Dušialused roostevabast terasest

PEGU.EE pakub mitmesuguseid stiilseid ja vastupidavaid dušialuseid roostevabast terasest. Roostevabast terasest dušialused on praktiline ja elegantne valik, mis lisab vannitoale kaasaegset ilmet. Need on vastupidavad, kergesti hooldatavad ja sobivad ideaalselt nii kodukasutusse kui ka avalikesse duširuumidesse.
Vastupidav ja Stiilne Disain: Roostevabast terasest dušialused on vastupidavad, rooste kindlad ja omavad kaasaegset stiili, mis muudavad need sobivaks erinevatesse vannitubadesse.
Lihtne Hooldus: Roostevaba teras on lihtne puhastada ja säilitada. Dušialus säilitab oma väljanägemise aastaid ilma märkimisväärse kulumiseta.
Mitmed Suurused ja Kujundused: PEGU.EE valikus on mitmeid erinevaid suurusi ja kujundusi, et leida dušialus, mis sobib ideaalselt teie vannitoa ruumiga.
Universaalne Sobivus: Sobib suurepäraselt nii eramajadesse, korteritesse kui ka avalikesse kohtadesse nagu hotellid, spordiklubid ja muud.
Lihtne Paigaldus: Roostevabast terasest dušialused on varustatud lihtsa paigaldussüsteemiga, mis muudab nende kasutuselevõtu kiireks ja mugavaks.
Ostke nüüd PEGU.EE-st
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
Recessed shower tray
Ref. 150100
Recessed shower tray, 700 x 700mm.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
One-piece pressed shower tray, seam-free for easy maintenanceand better hygiene.
Rounded internal corners for improved safety in the shower.
Drainage slope.
Supplied with 1 ½" waste.
Non-slip surface.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14527.
Weight: 5.5kg.
Recessed shower tray
Ref. 150100
Depth | 60mm |
Length | 700mm |
Width | 700mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
Recessed shower tray
Ref. 150300
Recessed shower tray, 800 x 800mm.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
One-piece pressed shower tray, seam-free for easy maintenanceand better hygiene.
Rounded internal corners for improved safety in the shower.
Drainage slope.
Supplied with 1 ½" waste.
Non-slip surface.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14527.
Weight: 7kg.
Recessed shower tray
Ref. 150300
Depth | 60mm |
Length | 800mm |
Width | 800mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
PMR recessed shower tray
Ref. 150500
Recessed shower tray, 800 x 800mm.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility: slimline shower tray.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm
Drainage slope.
Supplied with 1 ½" waste.
Non-slip surface.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14527.
Weight: 8.5kg.
PMR recessed shower tray
Ref. 150500
Depth | 30mm |
Length | 800mm |
Width | 800mm |
Thickness | 1.5mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
PMR recessed shower tray
Ref. 150600
Recessed shower tray, 900 x 900mm.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility: slimline shower tray.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm
Drainage slope.
Supplied with 1 ½" waste.
Non-slip surface.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14527.
Weight: 9.5kg.
PMR recessed shower tray
Ref. 150600
Depth | 30mm |
Length | 900mm |
Width | 900mm |
Thickness | 1.5mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer
Ref. H9741
SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer with:
- Anti-scalding failsafe: hot water shuts off immediately if cold water supply fails (and vice versa).
- Securitouch thermal insulation to prevent burns.
- Scale-resistant thermostatic cartridge for temperature adjustment.
- 1/4-turn ceramic head for flow rate adjustment.
- Temperature control: 25 - 41°C.
- Double temperature limiter: first limiter set at 38°C can be overridden, second limiter set at 41°C.
- Thermal shocks are easy to undertake without removing the control knob or shutting off the cold water supply.
- Flow rate regulated at 9 lpm.
- Chrome-plated brass body and ERGO controls.
- M1/2" shower outlet.
- M3/4" inlets with integrated filters and non-return valves.
Mixer supplied with offset M1/2" M3/4" STOP/PURGE connectors, suitable for hospitals.
SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer
Ref. H9741
Connector | M1/2" |
Technology | SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic, Securitouch |
Depth | 95mm |
Length | 286mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Temperature limiter | 41°C |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
567,00 €