Pedaaliga prügikastid, vaikselt sulguva kaanega Brabantia NEWICON

Stiilsed ja Praktilised Brabantia Prügikastid: Uusim Mudel Pedaliga ja Vaikselt Sulguva Kaanega NEWICON
Otsid praktilist ja stiilset prügikasti, mis lisaks oma põhifunktsioonile rikastaks ka sinu kodu interjööri? Tutvusta endale Brabantia prügikaste - uut mudelit pedaaliga ja vaikselt sulguva kaanega NEWICON.
Miks valida Brabantia prügikast:
1. Kaasaegne Disain: NEWICON on varustatud kaasaegse disainiga, mis lisab elegantsi sinu ruumile. Saadaval erinevates värvitoonides, et sobitada just sinu kodu stiiliga.
2. Pedaaliga Avamine: Praktiline pedaal avab kaane ilma kätega puudutamata, tagades käte puhtuse ja mugavuse.
3. Vaikselt Sulguv Kaas: Uusim tehnoloogia tagab, et kaas sulgub vaikselt ja sujuvalt, välistades ebameeldiva müra ja hoides kodu rahulikuna.
4. Suur Maht: Saadaval erinevates suurustes, et rahuldada erinevaid vajadusi. Nii kööki kui ka vannituppa sobivad prügikastid.
5. Vastupidav Konstruktsioon: Brabantia prügikastid on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest ja vastupidavatest materjalidest, tagades pika kasutusea.
6. Lihtne Hooldus: Lihtne puhastada ja hooldada, tagades prügikasti pikaajalise puhtuse ja värskuse.
Osta Brabantia prügikast PEGU.EE e-poest ja tee prügi ära viskamine stiilseks ja mugavaks toiminguks igapäevaelus!
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Brilliant Steel
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Dreamy Blue
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt Must
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt steel
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt Steel FPP
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Metallic Gold
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Metallic Grey
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, metallist ämber Brilliant Steel
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Mineral Concrete Grey
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
127,08 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Mineral Cosy Brown
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
127,08 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Mineral Powerful Blue
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
127,08 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Passion RED
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Pine Green
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Platinum
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Soft Beige
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Valge
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
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