Wall to wall grab bar with three support points, made of diameter 32 mm AISI 304 stainless steel tube, to be installed in the washbasins and toilets.
With snap flange covers to conceal the screws, helping to achieve a beautiful and sleek look and protecting the flange surfaces from damage, dust, moisture and foreign particles.
Ideal to design barrier-free accessibility, both domestic and commercial places, these grab bars help make the lives easier for the handicapped and elderly people.
Highest durability and rusting resistance.
Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the electrical isolation Kit code KA0020.
These grab bars are supplied with a kit to fix the bar to a brick wall.
Components and materials
BFD600C: grab bar right hand, made of diameter 32 mm AISI 304 stainless steel tube, bright finish.
BFI600C: grab bar left hand, made of diameter 32 mm AISI 304 stainless steel tube, bright finish.
BFD600CS: grab bar right hand, made of diameter 32 mm AISI 304 stainless steel tube, satin finish.
BFI600CS: grab bar left hand, made of diameter 32 mm AISI 304 stainless steel tube, satin finish.
TUBING: made of 32 mm diameter tube, seamless construction. The bending process guarantees the uniformity of the diameter along the bends.
CONCEALED MOUNTING FLANGE: three units made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 3 mm thick. Incorporates two Ø 6.5 mm screws holes for wall mounting.
SNAP FLANGE COVER: three units made of stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick and Ø 82 mm. Each cover snaps over mounting flange to conceal mounting screws.
Grab bar, 90o angle to the right (BAD090C & BAD090CS) or to the left (BAI090C & BAI090CS) with snap flange cover, made of stainless steel AISI 304, for showers, baths and changing rooms.
These grab bars are very useful and highly recommended to achieve barrier-free accessibility both residential and public spaces.
Concealed screw mounting flanges.
Highest durability and rusting resistance.
Mounting hardware for brick wall is included for easy installation.
PEGU OÜ e-poes (pegu.ee) võib leida mitmesuguseid aksessuaare koju, garderoobi, elutuppa ja esikusse. Mõned võimalikud aksessuaaride kategooriad, mida mainisite, on:
Peeglid: Need võivad olla erineva suuruse, kuju ja stiiliga peeglid, mis sobivad erinevatesse ruumidesse, nagu garderoob, elutuba või esik. Peeglid võivad olla seinapeeglid, põrandapeeglid, lauapeeglid või kosmeetikapeeglid, et lisada mitte ainult peegelduspinda, vaid ka funktsionaalsust ja stiili teie koju.
Kingahoidjad: Need võivad olla erineva kujunduse ja suurusega kingahoidjad, mis aitavad hoida teie kingapaarid organiseeritud ja korras. Kingahoidjad võivad olla seinale paigaldatavad, põrandale asetatavad või garderoobi sisseehitatavad kingahoidjad, et lisada praktilisust ja korrapidavust teie garderoobi või esikusse.
Nagid: Need võivad olla seinale või uksele paigaldatavad nagid, mis pakuvad hoiuruumi erinevatele esemetele, nagu riided, kotid, võtmed jne. Nagid võivad olla erineva suuruse, kujunduse ja materjalidega, et sobituda teie sisekujundusega ning pakkuda praktilist ja stiilset lahendust esiku, garderoobi või elutoa jaoks.
Riidepuud: Need võivad olla erineva kujunduse, materjali ja funktsioonidega riidepuud, mis aitavad hoida teie riided korras ja siledateks. Riidepuud võivad olla roostevabast terasest, metallist, ning neil võib olla erineva kuju, suuruse ja lisafunktsioonidega, nagu riiulid, konksud või klambrid, et pakkuda praktilist ja organiseeritud riiete hoiustamist.
Need on vaid mõned näited võimalikest aksessuaaridest, mida võib leida PEGU OÜ e-poest koju, garderoobi, elutuppa ja esikusse. Soovitan külastada PEGU veebisaiti (pegu.ee) ja uurida aksessuaaride valikut, et leida sobivad lisandid vastavalt teie kodu stiilile, vajadustele ja eelistustele.
Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Laual on lauaplaat, mille alla on kinnitatud väike 22 cm läbimõõduga alus. Seda saab välja tõmmata täiendava riiulina tassi, mobiiltelefoni või arvutihiire jaoks.