35.58 EUR
1067.5 EUR

Kätepaberi Dosaatorid ja Paberrätiku Hoidjad (Rullrätikud)

Kätepaberi Dosaatorid ja Paberrätiku Hoidjad (Rullrätikud)

Lehtpaberidosaator  või kätepaberidosaator on seade, mis võimaldab paberit käepärast hoida ja seda lihtsalt kasutada. Seda kasutatakse laialdaselt erinevates kohtades, nagu vannitoad, köögid, kontorid ja muud ühiskondlikud kohad.

Kätepaberidosaatorid võivad olla valmistatud erinevatest materjalidest, nagu plastik, metall ja puit. Need on saadaval erinevates suurustes, mahutades erinevaid paberikoguseid. Mõned lehtpaberidosaatorid on ka mitmekülgsed, võimaldades kasutada erinevat tüüpi paberit, nagu rätikud, tualettpaber või köögipaber.

Lehtpaberidosaatorid võivad olla väga kasulikud vannitubades, kuna need võimaldavad külalistel ja töötajatel käte kuivatamiseks hõlpsasti juurdepääsu paberile. Samuti võib neid kasutada köögis, et kiiresti puhastada pindu ja vältida bakterite levikut. Kontorites võivad lehtpaberidosaatorid aidata töötajatel kiiresti puhastada oma töökohti ja seadmeid.

Lisaks kasulikkusele on lehtpaberidosaatorid ka keskkonnasõbralikumad kui traditsioonilised rullpaberid, mis võivad põhjustada raiskamist ja jäätmete tekkimist. Lehtpaberidosaatorid võimaldavad kasutajatel võtta just nii palju paberit kui vaja, vältides ülemäärase paberi raiskamist.

Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et lehtpaberidosaatorid on mugavad ja praktilised seadmed, mis võivad aidata hoida ruume puhtana ning võimaldada inimestel käepärast hoida ja kasutada paberit vastavalt nende vajadustele. Neid saab kasutada erinevates kohtades, et luua hügieenilisem ja keskkonnasõbralikum keskkond.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.


The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3275 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032757
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: RAL 9005 Gloss 10
Tootekood: DAN3275 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
677,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.



The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3280 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032801
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: Optional RAL-colour
Tootekood: DAN3280 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
815,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.


The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3270 / EAN no. 5-709818-032702
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: RAL 9003, gloss 60


Tootekood: DAN3270 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
677,00 €

Kätepaberidosaator sensoriga Wagner Ewar 1+1 roll pattareiga R/V teras poleeritud


350 x 580 x 210 mm
1 paper roll + 1 reserve roll

Choose product variant

  • Sensor paper roll dispenser with cabinet for reserve roll, battery-powered, in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed with tapered glossy surface at the bottom.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With touch-free operated, capacitive sensor technology, sensor distance approx. 3.5 cm.
    Paper length and idle time adjustable.
    Battery-powered with four standard 1.5 V Mono/LR20/12 A batteries. 
  • Designed for one paper roll and one reserve roll with dimensions: Width 215 mm, outer diameter max. 180 mm, inner diameter 50 mm. 
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level, residual roll function allows a reserve roll to be inserted before residual roll is completely used up. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable door. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with one paper roll.
  • Weight (in kg): 12,4
satin finished (standard) 733260
highly polished 732260
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728260
Suggested text for specifications:

Sensor paper roll dispenser with cabinet for reserve roll, battery-powered, in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed with tapered glossy surface at the bottom. With touch-free operated, capacitive sensor technology. Paper length and idle time adjustable. Battery-powered with four standard 1.5 V Mono/LR20/12 A batteries. Designed for one paper roll and one reserve roll with dimensions: Width 215 mm, outer diameter max. 180 mm, inner diameter 50 mm. Inspection slot to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable door. Residual roll function allows a reserve roll to be inserted before residual roll is completely used up. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with one paper roll. 

