349 EUR
1172 EUR

Elektroonilised kontaktivaba segistid Delabie BINOPTIC - Black Magic

Elektroonilised kontaktivaba segistid Delabie BINOPTIC - Black Magic


Segistid sensoriga DELABIE - BLACK MAGIC

Segistid BLACK BINOPTIC - Selgemaks ei saa minna BINOPTIC sarja ilmestab mati must viimistlus, tuues selle kaasaegsetesse ruumidesse. 100% must kroom disain, mis tagab optimaalse vastupidavuse intensiivsele kasutusele, 90% veesääst ja energiasääst ning täieliku hügieeni: puudub manuaalne kokkupuude, igapäevane antibakteriaalne loputus, sileda sisemise otsikuga. Selle tehnoloogiate segu ei jäta midagi puudu. Ilu ja kasulikkus pole kunagi varem nii hästi kokku sobinud.


DELABIE põimib end tänapäevastesse ruumidesse, nagu muuseumid, restoranid, ettevõtete peakontorid, lennujaamad, olles oluline lüli disaini, arhitektuuri ja funktsionaalsuse vahel.

Uuenenud kogemus, mis ühendab tõhususe ja elegantsi, nagu uus BINOPTIC segisti oma musta kroomviimistlusega.

BINOPTIC on juba valitud ja paigaldatud mitmesugustesse avalikesse kohtadesse üle maailma - Abu Dhabi Rahvusvaheline Lennujaam, Incity Tower Lyonis, Euroopa Lille'i Metropol, uus Tai Kwun kultuurikeskus (Hongkong), Majunga torn (Pariis) - see esindab stiilset ja funktsionaalset sarja, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud avalikele ja ärikeskkondadele.





Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

BINOPTIC Delabie 512051BK sinale elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V, 1L mahuti matt must


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid or foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically.
Matte black 304 stainless steel spout.
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic housing and removable tank enable installation beneath the washbasin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel
Total spout length: 115mm.
Supplied with 1-litre tank.


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK
Supply Mains 230/6V
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 333mm (tank + electronic unit)
Length 115mm
Spout length 98mm
Volume 1 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel


Tootekood: DE-512051BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
460,80 € (10%)
512,00 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512521BK pinnapealne elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V 0.5L mahuti matt must

BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK

Deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid soap, foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell.
Spout made from chrome-plated 304 stainless steel.
No waste pump dispenser.
Separate electronic unit and removable tank for installation under the basin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specialist foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
Spout length: 105mm.
Supplied with a 0.5 litre tank.


BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK
Supply 230/6V mains supply
Technology Infrared sensor
Drop height 58mm
Spout length 105mm
Volume 0.5 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512521BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
530,10 € (10%)
589,00 €

Dealabie dosaator seebi/hydroalcoholic gel 1 L kontaktivaba sensoriga R/V teras must

Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre

Ref. 512066BK

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
Vandal-resistant model with lock and standard DELABIE key.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell 
(detection distance can be adjusted).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel cover.
One-piece hinged cover for easy maintenance and better hygiene.
No waste pump dispenser: dispenses 0.8ml
(can be adjusted up to 7 doses per activation).
Option of operation in anti-clogging mode.
Automatic soap dispenser: 6 AA -1.5V (DC9V) batteries supplied, integrated in the soap dispenser body.
Low battery indicator light.
Tank with large opening: easy to refill soap from large containers.
Window allows soap level to be checked.
304 stainless steel with matte black finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm.
Capacity: 1 litre.
Dimensions: 90 x 105 x 256mm.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
CE marked.


Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre

Ref. 512066BK
Supply 6 x AA batteries
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 256mm
Depth 90mm
Width 105mm
Volume 1 litre tank
Thickness 1mm
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512066BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
314,10 € (10%)
349,00 €

Adjustable mirror with handle 
Ref. 510202C

Tilting glass mirror with handle for easy adjustment those in a seated position or in a wheelchair.
For combined installation: can be used from sitting or standing position.
Quick and easy to install: simply clip into place. 
Anti-theft lock.
Metallised anthracite tab handle. 
Mirror made from 6mm Securit safety glass.
Mirror dimensions: 500 x 600mm.
Can be tilted up to 20°.



