To be used as the framework/extension of a round grating in tiled floors. Can only be used above the waterproofing.
(Above the waterproofing only)
Technical specifications
(Above the waterproofing only )
Müüja: PEGU OÜ
Avasta PEGU.EE lai valik kvaliteetset santehnikat ja tarvikuid, sealhulgas prügikastid, kätekuivatid, rannadušid, koristajavalamud, laborivalamud ja hädaabidušid. Lisa sobivad kaubad ostukorvi ja kasuta promokoodi PEGU-LUMI erihindade saamiseks! Promokood kehtib toodetele, mis pole hetkel muudes kampaaniates.
Vieser 51206 Betoonivalu tõsterõngas ümmargusele kaanele
To be used as the framework/extension of a round grating in tiled floors. Can only be used above the waterproofing.
(Above the waterproofing only)
(Above the waterproofing only )
Poripüüdja RST 730 x430 kummikattega
Vieser One 52640 Horisontaalne kuivtrapp 32/40 tugijalgadega
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.
The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension rings, waterproofing flange or gratings.
The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, support legs, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool. An untrapped drain does not include a water trap.
Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.
The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system. The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating. The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, support legs, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool. An untrapped drain does not include a water trap. Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.
Vieser One 52641 Horisontaalne kuivtrapp 32/40
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.
The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension rings, waterproofing flange or gratings.
The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool.
An untrapped drain does not include a water trap. Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.
You can download water proofing pictures as a PDF & DWG file.
Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.
Vieser untrapped drain is compatible with Vieser design floor drains:
The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system. The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating.
The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool. An untrapped drain does not include a water trap. Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.
Vieser One 6004308 Nurgatrapp 75 45° 3x32/40
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
The Vieser One floor drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.
The floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension rings, waterproofing flange or gratings.
The drain includes three 32/40 mm side inlets that can be opened.
The package package contains the floor drain, protective lid, a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.
The floor drain is compatible with Vieser extension rings, distance rings, waterproofing flange and grating system.
The drain includes three 32/40 mm side inlets that can be opened. The package contains the floor drain, a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.
Poripüüdja MIDI porandatrapp 800x500 RST kogumiskaevuga
Roostevaba teras. Hor. 50 mm. Plaatporand
Kavikan Kurasyöppö on ajatu nägu, vastupidav ja lihtne puhtana hoida, kuna poriallas on valmistatud roostevabast terasest. Toote kujunduses on mitmeid turvalisust suurendavaid detaile.
PÕRANDA-ALLIKAS JA SAJAVÕRGUD ON ROOSTEVABAST TERASEST • hügieeniline ja lihtne puhastada • kausil pole õmblusi, nurkad on ümardatud • kraan jääb korralikult sajavõrgu alla peitu • sajavõrgu ruudustik takistab libisemist • ümardused teevad pinnast paljale jalale meeldivaks
SAJAVÕRK – roostevaba teras, sälgulaius 10 mm, sälgulaius 10 mm
SETTEKAST – plastik, läbimõõt 133 mm x 40 mm
LUKUKAADER – roostevaba teras
PÕRANDAKAUS – roostevaba teras, materjali paksus 1 mm, õmblusteta, nurgad ümardatud
PÕRANDAKANAL – Upovieser-toodetele kohandatud