Dimensions: 350 x 580 x 210 mm

Article No. WP1401
Tootekood: WAG-WP1401P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1014,13 € (5%)
1067,50 €

Kätepaberidosaator sensoriga Wagner Ewar 1+1 roll pattareiga R/V teras satiin


350 x 580 x 210 mm
1 paper roll + 1 reserve roll

Choose product variant

  • Sensor paper roll dispenser with cabinet for reserve roll, battery-powered, in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed with tapered glossy surface at the bottom.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With touch-free operated, capacitive sensor technology, sensor distance approx. 3.5 cm.
    Paper length and idle time adjustable.
    Battery-powered with four standard 1.5 V Mono/LR20/12 A batteries. 
  • Designed for one paper roll and one reserve roll with dimensions: Width 215 mm, outer diameter max. 180 mm, inner diameter 50 mm. 
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level, residual roll function allows a reserve roll to be inserted before residual roll is completely used up. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable door. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with one paper roll.
  • Weight (in kg): 12,4
satin finished (standard) 733260
highly polished 732260
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728260
Suggested text for specifications:

Sensor paper roll dispenser with cabinet for reserve roll, battery-powered, in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed with tapered glossy surface at the bottom. With touch-free operated, capacitive sensor technology. Paper length and idle time adjustable. Battery-powered with four standard 1.5 V Mono/LR20/12 A batteries. Designed for one paper roll and one reserve roll with dimensions: Width 215 mm, outer diameter max. 180 mm, inner diameter 50 mm. Inspection slot to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable door. Residual roll function allows a reserve roll to be inserted before residual roll is completely used up. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with one paper roll. 

Dimensions: 350 x 580 x 210 mm

Article No. WP1401
Tootekood: WAG-WP1401S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
886,64 € (5%)
933,30 €
  •  Arc Front Surface Mounted Auto-Cut Roll Paper Towel Dispenser shall hold and dispense one 205mm wide, 170 mm diameter, non-perforated paper towel rolls.

  •  Touch-Free pull towel mechanism dispenses one 280 mm length of towel paper per pull. User only touches the paper.

  •  Structural assembly of all components shall be of welded construction.

  •  Compact, robust and vandal-proof design.

  •  Suitable for collectivities. It can be installed in hospitals, elderly centers, offices, production centers kitchens and catering, etc.

    Components & materials

  •  DT0208ACS: Stainless steel satin finish, 0.8

    mm thick.

  •   UNIT FRAME AND CABINET: made in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick.

  •   COVER: made in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick. It is attached to the back plate with two pivots and shall be held closed with a tumbler lock keyed alike to other washroom equipment. Locking door prevents unauthorized access or removal.

  •   OPERATION LABEL: permanently affixed to inside rear panel to illustrate correct paper loading,

Tootekood: MDT0208ACS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
441,75 € (5%)
465,00 €

• Manual centre feed paper towel dispenser, surface mounted, designed and manufactured by Mediclinics.

• Robust and vandal-resistant, these dispensers are designed to be installed in any type of public washroom with high traffic of people. Models for a more efficient use of the paper and suitable for different washroom environments: gymnasiums, sports centers, hospitals and health centers, restaurants and similar type of installations; solutions even for use in different places.

• All these models have a front sliding door, especially designed for an easy paper replacement. They have been designed to facilitate and optimize the rational use of the paper, such as for example the toothed paper outlet that facilitates the paper cutting.

• All Mediclinics paper tower dispensers are supplied with a lock and special key for opening and screws.


Technical specifications

Dimensions  261x376x261mm

Paper roll capacity MAX d270mm

Paper height Max 270mm

Thickness of metal components 0.8mm

Weight (empty) 3.1

Tootekood: MDT0303C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
204,25 € (5%)
215,00 €

• Manual centre feed paper towel dispenser, surface mounted, designed and manufactured by Mediclinics.

