Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
Laste hoiuiste, vertikaalne seinale
KB102-INB. Lapse turvaiste. Seinale kinnituv
Mõõtmed: 311 mm (laius) x 476 mm (kõrgus)
Sügavus: 143 mm (suletuna)
Väljaulatuvus: 311 mm (avatuna)
Värvitoonid: kreemjas
381,25 €
Floor-Standing Waste Receptacle with Top
Floor-Standing Waste Receptacle with Open Top
Floor-Standing Waste Receptacle with Open Top
Floor-Standing Dome-Top Waste Receptacle
Waste Receptacle — 18-8, type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. All-welded construction. 1/2" (13mm) recessed bottom equipped with four 1-1/2" (40mm) diameter x 3/4" (19mm) high, heavy-duty rubber feet.
Funnel Top — 18-8, type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. One-piece construction. 8-1/4" (210mm) diameter opening.
Waste Container — Galvanized steel with wire handle. Removable for servicing. Capacity: 33-gal. (125-L).OPERATION:
Funnel top lifts off for removal and servicing of waste container. Wide opening provides hygienic, no-touch waste disposal. Heavy-duty rubber feet protect flooring and elevate receptacle slightly off the floor.
Designer's Note: This unit is not suitable for outside use.SPECIFICATION:
Floor-standing waste receptacle shall be type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. One-piece funnel top shall have 8-1/4" (210mm) diameter opening. Bottom of receptacle shall be recessed 1/2" (13mm) and equipped with four heavy- duty rubber feet that elevate receptacle slightly off floor. Removable, rigid plastic liner shall have a wire handle and a minimum capacity of 33-gal. (125-L).
Surface-Mounted Waste Receptacle
B-277 ConturaSeries
Surface-Mounted Waste Receptacle with LinerMate®
Countertop Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser
Surface-Mounted Waste Receptacle
Receptacle — 18-8, type-304 stainless steel with satin finish. Front and sides are one-piece, 22 gauge (0.8mm); back and bot- tom are one-piece, 26 gauge (0.5mm). All-welded construction. Top edge hemmed and bottom has recessed finger grip for safe handling. Equipped with four spot-welded interior hooks for attaching the vinyl liner. Capacity: 6.4-gal. (24.2-L).
Liner — Heavy-gauge vinyl with four grommets. Removable for servicing. OPERATION:
Removable vinyl liner attaches to four interior hooks of waste receptacle. Space between bottom of receptacle and floor, when unit is properly mounted on wall, facilitates floor cleaning.
Mount unit on wall with four sheet-metal screws (not furnished) at points indicated by an S. For plaster or dry wall construction, provide concealed backing to comply with local building codes, then secure unit with sheet-metal screws. For other wall surfaces, provide fiber plugs or expansion shields for use with sheet-metal screws, or provide 1/8" (3mm) toggle bolts or expansion bolts.
Surface-mounted waste receptacle shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed surfaces shall have satin finish. Front and sides of waste receptacle shall be one-piece, 22 gauge (0.8mm); back and bottom shall be one-piece, 26 gauge (0.5mm). Top edge shall be hemmed and bottom of waste receptacle shall have recessed finger grip. Waste receptacle shall be equipped with four interior hooks, furnished with a removable heavy-gauge vinyl liner, and shall have a minimum capacity of 6.4-gal. (24.2-L).
Surface-Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser
Satin-finish stainless steel. Dispenses 400 C-fold or 525 multifold towels. Door has tumbler lock and piano-hinge. Hemmed towel tray opening. Unit 10 3/4″ W, 14″ H, 4″ D (275 x 355 x 100mm).
Seebidosaator tööpinale Bobrick B-82216 L=150mm, kroom, 0,6L
LIQUID, Manual Top-Fill Soap Dispenser, 6 in. Spout, 20-fl. oz. (0.6-L) Capacity
Corrosion resistant soap dispenser has vandal-resistant locking cover and free-turning spout. Body and shank are high-impact-resistant ABS plastic with a shatter-resistant polyethylene container., 20-fl. oz. (0.6-L) capacity, 6″ (150mm) spout length, 1″ (25mm) mounting thickness, bright-polished spout.
Vahuseebi dosaator seinale TrimLineSeries 1000ml Harjatud RST
Tualettpaeri suure rulli Jumbo hoidja Bobrick
Hügieeni prõgikast 2,3L Bobrick sävistatav Harjatud roostevaba teras
Nagi oksaga Bobrick. Peitkinnitusega. Harjatud roostevaba teras
73,00 €
Hügieeni prõgikast 2,3L Bobrick Harjatud roostevaba teras
Seinale kinnitatav seebialus Harjatud roostevaba teras
Bobrick B-6807
Tualettpaberi rulli hoidik Bobrick 5436 Poleeritud roostevaba teras
Bobrick B-5436
Threaded escutcheon conceals mounting plate, provides snug fit to the wall. Accepts standard-core size from 3⁄4″ (20mm) up to 1-1⁄2″ (40mm) and 4″ (100mm) wide. Set screw in post prevents vandalism. Escutcheon diameter 2″ (50mm). Overall width 5-1⁄2″ (140mm). Height 4-1⁄2″ (115mm). Unit projects 1-5⁄8″ (35mm) from wall (without tissue roll).
Mähkimislaud seinale Koala Kare vertikaalne plast.beez KB301-00-EN
Koala Kare KB301 on seinale paigaldatav vertikaalne mähkimislaud, mis sobib avalikesse ruumidesse, pakkudes turvalist ja hügieenilist lahendust beebide mähkimiseks. Mähkimislaud on valmistatud vastupidavast polüpropüleenist ja varustatud Microban® antibakteriaalse kaitsega, mis takistab bakterite levikut.
Peamised omadused:
✔ Vastab ASTM ja EN standarditele
✔ Ohutu ja stabiilne konstruktsioon, terasest kinnitusraamiga
✔ Kaalutaluvus kuni 90,7 kg
✔ Sujuv avamine ja sulgemine tänu gaasiamortisaatorile
✔ Lapse turvarihmad ja kotihoidjad mugavuseks
✔ Lihtne puhastada ja hooldada
Sobib ideaalselt kaubanduskeskustesse, toitlustusasutustesse ja muudesse avalikesse ruumidesse. Paigaldamisel soovitame professionaalset montaaži.
1250,00 €