35.58 EUR
1915 EUR

Kätepaberi Dosaatorid, Lehtpaberihoidjad, Paberrätiku Hoidjad (lehtpaberile)

Kätepaberi Dosaatorid, Lehtpaberihoidjad, Paberrätiku Hoidjad (lehtpaberile)

Kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad on olulised tarvikud avalikes kohtades, nagu kontorid, kaubanduskeskused, restoranid, hotellid ja muud ühiskondlikud kohad, kus hügieen on oluline. Need võimaldavad käte kuivatamist pärast kätepesu ning aitavad säilitada puhtust ja korrektsust. Siin on mõned olulised aspektid kätepaberidosaatorite ja lehtpaberihoidjate kohta:

  1. Hügieen: Kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad tagavad käte kuivatamise pärast kätepesu, mis on oluline hügieeni tagamiseks. Kuivatatud käed vähendavad bakterite ja viiruste levikut, aidates vältida nakkushaiguste levikut. Kvaliteetsed kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad võimaldavad paberite hügieenilist ja mugavat kasutamist.

  2. Kvaliteet: Kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad on saadaval erinevates kvaliteetsetes materjalides, nagu roostevaba teras, plastik või metall. Kvaliteetsed materjalid tagavad seadmete vastupidavuse ja pikaajalise kasutuse. Samuti on oluline valida kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad usaldusväärsetelt tootjatelt, et tagada nende vastavus hügieeninõuetele ja kvaliteedistandarditele.

  3. Mahutavus: Kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad on erineva mahutavusega, võimaldades valida vastavalt kasutuskohta ja -intensiivsusele. Suurema mahutavusega seadmed sobivad kõrgema külastatavusega kohtadesse, kus on vaja sagedamat täitmist, samas kui väiksema mahutavusega seadmed sobivad madalama külastatavusega kohtadesse.

  4. Disain: Kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad on saadaval erinevates disainides ja stiilides, mis võimaldavad valida vastavalt ruumi interjöörile ja stiilile. Näiteks võib roostevabast terasest kätepaberidosaator sobida hästi kaasaegse kontori või hotelli interjööriga, samas kui plastikust või metallist kätepaberidosaator sobib paremini madalama eelarvega kohtadesse.

  5. Paigaldus: Kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad võivad olla seinale paigaldatavad või lauale asetatavad, sõltuvalt ruumi võimalustest ja vajadustest. Seinale paigaldatavad seadmed säästavad ruumi ja võivad olla mugavamad

    paigutada kõrgemalt, vältides paberite kahjustamist või niiskuse mõju. Lauale asetatavad kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad võivad olla liikuvamad ja paindlikumad paigutuse osas.

    Kokkuvõttes on kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad olulised tarvikud avalikes kohtades, mis tagavad hügieenilise käte kuivatamise pärast kätepesu. Oluline on valida kvaliteetsed seadmed vastavalt kasutuskohta, mahutavust, disaini ja paigaldusvõimalusi arvesse võttes. Kvaliteetsed kätepaberidosaatorid ja lehtpaberihoidjad tagavad tõhusa kätekuivatamise ja aitavad säilitada puhtust ja korrektsust avalikes ruumides.


Kätepaberidosaatorid, paberrätiku hoidjad lehtpaberile, lehtpaberihoidjad

terasest, metallist, roostevabsst terasest.

Musta, valge või RAL tooniga värvitud.

Kroomitud, poleeritud ja harjatud Roostevabast terasest.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.


The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3275 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032757
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: RAL 9005 Gloss 10
Tootekood: DAN3275 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
677,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.



The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3280 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032801
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: Optional RAL-colour
Tootekood: DAN3280 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
815,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.


The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3270 / EAN no. 5-709818-032702
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: RAL 9003, gloss 60


Tootekood: DAN3270 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
677,00 €


Countertop Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser

Satin-finish stainless steel. Flange has 90° return. Towels load into top of dispenser. Dispenses 300 C-fold or multifold towels. Unit 12 ¾" W, 6" front to back depth (325 x 150mm); 17" (430mm) min. clearance below mounting surface is required. Rough Countertop Cutout: 12 ¼" W (310mm), 4 ½" front to back depth (115mm), ¾" to 1 ½" (19 to 38mm) mounting thickness. Housing below countertop to conceal dispenser is not included.
Tootekood: BOB-526 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
645,00 €

Classic hoidik Mini SATINO lehtkätepaberile,  plastik valge

Seinapeale kinnitatav Classik mini hoidik lehtkätepaberile.

Ökonoomne ja lihtne kasutada kõikides erinevates pesuruumides. 
Mini hoidik on ideaalne lahendus väiksema külastatavusega pesuruumides. 
Hoidiku mõõtmed: 327 x 283 x 151mm (laius x kõrgus x sügavus).

Folded Towel Dispenser small

PT3 compatible

The flexible and economical choice for low to medium frequencies, but with all the advantages of the large dispenser. Easy to use and suitable for all fold types.


  • Individually settable sheet width and depth.
  • Attractive design that blends well into all washrooms
  • Fill level window on the side 
  • Satino by WEPA mounting plate enables quick mounting or replacing
  • With Satino standard and permanent key



Folded Towel Dispenser Small



Dimensions (mm)

327 (W) x 283 (H) x 151 (D)



Packaging unit




Filling Capacity

2 Pack Z,W,V,C-Fold

Width transport unit (cm)


Height of transport unit (cm)


Length of transport unit (cm)




net weight / Dispenser (kg)


Pack scheme pallet (amount x layer)

15 x 7

Pallet height (cm)



Tootekood: WEP-331020 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
63,00 €

Classic hoidik SATINO lehtkätepaberile,  plastik valge

Seinapeale kinnitatav Classik hoidik lehtkätepaberile.

Ökonoomne ja lihtne kasutada kõikides erinevates pesuruumides.

Suur hoidik on ideaalne tiheda külastatavusega pesuruumides.

Hoidiku mõõtmed: 327 x 440 x 151mm (laius x kõrgus x sügavus).

Folded towel dispenser large

PT3 compatible

Unbeatably flexible, easy to use and economical in consumption: the large folded towel dispenser features particularly long supply security and is the perfect choice for high visitor numbers and frequent use. Suitable for all fold types.


  • Individually settable sheet width and depth.
  • Attractive design that blends well into all washrooms
  • Fill level window on the side 
  • Satino by WEPA mounting plate enables quick mounting or replacing
  • With Satino standard and permanent key





Unbeatably flexible, easy to use and economical in consumption: the large folded towel dispenser features particularly long supply security and is the perfect choice for high visitor numbers and frequent use. Suitable for all fold types.



Folded Towel Dispenser Large



Dimensions (mm)

327 (W) x 440 (H) x 151 (D)



Packaging unit




Filling Capacity

3 Pack Z,W,V,C-Fold

Width transport unit (cm)


Height of transport unit (cm)


Length of transport unit (cm)




net weight / Dispenser (kg)


Pack scheme pallet (amount x layer)

14 x 4

Pallet height (cm)


Tootekood: WEP-331010 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
67,00 €

Interfold hoidik TORK H2 lehtkätepaberile dosaator, valge plastic



Length 102 cm

Width 30.2 cm

Height 44.4 cm

Tootekood: TOR-552000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
99,75 € (5%)
105,00 €

Interfold hoidik TORK H2 mini, lehtkätepaberile dosaator, must plastic



Length 30.2 cm

Width 10.1 cm

Height 29.5 cm

Tootekood: TOR-552108 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
75,05 € (5%)
79,00 €

Interfold hoidik TORK H2 mini, lehtkätepaberile dosaator, valge plastic



Length 30.2 cm

Width 10.1 cm

Height 29.5 cm

Tootekood: TOR-552100 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
75,05 € (5%)
79,00 €

Interfold hoidik TORK H2, dosaator lehtkätepaberile, must plastic

Värvus: must.


Length 10.2 cm

Width 30.2 cm

Height 44.4 cm

Tootekood: TOR-552008 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
99,75 € (5%)
105,00 €

Intra Easy lehträrikute paberi dosaator RST AISI304

Mõõt 281 x 371 x 103 

Roostevaba teras AISI 304

Paksus 0,8 mm

Paigalduse kõrgus 1587

Brutto kaal 2.30 kg

Netto kaal 2 kg



Tootekood: I-ASI0210 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
225,00 €


298 x 645 x 164 mm
ca. 250 paper towels / 11 l

  • Combination consisting of a paper towel dispenser and a waste bin in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 250 standard paper towels in zigzag- or c-fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap. 
  • Waste bin equipped with removable mesh basket. Capacity approx. 11 l. Accessible through lockable door with self-closing, flame-retardant disposal flap. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder locks in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts and front panels can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: 300 x 647 x 154 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 8,5
Tootekood: WAG-WP501P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
851,87 € (5%)
896,70 €


298 x 645 x 164 mm
ca. 250 paper towels / 11 l

  • Combination consisting of a paper towel dispenser and a waste bin in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 250 standard paper towels in zigzag- or c-fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap. 
  • Waste bin equipped with removable mesh basket. Capacity approx. 11 l. Accessible through lockable door with self-closing, flame-retardant disposal flap. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder locks in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts and front panels can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: 300 x 647 x 154 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 8,5
Tootekood: WAG-WP501S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
747,56 € (5%)
786,90 €
B-262 ClassicSeries® 

Surface-Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser

Satin-finish stainless steel. Dispenses 400 C-fold or 525 multifold towels. Door has tumbler lock and piano-hinge. Hemmed towel tray opening. Unit 10 3/4″ W, 14″ H, 4″ D (275 x 355 x 100mm).

Tootekood: BOB-262 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-5 nädala
159,00 €

Paper towel dispenser and Saniflow and Waste bin


This product range is especially designed to save space and provide solutions (2x1 and up to 3x1) with the possibility of providing three solutions in one body. Units designed to be recessed mounted or mounted on a surface that have a modern design and resistant materials, which are the best solution for locations that wish to be innovative. 

The types of combined units provide:

Paper towel dispensers + Saniflow hand dryer® + bin

It is entirely welded, with a paper towel dispenser with riveted tray that prevents tearing the paper; accepts C and Z folded paper towels. Saniflow® automatic hand dryer and AISI 304 stainless steel bin, which is extractible so that it may be easily dumped. Optionally, a frame is available for installing on a surface. 

Paper towel dispensers + paper bins

Several solutions are provided in this category depending on the type of paper used, rolls or towels, and the capacity of the bin, which ranges from 6.1 litres to 53 litres. The paper loads range between 200 towels and 800 towels in models C/Z and 200 mm in diameter in models that use paper rolls.
Tootekood: MDTES0040CS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1819,25 € (5%)
1915,00 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + seebidosaator 500ml pudeliga poleeritud R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,4
satin finished (standard) 727780
highly polished 731780
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728780
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550
Tootekood: WAG-WP550P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
614,27 € (5%)
646,60 €


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,4
satin finished (standard) 727780
highly polished 731780
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728780
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550
Tootekood: WAG-WP550 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
492,58 € (5%)
518,50 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + sensoriga seebidosaator 500ml pudeliga poleeritud R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / sensor with 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Sensor liquid soap dispenser with EWAR® eModule touch-free operated soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,8
satin finished (standard) 727782
highly polished 731782
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728782
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Sensor liquid soap dispenser with touch-free operated soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550e
Tootekood: WAG-WP550eP ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
753,35 € (5%)
793,00 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + sensoriga seebidosaator 500ml pudeliga satiin R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / sensor with 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Sensor liquid soap dispenser with EWAR® eModule touch-free operated soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,8
satin finished (standard) 727782
highly polished 731782
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728782
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Sensor liquid soap dispenser with touch-free operated soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550e
Tootekood: WAG-WP550e ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
654,84 € (5%)
689,30 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + vahuseebidosaator 400ml pudeliga poleeritud R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 400 ml foam soap concentrate

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels.
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550-5
Tootekood: WAG-WP550-5P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
672,22 € (5%)
707,60 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + vahuseebidosaator 400ml pudeliga satiin R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 400 ml foam soap concentrate

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels.
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550-5
Tootekood: WAG-WP550-5 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
544,73 € (5%)
573,40 €

ABS, valge

kaal 1


Rätikud max 260x100mm

C/Z volditud rätikute mahutavas 400-600 tk



Tootekood: P60558 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
85,50 € (10%)
95,00 €

Kätepaberidosaator Alumiiniumist Ophardt HS15A


kaal 1,8 kg


Rätikud max 260x100mm

C/Z volditud rätikute mahutavas 250-300 tk



Tootekood: HS15A ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
106,00 €
Kätepaberidosaator HEWI 477 valge polyamide, raam kollane

Paper towel dispenser

Range 477 Paper towel dispenser
- rectangular shaped housing with large radii
- holds commercially available paper towels with various folds in widths of 235 - 250 mm and folded lengths / depths of 80 - 110 mm (HEWI recommends paper towels with Z-fold)
- capacity approx. 300 - 450 paper towels
- Side level indicator
- With locking device as protection against misuse
- 287 mm wide, 354 mm high and 153 mm deep
- For wall mounting
- body made of high-gloss polyamide in HEWI colour 98 (signal white)
- Frame element / removal opening made of high-gloss polyamide according to HEWI colour chart
- including corrosion-free HEWI fixing material


Article number 477.06.60198 XX

HEWI Paper towel dispenser
body made of high-gloss polyamide in HEWI colour 98 (signal white), Frame element / removal opening made of high-gloss polyamide, width 287 mm, 354 mm high, 153 mm deep, to accommodate commercially available paper towels with different folds in width 235 - 250 mm and folded length / depth of 80 - 110 mm (HEWI recommends paper towels with Z-fold), Filling quantity approx. 300 - 450 pieces.
XX raami võimalikud värvid:
Tootekood: HEW-477.06.60198.18 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
238,00 €
Kätepaberidosaator HEWI 477 valge polyamide, raam punane 33

Paper towel dispenser

Range 477 Paper towel dispenser
- rectangular shaped housing with large radii
- holds commercially available paper towels with various folds in widths of 235 - 250 mm and folded lengths / depths of 80 - 110 mm (HEWI recommends paper towels with Z-fold)
- capacity approx. 300 - 450 paper towels
- Side level indicator
- With locking device as protection against misuse
- 287 mm wide, 354 mm high and 153 mm deep
- For wall mounting
- body made of high-gloss polyamide in HEWI colour 98 (signal white)
- Frame element / removal opening made of high-gloss polyamide according to HEWI colour chart
- including corrosion-free HEWI fixing material


Article number 477.06.60198 XX

HEWI Paper towel dispenser
body made of high-gloss polyamide in HEWI colour 98 (signal white), Frame element / removal opening made of high-gloss polyamide, width 287 mm, 354 mm high, 153 mm deep, to accommodate commercially available paper towels with different folds in width 235 - 250 mm and folded length / depth of 80 - 110 mm (HEWI recommends paper towels with Z-fold), Filling quantity approx. 300 - 450 pieces.
XX raami võimalikud värvid:
Tootekood: HEW-477.06.60198.33 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
238,00 €



298 x 298 x 121 mm
ca. 500 paper towels

  • Paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • For mounting in cabinet on site.
  • All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
  • With deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal.
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm.
  • Refillable from the top.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall.
  • Delivery includes fixing material, self-adhesive information label „Paper“ and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 2,4


Tootekood: WAG-WP175S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
196,65 € (5%)
207,00 €



200 x 300 x 185 mm
ca. 250 paper towels

  • Paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper guided through a non-wearing, constant pressure spring mechanism for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 250 standard paper towels in zigzag- or c-fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Accessible for refilling through spring flaps from the top. 
  • Installation dimensions: 266 x 155 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws from below with brackets. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 3,9
Tootekood: WAG-WP117P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
428,22 € (10%)
475,80 €



200 x 300 x 185 mm
ca. 250 paper towels

  • Paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper guided through a non-wearing, constant pressure spring mechanism for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 250 standard paper towels in zigzag- or c-fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Accessible for refilling through spring flaps from the top. 
  • Installation dimensions: 266 x 155 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws from below with brackets. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 3,9
Tootekood: WAG-WP117S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
367,83 € (10%)
408,70 €


Manual folded paper towel dispenser made of AISI 304 stainless steel, to be installed behind a mirror


• Manual folded paper towel dispenser, to be installed behind a mirror, with a high quality AISI 304 stainless steel body, designed and manufactured by Mediclinics S.A.

• Designed to be installed just behind a mirror and above the bathroom sink to maximize space within the bathroom.

• Easy to refill, it requires little space and it is a great choice for install in minimalist collective bathrooms.

• It can contain up to 600 Z-fold or 400 C-fold paper towels, without the need of any paper adapter.

• Body, back plate and paper outlet made of a single piece of folded and welded AISI 304 stainless steel.

• The geometry of the paper outlet minimizes the tear of the paper towel.

• Screws and plugs for brick wall mounting supplied

Tootekood: MDTM2106 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
75,05 € (5%)
79,00 €

Korpuse paksus 0,8 mm

teras, epoksükate

kaal 1,8 kg

Rätikud max 260x100mm

C/Z volditud rätikute mahutavas 400-600 tk



Tootekood: MD-DT2106 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee