4.58 EUR
8095 EUR

Aksessuaarid Kontori, Office'i, Hotelli, Avalike Tualettidele WC

Aksessuaarid Kontori, Office'i, Hotelli, Avalike Tualettidele WC



    Avalikud tualettid, on ruumid, mis on kõigile ühiselt kasutada. Need asuvad peamiselt ühiskondlike asutuste nagu lennujaamaderaudteejaamadeteatritekinodemetroojaamade, toitlustusasutuste, teenindusjaamade jne juures. 

   Avalikes tualettides peab saama käsi pesta ja kuivatada, ning need peavad olema varustatud tualettpaberiga. Üldiselt on avalikud tualetid tehtud nii naistele kui meestele eraldi, mis on märgistatud vastavate sooliste siltide või tähemärkidega N – Naistele, M – Meestele. Meeste tualetid on täiendavalt varustatud pissuaaridega. Avalikes tualettides võivad olla tualetid erivajadustega inimestele – inva WC-d –, mis on täiendavalt varustatud abivahenditega nagu käepidemed, klosetipoti juurde saab sõita ratastooliga.


Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!


Kasutuspiirkond: selektiivne sortimine välistingimustes
KOLOTRI 100L paberit sorteeriv prügikast sobib ideaalselt linnaruumi: tänavatele, parkidesse ...
Spetsiaalsed kliina keskkonnad, tänav, park ja mererand
Epoksüüdvärvitud alumiinium, korrosiooni- ja UV-vastane
90 ° nurkliikumisega kaas: integreeritud kork
Kalibreeritud avaga värviline kaas: kohandub erinevat tüüpi sorteerimisega
Korrosioonivastane polüpropüleenist padjake (vältides kokkupuudet maapinnaga)
Põranda kinnitamine võimalik 4 punktiga
2 roostevabast terasest sulgu: kotti on lihtsam sisse ja välja võtta
Sorteerimise paremaks tuvastamiseks kerel olevad sildid

Dimensions : 465 x 325 x 930 mm


Product Description:
Special saline environments and seaside
Epoxy painted aluminum, anticorrosion and anti-UV
Lid with 90 ° angular movement: integrated stopper
Colored lid with calibrated opening: adapts to different types of sorting
Anticorrosive polypropylene pad (avoiding contact with the ground)
Floor fixing possible at 4 points
2 stainless steel brackets: make it easier to put on and take off the bag
Signage on the body for better identification of sorting
Tootekood: RO58504 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
1091,90 €


Kasutuspiirkond: selektiivne sortimine välistingimustes
KOLOTRI 100L paberit sorteeriv prügikast sobib ideaalselt linnaruumi: tänavatele, parkidesse ...
Spetsiaalsed kliina keskkonnad, tänav, park ja mererand
Epoksüüdvärvitud alumiinium, korrosiooni- ja UV-vastane
90 ° nurkliikumisega kaas: integreeritud kork
Kalibreeritud avaga värviline kaas: kohandub erinevat tüüpi sorteerimisega
Korrosioonivastane polüpropüleenist padjake (vältides kokkupuudet maapinnaga)
Põranda kinnitamine võimalik 4 punktiga
2 roostevabast terasest sulgu: kotti on lihtsam sisse ja välja võtta
Sorteerimise paremaks tuvastamiseks kerel olevad sildid

Dimensions : 465 x 325 x 930 mm


Product Description:
Special saline environments and seaside
Epoxy painted aluminum, anticorrosion and anti-UV
Lid with 90 ° angular movement: integrated stopper
Colored lid with calibrated opening: adapts to different types of sorting
Anticorrosive polypropylene pad (avoiding contact with the ground)
Floor fixing possible at 4 points
2 stainless steel brackets: make it easier to put on and take off the bag
Signage on the body for better identification of sorting
Tootekood: RO58501 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
1091,90 €


Kasutuspiirkond: selektiivne sortimine välistingimustes
KOLOTRI 100L paberit sorteeriv prügikast sobib ideaalselt linnaruumi: tänavatele, parkidesse ...
Spetsiaalsed kliina keskkonnad, tänav, park ja mererand
Epoksüüdvärvitud alumiinium, korrosiooni- ja UV-vastane
90 ° nurkliikumisega kaas: integreeritud kork
Kalibreeritud avaga värviline kaas: kohandub erinevat tüüpi sorteerimisega
Korrosioonivastane polüpropüleenist padjake (vältides kokkupuudet maapinnaga)
Põranda kinnitamine võimalik 4 punktiga
2 roostevabast terasest sulgu: kotti on lihtsam sisse ja välja võtta
Sorteerimise paremaks tuvastamiseks kerel olevad sildid

