Dušikardinapuud, Vannikardinapuud

Dušikardinapuud: Vannitoa Stiilne Lisand
Vannituba on koht, kus algab ja lõpeb meie päev, seega on oluline, et see oleks mitte ainult funktsionaalne, vaid ka stiilne ja meeldiv paik. Üks oluline element, mis aitab luua vannitoa õhkkonda ja tagab privaatsuse, on dušikardinapuu.
Dušikardinapuud on mitmekülgne lisavarustus, mis mitte ainult ei hoia dušikardinat paigas, vaid lisab ka dekoratiivset väärtust vannitoale. PEGU.ee e-poes pakume laia valikut dušikardinapuusid erinevates stiilides, materjalides ja viimistlustes, mis võimaldavad teil leida just teie vannitoale sobiva lahenduse.
Meie valikus leidub dušikardinapuid, mis sobivad nii tavapärastele vannitubadele kui ka vannitubadele, kus on erilised paigaldustingimused. Lisaks on saadaval erineva pikkusega puud, mis võimaldavad teil kohandada dušikardinat vastavalt teie vannitoa suurusele ja kõrgusele.
Dušikardinapuud on valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, tagades nende pikaajalise kasutuse. Lisaks on need lihtsasti paigaldatavad ja hooldatavad, mis muudab nende kasutamise veelgi mugavamaks.
Investeerige oma vannitoa kujundusse ja funktsionaalsusse, valides stiilsed ja praktilised dušikardinapuud PEGU.ee e-poest. Külastage meie veebilehte juba täna ja leidke oma vannitoale sobiv dušikardinapuu!
Dušikardinapuud – stiilsed ja praktilised lahendused vannituppa
Dušikardinapuud on vannitoa oluline detail, mis tagab privaatsuse ja hoiab dušikardinat kindlalt paigal. PEGU.ee e-poes pakume laia valikut dušikardinapuusid erinevates pikkustes, materjalides ja viimistlustes, mis sobivad igasse vannituppa.
Meie valikus on reguleeritavad ja teleskoopilised dušikardinapuud, mis on valmistatud roostevabast terasest, alumiiniumist ja muudest vastupidavatest materjalidest. Neid on lihtne paigaldada ja hooldada, tagades pikaajalise vastupidavuse.
Vali oma vannituppa kvaliteetne ja stiilne dušikardinapuu PEGU.ee e-poest ning loo funktsionaalne ja elegantne vannituba!
Dushikardin 2100x2000mm Normbau. 019
Shower curtain, 2100 x 2000mm, 0787340 019
Shower guard curtain, height 2000mm, width 2100mm, for shower guard rail total length 1730mm and side length 800mm, with 15 eyelets.
Made of 100% polyester, long-lasting antibacterial, fungicidal. Till 40° washable, quick drying and water repellent. With nickel-plated brass eyelets for curtain rings, hemmed and with a sewn in in coated lead tape. On request: Further dimensions.
In colour 019, white shower curtain with structure.
Shower curtain, 2100 x 2000mm, 0787340 051
Made of 100% polyester, long-lasting antibacterial, fungicidal. Till 40° washable, quick drying and water repellent. With nickel-plated brass eyelets for curtain rings, hemmed and with a sewn in in coated lead tape. On request: Further dimensions.
Colour 051, white with oval pattern
Shower curtain, 2100 x 2000mm, 0787340 052
Shower guard curtain, height 2000mm, width 2100mm, for shower guard rail total length 1730mm and side length 800mm, with 15 eyelets.
Made of 100% polyester, long-lasting antibacterial, fungicidal. Till 40° washable, quick drying and water repellent. With nickel-plated brass eyelets for curtain rings, hemmed and with a sewn in in coated lead tape. On request: Further dimensions.
In colour 052, grey with oval pattern.
Shower curtain, 2100 x 2000mm, 0787340 054
Shower guard curtain, height 2000mm, width 2100mm, for shower guard rail total length 1730mm and side length 800mm, with 15 eyelets.
Made of 100% polyester, long-lasting antibacterial, fungicidal. Till 40° washable, quick drying and water repellent. With nickel-plated brass eyelets for curtain rings, hemmed and with a sewn in in coated lead tape. On request: Further dimensions.
Colour 054, white with diagonal stripes.
Dushikardina puu Cavere 1000x1000mm + 17 rõngad Carbon Must
Cavere Shower curtain rail 7382100, 1000mm
c1/c2 = 1000mm, 20mm dia., with 17 curtain rings,
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, incl. Nylon curtain rings in colour 16, 18, 19, 65, 67. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Cavere Shower curtain rail 7382230, L= 1001 - 1500mm
Length 1500mm, 20mm dia., with curtain rings
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, incl. Nylon curtain rings in colour 16, 19, 67. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Custom lengths available upon request,ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Cavere Shower curtain rail 7382110, 1100mm
c1/c2 = 1100mm, 20mm dia., with 19 curtain rings
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, incl. Nylon curtain rings in colour 16, 19, 67. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Cavere Shower curtain rail 7382110, 1100mm
c1/c2 = 1100mm, 20mm dia., with 19 curtain rings
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, incl. Nylon curtain rings in colour 16, 19, 67. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Cavere Duschvorhangstange 7382080, 800 mm
a1/a2 = 800 mm, Ø 20 mm, mit 16 Vorhangringen,
auf Maß kürzbar, aus Aluminium, kratzfeste Pulverbeschichtung mit antibakteriellem Schutz, in den Cavere® Farben, mit Nylon-Vorhangringen 16, 18, 19, 65, 67. Wandanschluß mit axialer Befestigungsschraube. Lieferung mit Edelstahl Torx-Schrauben Ø 6 x 70 mm und Dübeln für Vollbaustoffe. Deckenabhängung separat bestellen. Nylon-Vorhangringe können nachbestellt werden und sind auch in den weiteren Normbau Nylon-Farben lieferbar.
