Mora Armatur
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
Mora Cera Duo
Energia kokkuhoiu süsteem
Pehmeltsulguv , keraamiline sisu
Muudetuv voolutegevus ja temperatuuri piiraja
ECO funktsioon (energiat ja vett säästev õhusti 9l/min)
Pööratav jooksutoru,60.85, 110, või 360 kraadi ülatuses
Aegreleega loputus üleujutamise vältimiseks
Madal voolutarve, kõrge eluga
IP-klassi andur , IP67
Mora MMIX dušikomplekt
Dušikomplekt sisaldab:
Mora MMIX termostaatsegistit MA nr. 731150.0011DB
- Surveühtlustusega termostaatsegisti
- Temperatuuriseade hoob, piirajaga 38 °C juures
- Eco-stop süsteem 9 l/min 3-baarise surve juures
- Pliivaba
- Standarditele vastavad tagasilöögiklapid, Euroopa standard EN1717
Mora MMIX dušisüsteemi S5 MA nr. 130313
- Keraamilise sisuga ümberlüliti
- Metallist dušivoolik, PVC- ja BPA-vaba
- Easy-Clean katlakivivastane süsteem
- Dušilifti toru on vajadusel võimalik lühendada
- Ümberlüliti paigaldamisel on võimalik valida käepideme suunda
- ECO funktsioon (energiat ja vett säästev käsidušš 9 l/min, dušipea 12 l/min)
1100,00 €
Mora MMIX dušikomplekt
Dušikomplekt sisaldab:
Mora MMIX termostaatsegistit MA nr. 730100.0011DB
- Surveühtlustusega termostaatsegisti
- Temperatuuriseade hoob, piirajaga 38 °C juures
- Eco-stop süsteem 9 l/min 3-baarise surve juures
- Pliivaba
- Standarditele vastavad tagasilöögiklapid, Euroopa standard EN1717
Mora MMIX dušisüsteemi S5 MA nr. 130313
- Keraamilise sisuga ümberlüliti
- Metallist dušivoolik, PVC- ja BPA-vaba
- Easy-Clean katlakivivastane süsteem
- Dušilifti toru on vajadusel võimalik lühendada
- Ümberlüliti paigaldamisel on võimalik valida käepideme suunda
- ECO funktsioon (energiat ja vett säästev käsidušš 9 l/min, dušipea 12 l/min)
Mora dušilifti kandurit koos voolikuga MA nr. 130367
1435,00 €
Mora Cera dušikomplekt
Dušikomplekt sisaldab:
Mora Cera termostaatsegistit MA nr. 241150.DB
- Surve- ja temperatuuriühtlustus
- Temperatuuriseade hoob, piirajaga 38 °C ja 42 °C juures
- Eco-stop süsteem 6 l/min 3-baarise surve juures
- Standarditele vastavad tagasilöögiklapid, Euroopa standard EN1717
- Eriti kasutajasõbralikud käepidemed, heakskiidetud Rootsi Reumaliidu poolt
Mora Cera dušisüsteemi S5 MA nr. 130005
- Keraamilise sisuga ümberlüliti
- Metallist dušivoolik, PVC- ja BPA-vaba
- Easy-Clean katlakivivastane süsteem
- Dušilifti toru on vajadusel võimalik lühendada
- Ümberlüliti paigaldamisel on võimalik valida käepideme suunda
- Õhustamine võimaldab mugavat voolukiirust 6 l/min, maksimaalset voolukiirust 10 l/min
1029,00 €
Mora Izzy Turnie
Fold-down swivel spout for inward-opening windows
Mora Izzy Turnie is a flexible kitchen mixer with a fold-down spout for windows that open inwards. It delivers what other mixers can’t. With the spout folded down, it’s only 9 cm high. What’s more, the spout has a 360° swivel range. That’s what we call harmonious and functional design.
Technical information
- ESS (energy saving system)
- With foldable swivel spout 360°
- Hole diameter Ø28-35mm
965,00 €
Technical information
- ESS (energy saving system)
- Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
- Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter
- Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
- Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø34-37 mm
671,00 €
Technical information
- Diverter with ceramic cartridge
- Shower hose in metal, PVC- and BPA-free
- With Easy-Clean anti-limescale system
- Shower bar can be shortened if required
- Connection with G1/2
- Diverter can be mounted with lever pointing in chosen direction
- Eco (energy and water saving hand shower 9 l/min, shower head 12 l/min)
741,00 €
Mora Cera Duo Miniprofi
Mora CeraDuo miniprofi brings the benefits from a professional restaurant kitchen to your private home. The sensor function makes the mixer more hygienic aswell as watersaving and environmentalfriendly. A convenient cleaning mode, and a removable nozzle with two spray-modes are included. Mora Cera Duo miniprofi makes your life in the kitchen easier, more environmentalfriendly and best of all- more good looking.
Technical information & spareparts
- ESS (energy saving system)
- Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
- Swivel spout, limitation part for 60°, 85°, 110° or 360° included
- Nozzle with two spray patterns (normal and rinse)
- Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
- Can be turned off for 5 min. (eg for cleaning)
- Low power consumption - Long life
- IP class sensor, IP67
- Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
Installation: - Automatic sensor calibration
- All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
- Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter 729478.AE and power supply 729470, alternatively transformer 729475
- Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø34-37 mm
Settings: - Programmable detection distance
- Adjustable flush time
Mora Valve Packing Cylinder and Piston 020 ESS MORATEMP/MEGA Artikelnummer 851358.AE
Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.11 must
Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic black
Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple.
- Description Black PVD, battery operation, included battery
- Article number 720080.11
- With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
- Soft closing solenoid valve
- Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
- Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
- Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
- 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
- Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
- Low power consumption - Long life
- Equipped with function for thermal disinfection against legionella
- IP class sensor, IP67
- Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
- Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free
Installation: - Automatic sensor calibration
- After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
- All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
- Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter 729478.AE and power supply 729470, alternatively transformer 729475
- Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm
Settings: - Adjustable max temperature
- Programmable function for hygiene flushing
- Adjustable flush time
Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.14 poleeritud vask
Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic
- Description Polished copper PVD, battery operation, included battery
- Article number 720080.14
- With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
- Soft closing solenoid valve
- Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
- Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
- Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
- 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
- Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
- Low power consumption - Long life
- Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
- IP class sensor, IP67
- Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
- Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free
Installation: - Automatic sensor calibration
- After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
- All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
- Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter 729478.AE and power supply 729470, alternatively transformer 729475
- Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm
Settings: - Adjustable max temperature
- Programmable function for hygiene flushing
- Adjustable flush time
Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.16 Champagne PVD
Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic
- Description Champagne PVD, battery operation, included battery
- Article number 720080.16
- With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
- Soft closing solenoid valve
- Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
- Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
- Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
- 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
- Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
- Low power consumption - Long life
- Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
- IP class sensor, IP67
- Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
- Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free
Installation: - Automatic sensor calibration
- After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
- All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
- Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter 729478.AE and power supply 729470, alternatively transformer 729475
- Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm
Settings: - Adjustable max temperature
- Programmable function for hygiene flushing
- Adjustable flush time
Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.60 Poleeritud messing PVD
Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic
- Description polished brass PVD, battery operation, included battery
- Article number 720080.60
- With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
- Soft closing solenoid valve
- Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
- Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
- Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
- 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
- Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
- Low power consumption - Long life
- Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
- IP class sensor, IP67
- Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
- Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free
Installation: - Automatic sensor calibration
- After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
- All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
- Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter 729478.AE and power supply 729470, alternatively transformer 729475
- Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm
Settings: - Adjustable max temperature
- Programmable function for hygiene flushing
- Adjustable flush time
Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080 Kroom
Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic
Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple.
- Description Chrome, battery operation, included battery
- Article number 720080
- With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
- Soft closing solenoid valve
- Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
- Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
- Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
- 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
- Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
- Low power consumption - Long life
- Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
- IP class sensor, IP67
- Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
- Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free
Installation: - Automatic sensor calibration
- After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
- All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
- Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter 729478.AE and power supply 729470, alternatively transformer 729475
- Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
- Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm
Settings: - Adjustable max temperature
- Programmable function for hygiene flushing
- Adjustable flush time
Mora Term avamispool MORA 129121.AE M22X1
Mora Term Keraamiline sisu, töövahenditega 409403.AE
- Mora Cera termostaattihanalle (vanha malli <--2013)
- Mora Cera termostaadi kraanile (vana mudel <- 2013)
- Mora Cera для термостатического крана (старая модель <- 2013 г.)
MORA 400536 külmumisvastane aiakraan GARDEN 2 300mm, võtmega/nupuga
MORA GARDEN II With Mora Garden II, you always have access to water in your garden. This garden tap is operationally reliable and easy to install. After you’ve turned off the water and removed the hose with its connection, Mora Garden II is automatically emptied of any remaining water. This protects it from freezing. Article number: 400536 |
MORA 400537 külmumisvastane aiakraan GARDEN 2 400mm, võtmega/nupuga
MORA GARDEN II With Mora Garden II, you always have access to water in your garden. This garden tap is operationally reliable and easy to install. After you’ve turned off the water and removed the hose with its connection, Mora Garden II is automatically emptied of any remaining water. This protects it from freezing. Article number: 400537 |
MORA 700987 GARDEN 2 külmumisvastane aiakraan 200mm, võtmega/ventiiliga
MORA GARDEN II Article number: 700987 Description: Chrome, L=200 mm |
MORA 700978 GARDEN 2 külmumisvastane aiakraan 300mm, võtmega/ventiiliga
MORA GARDEN II Article number: 700978 Description: Chrome, L=300 mm |
MORA 700984 GARDEN 2 külmumisvastane aiakraan 400mm, võtmega/ventiiliga
MORA GARDEN II Article number: 700984 Description: Chrome, L=400 mm |
MORA 700985 GARDEN 2 külmumisvastane aiakraan 500mm, võtmega/ventiiliga
MORA GARDEN II Article number: 700985 Description: Chrome, L=500 mm |