Adjustable mirror with handle 
Ref. 510202C

Height 500mm
Depth 84mm
Width 630mm
Width to the wall 70mm
Thickness 6mm
Finish Metallised anthracite
Tootekood: DE-510202C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
328,50 € (10%)
365,00 €

Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 170mm 388035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 388035

Deck-mounted electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height: 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 388035
Supply Main supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 170mm
Spout length 175mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome


Tootekood: DE-388035 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
680,40 € (10%)
756,00 €

Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 170mm 488035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 6V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 488035

Deck-mounted electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height: 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 488035
Supply 6V batteries
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 170mm
Spout length 175mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-488035 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
805,50 € (10%)
895,00 €

Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 250mm 398035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 398035

Deck-mounted electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height 250mm, for countertop washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 398035
Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 250mm
Spout length 185mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-398035 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
742,50 € (10%)
825,00 €

Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 250mm 498035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 6V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 498035

Deck-mounted electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
Battery-operated with 123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height 250mm for countertop washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 498035
Supply 6V batteries
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 250mm
Spout length 185mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-498035 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
863,10 € (10%)
959,00 €

Delabie Kätekuivati HIGHFLOW  kiir 10-15 sek, RST teras must


HIGHFLOW automatic air pulse hand dryer in matte black

Ref. 510622BK

HIGHFLOW air pulse hand dryer.
Robust model.
Lit central nozzle focuses the pulsed air onto hands at over 230km/h.
High speed: dries in 10 - 12 seconds.
Choice of warm or cold air via a concealed switch.
Infrared automatic activation.
Intelligent technology: stops automatically when hands are removed.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously for more than 60 seconds.
Electrical hand dryer made from matte black bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Easy to clean: one-piece cover.
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm.
Dimensions: 175 x 238 x 267mm.
Weight: 4kg.
Airflow: 39 l/second.
Air speed: 230 km/h.
Low energy consumption: 1,350W.
220-240 V~ / 50 Hz.
Noise level: 70 dBA.
Class I, IP23.
CE marked.


HIGHFLOW automatic air pulse hand dryer in matte black

Ref. 510622BK
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 267mm
Depth 175mm
Width 238mm
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-510622BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
724,50 € (10%)
805,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba eelsegatud/külmavee kraan seinale 379MCHB BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 379ENCB

Recessed electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
Recessed installation.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (limits bacterial niches).
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 379ENCB
Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Spout length 200mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-379ENCB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
670,50 € (10%)
745,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektronik segisti 478MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 6V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 478MCHB

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium battery-operated.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds. every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water(reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Side temperature control with standard lever control and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 478MCHB
Supply 6V batteries
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 110mm
Spout length 135mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome


Tootekood: DE-478MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
960,30 € (10%)
1067,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektronik segisti seinale 379MCHB BINOPTIC MIX 230/12V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 379MCHB

Cross wall matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
Cross wall installation ≤110mm
Cable for sensor L. 120mm, flexibles and mounting all pass through the same hole.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces bacterial niches).
Side temperature control with standard lever and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 379MCHB
Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Spout length 230mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-379MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
836,10 € (10%)
929,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud/külma matt must BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 378035

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24hr after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 378035
Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 90mm
Spout length 125mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-378035 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
643,50 € (10%)
715,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud/külma matt must BINOPTIC TAP 6V

BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 478035

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin tap:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium battery-operated.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24hr after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap

Ref. 478035
Supply 6V batteries
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 90mm
Spout length 125mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-478035 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
768,60 € (10%)
854,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektrooniline segisti 250mm 398MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 230/12V matt mustBLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 398MCHB

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter and long lever.
Drop height 250mm for countertop washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 398MCHB
Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 250mm
Spout length 185mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-398MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
908,10 € (10%)
1009,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektrooniline segisti 250mm 498MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 6V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 498MCHB

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature and long lever.
Drop height 250mm for counter-top washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 498MCHB
Supply 6V batteries
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 250mm
Spout length 185mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-498MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1054,80 € (10%)
1172,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba elektrooniline segisti 378MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 230/12V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 378MCHB

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Side temperature control with standard lever and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.



BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 378MCHB

Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 110mm
Spout length 135mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-378MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
812,70 € (10%)
903,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba sensoriga segisti 170mm 388MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 230/12V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 388MCHB

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independant IP65 electronic unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set at 60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Optimised active infrared presence detection at the end of the spout.
Body in chrome-plated brass.
Matte black chrome finish.
Fixings reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
PEX flexibles with filters and M3/8" solenoid valves.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Side temperature control lever with long lever and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Drop height: 170mm, for semi-recessed basins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 388MCHB
Supply Mains supply 230/12V
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 170mm
Spout length 175mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-388MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
850,50 € (10%)
945,00 €

Delabie kontaktivaba sensoriga segisti 170mm 488MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 6V matt must

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 488MCHB

Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature and long lever.
Drop height 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.


BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer

Ref. 488MCHB
Supply 6V batteries
Connector M3/8"
Technology Electronic
Drop height 170mm
Spout length 175mm
Flow rate 3 lpm
Finish Matte black chrome
Tootekood: DE-488MCHB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
999,00 € (10%)
1110,00 €
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