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Vahudosaator R/V teras, valge 1,5L AISI 304

Tootekood: MDJF0032
Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
Hind: 152,00 €
144,40 €
Kuumakse alates: 12,27 €
Kogus: - +

Surface push-button soap dispenser. Foam soap


Foam soap dispenser of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, to be installed directly on the wall and hand-operated through a push-button made in stainless steel. 
Available in three finishes (white, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.
With a net weight of 1.25 Kg and manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick, these soap dispensers have an inner plastic tank that prevents oxidation and that can be easily removed for cleaning and disinfection purposes.
This entire range of soap dispensers is  equipped with an anti-drip corrosion resistant valve that dispenses 1.0 ml of soap per service. This anti-drip valve, which dispenses foam soap, is easily interchangeable with the valves of the other soap dispensers of the same line that dispense liquid soap (DJ0031, DJ0031C and DJ0031CS) or spray soap (DJS0033, DJS0033C and DJS0033CS), so you can easily turn this liquid soap dispenser into a foam or spray soap dispenser.
In addition, these soap dispensers have a soap content level display in the front part that constantly indicates the level of soap available inside the soap dispenser.
It is recommended to use foam soaps with a density between 0.95 and 1.05 kg/dm3.


Sarnased tooted


1x ja 5X 

360 kraadi keeratav


Tootekood: 412210 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
160,00 €

Splazio B ruumi säästev valamu sifoon, 30-40mm seina, valge

Tootekood: LI111501 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
26,00 €

Kätekuivati Mediclinics Machflow harjatud rostevaba terasest korpusega AISI304

Turvaline ja võimas mudel.

Mediclinics Machflow® M09ACS on mati viimistlusega roostevabast terasest kätekuivati, mis paistab silma oma energiatõhususe ja kiire kuivatusvõime poolest. See Machflow® mudel on ideaalne suure liiklusega avalikesse ruumidesse, näiteks restoranidesse, kohvikutesse, büroohoonetesse ja muudesse sarnastesse kohtadesse.

Mediclinics Machflow® kätekuivati korpus on disainitud maksimaalse vandalismikindluse tagamiseks. Toode töötab automaatse sensoriga ja kuivatusaeg on vaid 10-15 sekundit. See mudel on populaarne oma kaasaegse disaini ja erinevate pinnaviimistlusvõimaluste tõttu - kuivati on saadaval valges, mustas, poleeritud ja harjatud pinnaviimistluses, sobitudes seeläbi erinevate interjööridega.

Soovitatav paigalduskõrgus on 100-120 cm põrandast. Mediclinics Machflow® kätekuivati on eelkomplekteeritud, mis muudab paigaldamise kiireks ja lihtsaks.



-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg

-Minimaalne Energiakulu

-Minimaalset CO2 heitmeid

-Reguleeritav ülekiire mootor

-Kindel ja kompaktne disain

-GreenSeci nimekirjaar


Kuivatuseaeg on ainult 10-15 sek!!!


Tootekood: MD-M09ACS ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
492,10 € (5%)
518,00 €
White back plate. RADA is a shoe rack with a minimalistic design. The unique design of Rada give the option to place the shoes in two different ways, where by it is suitable for lady shoes with high heels as well as trainers and boots
Height: 120mm
Width: 600mm
Depth: 164mm
Weight: 3 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Material: Aluminium/stanless steel
Tootekood: W5001-B ,   Tarneaeg: 4 nädalad
185,25 € (5%)
195,00 €

Black back plate. RADA is a shoe rack with a minimalistic design. The unique design of Rada give the option to place the shoes in two different ways, where by it is suitable for lady shoes with high heels as well as trainers and boots.

Height: 120mm
Width: 1000mm
Depth: 164mm
Weight: 6 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Material: Steel/alumiinium
Tootekood: FROW5002-B ,   Tarneaeg: 4 nädalad
251,75 € (5%)
265,00 €
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