610 EUR
961 EUR

Mora MMIX Tronic kontaktivaba sensoriga segistid Rootsist

Mora MMIX Tronic kontaktivaba sensoriga segistid Rootsist



Luksusliku mittekontaktfunktsiooniga loob see inspiratsiooni unistuste jaoks mõeldud vannituppa de luxe.
Nagu kogu ülejäänud MORA MMIX seeria, on ka see toode valmistatud täielikult pliivabast materjalist ja väljastpoolt on kraan töödeldud PVD-ga, mis muudab pinna ülimalt vastupidavaks, vastupidavaks ja kergesti puhastatavaks.
segisti on hügieeniline, kuna see käivitub automaatselt ja puudutamist pole vaja. Sel viisil säästab see ka vett ja energiat ning on keskkonna jaoks hea valik.
Mora MMIX Tronic и благородныйи приятный на вид кран.
Благодаря бесконтактной функции он вдохновляет на создание роскошной ванной комнаты мечты.
Как и остальные модели серии MORA MMIX, продукт полностью изготовлен из бессвинцового материала, а снаружи смеситель покрыт PVD-покрытием, что делает его поверхность чрезвычайно прочной, долговечной и простой в уходе.
Кран гигиеничен, потому что он запускается автоматически и не требует никаких прикосновений.
Таким образом, он также экономит воду и энергию и является хорошим выбором для окружающей среды.


Kuva: NimekirjanaVõrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080 Kroom

Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic

Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple.

Description Chrome, battery operation, included battery
Article number 720080


  • With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
  • Soft closing solenoid valve
  • Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
  • Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
  • Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
  • 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
  • Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
  • Low power consumption - Long life
  • Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
  • IP class sensor, IP67
  • Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
  • Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free

  • Automatic sensor calibration
  • After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
  • All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
  • Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter art.no. 729478.AE and power supply art.no. 729470, alternatively transformer art.no. 729475
  • Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
  • Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm

  • Adjustable max temperature
  • Programmable function for hygiene flushing
  • Adjustable flush time
Tootekood: MOR-720080 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
610,00 €

Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.11 must


Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic black

Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple.

Description Black PVD, battery operation, included battery
Article number 720080.11


  • With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery) 
  • Soft closing solenoid valve 
  • Safe against vandalism, complete in metal 
  • Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa) 
  • Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding 
  • 30 sec. rinse time via sensor 
  • Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning) 
  • Low power consumption - Long life 
  • Equipped with function for thermal disinfection against legionella 
  • IP class sensor, IP67 
  • Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717 
  • Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free 

  • Automatic sensor calibration 
  • After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid 
  • All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC 
  • Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter art.no. 729478.AE and power supply art.no. 729470, alternatively transformer art.no. 729475 
  • Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided) 
  • Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm 

  • Adjustable max temperature 
  • Programmable function for hygiene flushing 
  • Adjustable flush time
Tootekood: MOR-720080.11 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
961,00 €

Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.14 poleeritud vask


Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic

Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple. 
Description Polished copper PVD, battery operation, included battery
Article number 720080.14


  • With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
  • Soft closing solenoid valve
  • Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
  • Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
  • Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
  • 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
  • Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
  • Low power consumption - Long life
  • Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
  • IP class sensor, IP67
  • Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
  • Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free

  • Automatic sensor calibration
  • After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
  • All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
  • Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter art.no. 729478.AE and power supply art.no. 729470, alternatively transformer art.no. 729475
  • Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
  • Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm

  • Adjustable max temperature
  • Programmable function for hygiene flushing
  • Adjustable flush time
Tootekood: MOR-720080.14 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
961,00 €

Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.16 Champagne PVD


Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic

Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple. 
Description Champagne PVD, battery operation, included battery
Article number 720080.16


  • With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
  • Soft closing solenoid valve
  • Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
  • Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
  • Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
  • 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
  • Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
  • Low power consumption - Long life
  • Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
  • IP class sensor, IP67
  • Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
  • Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free

  • Automatic sensor calibration
  • After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
  • All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
  • Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter art.no. 729478.AE and power supply art.no. 729470, alternatively transformer art.no. 729475
  • Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
  • Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm

  • Adjustable max temperature
  • Programmable function for hygiene flushing
  • Adjustable flush time
Tootekood: MOR-720080.16 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
961,00 €


Valamusegisti kontaktivaba MORA MMIX TRONIC 720080.60 Poleeritud messing PVD

Basin mixer MORA MMIX tronic


Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple. 


Description polished brass PVD, battery operation, included battery
Article number 720080.60


  • With temperature knob, battery operation (included battery)
  • Soft closing solenoid valve
  • Safe against vandalism, complete in metal
  • Eco (energy and water saving constant flow aerator, 5 l/min at 200–600 kPa)
  • Flush Timeout - safety shut-off to prevent flooding
  • 30 sec. rinse time via sensor
  • Can be turned off for 60 sec. (eg for cleaning)
  • Low power consumption - Long life
  • Equipped with system for thermal disinfection against legionella
  • IP class sensor, IP67
  • Approved non-return valves, EN-Standard EN1717
  • Environmental friendly material, Lead free, Nickel Free

  • Automatic sensor calibration
  • After adjusting to the desired temperature, knob can be replaced with a lid
  • All models can be adapted for either battery 6V or mains operation 12V AC/DC
  • Mains operation requires installation of the AC adapter art.no. 729478.AE and power supply art.no. 729470, alternatively transformer art.no. 729475
  • Soft Pex® hoses with non return valves and filters (stainless steel braided)
  • Hole diameter Ø33,5-37 mm

  • Adjustable max temperature
  • Programmable function for hygiene flushing
  • Adjustable flush time


Tootekood: MOR-720080.60 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
961,00 €
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