Lai Valik Stiilseid ja Praktilisi Komposiitvalamuid Eumari Valikust
Eumar pakub mitmekesist valikut stiilseid ja praktilisi kraanikausse. Eumari valamud on saadaval igas suuruses ja kujus, alustades väikestest kraanikaussidest kuni eksklusiivsete suuremõõtmeliste tükkideni. Neid saab paigaldada seinale, lauale või integreerida ning need sobivad kasutamiseks nii elu- kui ka äriruumides.
Avasta Parimad Komposiitvalamud - Valik nr.1 PEGU.EE E-poes
Otsid vastupidavaid, stiilseid ja kvaliteetseid valamuid kodu, kooli või hotelli jaoks? PEGU.EE e-poes on sulle loodud suurim valik MINERALCAST, CreaCore, GelCeramic, GelCast ja muude komposiitmaterjalide valamuid.
Miks valida PEGU.EE e-pood?
Kvaliteet Materjalides: Meie valamud on valmistatud kõrgekvaliteedilisest MINERALCAST, CreaCore, GelCeramic, GelCast ja teistest komposiitmaterjalidest, tagades vastupidavuse ja esteetika.
Suur Valik Stiile: Olgu sul vaja klassikalist või kaasaegset stiili, PEGU.EE e-pood pakub laia valikut valamuid, mis rahuldavad igasuguse maitse.
Kodu, Kooli, Hotelli: Meie mitmekülgne valik sobib ideaalselt nii kodukasutuseks, koolimajadesse kui ka hotellidesse, vastates erinevatele vajadustele.
Lihtne Ostuprotsess: PEGU.EE veebipood tagab sujuva ostuprotsessi, alates valamute valimisest kuni tellimuse kohaletoimetamiseni.
Populaarsed Valikud:
MINERALCAST: Vastupidav ja kaasaegne, sobib suurepäraselt kõigile interjööridele.
CreaCore: Elegantsed ja mitmekülgsed valikud, mis rõhutavad ruumi stiili.
GelCeramic: Kaasaegne tehnoloogia tagab vastupidava ja kauakestva valamu.
GelCast: Unikaalne disain ja kvaliteet, muudavad vannitoa või köögi eriliseks.
Oleme Sinu Vajadustele Mõelnud:
PEGU.EE e-pood on mõelnud igale vajadusele - olgu see siis kodus, koolis või hotellis. Külasta meie veebipoodi ja leia ideaalne valamu just sinu jaoks!
585,00 €
710,00 €
825,00 €
575,00 €
903,00 €
775,00 €
769,00 €
745,00 €
866,00 €
715,00 €
870,00 €
531,00 €
640,00 €
515,00 €
537,00 €
Eumar Split 25l
Valamu on ilma segistita, segistiavaga või ilma
Split made of GelCeramic glossy mineral stone or CreaCore silky mat solid surfacerectangular Wall-mounted single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, without overflow.
Size: 400*205*250mm. Weight: 9,8kg.
In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option. Integrated towel drop opening, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Also tissue paper boxor toilet and spare roll holders, Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.
Eumar Split 25l
Valamu on ilma segistita, segistiavaga või ilma
Split made of GelCeramic glossy mineral stone or CreaCore silky mat solid surfacerectangular Wall-mounted single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, without overflow.
Size: 400*205*250mm. Weight: 9,8kg.
In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option. Integrated towel drop opening, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Also tissue paper boxor toilet and spare roll holders, Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.
Eumar Split 40l
Valamu on ilma segistita, segistiavaga või ilma
SSplit made of CreaCore silky-mat solid surface with solid color and material all the way throughout, rectangular Wall-mounted, Furniture-top single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, with overflow.
Size: 1000*205*400mm. Weight: 29kg
In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option. Integrated towel drop opening, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Also tissue paper boxor toilet and spare roll holders, Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.
Eumar Split 40R
Valamu on ilma segistita, segistiavaga või ilma
SSplit made of CreaCore silky-mat solid surface with solid color and material all the way throughout, rectangular Wall-mounted, Furniture-top single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, with overflow.
Size: 1000*205*400mm. Weight: 29kg
In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option. Integrated towel drop opening, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Also tissue paper boxor toilet and spare roll holders, Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.
Eumar Split 40l shelf
Valamu on ilma segistita, segistiavaga või ilma
Split made of CreaCore silky-mat solid surface with solid color and material all the way throughout, rectangular Wall-mounted, Furniture-top single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, with overflow.
Size: 1000*205*400mm. Weight: 32kg.
In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option. Integrated towel drop opening, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Also tissue paper boxor toilet and spare roll holders, Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.
Eumar Split 40R shelf
Valamu on ilma segistita, segistiavaga või ilma
Split made of CreaCore silky-mat solid surface with solid color and material all the way throughout, rectangular Wall-mounted, Furniture-top single-Washbasins. Unique hidden drain for ultra-hygienic look and reduced cleaning efforts which adds an infinite quality to the overall design. With tap hole, with overflow.
Size: 1000*205*400mm. Weight: 32kg.
In case of wall faucet please order ‘no tap hole’ option. Integrated towel drop opening, seamlessly incorporated under front panel of the washbasin, countertop or shelf bellow will increase the value, aesthetic appearance and functionality of the product. Also tissue paper boxor toilet and spare roll holders, Seamless and hygienic, nonporous and anti-bacterial, practical and easy to maintain, aesthetic and durable, repairable and renewable, thermo shock resistant, that meet the requirements of the CE standard (EN 14688). All products are thoroughly tested to achieve maximum comfort and durability.
Albi on valmistatud GelCeramic sileda viimistlusega läikivast geelkattega kaetud pinnast.
Kraaniauguga, ülevooluga.
Albi on valmistatud GelCeramic sileda viimistlusega läikivast geelkattega kaetud pinnast.
Kraaniauguga, ülevooluga.