Dimensions : 465 x 325 x 930 mm


Product Description:
Special saline environments and seaside
Epoxy painted aluminum, anticorrosion and anti-UV
Lid with 90 ° angular movement: integrated stopper
Colored lid with calibrated opening: adapts to different types of sorting
Anticorrosive polypropylene pad (avoiding contact with the ground)
Floor fixing possible at 4 points
2 stainless steel brackets: make it easier to put on and take off the bag
Signage on the body for better identification of sorting
Tootekood: RO58502 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
1091,90 €


Kasutuspiirkond: selektiivne sortimine välistingimustes
KOLOTRI 80L paberit sorteeriv prügikast sobib ideaalselt linnaruumi: tänavatele, parkidesse ...on mõeldud kasutamiseks igas väliskeskkonnas


Spetsiaalsed kliina keskkonnad, tänav, park ja mererand
Epoksüüdvärvitud alumiinium, korrosiooni- ja UV-vastane
90 ° nurkliikumisega kaas: integreeritud kork
Kalibreeritud avaga värviline kaas: kohandub erinevat tüüpi sorteerimisega
Korrosioonivastane polüpropüleenist padjake (vältides kokkupuudet maapinnaga)
Põranda kinnitamine võimalik 4 punktiga
2 roostevabast terasest sulgu: kotti on lihtsam sisse ja välja võtta
Sorteerimise paremaks tuvastamiseks kerel olevad sildid

Dimensions : 465 x 325 x 930 mm


Product Description:
Special saline environments and seaside
Epoxy painted aluminum, anticorrosion and anti-UV
Lid with 90 ° angular movement: integrated stopper
Colored lid with calibrated opening: adapts to different types of sorting
Anticorrosive polypropylene pad (avoiding contact with the ground)
Floor fixing possible at 4 points
2 stainless steel brackets: make it easier to put on and take off the bag
Signage on the body for better identification of sorting
Tootekood: RO58500 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädalad
1091,90 €

268 x 268 x 300 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO15HA ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
152,50 €

268 x 268 x 300 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO15KO ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
152,50 €

268 x 268 x 300 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO15PU ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
152,50 €

268 x 268 x 300 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO15RO ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
152,50 €

268 x 268 x 300 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO15SI ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
152,50 €

314 x 314 x 432 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO30RO ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
183,00 €

314 x 314 x 432 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO30HA ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
183,00 €

314 x 314 x 432 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO30PU ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
183,00 €

314 x 314 x 432 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO30SI ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
183,00 €

314 x 314 x 432 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO30KO ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
183,00 €

314 x 314 x 631 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO50RO ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
189,10 €

314 x 314 x 631 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO50HA ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
189,10 €

314 x 314 x 631 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO50PU ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
189,10 €

314 x 314 x 631 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO50SI ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
189,10 €

314 x 314 x 631 mm

Tootekood: R-NEO50KO ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
189,10 €

Süvistatav prügikast

süvistussügavus 150mm

Diameeter 380mm

Mahtuvus 2,5l/20-30 lehte

Koti mõõt 39x28CM

Nähtav osa :

Rõngas :poleeritud kroom, naturaalne messing.

harjatud kroom, harjatud R/V teras või 14 rinevat


Mahuti materjal :värvitud PC/ABS

RS1/B Must Mahuti


Tootekood: QRS1/B ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädalad
1647,00 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Brass

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7012 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
468,68 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Copper

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7013 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
413,78 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Black

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7014 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
462,58 €


Reframe | Shower wiper

Shower wiper Brass

Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

Tootekood: UN-7032 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
217,57 €


Reframe | Shower wiper

Shower wiper Copper

Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

Tootekood: UN-7033 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
217,57 €


Reframe | Shower wiper

Shower wiper Black

Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

Tootekood: UN-7034 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
234,85 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Brass

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7042 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Copper

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7043 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Black

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7044 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Brass

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7047 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,70 €
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