15 EUR
4010 EUR

Koristus, Välismööbel ja Ruumi Organiseerimine | PEGU.ee

 Koristus, Välismööbel ja Ruumi Organiseerimine | PEGU.ee

Koristus ja Organisatsioon - Laia Valikuga

Koristamine ja organiseerimine: Nutikad lahendused igasse kodu- ja kontoriruumi

 Kas olete valmis oma elu lihtsustama? Tutvuge PEGU.ee laia valikuga prügikaste, koristusvahendeid ja organisatsioonilahendusi, mis muudavad igapäevase elu korrastamise nauditavaks ja efektiivseks.

 Hooldusvahendid ja Tööriistad: Kõik, mida vajate, et hoida oma kodu või kontor puhas ja korras. Meie valikus on lai valik tööriistu ja hooldusvahendeid, mis muudavad igapäevase koristamise kiireks ja tõhusaks.

 Roostevabast Terasest Koristaja Valamud: Kvaliteetsed roostevabast terasest valamud, mis sobivad suurepäraselt nii kodusesse kööki kui ka professionaalsetesse köökidesse. Stiilne disain ja vastupidav konstruktsioon tagavad pikaajalise kasutamise mugavuse.

 Lillepotid Roostevabast Terasest: Lisage oma kodu interjööri elegantsi ja stiili meie roostevabast terasest lillepottidega. Need on vastupidavad ja sobivad suurepäraselt nii sise- kui ka välistingimustesse.

 Brabantia Pesukorvid ja Pesukastid: Praktilised ja stiilsed pesukorvid ning pesukastid Brabantia brändilt aitavad hoida teie pesuruumi korras ja organiseerituna.

 Piktogrammid ja Uksesildid: Lihtsustage ruumide märgistamist ja organiseerimist meie piktogrammide ja uksesiltidega. Need on ideaalsed nii kodu kui ka kontori kasutamiseks.

 STALA Postkastid eramajadele ja Õue: Kvaliteetsed ja vastupidavad postkastid STALA brändilt, mis sobivad suurepäraselt nii koduhoovi kui ka äärelinna postkastideks.

 Prügikasti Avad ja Klappid: Valige meie laiast valikust prügikasti avad ja klapid, et muuta prügikastide kasutamine mugavamaks ja hügieenilisemaks.

 Sise- ja Väliprügikastid: Valige sobivad sise- või väliprügikastid meie laiast valikust, et hoida oma kodu või ärihoone korras ja prügivaba.

 Mitmeotstarbelised WC Püstakud: Praktilised ja stiilsed mitmeotstarbelised WC püstakud, mis aitavad hoida teie tualettruumi korras ja organiseerituna.

 Triikimislauad ja Triiklaud: Mugavad ja vastupidavad triikimislauad ja triiklaud, mis muudavad triikimise lihtsaks ja mugavaks.

 Roostevabast Terasest Tuhatoosid: Vastupidavad ja stiilsed tuhatoosid seinale, põrandale ja õue, mis aitavad hoida ümbritsevat ala puhtana ja suitsuvaba.

 Roostevabast Terasest Vihmavarjukorvid ja Paberikorvid: Lisage oma kodu või kontori interjööri stiili ja elegantsi meie roostevabast terasest vihmavarjukorvide ja paberikorvidega.

Tutvuge meie tootevalikuga juba täna ja muutke oma elu lihtsamaks ja organiseeritumaks PEGU.ee abiga!


Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Pesurenn Intra 1500 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega



Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.

Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex

Tootekood: I-P3 1500mm ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1281,00 €

Pesurenn Intra 600 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega



Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.

Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex

Tootekood: I-P3 600mm ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
909,00 €

2-ne Valamu jalaga 1200x700, kõrgus 850mm , R/V teras

Нержавеющая большегрузная двойная мойка на ножках, 1200 x 700 x 850 мм



  • stainless steel bulk double-sink with a sheating
  • without a tap hole (could be made to order)
  • possibility of fine plane regulation by the regulation screws on the supporting legs
  • possibility to order inner sinks in dimensions: 400 x 300 x 200 mm/ 400 x 400 x 250 mm/ 400 x 400 x 200 mm
  • available also in the length 1400 mm
  • material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
  • brushed finish
  • different dimensions could be made to order
Арт. № 93160
Название SLUN 16
Tootekood: SA-SLUN16 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalad
2745,00 €
Tootekood: I-URIST2-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
86,00 €
Tootekood: I-URIST4-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
86,00 €

BALLADE / SYMPHONIE / MAESTRO Kinnituskomplekt pinkide / istmete ja laua jaoks

Viide: 51972


  • Valmistatud Prantsusmaal
  • 4 keskmist roostevabast terasest seib A4
  • 4 mutrit M8 roostevaba teras A4
  • 4 mehaanilist tüüblit M8x100 roostevaba teras A4
  • Sobib pinkide, istmete, laudade ja konteinerikaanede kinnitamiseks

BALLADE / SYMPHONIE / MAESTRO Комплект крепления для скамеек / сидений и стола

Артикул: 51972


  • Сделано во Франции
  • 4 средних плоских шайбы из нержавеющей стали A4
  • 4 гайки M8 из нержавеющей стали A4
  • 4 механических дюбеля M8x100 из нержавеющей стали A4
  • Подходит для крепления скамеек, сидений, столов и крышек контейнеров
Tootekood: RO-51972 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
105,00 €

Brabantia 105029 sorteerimise pesukorv jaotusega SELECTOR 55L matt steel/tume hall


Sorteerige oma pesu lõplikult.
Koguge ja eraldage oma pesu 55-liitrisesse Brabantia sorteerimise pesukasti. 
See pesukast on vastupidav, stiilne ja muudab igapäevased pesupesemistööd kodusteks naudinguteks. 
Sorteerimisei pesukastil on nutikas topelt Quick Drop kaas ja eemaldatav, pestav puuvillane pesukott,
 millel on kaks kambrit ja käepärane takjakinnisus. 
See on kaks pesukasti, mis võtavad enda alla ainult ühe.
Eelised ja omadused
Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
Sorteerige pesu, kui paned selle prügikasti – kaks kambrit.
Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne panna ja välja võtta).
Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott, lihtne pesu pesumasinasse tassida.
Diskreetne – kaas hoiab sisu diskreetselt eemal.
Vabakäeseade – pesu lisamisel või eemaldamisel saab kaane asetada serva peale.
Ei kriimusta – plastikust põhjarõngas hoiab ära põranda kahjustamise.
Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
Ruumisäästlik – sobib tihedalt seina külge.
Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
3.5 kg
Kõrgus: 63 cm
Pikkus: 29 cm
Laius: 45 cm
Mahutavus: 55 liitrit
Made in: 
3.5 kg
Height: 63 cm
Length: 29 cm
Width: 45 cm
Capacity: 55 litres
Приведите свое белье в порядок раз и навсегда.
Соберите и разделите белье в корзине для белья Brabantia Selector емкостью 55 литров.
Эта прочная и стильная корзина для счастья превращает повседневную стирку в домашнее удовольствие.
Корзина для белья Selector имеет элегантную двойную быстросъемную крышку и съемный моющийся мешок для белья из хлопка с двумя отделениями и удобной застежкой-липучкой.
Это две корзины для белья, занимающие место только одной.
Преимущества и особенности
Удобный - не нужно открывать крышку благодаря быстрому открыванию.
Сортируйте белье, когда кладете его в мусорное ведро - два отсека.
Простой в использовании - хлопковый мешок для белья с удобной застежкой-липучкой (легко вставлять и вынимать).
Портативный - съемный мешок для белья, удобный для переноски белья в стиральную машину.
Незаметность - крышка незаметно скрывает содержимое.
Громкая связь - крышку можно положить поверх края при добавлении или извлечении белья.
Не царапается - пластиковое нижнее кольцо предотвращает повреждение пола.
Воздухопроницаемость – вентиляционные отверстия позволяют белью дышать.
Экономия пространства - плотно прилегает к стене.
Гигиеничность - мешок для стирки внутри можно стирать в машине (при 40°C).
Идеален для ванной комнаты - изготовлен из прочных коррозионно-стойких материалов.
Дружелюбный к планете — сертификат Cradle-to-Cradle®, бронзовый уровень.
Сделано в:
3.5 kg
Габаритные размеры
Рост: 63 см
Длина: 29 см
Ширина: 45 см
Вместимость: 55 литров
Tootekood: BRAH-105029 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
123,53 € (10%)
137,25 €

Brabantia 105166 pesukorv plast kaas 60L matt steel/tume hall



Selle 60-liitrise Brabantia pesukastiga muutke pesupäev suureks ajaks. Selle ülemine kaas hoiab teie pesu silmist eemal ja tänu nutikale Quick-Drop-avale ei pea te seda isegi pesu panemiseks eemaldama. Pesupäevadel eemaldage kaas, et hõlpsasti eemaldada sees olev ideaalselt istuv puuvillane pesukott. Loomulikult on see korrosioonivaba ning sellel on ventilatsiooniavad ja kaitsev põhjarõngas, nii et seda saab kasutada kõikjal oma kodus. Pesu oma armsamas.
Eelised ja omadused
  • Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
  • Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne peale panna ja ära võtta).
  • Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott muudab pesu pesumasinasse kandmise lihtsaks.
  • Diskreetne – kaas hoiab sisu diskreetselt eemal.
  • Tugev välimus - plastikust kaas
  • Ei kriimusta – plastikust põhjarõngas hoiab ära põranda kahjustamise.
  • Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
  • Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
  • Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
  • Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.

3.5 kg
Kõrgus: 63.5 cm
Pikkus: 38 cm
Laius: 38 cm
Mahutavus: 60 liitrit
Made in: 
Tootekood: BRAH-105166 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
123,53 € (10%)
137,25 €

Brabantia 304903 sorteerimise pesukorv jaotusega SELECTOR 55L valge


Sorteerige oma pesu lõplikult.
Koguge ja eraldage oma pesu 55-liitrisesse Brabantia sorteerimise pesukasti. 
See pesukast on vastupidav, stiilne ja muudab igapäevased pesupesemistööd kodusteks naudinguteks. 
Sorteerimisei pesukastil on nutikas topelt Quick Drop kaas ja eemaldatav, pestav puuvillane pesukott,
 millel on kaks kambrit ja käepärane takjakinnisus. 
See on kaks pesukasti, mis võtavad enda alla ainult ühe.
Eelised ja omadused
Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
Sorteerige pesu, kui paned selle prügikasti – kaks kambrit.
Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne panna ja välja võtta).
Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott, lihtne pesu pesumasinasse tassida.
Diskreetne – kaas hoiab sisu diskreetselt eemal.
Vabakäeseade – pesu lisamisel või eemaldamisel saab kaane asetada serva peale.
Ei kriimusta – plastikust põhjarõngas hoiab ära põranda kahjustamise.
Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
Ruumisäästlik – sobib tihedalt seina külge.
Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
3.5 kg
Kõrgus: 63 cm
Pikkus: 29 cm
Laius: 45 cm
Mahutavus: 55 liitrit
Made in: 
3.5 kg
Height: 63 cm
Length: 29 cm
Width: 45 cm
Capacity: 55 litres
Приведите свое белье в порядок раз и навсегда.
Соберите и разделите белье в корзине для белья Brabantia Selector емкостью 55 литров.
Эта прочная и стильная корзина для счастья превращает повседневную стирку в домашнее удовольствие.
Корзина для белья Selector имеет элегантную двойную быстросъемную крышку и съемный моющийся мешок для белья из хлопка с двумя отделениями и удобной застежкой-липучкой.
Это две корзины для белья, занимающие место только одной.
Преимущества и особенности
Удобный - не нужно открывать крышку благодаря быстрому открыванию.
Сортируйте белье, когда кладете его в мусорное ведро - два отсека.
Простой в использовании - хлопковый мешок для белья с удобной застежкой-липучкой (легко вставлять и вынимать).
Портативный - съемный мешок для белья, удобный для переноски белья в стиральную машину.
Незаметность - крышка незаметно скрывает содержимое.
Громкая связь - крышку можно положить поверх края при добавлении или извлечении белья.
Не царапается - пластиковое нижнее кольцо предотвращает повреждение пола.
Воздухопроницаемость – вентиляционные отверстия позволяют белью дышать.
Экономия пространства - плотно прилегает к стене.
Гигиеничность - мешок для стирки внутри можно стирать в машине (при 40°C).
Идеален для ванной комнаты - изготовлен из прочных коррозионно-стойких материалов.
Дружелюбный к планете — сертификат Cradle-to-Cradle®, бронзовый уровень.
Сделано в:
3.5 kg
Габаритные размеры
Рост: 63 см
Длина: 29 см
Ширина: 45 см
Вместимость: 55 литров
Tootekood: BRAH-304903 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
118,95 € (10%)
132,17 €
Brabantia BO kõrge pesukorv 60L valge
Kas otsite ilusat pesupesemislahendust oma tegusa perekodu jaoks? Suur 60-liitrine Brabantia Bo pesukast ühendab kauni disaini praktilisusega. See sobib tasaselt vastu seina ja reguleeritavad pikad libisemiskindlad jalad muudavad selle väga stabiilseks. Tänu nutikale Quick-Drop avamisele ei pea te isegi kaant avama, kui paned esemed prügikasti. Mugav!
Eelised ja omadused
Dekoratiivne - kapilaadne disain, pesu peidetud vaate eest.
Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
Seljasõbralik ja selle alt puhastamine on lihtne – jalad tagavad täiusliku töökõrguse.
Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne panna ja välja võtta).
Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott, lihtne pesu pesumasinasse tassida.
Vabakäeseade – pesu lisamisel või eemaldamisel saab kaane asetada serva peale.
Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
Ruumisäästlik – sobib tihedalt seina külge või mugavalt nurka.
Lihtne kindel kokkupanek – klõpsatavad jalad reguleeritavate jalgadega, libisemiskindel alus.
Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
Säästlikum valik – valmistatud 21% taaskasutatud materjalist, 73% taaskasutatavast.
Ищете красивое решение для стирки для вашего многолюдного семейного дома? Большая корзина для стирки Brabantia Bo объемом 60 литров сочетает в себе красивый дизайн и практичность. Он плотно прилегает к стене, а регулируемые длинные нескользящие ножки делают его очень устойчивым. Благодаря продуманному открыванию Quick-Drop вам даже не нужно открывать крышку, когда вы кладете предметы в корзину. Удобно!
Преимущества и особенности
Декоративно - шкафчик, белье скрыто от глаз.
Удобно - не нужно открывать крышку благодаря открыванию Quick-drop.
Мягкая спина и простая очистка - ножки для идеальной рабочей высоты.
Простота использования - хлопковая сумка для белья с умной застежкой-липучкой (легко вставлять и вынимать).
Портативный - съемный мешок для белья, удобно переносить белье в стиральную машину.
Свободные руки - крышка может быть помещена поверх обода при добавлении или извлечении белья.
Воздушный - вентиляционные отверстия позволяют белью дышать.
Экономия места - умещается вплотную к стене или удобно в углу.
Легкая прочная сборка - защелкивающиеся ножки с регулируемыми ножками, нескользящее основание.
Гигиеничность - мешок для белья можно стирать в машине (при 40 ° C).
Идеально для ванной - из прочных, устойчивых к коррозии материалов.
Удобство для планеты - сертификация Cradle-to-Cradle®, бронзовый уровень.
Более экологичный выбор - 21% переработанных материалов, 73% перерабатываемых материалов.
Looking for a beautiful laundry solution for your busy family home? The big 60 litre Brabantia Bo Laundry Bin marries beautiful design with practicality. It fits flat against the wall, and the adjustable long non-skid legs make it very stable. Thanks to the clever Quick-Drop opening, you don't even have to open the lid when you put items in the bin. Handy!
Benefits & Features
Decorative - cabinet-like design, laundry hidden from view.
Handy - no need to open the lid thanks to Quick-drop opening.
Kind to your back and cleaning underneath is easy - legs for perfect working height.
Easy to use - cotton laundry bag with smart Velcro closing (easy to put in and take out).
Portable – removable laundry bag, easy to carry laundry to the washing machine.
Handsfree - lid can be placed on top of rim when adding or removing laundry.
Airy - ventilation holes allow laundry to breathe.
Space efficient - fits closely to the wall or conveniently in a corner.
Easy solid assembly - click-on legs with adjustable feet, non-slip base.
Hygienic - machine washable laundry bag inside (at 40°C).
Ideal for the bathroom - made of durable corrosion resistant materials.
Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
More sustainable choice - made with 21% recycled material, 73% recyclable.
Made in: 
4 kg
Height: 67 cm
Length: 32 cm
Width: 54 cm
Capacity: 60 litres
Tootekood: BRAH-200502 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
163,79 € (10%)
181,98 €
Brabantia BO kõrge pesukorv 60L matt must
Kas otsite ilusat pesupesemislahendust oma tegusa perekodu jaoks? Suur 60-liitrine Brabantia Bo pesukast ühendab kauni disaini praktilisusega. See sobib tasaselt vastu seina ja reguleeritavad pikad libisemiskindlad jalad muudavad selle väga stabiilseks. Tänu nutikale Quick-Drop avamisele ei pea te isegi kaant avama, kui paned esemed prügikasti. Mugav!
Eelised ja omadused
Dekoratiivne - kapilaadne disain, pesu peidetud vaate eest.
Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
Seljasõbralik ja selle alt puhastamine on lihtne – jalad tagavad täiusliku töökõrguse.
Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne panna ja välja võtta).
Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott, lihtne pesu pesumasinasse tassida.
Vabakäeseade – pesu lisamisel või eemaldamisel saab kaane asetada serva peale.
Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
Ruumisäästlik – sobib tihedalt seina külge või mugavalt nurka.
Lihtne kindel kokkupanek – klõpsatavad jalad reguleeritavate jalgadega, libisemiskindel alus.
Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
Säästlikum valik – valmistatud 21% taaskasutatud materjalist, 73% taaskasutatavast.
Ищете красивое решение для стирки для вашего многолюдного семейного дома? Большая корзина для стирки Brabantia Bo объемом 60 литров сочетает в себе красивый дизайн и практичность. Он плотно прилегает к стене, а регулируемые длинные нескользящие ножки делают его очень устойчивым. Благодаря продуманному открыванию Quick-Drop вам даже не нужно открывать крышку, когда вы кладете предметы в корзину. Удобно!
Преимущества и особенности
Декоративно - шкафчик, белье скрыто от глаз.
Удобно - не нужно открывать крышку благодаря открыванию Quick-drop.
Мягкая спина и простая очистка - ножки для идеальной рабочей высоты.
Простота использования - хлопковая сумка для белья с умной застежкой-липучкой (легко вставлять и вынимать).
Портативный - съемный мешок для белья, удобно переносить белье в стиральную машину.
Свободные руки - крышка может быть помещена поверх обода при добавлении или извлечении белья.
Воздушный - вентиляционные отверстия позволяют белью дышать.
Экономия места - умещается вплотную к стене или удобно в углу.
Легкая прочная сборка - защелкивающиеся ножки с регулируемыми ножками, нескользящее основание.
Гигиеничность - мешок для белья можно стирать в машине (при 40 ° C).
Идеально для ванной - из прочных, устойчивых к коррозии материалов.
Удобство для планеты - сертификация Cradle-to-Cradle®, бронзовый уровень.
Более экологичный выбор - 21% переработанных материалов, 73% перерабатываемых материалов.