• Robust and vandal-resistant, these dispensers are designed to be installed in any type of public washroom with high traffic of people. Models for a more efficient use of the paper and suitable for different washroom environments: gymnasiums, sports centers, hospitals and health centers, restaurants and similar type of installations; solutions even for use in different places.

• All these models have a front sliding door, especially designed for an easy paper replacement. They have been designed to facilitate and optimize the rational use of the paper, such as for example the toothed paper outlet that facilitates the paper cutting.

• All Mediclinics paper tower dispensers are supplied with a lock and special key for opening and screws.


Technical specifications

Dimensions  261x376x261mm

Paper roll capacity MAX d270mm

Paper height Max 270mm

Thickness of metal components 0.8mm

Weight (empty) 3.1

Tootekood: MDT0303CS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
204,25 € (5%)
215,00 €

• Manual centre feed paper towel dispenser, surface mounted, designed and manufactured by Mediclinics.

• Robust and vandal-resistant, these dispensers are designed to be installed in any type of public washroom with high traffic of people. Models for a more efficient use of the paper and suitable for different washroom environments: gymnasiums, sports centers, hospitals and health centers, restaurants and similar type of installations; solutions even for use in different places.

• All these models have a front sliding door, especially designed for an easy paper replacement. They have been designed to facilitate and optimize the rational use of the paper, such as for example the toothed paper outlet that facilitates the paper cutting.

• All Mediclinics paper tower dispensers are supplied with a lock and special key for opening and screws.


Technical specifications

Dimensions  261x376x261mm

Paper roll capacity MAX d270mm

Paper height Max 270mm

Thickness of metal components 0.8mm

Weight (empty) 3.1

Tootekood: MDT0303 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
137,75 € (5%)
145,00 €

Midi hoidik TORK 559008 M2, rullkätepaberile dosaator, plastik, must 

Elevation tootesarja Tork® kesktõmbega hoidik on suure mahutavusega ja mitmekülgne lahendus äri- ja töötingimustes, kus on vaja pühkida nii käsi kui ka pindasid. Kiire pindade pühkimine tänu piiramatu juurdevoolu funktsioonile, mis võimaldab kasutajatel korraga võtta toiminguks vajaliku koguse. Elevation-jaoturitel on otstarbekas ja kaasaegne disain.


  • Üldised hügieenitingimused paranevad, sest puhastamine on lihtne
  • Mitmekülgne lukustusmehhanism aitab piirata väärkasutust
  • Ühe käega käsitsemise võimalus muudab kasutamise lihtsaks
  • Vaba vooga väljastamine paindlikkuse tagamiseks ja ristsaastumise kontrolli all hoidmiseks

Toote- ja tarneandmed 

M2 – keskse etteande süsteem 
Kõrgus 36 cm 
Laius 23.9 cm 
Pikkus 22.7 cm 
Materjal Plast 
Värv Must 
Tootekood: TOR-559008 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
90,25 € (5%)
95,00 €


172 x 79 x 130 mm

  • Wet wipe toilet paper dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Designed for one standard wet wipe toilet paper box with dimensions of approx. 165 x 78 x 121 mm
  • Accessible through hinged lid.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,3
satin finished (standard) 727525
highly polished 731525
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 729525
Suggested text for specifications:

Wet wipe toilet paper dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Designed for one standard wet wipe toilet paper box. Accessible through hinged lid. Delivery includes fixing material.

Dimensions: 172 x 79 x 135 mm

Article No. WP119


Tootekood: WAG-WP119 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
162,26 € (5%)
170,80 €


269 x 122,5 x 76 mm
for 1 Kleenex® - box

  • Tissue dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Designed for one standard Kleenex® tissue box with dimensions of approx. 240 mm x 115 x 70 mm.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,5
satin finished (standard) 727520
highly polished 731520
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728520
Suggested text for specifications:

Tissue dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Designed for one standard Kleenex® tissue box. Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material. 

Dimensions: 269 x 122,5 x 76 mm
Tootekood: WAG-WP118 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
179,65 € (5%)
189,10 €


269 x 122,5 x 76 mm
for 1 Kleenex® - box

  • Tissue dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Designed for one standard Kleenex® tissue box with dimensions of approx. 240 mm x 115 x 70 mm.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,5
satin finished (standard) 727520
highly polished 731520
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728520
Suggested text for specifications:

Tissue dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Designed for one standard Kleenex® tissue box. Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material. 

Dimensions: 269 x 122,5 x 76 mm
Tootekood: WAG-WP118P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
243,39 € (5%)
256,20 €


70 x 30 x 0,8 mm
self adhesive

  • Pictogram with „Paper“ motif in 0.8 mm thick stainless steel (AISI 304), satin finished and brushed. 
  • Mounting with double-sided glue dots.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 0,1
satin finished (standard) 700426
Suggested text for specifications:

Pictogram for gluing with ‚Paper‘ motif in 0.8 mm thick stainless steel (AISI 304), satin finished and brushed. Delivery includes fixing material.

Dimensions: 70 x 30 x 0.8 mm

Article No. AC426
Tootekood: WAG-AC426 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
33,80 € (5%)
35,58 €

WP 1310/1311 COVERING FRAME 768656

for 350 x 448 mm

Tootekood: WAG-768656 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
81,13 € (5%)
85,40 €

WP 1410/1411 COVERING FRAME 768657

for 350 x 580 mm

Tootekood: WAG-768657 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
207,65 € (5%)
218,58 €

Tork H1 Sensor, Tork Matic® Intuition™-anduriga kätekuivatuspaberi dosaator must



Elevation-disainiga Tork Matic® Intuition™ anduriga rullkäterätijaotur pakub külastajatele ülimat puutevaba kätekuivatuskogemust. Tork Elevation-sarja jaoturite otstarbekas ja kaasaegne disain jätab külastajatele meeldiva mulje.
  • Ükshaaval doseerimine tarbimise vähendamiseks ja hügieenilisuse suurendamiseks
  • Lihtne hooldada  tänu taastäitmise LED-märgutulele, mis annab teada, kui on vaja täitetoodet lisada
  • Käterätiku pikkus on reguleeritav vastavalt teie ettevõtte vajadustele

Toote- ja tarneandmed 

H1 - Käterätiku rulli süsteem 
Kõrgus 36.8 cm 
Laius 33.1 cm 
Pikkus 20.6 cm 
Materjal Plast 
Värv Must 
Tootekood: TOR-551108 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
261,25 € (5%)
275,00 €

Tork H1 Sensor, Tork Matic® Intuition™-anduriga kätekuivatuspaberi dosaator valge



Elevation-disainiga Tork Matic® Intuition™ anduriga rullkäterätijaotur pakub külastajatele ülimat puutevaba kätekuivatuskogemust. Tork Elevation-sarja jaoturite otstarbekas ja kaasaegne disain jätab külastajatele meeldiva mulje.
  • Ükshaaval doseerimine tarbimise vähendamiseks ja hügieenilisuse suurendamiseks
  • Lihtne hooldada  tänu taastäitmise LED-märgutulele, mis annab teada, kui on vaja täitetoodet lisada
  • Käterätiku pikkus on reguleeritav vastavalt teie ettevõtte vajadustele

Toote- ja tarneandmed 

H1 - Käterätiku rulli süsteem 
Kõrgus 36.8 cm 
Laius 33.1 cm 
Pikkus 20.6 cm 
Materjal Plast 
Värv Valge
Tootekood: TOR-551100 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
261,25 € (5%)
275,00 €

Tork H1, Tork Matic®-paberiannutaja rullkätepaberile, must

Tork Matic® kätekuivatuspaberi dosaator on varustatud nutika anduriga, mis teeb selle kasutamise lihtsaks ja mugavaks. Dosaator annab välja kätekuivatuspaberi leht-lehelt, mis aitab säästa paberit ja vähendab kulu. Elevation-disainiga dosaator on lihtsasti hooldatav ning tagab kõrge külastatavusega pesuruumides sujuva toimimise.

Tork Elevation-sarja jaoturid on tuntud oma otstarbekuse ja kaasaegse disaini poolest, jättes külastajatele kauakestva mulje. Dosaatori valge värv ja stiilne välimus sobivad suurepäraselt erinevatesse interjööridesse.

Dosaatori mõõdud on 372 mm kõrgus, 337 mm laius ja 203 mm pikkus.

Selle valmistamisel on kasutatud vastupidavat plastmaterjali, mis tagab pikaajalise kasutamise.

Tork H1 Sensor, Tork Matic®-paberiannutaja rullkätepaberile, valge - see on praktiline ja elegantne valik, mis vastab nii funktsionaalsuse kui ka disaini nõuetele. Lihtne hooldus ja säästlik doseerimine teevad sellest dosaatorist ideaalse lahenduse kõrge külastatavusega kohtades, olgu selleks restoranid, hotellid, kontorid või ühiskasutatavad pesuruumid.

Saadaval PEGU e-poes! Valige Tork Matic®-paberiannutaja, et tagada kvaliteetne kätekuivatus ja viimistletud välimus oma pesuruumides!

Tootekood: TOR-551008 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
173,85 € (5%)
183,00 €

Tork H1, Tork Matic®-paberiannutaja rullkätepaberile, valge

Tork Matic® kätekuivatuspaberi dosaator on varustatud nutika anduriga, mis teeb selle kasutamise lihtsaks ja mugavaks. Dosaator annab välja kätekuivatuspaberi leht-lehelt, mis aitab säästa paberit ja vähendab kulu. Elevation-disainiga dosaator on lihtsasti hooldatav ning tagab kõrge külastatavusega pesuruumides sujuva toimimise.

Tork Elevation-sarja jaoturid on tuntud oma otstarbekuse ja kaasaegse disaini poolest, jättes külastajatele kauakestva mulje. Dosaatori valge värv ja stiilne välimus sobivad suurepäraselt erinevatesse interjööridesse.

Dosaatori mõõdud on 372 mm kõrgus, 337 mm laius ja 203 mm pikkus. Selle valmistamisel on kasutatud vastupidavat plastmaterjali, mis tagab pikaajalise kasutamise.

Tork H1 Sensor, Tork Matic®-paberiannutaja rullkätepaberile, valge - see on praktiline ja elegantne valik, mis vastab nii funktsionaalsuse kui ka disaini nõuetele. Lihtne hooldus ja säästlik doseerimine teevad sellest dosaatorist ideaalse lahenduse kõrge külastatavusega kohtades, olgu selleks restoranid, hotellid, kontorid või ühiskasutatavad pesuruumid.

Saadaval PEGU e-poes! Valige Tork Matic®-paberiannutaja, et tagada kvaliteetne kätekuivatus ja viimistletud välimus oma pesuruumides!

Tootekood: TOR-551000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
173,85 € (5%)
183,00 €

Tork Matic 460001 hoidik H1 Sensor, anduriga rull kätekuivatuspaberi jaotur RST

373 x 345 x 204 mm

Kätekuivatuspaberi jaotur Tork Matic® anduriga Intuition™tootesarjast Image Design tagab parima kätekuivatamise kogemuse.

Maitsekalt kujundatud tualettruum on sama oluline kui see pilt, mis avaneb külastajatele nende esmakordsel sisenemisel hoonesse. Puutevaba lehthaaval doseerimine vähendab tarbimist ja on hügieenilisem. Astuge lihtsalt kaunist disainist samm edasi ning pakkuge Tork Image-tootesarjaga tõelist elegantsi.

  • Ükshaaval doseerimine tarbimise vähendamiseks ja hügieenilisuse suurendamiseks
  • Käterätiku pikkus on reguleeritav vastavalt teie ettevõtte vajadustele
Tootekood: TOR-460001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
470,25 € (5%)
495,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee