Tork 100297 Xpress Multifold (H2) PREMIUM Extra Soft W-voltimine, lehtkätepaberrätikud eriti pehme 21×100 tk
tselluloos, 2-kihiline, 34 x 21.2cm, 100 lehte pakis, valge, QuicDry tehnoloogia
1 kast 21 pakki
Pakkuge oma külalistele ülimat kätekuivatamise kogemust ja mugavust Tork Xpress® Soft Multifold suurte ja eriti pehmete mitme voldiga käterättidega, mis on õrnad kätele ja jätavad väga kvaliteetse mulje.
Need rätid sobivad kasutamiseks käterättide jaoturis Tork Xpress® Multifold,
keskmise külastajate arvuga pesuruumides. Jaotur mahub väikesesse ruumi ning on külastajatele hügieeniline ja mugav. Pakis 100 lehte, kastis 21 pakki.
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
d line Cup dispenser wall mounted produced in AISI 316 satin or polished stainless steel. The design is characterized by simplicity and functionality, and the minimalistic exterior hides advanced technic that ensures the products strength and durability for many years. d line as Roholmsvej 12F DK-2620 Albertslund Product care: d line products are produced in the highest quality stainless steel, marine grade, AISI 316. To sustain the unique d line surface appearance please follow the below instructions: Wash down the surfaces using soapy water or mild detergent Always thoroughly rinse off with clean water To complete the cleaning procedure dry/polish the surfaces with a soft dry cloth Please do not use scouring powder, steel wool, chloride based detergents or other aggressive cleaning products as these may damage the surface. If spots or corrosion appear on the surface it is not due to the stainless steel quality, but to impurities in the environment, aggressive conditions or improper or insufficient cleaning