175 EUR
3471 EUR

Köögisegistid Väljatõmmatava Käsidušiga | PEGU.ee

Köögisegistid Väljatõmmatava Käsidušiga | PEGU.ee

Köögisegistid väljatõmmatava käsidušiga on populaarsed ja praktilised segistid, mis võimaldavad sul mugavalt ja paindlikult juhtida veevoolu segisti otsas oleva väljatõmmatava otsa abil. Väljatõmmatav ots on tavaliselt voolikuga varustatud, mis võimaldab sul jõuda kaugematesse kohtadesse, näiteks suurtesse pottidesse, kraanikausis olevatele nõudele või muudele raskesti ligipääsetavatele kohtadele.

Köögisegistid väljatõmmatava otsaga pakuvad mitmeid eeliseid. Esiteks annavad need sulle suurema liikumisvabaduse köögis, võimaldades lihtsat ja mugavat veevoolu suunamist sinna, kuhu seda vaja on. Väljatõmmatava otsaga segistid võimaldavad sul täpsemalt juhtida veevoolu ja vee survejõudu vastavalt vajadusele.

Lisaks on väljatõmmatav dušš mugav abivahend toiduvalmistamiseks ja nõudepesuks. See võimaldab sul hõlpsasti loputada puu- ja köögivilju, pesta nõusid, puhastada kraanikausi või täita suuri nõusid. Väljatõmmatav ots võib olla mitme funktsiooniga, näiteks erineva tüüpi veesuunamise, dušširežiimi või pihustusrežiimi valikuga, mis annab sulle veelgi rohkem paindlikkust ja mugavust köögis.

Köögisegistid väljatõmmatava otsaga on saadaval erinevates disainides, stiilides ja hindades, võimaldades valida vastavalt oma eelistustele ja köögi stiilile. Enne ostmist veendu, et valitud segisti vastab sinu köögi veeühenduste jaoks, ning vali usaldusväärne bränd ja kvaliteetne segisti, et tagada pikaajaline ja usaldusväärne kasutus. Samuti veendu, et segistil on sobivad funktsioonid ja omadused vastavalt sinu vajadustele ja eelistustele.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Köögisegisti Damixa Osier Merkur L ,väljatõmmatav otsik, kroom


  • Keraamiline tööorgan.
  • Põletuskaitsega
  • Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
  • Külm start.
  • Pööratav jooksutoru.
  • 120° pöördepiiraja.
  • Kahe funktsiooniga dušipihusti.
  • Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
Tootekood: D1812100 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
288,00 € (10%)
320,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Osier Merkur pesumasina kraaniga, väljatõmmatava otsaga, kroom


Kitchen Mixer

Article no.:







Claus Rosager Nielsen

EAN no.:



Classic minimalist design

Modern design meets classical in Osier. A range of elegant taps with a tight, minimalist look. Exactly in line with Danish and Scandinavian design tradition. With its chrome or steel surface, Osier stands out from the crowd and is available with a classic, curved spout or a modern L-shaped spout. All Osier kitchen taps are available with pull-out spouts.

How we created Osier

The designer of Osier is Claus Rosager Nielsen. He is both designer and vice president of research & development at Damixa.

“The idea of giving Osier both a curved and L-shaped spout was to combine classical with modern design. In general, Osier follows the plain and simple lines to create a tight and minimalist feel. But with the option of the classic curved spout, a slightly different feel is achieved on the whole. So it’s up to the customer to choose,” says Claus Rosager Nielsen.

Tootekood: D1814000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
537,30 € (10%)
597,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Osier Merkur väljatõmmatav otsik, kroom

  • Keraamiline tööorgan.
  • Põletuskaitsega
  • Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
  • Külm start.
  • Pööratav jooksutoru.
  • 120° pöördepiiraja.
  • Kahe funktsiooniga dušipihusti.
  • Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
Tootekood: D1812000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
315,00 € (10%)
350,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Rowan 6712000, väljatõmmatav otsik, kroom

  • Keraamiline tööorgan.
  • Põletuskaitsega
  • Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
  • Aeraatori lihtne puhastus.
  • Pööratav jooksutoru.
  • Kahe funktsiooniga dušipihusti.
  • Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
Tootekood: D6712000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
256,50 € (10%)
285,00 €
  • Köögisegisti Damixa Rowan 6712000, väljatõmmatav otsik, kroomKeraamiline tööorgan.
  • Põletuskaitsega
  • Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
  • Aeraatori lihtne puhastus.
  • Pööratav jooksutoru.
  • Kahe funktsiooniga dušipihusti.
  • Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
Tootekood: D67120000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
256,50 € (10%)
285,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Rowan väljatõmmatava jooksutoru otsikuga kroom

  • Keraamiline tööorgan.
  • Põletuskaitsega
  • Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
  • Aeraatori lihtne puhastus.
  • Pööratav jooksutoru.
  • Kahe funktsiooniga dušipihusti.
  • Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.



