Isesulguva vajutuse mehhanismiga segistid

Isesulguva vajutuse mehhanismiga segistid: Lihtne ja Tõhus Vee Sääst
Vee säästmine on tänapäeval üha olulisem teema, eriti arvestades veepuudust, mis paljudes maailma piirkondades valitseb. Üks võimalus, kuidas igaüks saab sellele probleemile kaasa aidata, on paigaldada isesulguva vajutuse mehhanismiga segistid. Need segistid on saanud üha populaarsemaks tänu oma tõhususele ja lihtsusele. Selles artiklis vaatleme lähemalt, mis need segistid on ja millised on nende eelised.
Ideaalsed Avalikes Kohtades
Isesulguva vajutuse mehhanismiga segistid on eriti ideaalsed avalikes kohtades, nagu restoranid, kohvikud, kontorid ja kaubanduskeskused. Miks? Sest need segistid võimaldavad kasutajatel hügieeniliselt käsi pesta, ilma et nad peaksid segisti käepidemeid puudutama. See vähendab oluliselt bakterite levikut ja aitab säilitada puhtust.
Kuidas Isesulguv Vajutusmehhanism Töötab
Isesulguv vajutuse mehhanismiga segisti tööpõhimõte on ülilihtne. Kasutaja vajutab segisti käepidemele, ja vesi hakkab voolama. Kui kasutaja lõpetab vajutamise, siis voolab vesi veel mõneks sekundiks, et kasutajal oleks piisavalt aega käsi korralikult loputada. Seejärel lülitub segisti automaatselt välja. See mehhanism tagab selle, et vett ei raisata ja kasutajad saavad käsi pesta piisava aja jooksul.
Veekulu Vähendamine
Isesulguva vajutuse mehhanismiga segistid aitavad oluliselt vähendada veekulu. Tavaliste segistite puhul võib juhtuda, et inimesed unustavad segisti kinni keerata, mis viib liigse veekasutuseni. Ise sulguva mehhanismiga segistid ei jäta ruumi sellisteks hooletusteks. Need tagavad, et vesi jookseb ainult siis, kui seda vajatakse, ja peatub automaatselt.
Keskkonnasõbralik Lahendus
Vee säästmine ei mõjuta mitte ainult rahakotti, vaid ka keskkonda. Kuna isesulguvad segistid vähendavad veekulu, aitavad nad säästa väärtuslikku ressurssi ja vähendada survet veekogumissüsteemidele. See on samm keskkonnasõbralikuma tuleviku suunas.
Isesulguva vajutuse mehhanismiga segistid on lihtne, tõhus ja keskkonnasõbralik lahendus veesäästuks. Need sobivad suurepäraselt avalikesse kohtadesse, kus hügieen on esmatähtis, ning aitavad hoida puhtust ja vähendada veekulu. Kasutades neid segisteid, saate säästa nii raha kui ka keskkonda ning teha oma panuse veepuuduse probleemi lahendamisse.
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
Peitsegisti 30 sek töötsükkel
657,00 €
Peitsegisti 30 sek töötsükkel
733,00 €
Peitsegisti 30 sek töötsükkel
Antiblock süsteemiga
776,00 €
Bidee ventiil, kraan eelsegatud, või külma veele 1/2"
Isesulguva mehhanismiga, kroom
135,00 €
Ref. 731005
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulation of temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
190 lpm - M1 1/2".
2647,00 €
Ref. 731500
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulation of temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
190 lpm - M1 1/2".
2647,00 €
Ref. 731055
Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulates temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with thermostatic cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C).
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at >65°C leads to premature aging within the system).
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
190 lpm - M1 1/2".
2647,00 €
Ref. 731004
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulation of temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
140 lpm - M1 ¼".
2049,00 €
Ref. 731400
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulation of temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
140 lpm - M1 1/4".
2049,00 €
Ref. 731054
Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulates temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum.
Pressure differences at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C).
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at >65°C leads to premature aging within the system).
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
140 lpm - M1 1/4 ".
2049,00 €
Ref. 731003
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° - 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulates temperature variations.
Filters and non-return valves can be accessed from the outside without removing the mechanism.
Thermal shock with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum.
Pressure difference at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 - 10 bar (1 - 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
90 lpm - M1".
1427,00 €
Ref. 731300
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulation of temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
90 lpm - M1".
1427,00 €
Ref. 731053
Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulates temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with thermostatic cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C).
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at >65°C leads to premature aging within the system).
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
90 lpm - M1".
1427,00 €
Ref. 731002
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° - 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulates temperature variations.
Filters and non-return valves can be accessed from the outside without removing the mechanism.
Thermal shock with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum.
Pressure difference at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 - 10 bar (1 - 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
55 lpm - M3/4".
