Aksessuaarid Roostevabast terasest

Aksessuaarid Vannituppa, Kontorisse ja Avalikesse WC-desse Roostevabast Terasest - Stiilne ja Vastupidav Valik PEGU.EE E-poes
Roostevaba teras on materjal, mis ühendab endas elegantsi ja vastupidavust. PEGU.EE e-pood pakub mitmekülgset valikut roostevabast terasest aksessuaare vannituppa, kontorisse ja avalikesse WC-desse. Need stiilsed ja vastupidavad lisad lisavad ruumile eksklusiivsust ning tagavad pikaajalise kasutuse.
Aksessuaarid Vannituppa:
Roostevabast Terasest Valamu Segistid: Vali vannituppa stiilsed ja vastupidavad roostevabast terasest valamu segistid, mis ühendavad endas modernset disaini ja funktsionaalsust.
Riiulid ja Konksud: Lisaruumi loomiseks vali roostevabast terasest riiulid ja konksud, mis sobivad ideaalselt vannitoa korralduseks.
Dosaaatorid: Kvaliteetsed roostevabast terasest dosaaatorid aitavad hoida kätehügieeni tasemel ning lisavad samal ajal ruumile elegantsi.
Aksessuaarid Kontorisse:
Prügikastid: Vali vastupidavad roostevabast terasest prügikastid, mis sobivad nii kontorisse kui ka teistesse avalikesse ruumidesse.
Dokumendihoidjad: Stiilsed roostevabast terasest dokumendihoidjad annavad kontorile korrektse ja professionaalse ilme.
Kirjatarvete Komplektid: Komplekteeri kontor roostevabast terasest kirjatarvetega, luues stiilse ja kaasaegse töökeskkonna.
Aksessuaarid Avalikesse WC-desse:
WC-paberihoidjad: Vali roostevabast terasest WC-paberihoidjad, mis on vastupidavad ja stiilsed.
Kätekuivatite Kinnitus: Hõlpsasti paigaldatavad roostevabast terasest kätekuivatite kinnitused lisavad avalikele WC-ruumidele funktsionaalsust.
Seebidosaatorid: Taga kätehügieen avalikes WC-des, valides kvaliteetsed roostevabast terasest seebidosaatorid.
Miks Valid PEGU.EE?
PEGU.EE e-pood pakub mitte ainult laia valikut roostevabast terasest aksessuaare, vaid tagab ka suurepärase ostukogemuse:
Kvaliteet ja Vastupidavus: Kõik meie tooted on valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, tagades nende pikaajalise kasutuse.
Stiil ja Elegants: Pakume stiilseid ja kaasaegseid disainilahendusi, mis muudavad ruumid eksklusiivseks.
Lihtne Ostuprotsess: PEGU.EE e-poes on ostmine kiire ja lihtne. Vali sobivad tooted, lisa need ostukorvi ning meie usaldusväärne tarnesüsteem toimetab need otse sinu ukse ette.
Avasta PEGU.EE e-poes roostevabast terasest aksessuaarid ja muuda oma vannituba, kontor ja avalikud WC-d vastupidavaks ning stiilseks!
for PP102e-7S
140 x 20 x 195 mm
Order numbers:
satin finished: 923136
RAL-powder coated: 923136-RAL
85,40 €
for WP 121
150 x 410 x 260 mm
0,5 kg
88,45 €
for WP 120
150 x 365 x 260 mm
0,5 kg
82,35 €
Countertop Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser
Waste Receptacle — 18-8, type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. All-welded construction. 1/2" (13mm) recessed bottom equipped with four 1-1/2" (40mm) diameter x 3/4" (19mm) high, heavy-duty rubber feet.
Funnel Top — 18-8, type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. One-piece construction. 8-1/4" (210mm) diameter opening.
Waste Container — Galvanized steel with wire handle. Removable for servicing. Capacity: 33-gal. (125-L).OPERATION:
Funnel top lifts off for removal and servicing of waste container. Wide opening provides hygienic, no-touch waste disposal. Heavy-duty rubber feet protect flooring and elevate receptacle slightly off the floor.
Designer's Note: This unit is not suitable for outside use.SPECIFICATION:
Floor-standing waste receptacle shall be type-304, 16-gauge (1.6mm) stainless steel with satin finish. One-piece funnel top shall have 8-1/4" (210mm) diameter opening. Bottom of receptacle shall be recessed 1/2" (13mm) and equipped with four heavy- duty rubber feet that elevate receptacle slightly off floor. Removable, rigid plastic liner shall have a wire handle and a minimum capacity of 33-gal. (125-L).
80 x 298 x 120 mm
950 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners. Visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- One-hand operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opening.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Note: Not approved for medical areas.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,1
satin finished (standard) | 727334 |
highly polished | 731334 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728334 |
225,70 €
80 x 298 x 120 mm
950 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners. Visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- One-hand operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opening.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Note: Not approved for medical areas.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,1
satin finished (standard) | 727334 |
highly polished | 731334 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728334 |
335,50 €
86 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,8
satin finished (standard) | 727817 |
highly polished | 731817 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728817 |
488,00 €
86 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,8
satin finished (standard) | 727817 |
highly polished | 731817 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728817 |
372,10 €
86 x 298 x 121 mm
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,8
457,50 €
80 x 298 x 120 mm
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - One-hand operation disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,4
408,70 €
80 x 298 x 120 mm
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - One-hand operation disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,4
312,12 €
148 x 448 x 120 mm
950 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- One-hand operated and non-drip disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opening.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, removable front panel with fall protection.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts and front panel can be replaced as modules.
- Installation dimensions: 150 x 450 x 110 mm
- Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls.
- Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with soap.
- Weight (in kg): 3,0
457,50 €
148 x 448 x 120 mm
950 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- One-hand operated and non-drip disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opening.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, removable front panel with fall protection.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts and front panel can be replaced as modules.
- Installation dimensions: 150 x 450 x 110 mm
- Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls.
- Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with soap.
- Weight (in kg): 3,0
408,70 €
86 x 298 x 121 mm
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,8
555,10 €
80 x 248 x 120
700 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners. Visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - One-hand operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opening.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,2
satin finished (standard) | 727349 |
highly polished | 731349 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728349 |
213,50 €
80 x 248 x 120
700 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners. Visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - One-hand operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opening.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,2
satin finished (standard) | 727349 |
highly polished | 731349 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728349 |
305,00 €
70 x 270 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - One-hand operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,4
satin finished (standard) | 727313 |
highly polished | 731313 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728313 |
305,00 €
70 x 270 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - One-hand operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,4
satin finished (standard) | 727313 |
highly polished | 731313 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728313 |
384,30 €
148 x 448 x 120 mm
950 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opning.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, removable front panel with fall protection.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts and front panel can be replaced as modules.
- Installation dimensions: 150 x 450 x 110 mm
- Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 3,4
603,90 €
148 x 448 x 120 mm
950 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
- With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank.
- Tank with large, lockable refill opning.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, removable front panel with fall protection.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts and front panel can be replaced as modules.
- Installation dimensions: 150 x 450 x 110 mm
- Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 3,4
549,00 €
93 x 290 x 225 mm
1000 ml bottle
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
- Half-open stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
- Elbow-operated disinfectant pump, can be set to different levels and autoclaved.
- Designed for standard 1000 ml disposable bottles of disinfectant.
- Accessible for refilling from the front side. Lockable cover plate in stainless steel as an option for a surcharge.
- Further accessories for a surcharge: drip tray
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With three screws through holes in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,2
195,20 €
80 x 245 x 220 mm
500 ml bottle
- Disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
- Half-open stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
- Elbow-operated disinfectant pump, can be set to different levels and autoclaved.
- Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of disinfectant.
- Accessible for refilling from the front side. Lockable cover plate in stainless steel as an option for a surcharge.
- Further accessories for a surcharge: drip tray
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With three screws through holes in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 1,0
170,80 €
Ø 30 x 86 mm
projection 90 mm
- Tabletop disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- Solid stainless steel body; visible surfaces satin finished. Further available surfaces: see below.
- Design height:86 mm
Outlet height: 68 mm
Projection: 76 mm - Non-drip disinfectant pump with 500 ml disinfectant bottle in plastics and pressure valve in stainless steel.
- Also available with 250 ml or 1000 ml containers in plastics.
- 500 ml container in stainless steel as an option for a surcharge.
- Designed for standard disinfectants.
- Refillable from above by unscrewing the top part.
- Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Installation dimensions: Ø 22-26 mm,
surface thickness max. 40 mm. - Mounting: With one counternut.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Weight (in kg): 0,7
488,00 €
85 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,7
satin finished (standard) | 727343 |
highly polished | 731343 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728343 |
445,30 €
85 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank
- Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
- All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
Further available surfaces: see below. - With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank.
- Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
- Inspection slot to indicate fill level.
- Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing.
- Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
- eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
Power supply available as an option. - Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
- Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
- Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
- Weight (in kg): 1,7
satin finished (standard) | 727343 |
highly polished | 731343 |
(coloured) plastic powder - coating | 728343 |
530,70 €
879,00 €
655,00 €
619,00 €
AISI 316