Tootekood Viimistlus Seeria

6714000 EAN Nr.: 5708516811633 Kroom


1 käepide
Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada Põletuskaitsega (38oC)
Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save Aeraatori lihtne puhastus
Kahe funktsiooniga dušipihusti

Tootekood: D6714000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
388,80 € (10%)
432,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412800 PRO kroom

Pro Kitchen Mixer chrome

Article no.:







Halskov & Dalsgaard

Pro Köögisegisti kroom








Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D74128000 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
291,60 € (10%)
324,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412821 PRO matt valge

Pro Kitchen Mixer matt white

Article no.:



Matt White




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Pro Köögisegisti mat valge




Mat valge




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741282100 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
417,60 € (10%)
464,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412846 PRO harjatud sreel PVD

Pro Köögisegisti steel pvd




Steel PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard

Pro Kitchen Mixer steel pvd

Article no.:



Steel PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741284600 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
404,10 € (10%)
449,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412855 PRO harjatud grafiithall PVD 


120° pöördepiiraja
Keraamiline tööorgan
Külm start
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada 8/l min aerator

Spray function Flexible hose

Lahe disain ja pro funktsionaalsus

Kraan ei ole tänapäeval mitte ainult funktsionaalne tarbeese vaid ka disainiobjekt, mis väljendab köögi iseloomu ja sobib kodu stiiliga.

Silhouet Pro ühendab endas nii laheda disaini kui ka professionaalse köögikraani funktsionaalsuse. Silhouet Pro on varustatud paindliku vooliku ja dušiotsikuga, mis võimaldab valamut täies ulatuses kasutada. Veejoa saab hõlpsasti nurga alla suunata ja sel moel igat kohta puhastada ja pesta ning ühe nupulevajutusega aktiveerite veepihusti, et suuremad pinnad kiiresti ära loputada. Silhouet Pro sobib suurepäraselt moodsasse kööki 


ning lisab ka klassikalisele köögile tööstuslikku hõngu.


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741285500 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
417,60 € (10%)
464,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412861 PRO matt must

Pro Köögisegisti matt black




Matt black




Halskov & Dalsgaard

Pro Kitchen Mixer matt black

Article no.:



Matt black




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741286100 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
404,10 € (10%)
449,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412879 PRO harjatud messing PVD

Damixa Silhouet 7412879 köögisegisti PRO harjatud messing PVD


Pro Köögisegisti harjatud messing pvd




Harjatud messing PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard

Pro Kitchen Mixer brushed brass pvd

Article no.:



Brushed Brass PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741287900 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
404,10 € (10%)
449,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412887 PRO harjatud vask PVD

Damixa Silhouet 7412887 köögisegisti PRO harjatud vask PVD


Pro Köögisegisti harjatud vask pvd




Harjatud vask PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard

Pro Kitchen Mixer brushed copper pvd

Article no.:



Brushed Copper PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741288700 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
417,60 € (10%)
464,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7416221 Touchless Pro matt valge

Damixa Silhouet 7416221 köögisegisti Touchless Pro matt valge

Touchless Pro Köögisegisti mat valge


Puutetundlik köögisegisti




Mat valge




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Touchless Pro Kitchen Mixer matt white

Article no.:



Matt White




Halskov & Dalsgaard


Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.

With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.

Tootekood: D741622100 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
873,90 € (10%)
971,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet touchless 7416200 PRO kroom


Standard features:

120° swivel limitation Ceramic cartridge Rub-Clean
Standard installation 8/l min aerator Sensor

Easy handle regulation of temperature and flow Small velcro attached battery container
No extra space requirement

Spray function Flexible hose

Touchless Pro Kitchen Mixer chrome

Article no.:







Halskov & Dalsgaard

EAN no.:



Silhouet Touchless Pro is a new type of touchless taps, designed specifically for home use. Stylish, practical, and hygienic because you never have to touch the tap with dirty hands.

Silhouet Touchless Pro is equipped with a flexible hose and a showerhead, making it easy to use the entire sink. No need to struggle with large pots and pans under the tap; the hose makes it easy to angle the water stream and get into all nooks and crannies when washing and cleaning. One push of a button, and you activate the showerhead, letting you rinse large surfaces in no time at all.

Silhouet Touchless Pro gives you all the advantages of the touchless tap as well as the functionality of the professional kitchen.

Tootekood: D7416200 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 недели
652,50 € (10%)
725,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet touchless 7416255 PRO harjatud grafiithall PVD 

Puutetundlik köögisegisti

 Standard features:

120° swivel limitation Ceramic cartridge Rub-Clean
Standard installation 8/l min aerator Sensor

Easy handle regulation of temperature and flow Small velcro attached battery container
No extra space requirement

Spray function Flexible hose





Halskov & Dalsgaard


Silhouet Touchless Pro is a new type of touchless taps, designed specifically for home use. Stylish, practical, and hygienic because you never have to touch the tap with dirty hands.

Silhouet Touchless Pro is equipped with a flexible hose and a showerhead, making it easy to use the entire sink. No need to struggle with large pots and pans under the tap; the hose makes it easy to angle the water stream and get into all nooks and crannies when washing and cleaning. One push of a button, and you activate the showerhead, letting you rinse large surfaces in no time at all.

Silhouet Touchless Pro gives you all the advantages of the touchless tap as well as the functionality of the professional kitchen.



Tootekood: D741625500 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
873,90 € (10%)
971,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet touchless 7416261 PRO harjatud messing PVD

Damixa Silhouet touchless 7416261 köögisegisti PRO harjatud messing PVD


Puutetundlik köögisegisti

 Standard features:

120° swivel limitation Ceramic cartridge Rub-Clean
Standard installation 8/l min aerator Sensor

Easy handle regulation of temperature and flow Small velcro attached battery container
No extra space requirement

Spray function Flexible hose


Touchless Pro Kitchen Mixer brushed brass pvd

Article no.:



Brushed Brass PVD




Halskov & Dalsgaard

EAN no.:



Silhouet Touchless Pro is a new type of touchless taps, designed specifically for home use. Stylish, practical, and hygienic because you never have to touch the tap with dirty hands.

Silhouet Touchless Pro is equipped with a flexible hose and a showerhead, making it easy to use the entire sink. No need to struggle with large pots and pans under the tap; the hose makes it easy to angle the water stream and get into all nooks and crannies when washing and cleaning. One push of a button, and you activate the showerhead, letting you rinse large surfaces in no time at all.

Silhouet Touchless Pro gives you all the advantages of the touchless tap as well as the functionality of the professional kitchen.



Tootekood: D7416279 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
873,90 € (10%)
971,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet touchless 7416261 PRO matt must


Standard features:

120° swivel limitation Ceramic cartridge Rub-Clean
Standard installation 8/l min aerator Sensor

Easy handle regulation of temperature and flow Small velcro attached battery container
No extra space requirement

Spray function Flexible hose

Touchless Pro Kitchen Mixer matt black

Article no.:



Matt black




Halskov & Dalsgaard

EAN no.:



Silhouet Touchless Pro is a new type of touchless taps, designed specifically for home use. Stylish, practical, and hygienic because you never have to touch the tap with dirty hands.

Silhouet Touchless Pro is equipped with a flexible hose and a showerhead, making it easy to use the entire sink. No need to struggle with large pots and pans under the tap; the hose makes it easy to angle the water stream and get into all nooks and crannies when washing and cleaning. One push of a button, and you activate the showerhead, letting you rinse large surfaces in no time at all.

Silhouet Touchless Pro gives you all the advantages of the touchless tap as well as the functionality of the professional kitchen.

Tootekood: D7416261 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädala
873,90 € (10%)
971,00 €

Köögisegisti Damixa Space väljatõmatava osaga kroom

Tootekood: D1012000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
157,50 € (10%)
175,00 €

keraamilise kartridšiga



Tootekood: IDR-09426/03 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
483,12 € (10%)
536,80 €

Köögisegisti Oras Safira 1022S käsiharjaga


  • Õhusti tüüp Õhustatud veesammas
  • Ühenduse tüüp Vasest ühendustorud
  • Käsiduši tüüp Käsihari
  • Kahva tüüp Üks kahv, Kuuma/külma sümbolid
  • Mehaanilised osad ø 40 mm keraamiline seadeosa
  • Eriomadused Tsingikaokindel messing, 3S-Installation kinnitussüsteem
  • Jooksutoru tüüp Pööratav jooksutoru, Pöördenurga piiramise võimalus, Kergkonstruktsiooniga
  • Värv Kroom
  • Temperatuuri seaded Temperatuuri ja vee vooluhulga piiramise võimalus seadeosast