Looking for a beautiful laundry solution for your busy family home? The big 60 litre Brabantia Bo Laundry Bin marries beautiful design with practicality. It fits flat against the wall, and the adjustable long non-skid legs make it very stable. Thanks to the clever Quick-Drop opening, you don't even have to open the lid when you put items in the bin. Handy!
Benefits & Features
Decorative - cabinet-like design, laundry hidden from view.
Handy - no need to open the lid thanks to Quick-drop opening.
Kind to your back and cleaning underneath is easy - legs for perfect working height.
Easy to use - cotton laundry bag with smart Velcro closing (easy to put in and take out).
Portable – removable laundry bag, easy to carry laundry to the washing machine.
Handsfree - lid can be placed on top of rim when adding or removing laundry.
Airy - ventilation holes allow laundry to breathe.
Space efficient - fits closely to the wall or conveniently in a corner.
Easy solid assembly - click-on legs with adjustable feet, non-slip base.
Hygienic - machine washable laundry bag inside (at 40°C).
Ideal for the bathroom - made of durable corrosion resistant materials.
Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
More sustainable choice - made with 21% recycled material, 73% recyclable.
Made in: 
4 kg
Height: 67 cm
Length: 32 cm
Width: 54 cm
Capacity: 60 litres
Tootekood: BRAH-200526 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
163,79 € (10%)
181,98 €
Brabantia BO 200540 kõrge pesukorv jalgadel 2x45L valge
Kas otsite ilusat pesupesemislahendust oma tegusa perekodu jaoks? Suur 60-liitrine Brabantia Bo pesukast ühendab kauni disaini praktilisusega. See sobib tasaselt vastu seina ja reguleeritavad pikad libisemiskindlad jalad muudavad selle väga stabiilseks. Tänu nutikale Quick-Drop avamisele ei pea te isegi kaant avama, kui paned esemed prügikasti. Mugav!
Eelised ja omadused
Dekoratiivne - kapilaadne disain, pesu peidetud vaate eest.
Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
Seljasõbralik ja selle alt puhastamine on lihtne – jalad tagavad täiusliku töökõrguse.
Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne panna ja välja võtta).
Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott, lihtne pesu pesumasinasse tassida.
Vabakäeseade – pesu lisamisel või eemaldamisel saab kaane asetada serva peale.
Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
Ruumisäästlik – sobib tihedalt seina külge või mugavalt nurka.
Lihtne kindel kokkupanek – klõpsatavad jalad reguleeritavate jalgadega, libisemiskindel alus.
Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
Säästlikum valik – valmistatud 21% taaskasutatud materjalist, 73% taaskasutatavast.
Ищете красивое решение для стирки для вашего многолюдного семейного дома? Большая корзина для стирки Brabantia Bo объемом 60 литров сочетает в себе красивый дизайн и практичность. Он плотно прилегает к стене, а регулируемые длинные нескользящие ножки делают его очень устойчивым. Благодаря продуманному открыванию Quick-Drop вам даже не нужно открывать крышку, когда вы кладете предметы в корзину. Удобно!
Преимущества и особенности
Декоративно - шкафчик, белье скрыто от глаз.
Удобно - не нужно открывать крышку благодаря открыванию Quick-drop.
Мягкая спина и простая очистка - ножки для идеальной рабочей высоты.
Простота использования - хлопковая сумка для белья с умной застежкой-липучкой (легко вставлять и вынимать).
Портативный - съемный мешок для белья, удобно переносить белье в стиральную машину.
Свободные руки - крышка может быть помещена поверх обода при добавлении или извлечении белья.
Воздушный - вентиляционные отверстия позволяют белью дышать.
Экономия места - умещается вплотную к стене или удобно в углу.
Легкая прочная сборка - защелкивающиеся ножки с регулируемыми ножками, нескользящее основание.
Гигиеничность - мешок для белья можно стирать в машине (при 40 ° C).
Идеально для ванной - из прочных, устойчивых к коррозии материалов.
Удобство для планеты - сертификация Cradle-to-Cradle®, бронзовый уровень.
Более экологичный выбор - 21% переработанных материалов, 73% перерабатываемых материалов.
Looking for a beautiful laundry solution for your busy family home? The big 60 litre Brabantia Bo Laundry Bin marries beautiful design with practicality. It fits flat against the wall, and the adjustable long non-skid legs make it very stable. Thanks to the clever Quick-Drop opening, you don't even have to open the lid when you put items in the bin. Handy!
Benefits & Features
Decorative - cabinet-like design, laundry hidden from view.
Handy - no need to open the lid thanks to Quick-drop opening.
Kind to your back and cleaning underneath is easy - legs for perfect working height.
Easy to use - cotton laundry bag with smart Velcro closing (easy to put in and take out).
Portable – removable laundry bag, easy to carry laundry to the washing machine.
Handsfree - lid can be placed on top of rim when adding or removing laundry.
Airy - ventilation holes allow laundry to breathe.
Space efficient - fits closely to the wall or conveniently in a corner.
Easy solid assembly - click-on legs with adjustable feet, non-slip base.
Hygienic - machine washable laundry bag inside (at 40°C).
Ideal for the bathroom - made of durable corrosion resistant materials.
Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
More sustainable choice - made with 21% recycled material, 73% recyclable.
Made in: 
5,1 kg
Height: 79 cm
Length: 32 cm
Width: 54 cm
Capacity: 90 litres
Tootekood: BRAH-200540 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
246,14 € (10%)
273,48 €
Brabantia BO 200564 kõrge pesukorv jalgadel 2x45L matt must
Kas otsite ilusat pesupesemislahendust oma tegusa perekodu jaoks? Suur 60-liitrine Brabantia Bo pesukast ühendab kauni disaini praktilisusega. See sobib tasaselt vastu seina ja reguleeritavad pikad libisemiskindlad jalad muudavad selle väga stabiilseks. Tänu nutikale Quick-Drop avamisele ei pea te isegi kaant avama, kui paned esemed prügikasti. Mugav!
Eelised ja omadused
Dekoratiivne - kapilaadne disain, pesu peidetud vaate eest.
Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
Seljasõbralik ja selle alt puhastamine on lihtne – jalad tagavad täiusliku töökõrguse.
Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne panna ja välja võtta).
Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott, lihtne pesu pesumasinasse tassida.
Vabakäeseade – pesu lisamisel või eemaldamisel saab kaane asetada serva peale.
Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
Ruumisäästlik – sobib tihedalt seina külge või mugavalt nurka.
Lihtne kindel kokkupanek – klõpsatavad jalad reguleeritavate jalgadega, libisemiskindel alus.
Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
Säästlikum valik – valmistatud 21% taaskasutatud materjalist, 73% taaskasutatavast.
Ищете красивое решение для стирки для вашего многолюдного семейного дома? Большая корзина для стирки Brabantia Bo объемом 60 литров сочетает в себе красивый дизайн и практичность. Он плотно прилегает к стене, а регулируемые длинные нескользящие ножки делают его очень устойчивым. Благодаря продуманному открыванию Quick-Drop вам даже не нужно открывать крышку, когда вы кладете предметы в корзину. Удобно!
Преимущества и особенности
Декоративно - шкафчик, белье скрыто от глаз.
Удобно - не нужно открывать крышку благодаря открыванию Quick-drop.
Мягкая спина и простая очистка - ножки для идеальной рабочей высоты.
Простота использования - хлопковая сумка для белья с умной застежкой-липучкой (легко вставлять и вынимать).
Портативный - съемный мешок для белья, удобно переносить белье в стиральную машину.
Свободные руки - крышка может быть помещена поверх обода при добавлении или извлечении белья.
Воздушный - вентиляционные отверстия позволяют белью дышать.
Экономия места - умещается вплотную к стене или удобно в углу.
Легкая прочная сборка - защелкивающиеся ножки с регулируемыми ножками, нескользящее основание.
Гигиеничность - мешок для белья можно стирать в машине (при 40 ° C).
Идеально для ванной - из прочных, устойчивых к коррозии материалов.
Удобство для планеты - сертификация Cradle-to-Cradle®, бронзовый уровень.
Более экологичный выбор - 21% переработанных материалов, 73% перерабатываемых материалов.
Looking for a beautiful laundry solution for your busy family home? The big 60 litre Brabantia Bo Laundry Bin marries beautiful design with practicality. It fits flat against the wall, and the adjustable long non-skid legs make it very stable. Thanks to the clever Quick-Drop opening, you don't even have to open the lid when you put items in the bin. Handy!
Benefits & Features
Decorative - cabinet-like design, laundry hidden from view.
Handy - no need to open the lid thanks to Quick-drop opening.
Kind to your back and cleaning underneath is easy - legs for perfect working height.
Easy to use - cotton laundry bag with smart Velcro closing (easy to put in and take out).
Portable – removable laundry bag, easy to carry laundry to the washing machine.
Handsfree - lid can be placed on top of rim when adding or removing laundry.
Airy - ventilation holes allow laundry to breathe.
Space efficient - fits closely to the wall or conveniently in a corner.
Easy solid assembly - click-on legs with adjustable feet, non-slip base.
Hygienic - machine washable laundry bag inside (at 40°C).
Ideal for the bathroom - made of durable corrosion resistant materials.
Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
More sustainable choice - made with 21% recycled material, 73% recyclable.
Made in: 
5,1 kg
Height: 79 cm
Length: 32 cm
Width: 54 cm
Capacity: 90 litres
Tootekood: BRAH-200564 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
246,14 € (10%)
273,48 €

