Riidestange BUKTO riide-riiul ratastega, 600mm must-harjatud must
Riidenagi 6004 Riidenagi/garderoobinagi 600mm ratastega. Kaunis lahendus esikusse, magamistuppa või konverentsiruumi. Riidenagi on mööbliese, mida tavaliselt leiab esikust või abiruumist ja mis on mõeldud ülerõivaste riputamiseks. Erinevalt riidepuust on riidenagi iseseisev ja seda saab ruumis liigutada. Riidenagid on saadaval erinevates kujundustes ja vormides. Kas on midagi stiilsemat kui riidenagi? See traditsiooniline mööbliese, millel on pikk ajalugu, on nüüd saadaval kaunites, modernsetes kujundustes. FROST pakub kõrgeima kvaliteediga terasest riidenagisid. 14 kg kaaluv riidenagi seisab kindlalt põrandal ja toetab kergesti kõiki teie ülerõivaid. Kõik FROST-i riidenagid on ainulaadse disainiga, mida te mujalt ei leia. Rõhk on nii kvaliteedil ja funktsionaalsusel kui ka esteetikal ja stiilil. FROST-iga saate isikupärase riidenagi, millel on eristuv, skulpturaalne välimus, mis täiustab igat kaasaegset kodu. Stiilne riidenagi disain kaunites värvides. Neile, kes hindavad esteetikat ja soovivad lisada oma riidenagile isikupära ja loovust, pakume erinevate viimistlustega mudeleid. Need sobivad ideaalselt nii klassikalise kui ka modernse kujundusega kodudesse või kontoritesse. Lisaks saab riidenagid kombineerida ülejäänud FROST-i esiku ja garderoobi toodetega, näiteks meie riidepuudega või harjatud vaskpeegliga. Kõik need mööbliesemed näevad esikus elegantsed välja ja tervitavad teid ja teie külalisi.
SPETSIFIKATSIOONID Sügavus: 450 mm Kõrgus: 1560 mm Laius: 638 mm Kaal: 15 kg Disain: Bønnelycke MDD Materjal: Teras/roostevaba teras
Clothes stand/wardrobe stand in 600mm with castors. Beautiful in the hallway, in the bedroom or in the conference room. A coat stand is a piece of furniture typically found in the entryway or utility room, designed for hanging outerwear. Unlike a coat rack, a coat stand is freestanding and can be moved around the room. Coat stands come in a wide array of shapes and designs. Is there anything more stylish than a coat stand? A traditional piece of furniture with a long history behind it, now available beautiful, modern designs. FROST offers coat stands made of steel and of the highest quality. With a weight of 14 kg, the coat stand stands firmly on the floor and can easily support all your outerwear. All FROST coat stands feature unique designs that you won't find anywhere else. The focus is not only on quality and function, but also on aesthetics and style. Together with FROST, you get a distinctive coat stand with a characteristic, sculptural look that will complement any modern home. Sleek coat stand design in beautiful colors. For those who appreciate aesthetics and want to add personality and creativity to their coat stand, we offer models with various finishes. They fit perfectly into classic or modern design homes or offices. Moreover, the coat stands can be combined with the rest of our range of FROST entryway and wardrobe products. For instance, our hangers, or an mirror in brushed copper. All these pieces of furniture will look elegant in the entryway, welcoming you and your guests.
Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412821 PRO matt valge
SILHOUET Pro Kitchen Mixer matt white
Article no.:
Matt White
Halskov & Dalsgaard
SILHOUET Pro Köögisegisti mat valge
Mat valge
Halskov & Dalsgaard
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.