  • Vooluhulk 300 kPa0.17 l/s
  • Rõhukadu vooluhulgal (0.2 l/s)400 kPa


Tehnilised omadused
  • Tagasivoolu kaitse (EN1717)HC
  • Ühenduse mõõtØ10 mm
  • Kuum vesimax. +80°C
  • MaterjalMessing
  • Tööulatus213 mm
  • Kasutussurve50 - 1000 kPa
  • EN standard EN 817
  • Hääleklass I (ISO 3822)


Heakskiidud ja deklaratsiooid
  • STF-sertifikaat EUFI29-22005194-TH
  • KIWA SE1491
Tootekood: OR-1022S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
247,50 € (10%)
275,00 €

Köögisegisti painduva jooksutoruga Delabie 2526T2 kroom

Single hole deck-mounted mixer

Ref. 2526T2
Single hole deck-mounted mixer, flexible has no retainer, flexible H. 535mm maximum.
Mechanical mixer with flexible swivelling hand spray with smooth interior and hygienic flow straightener.
Ø 35mm ceramic cartridge.
Flow rate 9 lpm at 3 bar.
Slimline control lever.
Chrome-plated brass body. 
PEX flexibles F3/8" with filters and non-return valves.
Reinforced fixings.
Mixer suitable for intensive use in professional kitchens.


Single hole deck-mounted mixer

Ref. 2526T2
Flow rate 9 lpm
Tootekood: DE-2526T2 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
433,71 € (10%)
481,90 €

Köögisegisti pesumasinaventiiliga Damixa Rowan Pro mini profi kroom

  • Article no.: 67158
  • Finishes: Chrome
  • Standard Features:
  • Ceramic cartridge
  • Scalding protection (38ºC)
  • Eco-Save water saving feature
  • Cold-start
  • Swivel spout
  • Rub-clean aerator
Tootekood: D6715800 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
377,10 € (10%)
419,00 €
Köögisegisti Pro Damixa Rowan 6712800, kroom
Standard features
Ceramic cartridge
Scalding protection (38ºC)
Swivel spout
120° swivel limitation
Rub-clean aerator
Eco-Save water saving feature
1 handle

Pro Kitchen Mixer chrome

Article no.:







Claus Rantzau

EAN no.:



Naturally functional

Rowan is inspired by nature. Fresh and organic in its expression - classic Damixa functionality. Rowan is an extensive range of taps offering a wide range of options for the kitchen, bathroom and utility room.  The Rowan Pro tap range includes a flexible or pull-out spout version for kitchens that need that little bit extra.

Inspired by nature

The inspiration for Rowan was drawn from nature, where the rowanberry branch gave Damixa designers the idea for a simple and natural design.

“We wanted to design a range with a fresh and organic feel. At the same time, we wanted to keep the design as simple as possible, allowing the tap to radiate functionality,” says Claus Rantzau, one of the two designers behind Rowan.

Tootekood: D67128000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
279,00 € (10%)
310,00 €

Mora Izzy Turnie

Fold-down swivel spout for inward-opening windows

Mora Izzy Turnie is a flexible kitchen mixer with a fold-down spout for windows that open inwards. It delivers what other mixers can’t. With the spout folded down, it’s only 9 cm high. What’s more, the spout has a 360° swivel range. That’s what we call harmonious and functional design. 


Technical information 

  • ESS (energy saving system)
  • With foldable swivel spout 360°
  • Hole diameter Ø28-35mm
Tootekood: FMO-703046 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädalad
790,20 € (10%)
878,00 €

Professionaalne köögisegisti Delabie 5526


Low pre-rinse set, single hole with a mixer

Ref. 5526

Pre-rinse set with column and swivelling support.
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with slimline lever.
Suitable for intensive use in professional kitchens.
Scale-resistant spray head with adjustable spray options: laminar flow, rain effect and blade.
Flow rate: 7 lpm at 3 bar
Reinforced food-grade black flexible hose L. 0.5m.
3/4" stainless steel column.
PEX flexibles F3/8" with filters and non-return valves. 
Stainless steel spring guide.


Low pre-rinse set, single hole with a mixer

Ref. 5526
Connector 3/8"
Height 617mm
Drop height 250mm
Spout length 230mm
Finish Stainless steel, PVC
Tootekood: DE-5526 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
708,21 € (10%)
786,90 €

Professionaalne köögisegisti Delabie 5650T2 60l/min H255mm L200mm 

Deck-mounted single hole mixer - 60 lpm

Ref. 5650T2

Deck-mounted single hole catering mixer.
Swivelling tubular spout H. 255mm L. 200mm with hygienic flow straightener.
Ceramic cartridge Ø 45mm.
Flow rate 60 lpm at 3 bar.
Spout with smooth interior.
Slimline control lever.
Chrome-plated brass body and spout.
Soldered copper pipe water inlets.


Deck-mounted single hole mixer - 60 lpm

Ref. 5650T2
Connector Copper tails
Drop height 255mm
Spout length 200mm
Flow rate 60 lpm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5650T2 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
472,14 € (10%)
524,60 €

Professionaalne köögisegisti Delabie 5650T3 60l/min H350mm L300mm


Deck-mounted single hole mixer - 60 lpm

Ref. 5650T3

Deck-mounted single hole catering mixer.
Swivelling tubular spout H. 355mm L. 300mm with hygienic flow straightener.
Ceramic cartridge Ø 45mm.
Flow rate 60 lpm at 3 bar.
Spout with smooth interior.
Slimline control lever.
Chrome-plated brass body and spout.
Soldered copper pipe water inlets.
Reinforced fixing.


Deck-mounted single hole mixer - 60 lpm

Ref. 5650T3
Connector Copper tails
Drop height 355mm
Spout length 300mm
Flow rate 60 lpm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5650T3 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
521,55 € (10%)
579,50 €

Professionaalne köögisegisti Delabie 5652 60l/min H685mm L300mm

Deck-mounted single-hole mixer - 60 lpm

Ref. 5652

Deck-mounted single hole mixer with extension column for installation on stove tops.
Swivelling tubular spout Ø 22mm, H. 685mm L. 300mm.
Ceramic cartridge Ø 45mm.
Flow rate 60 lpm at 3 bar.
Spout with smooth interior.
Slimline control lever.
Chrome-plated brass body and spout.
Soldered copper pipe water inlets.
Reinforced fixing.


Deck-mounted single-hole mixer - 60 lpm

Ref. 5652
Connector Copper tails
Drop height 685mm
Spout length 300mm
Flow rate 60 lpm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5652 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
911,34 € (10%)
1012,60 €

Mechanical mixer for remote control

Ref. 2542

Mixer only, for deck-mounted independent control.
Ø 35mm ceramic cartridge with pre-set maximum temperature limiter.
Sculptured control lever.
Mixed water brass outlet L. 160mm with integrated non-return valve.
PEX flexibles F3/8".
Reinforced fixing via 2 stainless steel rods.


Mechanical mixer for remote control

Ref. 2542
Connector F3/8"
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-2542 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
175,68 € (10%)
195,20 €

Mechanical mixer set and column with retracting hand spray 
Ref. 2599

Mechanical mixer set and column with retracting hand spray. 
Retracting hand spray with 2 jet options: flow straightener/rain effect. 
Swivelling column H. 250mm L. 220mm. 
Ø 35mm ceramic cartridge with pre-set maximum temperature limiter. 
Mixer body and column with smooth interior. 
Flow rate 12 lpm at 3 bar. 
Sculptured control lever. 
Mixed water brass outlet L. 160mm. 
BIOSAFE flexible shower hose reduces bacterial proliferation: transparent polyurethane flexible hose, smooth interior and exterior, low water volume (interior Ø 6mm). 
Special counterweight.
Chrome-plated brass body. 
F⅜" PEX flexibles and reinforced fixing via 2 stainless steel rods. 

Tootekood: DE-2599 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
378,81 € (10%)
420,90 €

Pressure-balancing mixer set and column with retracting hand spray

Ref. 2599EP

SECURITHERM pressure-balancing sink mixer set with retracting hand spray on a column. 
Ideal for babies' baths.
Anti-scalding safety: HW flow rate is reduced if CW supply fails. 
Securitouch thermal insulation prevents burns. 
Retracting hand spray with 2 jet options: flow straightener/rain effect. 
Swivelling column H. 200mm L. 220mm. 
Retracting hand spray with two jet options (flow straightener/rain effect)
Ø 35mm pressure-balancing ceramic cartridge with pre-set maximum temperature limiter. 
Mixer body and column with smooth interiors. 
Flow rate 12 lpm at 3 bar. 
Sculptured control lever. 
Mixed water outlet L. 160mm. 
BIOSAFE flexible shower hose reduces bacterial proliferation: transparent polyurethane flexible hose, smooth interior and exterior, low water volume (interior Ø 6mm). 
Counterweight specific to flexible hose.
F⅜" PEX flexibles with filters and non-return valves. 
Reinforced fixing via 2 stainless steel rods. 
Tootekood: DE-2599EP ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
428,22 € (10%)
475,80 €

VOLA Köögi kangsegisti käsidušiga KV1-500T1, harjatud kroom

Kangsegisti keraamilise töörganiga

Kahes suuna pööratava jooksutoruga.

Toru mõõt: 10 mm

Paigaldusava:30mm, max.35mm

Veeühendus: 3/8". Kõrgusega 235 mm, kaheti pöörava tilaga aga koos kangsegistiga 500 ja käsidushiga T1.

Paigaldusava KV1: 32 mm.

Paigaldusava 500: 42 mm.

Paigaldusava T1: 30 mm.

One-handle mixer with ceramic disc technology, double swivel spout with water saving aerator, one-handle mixer 500 and hand shower T1. Pipe size: 3/8".

Hole cut out size KV1: 32 mm.
Hole cut out size 500: 42 mm.
Hole cut out size T1: 30 mm.



Tootekood: QKV1-500T1-20 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
3123,90 € (10%)
3471,00 €

VOLA Köögi kangsegisti käsidušiga KV1-500T1, kroom

Kangsegisti keraamilise töörganiga

Kahes suuna pööratava jooksutoruga.

Toru mõõt: 10 mm

Paigaldusava:30mm, max.35mm

Veeühendus: 3/8". Kõrgusega 235 mm, kaheti pöörava tilaga aga koos kangsegistiga 500 ja käsidushiga T1.

Paigaldusava KV1: 32 mm.

Paigaldusava 500: 42 mm.

Paigaldusava T1: 30 mm.

One-handle mixer with ceramic disc technology, double swivel spout with water saving aerator, one-handle mixer 500 and hand shower T1. Pipe size: 3/8".

Hole cut out size KV1: 32 mm.
Hole cut out size 500: 42 mm.
Hole cut out size T1: 30 mm.



Tootekood: QKV1-500T1-16 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
2384,10 € (10%)
2649,00 €

VOLA Köögi kangsegisti käsidušiga KV1-500T1, matt must RAL9005

Kangsegisti keraamilise töörganiga

Kahes suuna pööratava jooksutoruga.

Toru mõõt: 10 mm

Paigaldusava:30mm, max.35mm

Veeühendus: 3/8". Kõrgusega 235 mm, kaheti pöörava tilaga aga koos kangsegistiga 500 ja käsidushiga T1.

Paigaldusava KV1: 32 mm.

Paigaldusava 500: 42 mm.

Paigaldusava T1: 30 mm.

One-handle mixer with ceramic disc technology, double swivel spout with water saving aerator, one-handle mixer 500 and hand shower T1. Pipe size: 3/8".

Hole cut out size KV1: 32 mm.
Hole cut out size 500: 42 mm.
Hole cut out size T1: 30 mm.



Tootekood: QKV1-500T1-27 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
2384,10 € (10%)
2649,00 €

VOLA Köögi kangsegisti käsidušiga KV1-500T1, Matt valge RAL9016

Kangsegisti keraamilise töörganiga

Kahes suuna pööratava jooksutoruga.

Toru mõõt: 10 mm

Paigaldusava:30mm, max.35mm

Veeühendus: 3/8". Kõrgusega 235 mm, kaheti pöörava tilaga aga koos kangsegistiga 500 ja käsidushiga T1.

Paigaldusava KV1: 32 mm.

Paigaldusava 500: 42 mm.

Paigaldusava T1: 30 mm.

One-handle mixer with ceramic disc technology, double swivel spout with water saving aerator, one-handle mixer 500 and hand shower T1. Pipe size: 3/8".

Hole cut out size KV1: 32 mm.
Hole cut out size 500: 42 mm.
Hole cut out size T1: 30 mm.



Tootekood: QKV1-500T1-28 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
2384,10 € (10%)
2649,00 €
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