Wall-mounted cleaners' sink 
Ref. 182400

Wall-mounted cleaners' sink with splashback. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 0.9mm. 
Seam-free, pressed bowl. 
Deep sink. 
Smooth surface. 
Rounded edges prevent injury. 
Supplied with 1½" waste .
Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements and splashback. 
Weight: 4.6kg.



Wall-mounted cleaners' sink 
Ref. 182400

Height 404mm
Length 370mm
Width 460mm
Thickness 0.9mm
Finish Polished satin 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-182400+102400 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
640,50 €

Delabie majahoidja põranda valamu viduariga R/V teras AISI304

Floor-standing janitorial unit 
Ref. 180140

Floor-standing janitorial unit. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.0mm. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Adjustable feet height up to 25mm. 
With tap hole Ø 35mm on right side. 
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste for washbasin and 1½" for disposal sink. Without overflow. 
Hinged stainless steel bucket grid. 
Weight: 22kg. 



Floor-standing janitorial unit 
Ref. 180140

Height 900mm
Length 600mm
Width 500mm
Thickness 1.0mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-180140 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1525,00 €

Floor-standing disposal sink 
Ref. 180150

Floor-standing disposal sink. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.0mm. 
One-piece pressed bowl, seam-free. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean. 
Adjustable feet height up to 40mm. 
Supplied with 1½" waste. Without overflow. 
Hinged stainless steel bucket grid. 
Weight: 10.6kg. 


Floor-standing disposal sink 
Ref. 180150

Height 475/495mm
Length 480mm
Width 480mm
Thickness 1.0mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-180150 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
896,70 €

Wall-mounted plaster sink 
Ref. 180130

Wall-mounted plaster sink. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. 
Smooth surface and flat edges for easy cleaning. 
Suitable for hospitals, healthcare establishments and leisure centres. 
Supplied with removable plaster basket with lid to filter plaster debris. 
Can be installed in 2 ways: bowl on the right or bowl on the left. 
Waste outlet 1 ½".
Supplied with fixing elements.Weight: 17kg. 



Wall-mounted plaster sink 
Ref. 180130

Height 390mm
Length 600mm
Width 1000mm
Thickness 1.5mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-180130 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2135,00 €

Floor-standing XL P disposal sink 
Ref. 182070

Floor-standing disposal sink. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean. 
Concealed perimetral flushing system. 
Horizontal or vertical water inlet: Ø 55mm. 
Horizontal or vertical water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with PVC pipe. 
Concealed drainage: shrouded sink. 
Quick and easy to install: 2 access panels 
with theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Hinged stainless steel bucket grid. 
Weight: 16kg. 




Floor-standing XL P disposal sink 
Ref. 182070

Height 450mm
Length 445mm
Width 410mm
Thickness 1.5mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-182070 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2043,50 €

Floor-standing XL P disposal sink 
Ref. 182060

Floor-standing disposal sink. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. 
Polished satin finish. 
Smooth surface is easy to clean. 
Concealed perimetral flushing system. 
Horizontal or vertical water inlet: Ø 55mm. 
Horizontal or vertical water outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Supplied with PVC pipe. 
Concealed drainage: shrouded sink. 
Quick and easy to install: 2 access panelswith theft prevention TORX security screws. 
Hinged stainless steel bucket grid. 
Weight: 16kg. 


Floor-standing XL P disposal sink 
Ref. 182060

Height 450mm
Length 445mm
Width 410mm
Thickness 1.5mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel



Tootekood: DE-182060 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2043,50 €

Wall-mounted XL S disposal sink 
Ref. 182160

Wall-mounted disposal sink. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Concealed perimetral flushing system. 
Horizontal water inlet: Ø 55mm. 
Recessed horizontal waste outlet: Ø 100mm. 
Concealed drainage: shrouded sink. 
Quick and easy to install from the front thanksto a stainless steel mounting frame. 
Hinged stainless steel bucket grid. 
Supplied with fixing elements. 
Weight: 15kg. 




Wall-mounted XL S disposal sink 
Ref. 182160

Height 410mm
Length 500mm
Width 410mm
Thickness 1.5mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-182160 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2055,70 €

Wall-mounted disposal sink 
Ref. 180170

Wall-mounted disposal sink. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
Waste outlet 1 ¼". Waste not included. 
Hinged stainless steel bucket grid. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements. 
Weight: 5.1kg. 




Wall-mounted disposal sink 
Ref. 180170

Height 195mm
Length 390mm
Width 360mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-180170 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
603,90 €

GENOU wall-mounted hand washbasin



Reference: 180330


CCTP description

Wall-mounted, knee-operated hand washbasin.

Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish.

Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm

Rounded edges prevent injury.

Supplied with swan neck spout and time flow

tap with 7 second time flow.

Supplied with 1 ¼" waste.

Without overflow.

Supplied with fixing elements.

CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688.

Weight: 5kg.


Tootekood: DE-180330 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
744,20 €

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks

Tootekood: I-GUB1 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
311,00 €

Intra GUB2 R/V teras koristaja valamu, ämberresti ja pritsmisplekiga

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks

Tootekood: I-GUB2 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
355,00 €

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks

Tootekood: I-GUB3 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
355,00 €

Bucket sink in stainless steel for wall mounting. Supplied with stainless steel wall panel, supporting bracket and 3 1/2" x 2" waste with plug and overflow.

Tootekood: I-L1 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
330,00 €

Intra seinale kinniatav majandusvalamu VK 480x385x190mm, R/V teras

Wall hung utility sink in stainless steel. Supplied with fixing brackets. 

Tootekood: I-VK44STD ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
305,00 €

Intra seinale kinniatav majandusvalamu VK 655x505x250mm, R/V teras

Wall hung utility sink in stainless steel. Supplied with fixing brackets. 

Tootekood: I-VK60STD ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
427,00 €

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks

Tootekood: I-U1STD ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
305,00 €

Intra UME R/V teras koristajavalamu,  pritsmisplekiga 435x320x205mm

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks


Stainless Steel bucket sink. Supplied with splash back and fitted with a fixated swing back bucket tray. Including 1½” waste plug.


Tootekood: I-UME ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
180,00 €

IIntra UXL R/V teras koristajavalamu,  pritsmisplekiga 560x460x185mm

Valamu R/V terasest

Garaazi/koristusruumi jaoks


Stainless Steel bucket sink. Supplied with splash back and fitted with a removable swing back bucket tray. Including 1½” waste plug.


Tootekood: I-UXL ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
225,00 €

Mailbox stand for 1 mailbox

This weatherproof stainless steel stand is suitable for one Stala mailbox PL-2, PL-3 or PL-4.

Mailbox stand is easy to install. Sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the Stala mailbox to its stand are included. 

Product code PLJ-1
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Height 1705 mm
Tootekood: SPLJ-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
183,00 €

Mailbox stand for 2 mailbox


PLJ-2 mailbox stand is suitable for two Stala PL-3 or PL-4 mailbox models.

The material is weatherproof stainless steel and a combination of stands can be used for larger groups of mailboxes.

Stala mailbox stand is easy to install. Sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the Stala mailboxes to the stand are included. 

Product code PLJ-2
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Width 803 mm
Height 1705 mm
Tootekood: SPLJ-2 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
299,00 €

Mailbox stand for 3 mailbox


PLJ-3 mailbox stand is suitable for three Stala PL-3 or PL-4 mailbox models. 

It is easy to install and the sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the mailboxes to the stand are included. 

The material is weatherproof stainless steel and a combination of stands can be used for larger groups of mailboxes.

Product code PLJ-3
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Width 1136 mm
Height 1705 mm
Tootekood: SPLJ-3 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
345,00 €

Mailbox stand for 4 mailbox


PLJ-4 mailbox stand is suitable for four Stala PL-3 or PL-4 mailbox models. 

It is easy to install and the sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the mailboxes to the stand are included. 

The material is weatherproof stainless steel and a combination of stands can be used for larger groups of mailboxes.

