Vertikaalne trapp VIESER 51125 50 mm

Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 3-7 päeva
Müüja: PEGU OÜ
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Vertikaalne trapp VIESER 51125 50 mm
Vieser vertical drain DN 50
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
The Vieser vertical floor drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.
The package contains Vieser vertical floor drain, a water trap, a protective lid, a clamping ring, a seal and a white plastic grating
The floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension rings, waterproofing flange or gratings.
Technical specifications
The package contains Vieser vertical floor drain, a water trap, a protective lid, a clamping ring, a seal and a white plastic grating
Vieser vertical floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating.
Kaunis design-lattiakaivon kansi. Kansi on valmistettu Suomessa. Tästä näyttävä yksityiskohta kylpyhuoneeseen, kansi toimii myös tarkoituksenmukaisena viemärikantena.
Kansi ja kehyslaatta ovat valmistettu 2 mm paksuisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä. Kehyksen korkeutta lattialaatoihin nähden voidaan säätää kiinnityslaastin määrällä.
Kannen vesiaukot ovat aina alle 150mm alueella joten se soveltuu kaikkiin 150mm viemärikaivoihin.
Lattiakaivon kannen lisätiedot:
- Valmistaja: LVI-Pörssi
- Kehyksen ulkomitat: 197 x 197 mm
- Korkeus 4 mm
- Materiaali: ruostumaton teräs (AISI304)
- Väri: teräs
Vieser 51183 Tõsterõngas 18mm
Vieser low model extension ring 18 mm
The package contains the extension ring, a white lip seal, a grey clamping ring and a white support ring.
Please note:
a grey clamping ring is included in the package. The grey clamping ring is meant to be used with this extension ring type only. A white clamping ring is supplied with all other Vieser extension rings and floor drains.
The white lip seal and grey clamping ring are meant to be used with a low extension ring only, and they are not compatible with other Vieser products.
A low extension ring must always be the uppermost extension ring and it cannot be extended with another extension ring.
Trapikaas plastraamiga 51241 Vieser Modren 197x197 mm
Roostevaba teras
Vieser Modern - Stainless steel grating with plastic frame – 197×197
For tiled floors on top of the floor drain. Must be installed when tiling the floor. The gap between the floor drain and the square grating may not be sealed.
The package contains a square stainless steel grating and a plastic frame.
Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.
Our stainless steel gratings are fully compatible with
all our drains and extension rings.
(PDF)Vieser round and square grating in tiled floor
(DWG)Vieser round and square grating in tiled floor
Technical specifications
The package contains a square stainless steel grating and a plastic frame.
Our stainless steel gratings are fully compatible with
all our drains and extension rings.
Vieser 6001186 DOT Kenoby, õlitatud D600MM ümmargune
Vieser Dot Kebony Cover, Oiled
One cover option offered for the Vieser Dot Design floor drain system is Vieser Dot ⌀600mm Kebony, Oiled. Kebony is wood that has been treated using natural methods. Although the treatments provide the covers with a natural protection, we recommend treating the wooden covers with a protective agent once or twice a year.
The Vieser Dot floor drain system consists of two separate parts: a tray and the chosen cover. In addition, the Vieser floor drain that is right for the floor drain system is sold separately:
- Choose the Vieser Dot ⌀600 mm tray that is right for your Vieser Dot floor drain system
- Choose the Vieser floor drain that is right for your Vieser Dot floor drain system
Non-toxic and ecologically produced Kebony is hard, durable and beautiful wood. Kebony® products are based on a patented process that involves impregnating the wood with furfuryl alcohol using high pressure and heat, thereby altering the wood’s molecular structure. The 100% bio-based liquid treatment, primarily based on furfuryl alcohol, is a byproduct of sugar cane production. This makes the wood non-toxic and thus completely safe. Kebony has been granted the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Kebony is sustainably sourced: 100% radiata pine, sourced from forests that have been granted FSC, PEFC or other regional certification.
Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.
Poripüüdja MIDI porandatrapp 800x500 RST kogumiskaevuga
Roostevaba teras. Hor. 50 mm. Plaatporand
Kavikan Kurasyöppö on ajatu nägu, vastupidav ja lihtne puhtana hoida, kuna poriallas on valmistatud roostevabast terasest. Toote kujunduses on mitmeid turvalisust suurendavaid detaile.
PÕRANDA-ALLIKAS JA SAJAVÕRGUD ON ROOSTEVABAST TERASEST • hügieeniline ja lihtne puhastada • kausil pole õmblusi, nurkad on ümardatud • kraan jääb korralikult sajavõrgu alla peitu • sajavõrgu ruudustik takistab libisemist • ümardused teevad pinnast paljale jalale meeldivaks
SAJAVÕRK – roostevaba teras, sälgulaius 10 mm, sälgulaius 10 mm
SETTEKAST – plastik, läbimõõt 133 mm x 40 mm
LUKUKAADER – roostevaba teras
PÕRANDAKAUS – roostevaba teras, materjali paksus 1 mm, õmblusteta, nurgad ümardatud
PÕRANDAKANAL – Upovieser-toodetele kohandatud