SPA, basseinide ja avalike kohtade dušipaneelid |

Dušipaneelid on seinale paigaldatavad komplekssed dušisüsteemid, mis võivad olla mõeldud erinevatele kohtadele, nagu SPA-d, basseinid, koolid, hotellid ja spordiklubid. Dušipaneelid pakuvad tavaliselt mitmesuguseid funktsioone ja võimalusi, et tagada kasutajatele mugav ja nauditav dušielamus ning vastata konkreetsete kohtade vajadustele.
SPA-dušipaneelid: SPA-dušipaneelid on tavaliselt luksuslikumad ja funktsioonirohkemad, pakkudes erinevaid duširežiime, nagu vihmadušš, massaažidušš, käsidušš ja veel mitmeid võimalusi. Need võivad olla varustatud ka erinevate lisafunktsioonidega, nagu aurugeneraatorid, kroomteraapia, valgusteraapia või muud lisad, et luua lõõgastav ja tervendav dušielamus.
Basseini-dušipaneelid: Basseini-dušipaneelid on tavaliselt vastupidavad ja kergesti hooldatavad, et sobida basseinialade niiskesse keskkonda. Need võivad sisaldada dušše, mis on mõeldud basseinis ujumiseks enne või pärast ujumist, ning võivad olla varustatud jaheda veega duššide või jalaloputusvõimalustega.
Kooli-dušipaneelid: Kooli-dušipaneelid on tavaliselt lihtsad ja vastupidavad, et sobida koolide jaoks, kus dušše võidakse kasutada pärast treeninguid või kehalise kasvatuse tunde. Need võivad olla varustatud põhiliste dušifunktsioonidega, nagu käsidušš või vihmadušš, ning võivad olla varustatud ka sobivate ohutusomadustega, näiteks temperatuuripiirajad, et tagada ohutu kasutamine.
Hotelli-dušipaneelid: Hotelli-dušipaneelid võivad varieeruda sõltuvalt hotelli tüübist ja klassist, kuid tavaliselt pakuvad need mugavaid ja stiilseid dušielamusi hotellitubadele. Need võivad olla disainilt elegantsemad ning varustatud lisafunktsioonidega, nagu termostaatsegistid, duššipead erinevate seadistustega, duššide juhtimissüsteemid või muud luksuslikud omadused.
Spordiklubi-dušipaneelid: Spordiklubi-dušipaneelid on tavaliselt vastupidavad ja praktilised, et rahuldada spordiklubide ja treeningukeskuste vajadusi
Delabie TEMPOMIX ajavooluga dušisegisti sisseehitav, ref.790218
TEMPOMIX ajavooluga dušisegisti (Ref. 790218) on ideaalne lahendus avalike ja eraasutuste duširuumidesse, pakkudes kasutusmugavust ja veesäästlikkust. Sisseehitatav segisti on varustatud vandalismikindla roostevabast terasest juhtpaneeliga (160 × 220 mm) ning pehme vajutusega nupuga, mis aktiveerib umbes 30-sekundilise veevoolu.
- Ajavoolutehnoloogia: ~30 sekundit ühe vajutusega
- Temperatuuri reguleerimine ja maksimaalse temperatuuri piiraja
- Veekulu: 12 l/min (3 bar juures, reguleeritav)
- Roostevabast terasest viimistlus ja kroomitud vandalismikindel juhtpaneel
- Peidetud kinnitus ja sisseehitatud tagasilöögiklapid ning filtrid
- Komplektis sulgventiilid (½")
Paigaldamiseks soovitame tellida veekindel sisseehitatav korpus TEMPOMIX Ref. 790BOX.
Leia vastupidav ja säästlik dušisegisti!
515,00 €
Delabie TEMPOMIX ajavooluga dušisegisti sisseehitav, ref.790219
TEMPOMIX ajavooluga dušisegisti (Ref. 790219) on praktiline ja vastupidav lahendus avalike ja eraasutuste duširuumidesse. Sisseehitatav segisti on varustatud vandalismikindla roostevabast terasest esipaneeliga (160 × 220 mm) ning pehme vajutusega nupuga, mis aktiveerib umbes 30-sekundilise veevoolu.