Product code PLJ-4
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Width 1469 mm
Height 1705 mm


Tootekood: SPLJ-4 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
390,00 €
Tootekood: P30302 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
122,00 €

Jooksutoru pööratav, valamule

Tootekood: P30202 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
131,15 €

Kahe mooduliga kinnitatav prügikonteineri kate Maestro Extreme Antracite mat RAL 7016

Ballade Extreme kinnitatav prügikonteineri kate on ideaalne teie linnaruumi arendamiseks.

KxPxS 1600,00 x 1200,00 x 500,00 mm

MAESTRO EXTREME kahe mooduliga ANTHRACITE MAT 7016 prügikonteineri kate pakub täiuslikku lahendust prügikonteinerite varjamiseks ja kaitseks linnakeskkonnas. Valmistatud galvaniseeritud terasest, mis on kaetud UV-kindla pulbervärviga ning varustatud 12 mm paksuste HPL-plankudega, mis on tulekindlad, veekindlad ja graffiti-vastase töötlusega. Konstruktsioon koosneb kahest külgpaneelist, tugipostidest (80x40 mm) ja risttaladest (40x40 mm). Kate kinnitatakse maapinnale kahes punktis iga posti kohta (kinnituskomplekt müügil eraldi, Ref. 51972) ning tarnitakse kokkupanemata kujul.


  • UV-kindla pulbervärviga galvaniseeritud teras
  • Kaks külgpaneeli
  • Postid: 80x40 mm, risttalad: 40x40 mm
  • 12 mm paksused HPL-plangud
  • Kinnitatakse maapinnale kahes punktis iga posti kohta (kinnituskomplekt eraldi, Ref. 51972)
  • Jäätmekonteinerite varjamine
  • Vastupidavus ja pikaajaline stabiilsus
  • Suurepärane korrosioonikindlus
  • Tulekindlad, veekindlad ja graffiti-vastase töötlusega plangud
  • Vastupidav deformatsioonide, pragude ja löökide vastu
  • Tarnitakse kokkupanemata kujul

MAESTRO EXTREME Container covered to be fixed 2 modules Anthracite


  • Made in France
  • UV-resistant powder-coated steel with corrosion protection
  • Composition: 2 side panels
  • Posts 80x40 mm - Crossbars - square 40x40 mm
  • 12mm thick HPL* compact plank claddin
  • To be fixed to the ground at 2 points per post (optional fixing kit Ref. 51972)
  • *High pressure laminate
Tootekood: RO-51996 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
2835,00 €


298 x 645 x 164 mm
ca. 250 paper towels / 11 l

  • Combination consisting of a paper towel dispenser and a waste bin in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 250 standard paper towels in zigzag- or c-fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap. 
  • Waste bin equipped with removable mesh basket. Capacity approx. 11 l. Accessible through lockable door with self-closing, flame-retardant disposal flap. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder locks in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts and front panels can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: 300 x 647 x 154 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 8,5
Tootekood: WAG-WP501P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
851,87 € (5%)
896,70 €


298 x 645 x 164 mm
ca. 250 paper towels / 11 l

  • Combination consisting of a paper towel dispenser and a waste bin in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 250 standard paper towels in zigzag- or c-fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap. 
  • Waste bin equipped with removable mesh basket. Capacity approx. 11 l. Accessible through lockable door with self-closing, flame-retardant disposal flap. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder locks in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts and front panels can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: 300 x 647 x 154 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 8,5
Tootekood: WAG-WP501S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
747,56 € (5%)
786,90 €

Paper towel dispenser and Saniflow and Waste bin


This product range is especially designed to save space and provide solutions (2x1 and up to 3x1) with the possibility of providing three solutions in one body. Units designed to be recessed mounted or mounted on a surface that have a modern design and resistant materials, which are the best solution for locations that wish to be innovative. 

The types of combined units provide:

Paper towel dispensers + Saniflow hand dryer® + bin

It is entirely welded, with a paper towel dispenser with riveted tray that prevents tearing the paper; accepts C and Z folded paper towels. Saniflow® automatic hand dryer and AISI 304 stainless steel bin, which is extractible so that it may be easily dumped. Optionally, a frame is available for installing on a surface. 

Paper towel dispensers + paper bins

Several solutions are provided in this category depending on the type of paper used, rolls or towels, and the capacity of the bin, which ranges from 6.1 litres to 53 litres. The paper loads range between 200 towels and 800 towels in models C/Z and 200 mm in diameter in models that use paper rolls.
Tootekood: MDTES0040CS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1915,00 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + seebidosaator 500ml pudeliga poleeritud R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,4
satin finished (standard) 727780
highly polished 731780
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728780
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550
Tootekood: WAG-WP550P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
614,27 € (5%)
646,60 €


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,4
satin finished (standard) 727780
highly polished 731780
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728780
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Liquid soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550
Tootekood: WAG-WP550 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
492,58 € (5%)
518,50 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + sensoriga seebidosaator 500ml pudeliga poleeritud R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / sensor with 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Sensor liquid soap dispenser with EWAR® eModule touch-free operated soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,8
satin finished (standard) 727782
highly polished 731782
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728782
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Sensor liquid soap dispenser with touch-free operated soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550e
Tootekood: WAG-WP550eP ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
753,35 € (5%)
793,00 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + sensoriga seebidosaator 500ml pudeliga satiin R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / sensor with 500 ml soap bottle

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Sensor liquid soap dispenser with EWAR® eModule touch-free operated soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold. Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels.
  • Weight (in kg): 4,8
satin finished (standard) 727782
highly polished 731782
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728782
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a sensor liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Sensor liquid soap dispenser with touch-free operated soap pump. Designed for standard 500 ml disposable bottles of liquid soap or hand lotion. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, batteries, first fill with soap and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550e
Tootekood: WAG-WP550e ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
654,84 € (5%)
689,30 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + vahuseebidosaator 400ml pudeliga poleeritud R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 400 ml foam soap concentrate

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels.
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550-5
Tootekood: WAG-WP550-5P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
672,22 € (5%)
707,60 €

Kätepaberidosaator 500 lk + vahuseebidosaator 400ml pudeliga satiin R/V teras


400 x 298 x 120 mm
ca. 500 paper towels / 400 ml foam soap concentrate

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. 
  • Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. 
  • Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening for easy paper removal. 
  • Designed for approx. 500 standard paper towels in zigzag fold.
    Paper size (folded): 240-250 mm x 100-115 mm. 
  • Inspection slots to indicate fill level.
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels.
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a foam soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Foam soap dispenser with one-hand operated and non-drip foam soap pump. Designed for standard 400 ml foam soap concentrate. Paper towel dispenser with deep-drawn paper removal opening, filling quantity approx. 500 paper towels. Inspection slots to indicate fill level. Accessible for refilling through lockable front flap with fall protection. Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material, first fill with foam soap concentrate and one pack of paper towels. 

Dimensions: 400 x 298 x 120 mm

Article No. WP550-5
Tootekood: WAG-WP550-5 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
544,73 € (5%)
573,40 €

Kinnitatav piknikulaud pinkidega SYMPHONIE EXTREME Antracite mat RAL 716

1 300,00 x 713,00 x 150,00 mm

SYMPHONIE EXTREME kinnitatav piknikulaud koos pinkidega ANTHRACITE MAT 7016 on suurepärane lahendus linnaruumi jaoks. Komplektis on kompaktsetest HPL-plaatidest (12mm paksused) valmistatud lauaplaat ja istmed, mis on kinnitatud galvaniseeritud terasest raamile. Laua jalad on 80x40 mm ja pinkide jalad Ø42 mm, pakkudes suurepärast stabiilsust ja vastupidavust. Tulekindlad, veekindlad ja graffiti-vastased materjalid tagavad äärmusliku kaitse korrosiooni ja rooste eest ka soolastes keskkondades. Paigaldamine on kiire ja lihtne.


  • Tulekindlad, veekindlad ja graffiti-vastased HPL lamellid
  • Äärmuslik kaitse korrosiooni ja rooste vastu
  • Löögi- ja deformatsioonikindel
  • Kiire ja lihtne paigaldus
  • Tarnitakse osadena, hõlbustades transporti ja paigaldust

SYMPHONIE EXTREME Fixing table Anthracite


  • Made in France
  • Legs 80*40 mm on table and Ø42 mm on seats
  • Top and seats in compact HPL* 12mm thick
  • Galvanised steel
  • To be fixed (optional fixing kit)
  • Delivered unassembled
  • *High pressure laminate
Tootekood: RO-51985 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
2345,00 €

Kolme mooduliga kinnitatav prügikonteineri kate Maestro Extreme Antracite mat RAL 7016

Maestro Extreme kinnitatav prügikonteineri kate on ideaalne teie linnaruumi arendamiseks.

KxPxS 1600,00 x 1000,00 x 1450,00 mm

MAESTRO EXTREME kolme mooduliga ANTHRACITE MAT 7016 prügikonteineri kate pakub täiuslikku lahendust prügikonteinerite varjamiseks ja kaitseks linnakeskkonnas. Valmistatud galvaniseeritud terasest, mis on kaetud UV-kindla pulbervärviga ning varustatud 12 mm paksuste HPL-plankudega, mis on tulekindlad, veekindlad ja graffiti-vastase töötlusega. Konstruktsioon koosneb kahest külgpaneelist, tugipostidest (80x40 mm) ja risttaladest (40x40 mm). Kate kinnitatakse maapinnale kahes punktis iga posti kohta (kinnituskomplekt müügil eraldi, Ref. 51972) ning tarnitakse kokkupanemata kujul.


  • UV-kindla pulbervärviga galvaniseeritud teras
  • Kaks külgpaneeli+2 tahapaneeli
  • Postid: 80x40 mm, risttalad: 40x40 mm
  • 12 mm paksused HPL-plangud
  • Kinnitatakse maapinnale kahes punktis iga posti kohta (kinnituskomplekt eraldi, Ref. 51972)
  • Jäätmekonteinerite varjamine
  • Vastupidavus ja pikaajaline stabiilsus
  • Suurepärane korrosioonikindlus
  • Tulekindlad, veekindlad ja graffiti-vastase töötlusega plangud
  • Vastupidav deformatsioonide, pragude ja löökide vastu
  • Tarnitakse kokkupanemata kujul

MAESTRO EXTREME Container covered to be fixed 3 modules Anthracite


  • Made in France
  • UV-resistant powder-coated steel with corrosion protection
  • Composition: 2 side panels + 2 background panels
  • Posts 80x40 mm - Crossbars - square 40x40 mm
  • 12mm thick HPL* compact plank claddin
  • To be fixed to the ground at 2 points per post (optional fixing kit Ref. 51972)
  • *High pressure laminate
Tootekood: RO-51997 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
4010,00 €


448 x 1348 x 220 mm
1 paper roll / 48 l

Choose product variant

  • Combination consisting of a sensor paper roll dispenser (battery-powered) and a waste bin in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Paper roll dispenser with touch-free operated, capacitive sensor technology, sensor distance approx. 3.5 cm. Paper length and idle time adjustable.
    Battery-powered with four standard 1.5 V Mono/LR20/12 A batteries. 
  • Designed for one paper roll and one reserve roll with dimensions: Width 215 mm, outer diameter max. 180 mm, inner diameter 50 mm. 
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level, residual roll function allows a reserve roll to be inserted before residual roll is completely used up. 
  • Waste bin equipped with removable mesh basket.
    Capacity approx. 48 l.
  • Accessible through lockable doors. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder locks in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. 
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With six screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with one paper roll.
  • Weight (in kg): 25,8
satin finished (standard) 722977
highly polished 731977
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728977
Suggested text for specifications:

Combination consisting of a sensor paper roll dispenser (battery-powered) and a waste bin in stainless steel (AISI 304) for surface mounting. All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Paper roll dispenser with touch-free operated, capacitive sensor technology. Paper length and idle time adjustable. Battery-powered with four standard 1.5 V Mono/LR20/12 A batteries. Designed for one paper roll with dimensions: Width 215 mm, outer diameter max. 180 mm, inner diameter 50 mm. Inspection slot to indicate fill level. Waste bin equipped with removable mesh basket. Capacity approx. 48 l. Accessible through lockable doors. Keyed alike cylinder locks in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting. Delivery includes fixing material and first fill with one paper roll. 

Dimensions: 448 x 1348 x 220 mm

Article No. WP5456
Tootekood: WP5456 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1894,97 € (5%)
1994,70 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee