Aksessuaarid Vannitoa ja WC: Vannitoafurnituur ja Tarvikud - Vannituba - Vannitoatarvikud | PEGU.ee

Aksessuaarid Vannitoa ja WC: Vannitoafurnituur ja Tarvikud - Vannituba - Vannitoatarvikud | PEGU.ee
Vannitoa aksessuaarid PEGU.EE poes - suur valik: Dušikorvid, šampooniriiulid, tualettharjad, dušikardinad, klaasriiulid, prügikastid, hambaharjahoidjad, seebialused, saunalinarõngad, käterätipuud, peeglid, vannitoa nagid
PEGU.EE poest leiate suure valiku erinevaid vannitoa aksessuaare, mis aitavad täiustada teie vannitoa sisekujundust ja teha sellest mugavama ja stiilsema koha. Valikus on mitmeid erinevaid tooteid, nagu dušikorvid, šampooniriiulid, tualettharjad, dušikardinad, klaasriiulid, prügikastid, hambaharjahoidjad, seebialused, saunalinarõngad, käterätipuud, peeglid, vannitoa nagid ja palju muud.
Vannitoa dušikorvid ja šampooniriiulid aitavad hoida teie duširuumi organiseerituna ja korras, võimaldades mugavat juurdepääsu dušigeelidele, šampoonidele ja muudele vajalikele esemetele. Tualettharjad ja prügikastid on olulised hügieeni tagamiseks ja vannitoa puhtana hoidmiseks. Hambaharjahoidjad ja seebialused aitavad hoida hambaharjad ja seebid käepärast ja korras.
Saunalinarõngad, käterätipuud ja vannitoa nagid on praktilised lisad, mis võimaldavad hoida käterätikuid, rõivaid ja muid esemeid mugavalt käeulatuses ning aitavad hoida vannitoa organiseerituna ja korras. Peeglid on oluline osa vannitoa sisustusest ja võivad olla nii praktilised kui ka dekoratiivsed.
PEGU.EE poest leiate ka erinevaid disainilahendusi, materjale ja stiile, sealhulgas roostevabast terasest, messingust, kroomist, klaasist ja puidust vannitoa aksessuaare, mis sobivad hästi erinevate vannitoade sisekujundusstiilidega. Valige sobivad vannitoa aksessuaarid, et täiustada oma vannitoa sisustust ja muuta see mugavaks ja stiilseks paigaks, kus end lõõgastada ja hooldada.
Loodetavasti aitab see teavitus teid vannitoa aksessuaaride valimisel PEGU.EE poest. Valige vastavalt oma vajadustele, stiilile ja eelistustele sobivad dušikorvid, šampooniriiulid, tualettharjad, dušikardinad, klaasriiulid, prügikastid, hambaharjahoidjad, seebialused, saunalinarõngad, käterätipuud, peeglid, vannitoa nagid ja muud aksessuaarid ning looge endale unistuste vannituba!
Aksessuaarid-Vannitoatarvikud-Vannituba-Toote Gruppid
Vannitoa Sisustus
Dušikorvid, Vannitoakorvid, Šampooni riiulid, Vannitoariiulid
Dušikardinapuud, Vannikardinapuud
Dušikardinad Vannituppa
Klaasriiulid, Vannitoariiulid
Klaasihoidjad Vannituppa, Hambaharjahoidjad
Klaasipuhastaja Vannituba, Dušiklaaside Wiper
Käterätihark, Pööratav Rätikupuu, Liigutav Rätikuhoidjad
Käterätiriiulid, Vanniriiulid, vannitoariiulid
Käterätipuu, rätikuhoidja
Käterätipuu põrandale | PEGU.ee
Pedaaliga prügikastid
Riiulikandurid, klaasriiulikandurid iminapaga
Seebialus, seebialused seinale
Seebidosaatorid vannituppa, vedel seebidosaatorid seinale
Sälvräti dosaatorid, sälvrätihoidjad
Nagid ja konksud vannituppa, seinanagid, riidenagid
Tualettpaberihoidjad, wc paberihoidjad
Vanni käepidemed, vannikäepide seinale
Vannitoapeeglid, Peeglid Seinale Valgustusega, Raamiga
WC Harjad Metallist, Tualettharjad Põrandale ja Hoidjad Seinale
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Brushed steel
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard- wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Polished steel
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Brass
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Copper
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Black
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Shower wiper
Shower wiper Brushed steel
Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
Reframe | Shower wiper
Shower wiper Hand polished steel
Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
Reframe | Shower wiper
Shower wiper Brass
Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
Reframe | Shower wiper
Shower wiper Copper
Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
Reframe | Shower wiper
Shower wiper Black
Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
Reframe | Toilet brush floor
Toilet brush floor Brushed steel
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush floor
Toilet brush floor Polished steel
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush floor
Toilet brush floor Brass
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush floor
Toilet brush floor Copper
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush floor
Toilet brush floor Black
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted
Toilet brush wall mounted Brushed steel
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted
Toilet brush wall mounted Polished steel
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted
Toilet brush wall mounted Brass
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted
Toilet brush wall mounted Copper
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted
Toilet brush wall mounted Black
Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.
As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.
The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet paper holder
Toilet paper holder Brushed steel
The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet paper holder
Toilet paper holder Polished steel
The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet paper holder
Toilet paper holder Brass
The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Toilet paper holder
Toilet paper holder Black
The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder
Spare toilet paper holder Brushed steel
The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder
Spare toilet paper holder Polished steel
The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder
Spare toilet paper holder Brass
The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder
Spare toilet paper holder Copper
The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder
Spare toilet paper holder Black
The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Towel hook (2 pcs.)
Towel hook (2 pcs.) Brushed steel
Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.