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Vieser One 52631 Vertikaaltrapp 75

Tootekood: AKV52631
Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 3-7 päeva
42,70 €
Kogus: - +


Vieser One 52631 Vertikaaltrapp 75

Vieser One vertical floor drain DN 75 

HVAC No. 3315979

Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.

The Vieser One vertical floor drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.

The floor drain can be used with a Vieser extension ringswaterproofing flange or gratings.

The package contains the floor drain,  a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.


Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
20 x 25 x 20 cm
Package weight
0,65 kg
Polypropylene PP
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
General information

The floor drain is compatible with Vieser extension rings, distance rings, waterproofing flange and grating system.

The package contains the floor drain, a water trap, a seal, a clamping ring and a clamping ring installation tool.





Sarnased tooted

Kaunis design-lattiakaivon kansi. Kansi on valmistettu Suomessa. Tästä näyttävä yksityiskohta kylpyhuoneeseen, kansi toimii myös tarkoituksenmukaisena viemärikantena.

Kansi ja kehyslaatta ovat valmistettu 2 mm paksuisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä. Kehyksen korkeutta lattialaatoihin nähden voidaan säätää kiinnityslaastin määrällä.

Kannen vesiaukot ovat aina alle 150mm alueella joten se soveltuu kaikkiin 150mm viemärikaivoihin.


Lattiakaivon kannen lisätiedot:

  • Valmistaja: LVI-Pörssi
  • Kehyksen ulkomitat: 197 x 197 mm
  • Korkeus 4 mm
  • Materiaali: ruostumaton teräs (AISI304)
  • Väri: teräs
Tootekood: LVI3316950 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
55,92 €

Vieser One 52640 Horisontaalne kuivtrapp 32/40 tugijalgadega



Vieser One untrapped drain DN32/40 with support legs


HVAC No. 3315936


Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.


The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.


The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension ringswaterproofing flange or gratings.


The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, support legs, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool. An untrapped drain does not include a water trap.


Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.


Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
24 x 14,5 x 22,5 cm
Package weight
0,54 kg
Polypropylene PP
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
General information

The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system. The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating. The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, support legs, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool. An untrapped drain does not include a water trap. Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.


Tootekood: AKV52640 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-7 päeva
39,65 €

Vieser One 52641 Horisontaalne kuivtrapp 32/40


Vieser One untrapped drain DN32/40 without support legs


HVAC No. 3315942


Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.

The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system.

The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension ringswaterproofing flange or gratings.

The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool.

An untrapped drain does not include a water trap. Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.

You can download water proofing pictures as a PDF & DWG file.

Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.

Vieser untrapped drain is compatible with Vieser design floor drains:



Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
24 x 14,5 x 22,5 cm
Package weight
0,54 kg
Polypropylene PP
Suitable for sewerage systems for regular wastewater.
General information

The Vieser One untrapped drain is part of the Vieser floor drain system. The untrapped drain can be used with a Vieser extension ring, waterproofing flange or grating.

The package contains the untrapped drain, protective lid, a clamping ring, a seal and a clamping ring installation tool. An untrapped drain does not include a water trap. Untrapped drain must be connected to a floor drain with a water trap or other form of water trap. Can be used in a sauna, for example. Cannot be used under a shower.

Tootekood: AKV52641 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-7 päeva
25,42 €

Vieser One 52700 põrandatrapi spetsiaalne vesilukk

Vieser One special water trap for drain

HVAC No. 3315949
Vieser One'i spetsiaalne veepüüdur hoiab ära kanalisatsiooni kuivamise ja kõrvaldab ebameeldiva lõhna. Soovitatav ruumides, kus põranda äravoolu kasutatakse harva või kasutatakse ainult ajutiselt, näiteks pesuruumid või suvekodud. Ühildub Vieser One põrandakanalisatsiooniga.
Paigaldatav mistahes Vieser One’i veetõkkega põrandakanalisatsiooni ka peale esmast paigaldamist. Vieser One'i veepüüdurit saab ära tunda selle musta tõstekäepideme järgi. Soovitatav ruumidesse, kus põranda äravoolu kasutatakse harva või kasutatakse ainult ajutiselt, näiteks tehnilistes ruumides, pesuruumides või suvekodudes.
Spetsiaalne äravoolulõks takistab tõhusalt põranda äravoolu kuivamist, kõrvaldades seeläbi ebameeldiva lõhna.

A Vieser One special water trap prevents the sewer from drying out and eliminates unpleasant odours. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as laundry rooms or summer homes. Compatible with Vieser One floor drains.

Can be installed into any Vieser One floor drain with a water trap also after initial installation. A Vieser One water trap can be identified by its black lifting handle. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as technical facilities, laundry rooms or summer homes.

The special drain trap effectively prevents the floor drain from drying up, thus eliminating unpleasant odours.


Related products


Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
13,5 x 11 x 13,5 cm
Package weight
0,1 kg
Polypropylene PP
A Vieser One special water trap prevents the sewer from drying out and eliminates unpleasant odours. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as laundry rooms or summer homes. Compatible with Vieser One floor drains. Can be installed into any Vieser One floor drain with a water trap also after initial installation. A Vieser One water trap can be identified by its blacklifting handle. Recommended for rooms where the floor drain is used infrequently or is only used temporarily, such as technical facilities, laundry rooms or summer homes.
Tootekood: AKV52700 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-7 päeva
61,00 €

Trapikaas reguleeritava terasraamiga 51291 Vieser Modren 197x197 mm RST

Roostevaba teras

Vieser Modern - Stainless steel grating with adjustable stainless steel frame – 197×197

HVAC No. 3315954

The package contains  square Vieser stainless steel grating and an adjustable steel frame.

To facilitate the installation of the tiling, the frame can be adjusted by a maximum of 15 mm in any direction. The total adjustment range is 30 mm.

  • Modern grating is our customer survey favourite
  • Modern stainless steel grating and adjustable steel frame 197x197 mm
  • Comes with an easy-to-install adjustable steel frame

Vieser’s drain and cover combination comes with a 10-year system guarantee.

Our stainless steel gratings are fully compatible with
all our drains and extension rings.

(PDF)Vieser round and square grating in tiled floor 

(DWG)Vieser round and square grating in tiled floor

Technical specifications

Vieser No.
Package (box/pallet)
Package dimensions
22,5 x 1,5 x 22 cm
Package weight
0,6 kg
Stainless steel (AISI 304)
For tiled floors on top of the floor drain. Must be installed when tiling the floor. The gap between the floor drain and the square grating may not be sealed.
General information

The package contains a square stainless steel grating and an adjustable steel frame. To facilitate the installation of the tiling, the frame can be adjusted by a maximum of 15 mm in any direction.

Tootekood: AKV51291 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-7 päeva
79,30 €
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