d line products are produced in the highest quality stainless steel, marine grade, AISI 316. To sustain the unique d line finish appearance please follow the below instructions: ● Wash down the surfaces using soapy water or mild detergent ● Always thoroughly rinse off with clean water ● To complete the cleaning procedure dry/polish the surfaces with a soft dry cloth
Please do not use scouring powder, steel wool, chloride based detergents or other aggressive cleaning products as these may damage the surface. If spots or corrosion appear on the surface it is not due to the stainless steel quality, but to impurities in the environment, aggressive conditions or improper or insufficient cleaning
NOVA2 vabaltseisev uksestopper on ideaalne praktiline lahendus, mis kaitseb seinu, mööblit ja põrandaid ukse paugutuste ja kahjustuste eest. Selle diameeter on 92 mm ja kõrgus 40 mm, kaaludes 1,5 kg. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest roostevabast terasest ning disainitud Bønnelycke MDD poolt, lisab see elegantsust nii kodudesse kui ka kontoritesse. Saab kombineerida teiste FROST toodetega, et luua harmooniline ja ühtne interjöör.
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!