma ülevooluta.
  • Komplektis kinnituselemendid ja 1"1/4 äravool.

Vastab CE-märgistusele ja normile EN 14296.

Kaal: 20,3 kg

Tehnilised omadused

  • Kõrgus: 1020 mm
  • Pikkus: 700 mm
  • Laius: 475 mm
  • Materjal: Bakteriostaatiline 304 roostevaba teras
  • Paksus: 1,2 mm
  • Viimistlus: Poleeritud satiin

Sobib kaasaegsete tervishoiuasutuste kõrgetele hügieenistandarditele!


Surgical scrub-up trough with high upstand 
Ref. 185000

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 450mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 700mm, 1 service. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+" design: reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements.Weight: 20.3kg.

Tootekood: DE-185000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2706,30 € (10%)
3007,00 €

Kirurgiline valamu pesurenn "Hygiene+" 2 kohta 1400mm roostevaba teras satiin AISI304


Ref. 186020 kirurgiline valamu on mõeldud spetsiaalselt haiglate ja tervishoiuasutuste vajadustele. Valmistatud bacteriostatic 304 roostevabast terasest ja varustatud innovatiivse "Hygiene+" disainiga, mis vähendab bakterite arenguks sobivaid alasid ja tagab lihtsa puhastamise. Valamul on madal pritsmekaitse (75 mm), parem äravool ja kinnitusdetailid.

Peamised omadused:

  • Seinakinnitusega disain
  • Madal pritsmekaitse: 75 mm
  • "Hygiene+": varjatud äravool, bakterite arengualade vähendamine
  • Sile pind ja varjatud sifoon lihtsaks puhastamiseks
  • Valmistatud bacteriostatic 304 roostevabast terasest
  • Paksus: 1,2 mm
  • Ilma segistiaukudeta
  • CE-sertifikaat, vastab EN 14296 standardile
  • Mõõdud: kõrgus 645 mm, laius 400 mm, pikkus 1400 mm
  • Kaal: 26,6 kg

Surgical scrub-up trough with low upstand 
Ref. 186020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 75mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 1,400mm, 2 services. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+": reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 26.6kg.

Tootekood: DE-186020 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
3079,80 € (10%)
3422,00 €
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