Dušikorvid, Vannitoakorvid, Šampooni riiulid, Vannitoariiulid

Dušikorvid, vannitoakorvid, šampooniriiulid ja vannitoariiulid on praktilised ja stiilsed lahendused, mis aitavad hoida vannitoa korras ja organiseerituna. Need lisatarvikud pakuvad mugavat ja tõhusat hoiustamislahendust erinevate vannitoatarvikute jaoks, nagu šampoonid, dušigeelid, seebid, rätikud ja muud esemed.
Dušikorvid on tavaliselt paigaldatud dušinurga seinale või nurka ning pakuvad praktilist hoiuruumi dušitarvikutele. Need võivad olla valmistatud roostevabast terasest, plastikust või muudest vastupidavatest materjalidest ning neil võib olla erinev arv riiuleid ja konstruktsioone vastavalt vajadustele. Vannitoakorvid on sarnased dušikorvidega, kuid on mõeldud paigaldamiseks vannitoa seintele või nurkadesse ning pakuvad hoiuruumi vannitoatarvikutele.
Šampooniriiulid ja vannitoariiulid on tavaliselt paigaldatud seinale või vannitoa seintele ning pakuvad täiendavat hoiuruumi erinevatele vannitoatarvikutele. Need võivad olla erineva suuruse, kujunduse ja materjalidega, nagu näiteks klaas, puit või metall. Mõned neist võivad olla avatud riiulid, teised varustatud ustega või sahtlitega, et hoida esemeid diskreetselt ja korras.
Valides dušikorve, vannitoakorve, šampooniriiuleid või vannitoariiuleid, on oluline arvestada vannitoa suurust, stiili ja vajadusi ning valida vastavalt vastupidavad ja kvaliteetsed tooted, mis sobivad vannitoa interjööriga. Korralikult paigaldatud ja kasutatud dušikorvid, vannitoakorvid, šampooniriiulid ja vannitoariiulid aitavad hoida vannitoa organiseerituna ja aitavad säilitada puhtuse ja korrastatuse vannitoas.
Loodetavasti oli see teave kasulik dušikorvide, vannitoakorvide, šampooniriiulite ja vannitoariiulite kohta. Need on praktilised ja funktsionaalsed lisatarvikud vannitoas, mis aitavad hoida esemed korras ja käepärast ning lisavad ka visuaalselt atraktiivset ilmet vannitoale. Oluline on valida vastavalt oma vajadustele ja eelistustele sobivad tooted ning tagada nende õige paigaldus ja kasutamine. Kvaliteetsed dušikorvid, vannitoakorvid, šampooniriiulid ja vannitoariiulid võivad muuta vannitoa funktsionaalsemaks ja korrasolevamaks ning lisada ka väärtust vannitoa sisekujundusele.
Hoia vannituba organiseerituna kvaliteetsete dušikorvide, vannitoakorvide, šampooniriiulite ja vannitoariiulitega! Meie valikust leiad erinevaid hoiulahendusi, mis sobivad nii seinale kui põrandale. Erinevad viimistlused – harjatud, kroomitud, messing, kuld ja palju muud. Leia endale sobiv PEGU.ee e-poest!
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Brushed steel
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard- wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Polished steel
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Brass
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Copper
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper
Soap shelf and shower wiper Black
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.
The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.
The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Reframe | Soap shelf
Soap shelf Brushed steel
Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.
Reframe | Soap shelf
Soap shelf Hand polished steel
Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.
Reframe | Soap shelf
Soap shelf Brass
Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.
Reframe | Soap shelf
Soap shelf Copper
Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.
Reframe | Soap shelf
Soap shelf Black
Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.
Shower shelf by BIG, 100x250mm c/c 200mm. Brackets with concealed fixing.
Shower shelf by Bjarke Ingels Group. Shelf 100x250 mm. c/c 200mm. brackets with concealed fixing. Pebble is a series of bathroom accessories and a matching lever handle by Bjarke Ingels Group. This playful series is inspired by a pill’s futuristic, balancing elliptical shape that leads the mind to sci-fi scenography of another world. Material: stainless steel AISI 304 satin finish. W:100 mm x H:20 mm x D:250 mm.
Dimensions: W:100 mm x H:20 mm x D:250 mm.
Shower shelf by BIG, 100x250mm c/c 200mm. Brackets with concealed fixing.
Shower shelf by Bjarke Ingels Group. Shelf 100x250 mm. c/c 200mm. brackets with concealed fixing. Pebble is a series of bathroom accessories and a matching lever handle by Bjarke Ingels Group. This playful series is inspired by a pill’s futuristic, balancing elliptical shape that leads the mind to sci-fi scenography of another world. Material: stainless steel AISI 304 satin finish. W:100 mm x H:20 mm x D:250 mm.
Dimensions: W:100 mm x H:20 mm x D:250 mm.
Shower shelf by BIG, 100x250mm c/c 200mm. Brackets with concealed fixing.
Shower shelf by Bjarke Ingels Group. Shelf 100x250 mm. c/c 200mm. brackets with concealed fixing. Pebble is a series of bathroom accessories and a matching lever handle by Bjarke Ingels Group. This playful series is inspired by a pill’s futuristic, balancing elliptical shape that leads the mind to sci-fi scenography of another world. Material: stainless steel AISI 304 satin finish. W:100 mm x H:20 mm x D:250 mm.
Dimensions: W:100 mm x H:20 mm x D:250 mm.
40*60*15 см
Shower basket, wall mounted, 338 x 150 x 80 mm
338 x 150 x 80mm, made of Aluminium, generous counter surface 370cm2, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. With 80mm high storage basket with bracket and slotted metal bottom for good drainage, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.
Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5 x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.
Shower basket, wall mounted, 338 x 150 x 80 mm
338 x 150 x 80mm, made of Aluminium, generous counter surface 370cm2, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. With 80mm high storage basket with bracket and slotted metal bottom for good drainage, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.
Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5 x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.
Messing, kroomitud
Saab kui kruvida, siis ka liimida
Messing, kroomitud
Saab kui kruvida, siis ka liimida
Duširiiul Haceka Ixi must 1208578
Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 235 x 86 x 102mm
81,00 €
200x120mm. For shampoo. Available in brushed and polished. N1938. Nova2
192,00 €
200x120mm. For shampoo. Available in brushed and polished. N1938. Nova2
192,00 €
180x180mm. For shampoo. Available in brushed and polished. N1941. Nova2
192,00 €
180x180mm. For shampoo. Available in brushed and polished. N1941. Nova2
192,00 €
305,00 €
426,00 €
426,00 €
426,00 €