- Ajavoolutehnoloogia: u. 30 sekundit ühe vajutusega
- Temperatuuri reguleerimine ja maksimaalse temperatuuri piiraja
- Veekulu: 6 l/min (3 bar juures)
- Roostevabast terasest viimistlus ja kroomitud vandalismikindel ümar dušiotsik
- Peidetud kinnitus ja sisseehitatud tagasilöögiklapid ning filtrid
- Komplektis sulgventiilid (½")
Paigaldamiseks soovitame tellida veekindel korpus TEMPOMIX Ref. 790BOX.
Leia vastupidav ja säästlik dušisegisti!
665,00 €
Ref: 88822 - Shower panel with timed flow PRESTO 50 tapware, with hand-held shower
> Working pressure :
1 to 5 bar
> Flow :
6 l/min with integrated flow limiter Anti-water-hammering device
Hand-held shower on rail with chrome plated slide
> Flow time :
30 seconds (± 5 sec.)
> Hydraulic supply :
G 1/2" (15x21), top or rear water inlet. For rear water inlet, we recommend to add the adaptation kit under the reference 91026 On P 50 tap NF II with cold water or pre-mixed water
> Material :
Anodised aluminium extruded section (2.5mm thickness) Aluminum removable valve plate, peinted RAL 7005 colour High resistance RAL 7005 coloured ABS covers
> Functioning:
Wide opening panel without the need to dismantle from the wall and shower taps on a removable valve plate
> Thermal resistance :
Resistant to a temperature of 75°C for 30-minute-thermal-shocks
> Security :
Non turnable push button Non-removable, wear-proof red marker
> Delivered with :
1/2" hoses with revolving nuts
MM 1/2" (15x21) straight stop valves and 250 micron filters Fastening screws and instruction manual
> Standards & approvals :
Brass body in accordance with EN 1982, EN 12164, EN 12165 Chrome-plated surface treatment in accordance with EN 12540
200-hour neutral salt spray resistant (NSS) in concordance with ISO 9227
1066,00 €
> Working pressure :
1 to 5 bar
> Flow :
10 l/min with integrated flow limiter
Fixed shower head with anti-limescale spikes
> Hydraulic supply :
G 1/2" (15x21), top or rear water inlet. For rear water inlet, we recommend to add the adaptation kit under the reference 91026 Single control mixer tap with ceramic disks
> Material :
Anodised aluminium extruded section (2.5mm thickness) Aluminium removable valve plate, peinted RAL 7005 colour High resistance RAL 7005 coloured ABS covers
> Functioning:
Wide opening panel without the need to dismantle from the wall and shower taps on a removable valve plate
> Thermal resistance :
Resistant to a temperature of 75°C for 30-minute-thermal-shocks
> Security :
Adjustable tamper-proof temperature limiter to prevent scalding
> Delivered with :
1/2" hoses with revolving nuts
MM 1/2" (15x21) straight stop valves and 250 micron filters Fastening screws and instruction manual
> Standards & approvals :
Brass body in accordance with EN 1982, EN 12164, EN 12165 Chrome-plated surface treatment in accordance with EN 12540 200-hour neutral salt spray resistant (NSS) in accordance with ISO 9227
1077,00 €
> Working pressure :
1 to 5 bar
> Flow :
6 l/min with integrated flow limiter Anti-water-hammering design
Hand-held shower on rail with chrome plated slide
> Flow time :
30 seconds (± 5 sec.)
> Hydraulic supply :
G 1/2" (15x21), top or rear water inlet. For rear water inlet, we recommend to add the adaptation kit under the reference 91026. On ALPA S® NF IB mixer tap with NF check valves
> Material :
Anodised aluminium extruded section (2.5mm thickness) Aluminium removable valve plate, peinted RAL 7005 colour High resistance RAL 7005 coloured ABS covers
> Functioning:
Wide opening panel without the need to dismantle from the wall and shower taps on a removable valve plate
> Thermal resistance :
Resistant to a temperature of 75°C for 30-minute-thermal-shocks
> Security :
Adjustable tamper-proof temperature limiter to prevent scalding
Patented anti-blocking "S" system preventing the water flows continuously
> Delivered with :
1/2" hoses with revolving nuts
MM 1/2" (15x21) straight stop valve and 250 micron filters Fastening screw and instruction manual
> Standards & approvals :
Brass body in accordance with EN 1982, EN 12164, EN 12165 Chrome-plated surface treatment in accordance with EN 12540 200-hour neutral salt spray resistant (NSS) in accordance with ISO 9227
1240,00 €
> Working pressure : 1 to 5 bar
1185,00 €
> Working pressure :
1 to 5 bar
> Flow :
6 l/min with integrated flow limiter
Fixed shower head with anti-limescale spikes Quick connector for hand-held shower
> Flow time :
30 seconds (± 5 sec.)
> Hydraulic supply :
G 1/2" (15x21), top or rear water inlet. For rear water inlet, we recommend to add the adaptation kit under the reference 91026 On P 50 tap NF II and thermostatic mixer tap EN 1111 (NF check valves)
G1/2" two-way reverser (shower head/hand-held shower reverser)
> Material :
Anodised aluminum profile (2.5mm thickness) Aluminum removable valve plate, peinted RAL 7005 High resistance RAL 7005 coloured ABS casings
> Functioning:
Wide opening panel without the need to dismantle from the wall and shower taps on a removable valve plate
> Thermal resistance :
Resistant to a temperature of 75°C for 30-minute-thermal-shocks
> Security :
Anti-scald system: flow is immediately stopped if the cold water is cut off Maximum delivered temperature : pre-fixed at 38°
> Delivered with :
1/2" hoses with revolving nuts
MM 1/2" (15x21) straight stop valve and 250 micron filters Quick connector for hand-held shower
Fastening screws and instruction manual
> Standards & approvals :
Brass body in accordance with EN 1982, EN 12164, EN 12165 Chrome-plated surface treatment in accordance with EN 12540 200-hour neutral salt spray resistant (NSS) in accordance with ISO 9227
1321,00 €
> Working pressure : 1 to 5 bar
> Flow : 6 l/min with integrated flow limiter Anti-water-hammering device Hand-held shower on rail with chrome plated slide
> Flow time : 30 seconds (± 5 sec.)
> Hydraulic supply : G 1/2"(15x21), top or rear water inlet. For rear water inlet, we recommend to add the adaptation kit under the reference 91026. On P 50 tap NF II and thermostatic mixer tap EN 1111 (NF check valves)
> Material : Anodised aluminum profile (2.5mm thickness) Aluminum removable valve plate, peinted RAL 7005 High resistance RAL 7005 coloured ABS casings
> Functioning: Wide opening panel without the need to dismantle from the wall and shower taps on a removable valve plate
> Thermal resistance : Resistant to a temperature of 75°C for 30-minute-thermal-shocks
> Security : Anti-scald system: flow is immediately stopped if the cold water is cut off Maximum delivered temperature : pre-fixed at 38°
> Delivered with : 1/2" hoses with revolving nuts MM 1/2" (15x21) straight stop valve and 250 micron filters Fastening screw and instruction manual > Standards & approvals : Brass body in accordance with EN 1982, EN 12164, EN 12165 Chrome-plated surface treatment in accordance with EN 12540 200-hour neutral salt spray resistant (NSS) in accordance with ISO 9227
1282,00 €
Dushipaneel segistiga PRESTOTEM2 ALPA, isesulguv - 30 sek töötsükkel
> Working pressure : 1 to 5 bar
1030,00 €
Dushipaneeli pikendus 790152 Delabie Cut-to-size extension toru kaitse
Cut-to-size extension
Ref. 790152
For aluminium shower panel
For aluminium shower panel.
Protects the pipework between the top of the shower panel and the ceiling.
W. 210mm, H. 1,000mm
Extension can be cut-to-size.
Anodised aluminium.
Cut-to-size extension
Ref. 790152
Height | 1000mm |
Width | 210mm |
Finish | Aluminium |
305,00 €
Dušikomplekt termostaadiga Core Kroom
Adjustable Height
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm
3 pihustusviisi
1500 mm dušivoolik
Hovedbruser max. 8 l/m + håndbruser max 6 l/m
Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.
Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.
580,00 €
Dušikomplekt termostaadiga Core Matt Must
Adjustable Height
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm
3 pihustusviisi
1500 mm dušivoolik
Hovedbruser max. 8 l/m + håndbruser max 6 l/m
Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.
Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.
735,00 €
Dušikomplekt termostaatsegistiga Core Kroom
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm
3 pihustusviisi
1500 mm dušivoolik
Hovedbruser max. 8 l/m + håndbruser max 6 l/m
Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.
Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.
310,00 €
Dušikomplekt termostaatsegistiga Core Matt must
Standardne tsentrite vahe 150 mm
3 pihustusviisi
1500 mm dušivoolik
Hovedbruser max. 8 l/m + håndbruser max 6 l/m
Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.
Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.
420,00 €
Dušiotsik Presto läbi seina 29120, antivandaalne, sein 1,5-200mm 1/2"
189,00 €
Dušipaneel ajastatud Prestotem 2 patareitoitel, käsidušiga PRESTO TOUCH® eelsegatud veele
Prestotem 2 Touch dušipaneel on modernne ja energiatõhus lahendus, mis sobib ideaalselt avalikesse ja erakasutusse. PRESTO TOUCH® tehnoloogiaga varustatud ajastatud dušisegisti tagab vee säästliku kasutamise ning võimaldab reguleerida voolu kestust 1 sekundist kuni 5 minutini.
Funktsioonid ja omadused:
✔ Reguleeritav tööaeg – 30 sekundit (seadistatav 1 sek kuni 5 min)
✔ Käsidušš – kroomitud liugsiinil mugava kasutuse tagamiseks
✔ Integreeritud voolupiiraja – 6 l/min säästlikuks vee kasutuseks
✔ Veemõjude summutaja – vähendab veesüsteemi rõhumuutustest tulenevaid lööke
✔ Paindlik hüdrauliline ühendus – ülemine või tagumine vee sisselaskeava (G 1/2")
✔ Ohutus – solenoidventiil sulgub automaatselt patarei tühjenemisel või sensori rikke korral
✔ Vastupidav materjal – anodeeritud alumiinium (2,5 mm), eemaldatav ventiilplaat RAL 7005 toonis
✔ Soojustaluvus – talub kuni 75°C temperatuuril termošokke
Komplektis sisaldub:
???? 1/2" painduvad voolikud pöördmutritega
???? Sirged sulgventiilid MM 1/2" (15x21) ja 250 mikroni filtrid
???? Kinnitusvahendid ja paigaldusjuhend
Prestotem 2 Touch on usaldusväärne ja praktiline valik neile, kes hindavad vee säästlikkust, mugavust ja kaasaegset disaini.
1210,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792410
Electronic thermostatic shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
With concealed inlet via flexibles, M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Battery-operated with 223 6V Lithium battery.
Infrared presence detection. Shower starts when hand is 4cmfrom the sensor.
Shuts off on demand or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Flow rate set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1439,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792403
SECURITHERM electronic thermostatic shower panel :
Large model stainless steel panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
With top inlet via in-line stopcocks, M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Battery-operated with 223 6V Lithium battery.
Shower starts when hand is 4cm from the infrared sensor.
Shuts off on demand or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Flow rate set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1885,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792504
Electronic thermostatic shower panel:
Large stainless steel panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
Top inlet via in-line stopcocks M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Mains supply 230/6V.
Shower starts when electronic push-button is pressed.
Shuts off voluntarily or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Integrated soap dish.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1665,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792514
Electronic thermostatic shower panel:
Large stainless steel panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
Concealed inlet via flexibles M½".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Mains supply 230/6V.
Shower starts when electronic push-button is pressed.
Shuts off voluntarily or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Integrated soap dish.
Filters and non-return valves.
Stopcocks M1/2".
Concealed fixings.
1665,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792300
Thermostatic time flow shower panel :
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
Top inlet via in-line stopcocks M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Soft-touch operation.
Time flow ~30 seconds.
Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1061,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792305
Thermostatic time flow shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mouted, exposed installation.
With top inlet via in-line stopcocks M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Soft-touch operation.
Time flow ~30 seconds.
Flow rate set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
With soap dish.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1136,00 €
Dušipaneel Delabie SECURITHERM termostaadiga isesulguv 30 sek ALU
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792310
Thermostatic time flow shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mouted, exposed installation.
Concealed inlet via flexibles M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Soft-touch operation.
Time flow ~30 seconds.
Flow rate set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1061,00 €
Dušipaneel Delabie SECURITHERM termostaadiga isesulguv 30 sek ALU
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792330
SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic time flow shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
With concealed inlet via flexibles, M½".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Time flow valve ~30 seconds with soft-touch operation.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Handset with removable flexible via push-fit rapid STOP connector and wall support supplied.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1470,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792320
SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic time flow shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
With top inlet via in-line stopcocks, M½".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Time flow valve ~30 seconds with soft-touch operation.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Handset with removable flexible via push-fit rapid STOP connector and wall support supplied.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1476,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792340
Dual control thermostatic shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
Top inlets via in-line stopcocks M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C; with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Time flow valve ~30 seconds with soft-touch operation to control the ROUND shower head.
Non-time flow 1/4-turn valve controls the hand set.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Handset with removable flexible via rapid push-fit STOP connector and wall support supplied.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1515,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792344
Dual control thermostatic shower panel with handset:
Large model stainless steel shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
Top inlet via in-line stopcocks M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hold water supply fails.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Handset with removable flexible via rapid push-fit STOP connector, wall support supplied.
Non-time flow valves control the ROUND shower head and the handset.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1549,00 €
SECURITHERM shower panel
Ref. 792400
Thermostatic electronic shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
With top inlet, via in-line stopcocks M1/2".
SECURITHERM thermostatic mixer.
Adjustable temperature control from cold water up to 38°C with 1st limiter set at 38°C and 2nd limiter set at 41°C.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Battery-operated with 223 6V Lithium battery.
Infrared presence detection. Shower starts when hand is 4cm from the sensor.
Shuts off on demand or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60sec. every 24hr after the last use).
Flow rate set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Concealed fixings.
Filters and non-return valves.
1439,00 €
SPORTING 2 shower panel
Ref. 714700
Time flow shower panel:
Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated satin finish panel.
Adjustable connector for top or back inlets.
Slimline structure with concealed fixings.
Soft-touch operation.
Automatic mechanical flush with every use.
Time flow ~30 seconds.
Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Tamperproof, scale-resistant fixed shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Adjustable spray.
Accessible non-return valve and filter.
Integrated stopcock.
M1/2" connection for mixed water supply.
339,00 €
TEMPOMATIC shower panel
Ref. 452300
Electronic shower panel:
Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed installation.
With top inlet via in-line stopcock, M1/2".
TEMPOMATIC electronic mixer for mixed water supply.
Battery-operated with 223 6V Lithium battery.
Infrared presence detection. Shower starts when hand is at 4cm from the sensor.
Shuts off on demand or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Flow rate set at 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Chrome-plated, tamperproof, scale-resistant ROUND shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Concealed fixings.
890,00 €