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Prügikast seinale Classic 24,2L R/V teras AISI304

Tootekood: B-279
Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
282,00 €
Kuumakse alates: 23,97 €
Kogus: - +
B-279 ClassicSeries® 

Surface-Mounted Waste Receptacle

Satin-finish stainless steel. Bottom edges hemmed for safety. Hooks hold furnished reusable vinyl liner; removable for servicing. Capacity: 6.4-gal. (24.2-L). Unit 14" W, 18" H, 6" D (355 x 455 x 150mm).



Receptacle — 18-8, type-304 stainless steel with satin finish. Front and sides are one-piece, 22 gauge (0.8mm); back and bot- tom are one-piece, 26 gauge (0.5mm). All-welded construction. Top edge hemmed and bottom has recessed finger grip for safe handling. Equipped with four spot-welded interior hooks for attaching the vinyl liner. Capacity: 6.4-gal. (24.2-L).

Liner — Heavy-gauge vinyl with four grommets. Removable for servicing. OPERATION:

Removable vinyl liner attaches to four interior hooks of waste receptacle. Space between bottom of receptacle and floor, when unit is properly mounted on wall, facilitates floor cleaning.


Mount unit on wall with four sheet-metal screws (not furnished) at points indicated by an S. For plaster or dry wall construction, provide concealed backing to comply with local building codes, then secure unit with sheet-metal screws. For other wall surfaces, provide fiber plugs or expansion shields for use with sheet-metal screws, or provide 1/8" (3mm) toggle bolts or expansion bolts.


Surface-mounted waste receptacle shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed surfaces shall have satin finish. Front and sides of waste receptacle shall be one-piece, 22 gauge (0.8mm); back and bottom shall be one-piece, 26 gauge (0.5mm). Top edge shall be hemmed and bottom of waste receptacle shall have recessed finger grip. Waste receptacle shall be equipped with four interior hooks, furnished with a removable heavy-gauge vinyl liner, and shall have a minimum capacity of 6.4-gal. (24.2-L).


Sarnased tooted
Tootekood: PP1305CS ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
56,05 € (5%)
59,00 €

Kätekuivati Mediclinics Machflow harjatud rostevaba terasest korpusega AISI304

Turvaline ja võimas mudel.

Mediclinics Machflow® M09ACS on mati viimistlusega roostevabast terasest kätekuivati, mis paistab silma oma energiatõhususe ja kiire kuivatusvõime poolest. See Machflow® mudel on ideaalne suure liiklusega avalikesse ruumidesse, näiteks restoranidesse, kohvikutesse, büroohoonetesse ja muudesse sarnastesse kohtadesse.

Mediclinics Machflow® kätekuivati korpus on disainitud maksimaalse vandalismikindluse tagamiseks. Toode töötab automaatse sensoriga ja kuivatusaeg on vaid 10-15 sekundit. See mudel on populaarne oma kaasaegse disaini ja erinevate pinnaviimistlusvõimaluste tõttu - kuivati on saadaval valges, mustas, poleeritud ja harjatud pinnaviimistluses, sobitudes seeläbi erinevate interjööridega.

Soovitatav paigalduskõrgus on 100-120 cm põrandast. Mediclinics Machflow® kätekuivati on eelkomplekteeritud, mis muudab paigaldamise kiireks ja lihtsaks.



-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg

-Minimaalne Energiakulu

-Minimaalset CO2 heitmeid

-Reguleeritav ülekiire mootor

-Kindel ja kompaktne disain

-GreenSeci nimekirjaar


Kuivatuseaeg on ainult 10-15 sek!!!


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492,10 € (5%)
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R/V teras AISI304

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64,60 € (5%)
68,00 €

R/V teras AISI316

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193,17 €
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295,55 € (5%)
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