919,00 €
Ref. 731200
Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulation of temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring).
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
55 lpm - M 3/4".
921,00 €
Ref. 731052
Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C:
Anti-scalding safety.
Regulates temperature variations.
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob).
Interchangeable cartridge with thermostatic cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body.
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C.
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini.
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended).
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended).
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring).
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom.
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C).
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at > 65°C leads to premature aging within the system).
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer.
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use.
55 lpm - M3/4".
921,00 €
Delabie Joogifontöön ILHA H-915mm R-V teras
Floor-standing ILHA drinking fountain
Ref. 180100
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 0.8mm.
Height: 915mm.
Supplied with bubbler tap: chrome-plated, instant shut-offand adjustable flow rate, inlet M⅜".
Flat perforated waste, without screws:easy to clean and vandal-resistant.
Recessed vertical water outlet. Waste outlet 1¼".
Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 9.6kg.
Floor-standing ILHA drinking fountain
Ref. 180100Height | 915mm |
Length | 320mm |
Width | 320mm |
Thickness | 0.8mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
1049,00 €
Delabie Joogifontöön ILHA JR H-800mm R-V teras
Floor-standing ILHA JR drinking fountain
Ref. 180110
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm.
Height: 800mm for children.
Supplied with bubbler tap: chrome-plated, instant shut-offand adjustable flow rate, inlet M⅜".
Flat perforated waste, without screws: easy to clean and vandal-resistant.
Recessed vertical water outlet. Waste outlet 1¼".
Weight: 9kg.
Floor-standing ILHA JR drinking fountain
Ref. 180110Height | 800mm |
Length | 320mm |
Width | 320mm |
Thickness | 1.5mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
969,00 €
Delabie kontaktivaba eelsegatud/külmavee kraan seinale 379MCHB BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 379ENCB
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
Recessed installation.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (limits bacterial niches).
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 379ENCBSupply | Mains supply 230/12V |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 200mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
745,00 €
Delabie kontaktivaba elektronik segisti seinale 379MCHB BINOPTIC MIX 230/12V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 379MCHB
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
Cross wall installation ≤110mm
Cable for sensor L. 120mm, flexibles and mounting all pass through the same hole.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces bacterial niches).
Side temperature control with standard lever and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 379MCHBSupply | Mains supply 230/12V |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 230mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
929,00 €
Angled isolating valve
Ref. 730804.2P
Ball valve with filter and testpoint (to connect pressureand temperature gauges).
466,00 €
Angled isolating valve
Ref. 730802.2P
Ball valve with filter and testpoint (to connect pressureand temperature gauges).
275,00 €
Ref. 733015
PREMIX COMPACT thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 30 - 60°C:
For 2 to 7 sanitary points-of-use (depending on the flow rate).
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Adjustable temperature from 30 - 60°C, can be blocked by the installer.
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves.
Minimum flow rate to operate: 5 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Nickel-plated brass with blue control cap.
171,00 €
Ref. 733020
PREMIX COMPACT thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 30 - 60°C:
For 2 to 10 sanitary points-of-use (depending on the flow rate).
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails.
Adjustable temperature from 30 - 60°C, can be blocked by the installer.
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves.
Minimum flow rate to operate: 5 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Nickel-plated brass with blue control cap.
171,00 €
PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve
Ref. 732116
Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 - 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water fails.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves.
Minimum flow rate to operate: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Chrome-plated brass body M1/2'' inlets and Ø 15mm conical outlets.
195,00 €
PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve
Ref. 732115
Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 - 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water fails.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves.
Minimum flow rate to operate: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Nickel-plated brass body M1/2'' inlets and Ø 15mm conical outlets.
165,00 €
PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve
Ref. 732216
Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 to 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic water shut-off in case of hot or cold water supply failure.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Non-return valves and filters.
Minimum flow rate for operation: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Polished chrome body, hot water inlet F3/8", cold water inlet M3/8"and mixed water outlet M3/8".
195,00 €
PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve
Ref. 732016
Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 to 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic water shut-off in case of hot or cold water supply failure.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Non-return valves and filters.
Minimum flow rate for operation: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Chrome-plated body, inlets F3/8" and outlet M3/8".
195,00 €
PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve
Ref. 732012
Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 to 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic water shut-off in case of hot or cold water supply failure.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Non-return valves and filters.
Minimum flow rate for operation: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Nickel-plated body, inlets F3/8" and outlet M3/8".
162,00 €
TEMPOMIX time flow mixer
Ref. 795000
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:
Soft-touch operation.
Temperature control and operation via the push-button.
Time flow ~7 seconds.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Chrome-plated solid brass body.
Ergonomic chrome-plated metal push-button.
PEX flexibles with stopcocks F3/8", filters and non-return valves.
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
360,00 €