Dushikardina puu Cavere 900x900mm + 17 rõngad Carbon Must
Cavere Shower curtain rail 7382090, 900mm
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, incl. Nylon curtain rings in colour 16, 18, 19, 65, 67. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Dushikardina puu laekinnitus 1000mm Cavere Carbon must 091
Cavere Ceiling support 7382060, L = 1000mm
length 1000mm, 6mm dia.,
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, for connection thread to rail 20mm dia. to upper edge of shower curtain rail. Ceiling support with axial fixing screw. Supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Connection for suspended ceiling availabeon request.
Cavere Ceiling support 7382060, L = 1000mm
length 1000mm, 6mm dia.,
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, for connection thread to rail 20mm dia. to upper edge of shower curtain rail. Ceiling support with axial fixing screw. Supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Connection for suspended ceiling availabeon request.
Dushikardina puu laekinnitus 500mm Cavere Carbon must 091
Cavere Ceiling support 7382050, L = 500mm
ength 500mm, 6mm dia.,
made of aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection (except 091 carbon black), available in Cavere colours for connection thread to rail 20mm dia. to upper edge of shower curtain rail ceiling support with axial fixing screw, can be shortened, concealed screw fixing.
Supplied with 6mm dia x 70mm stainless steel Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry.
Cavere Ceiling support 7382050, L = 500mm
Dushikardina puu laekinnitus 500mm Cavere Carbon RST 096
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of Aluminium, scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection, available in the Cavere® colour range, for connection thread to rail 20mm dia. to upper edge of shower curtain rail. Ceiling support with axial fixing screw. Supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Connection for suspended ceiling availabeon request.
Dushikardina puu laekinnitus L-500mm Inox Care Ceiling support
Cavere Ceiling support
Inox Care Ceiling support 2065310, L = 500mm
length 500mm, 6mm dia.,
adjustable length to suit all requirements, made of stainless steel, material No. 1.3401 (A2 AISI 304), brushed finish, for connection thread to rail 20mm dia. to upper edge of shower curtain rail. Ceiling support with axial fixing screw. Supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Connection for suspended ceiling availabeon request.
26,00 €
Normbau Inox dušikardinapuu nurk 1100x1100mm d20mm Care Shower curtain rail 2065040, 19 rõngad
Inox Care Shower curtain rail 2065040, c1/c2 = 1100mm
c1/c2 = 1100mm, 20mm dia., with 19 curtain rings,
can be shortened from both sides made of stainless steel, material No. 1.4301 (A2, AISI 304), brushed finish, incl. Nylon curtain rings open in NORMBAU colour dark grey 018. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Custom lengths available upon request,ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Normbau Inox dušikardinapuu nurk 80x80cm d20mm Care Shower curtain rail 2065010, 16 rõngad
Inox Care Shower curtain rail 2065010, c1/c2 = 800mm
c1/c2 = 800mm, 20mm dia.,with 16 curtain rings,
can be shortened from both sides made of stainless steel, material No. 1.4301 (A2, AISI 304), brushed finish, incl. Nylon curtain rings open in NORMBAU colour dark grey 018. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Custom lengths available upon request,ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Normbau Inox dušikardinapuu nurk 90x90cm d20mm Care Shower curtain rail 2065020, c1/c2 = 900mm
17 rõngad
Inox Care Shower curtain rail 2065020, c1/c2 = 900mm
c1/c2 = 900mm, 20mm dia., with 17 curtain rings,
can be shortened from both sides made of stainless steel, material No. 1.4301 (A2, AISI 304), brushed finish, incl. Nylon curtain rings open in NORMBAU colour dark grey 018. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Custom lengths available upon request,ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
Normbau Inox угловая штанга для душа 100x100cm d20mm Care Shower curtain rail 2065030, 17 колец
Normbau Inox dušikardinapuu nurk 100x100cm d20mm Care Shower curtain rail 2065030, 17 rõngad17 rõngad
Inox Care Shower curtain rail 2065030, c1/c2 = 1000mm
c1/c2 = 100mm, 20mm dia., with 17 curtain rings,
can be shortened from both sides made of stainless steel, material No. 1.4301 (A2, AISI 304), brushed finish, incl. Nylon curtain rings open in NORMBAU colour dark grey 018. Wall connection with axial fixing screw, supplied with 6mm dia. x 70mm stainless Torx screws and plugs for solid masonry. Custom lengths available upon request,ceiling support to be ordered separately. Nylon curtain rings can be ordered separatly and in Normbau nylon colour range.
60,00 €
Soovitame kasutada koos riputuselemendiga.
85,00 €
Nurga dushikardinapuu.
90cm x 90cm
R/V terasest
Soovitame kasutada koos riputuselemendiga
60,00 €
43,00 €
43,00 €
37,00 €
56 x 81 x 8 mm
- Shower curtain ring in nylon, grey.
- Open at the top.
- Mounting: By clipping on shower curtain rails with tube diameter 32 mm.
- Packaging unit: 10 pcs.
- Weight (in kg): 0,01
45,75 €