REMS Swing - torude painutamine seal, kuhu neid paigaldatakse, kuni Ø 25/26mm. Ülikiire töö tänu praktilisele mitmefunktsioonili- sele hoovale kiir-ettenihkeks ja kiirtagastuseks. Hammaslatt karastatud terasest. Ühe käe torupainutaja Ø 10-32mm, Ø⅜-⅞", kuni 90°. Pehmed vasktorud Ø 10-22mm, Ø ⅜–⅞", s ≤ 1 mm, pehmed kaetud vasktorud Ø 10–18 mm, Ø ⅜–⅝", s ≤ 1 mm, pehmed pressfitting-süsteemide kaetud süsinikterastorud Ø 12–18 mm, s ≤ 1,2 mm, pehmed täppisterastorud Ø 10–18 mm, s ≤ 1 mm, komposiit- torud Ø 14–32 mm. Kuni Ø 26 mm, ajamiseade, painutussegmendid, liugurikandja S Ø 10–26 mm koos liuguritega, tugevas terasplekist kastis/kohvris. Kuni Ø 32 mm, ajamiseade, painutussegmendid (Ø14, 16, 18, 20, 25/26), 2 liugurikandjat Ø 10–26 mm ja Ø 32 mm koos liuguritega, tugevas kohvris.
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Tilting mirror with long ergonomic lever Ref. 510201N
Tilting mirror with long ergonomic lever which facilitates adjustment of mirror angle from a sitting position or by wheelchair users. For combined installation: can be used from sitting or standing position. Quick and easy to install: just clip into place. Anti-theft lock. Bright white HR Nylon lever 6mm thick Securit safety glass mirror. Mirror dimensions: 500 x 600mm. Can be tilted up to 20°.
Technical features
Tilting mirror with long ergonomic lever Ref. 510201N
Tilting glass mirror with handle for easy adjustment those in a seated position or in a wheelchair. For combined installation: can be used from sitting or standing position. Quick and easy to install: simply clip into place. Anti-theft lock. Metallised anthracite tab handle. Mirror made from 6mm Securit safety glass. Mirror dimensions: 500 x 600mm. Can be tilted up to 20°.
Tilting glass mirror with handle for easy adjustment those in a seated position or in a wheelchair. For combined installation: can be used from sitting or standing position. Quick and easy to install: simply clip into place. Anti-theft lock. Metallised anthracite tab handle. Mirror made from 6mm Securit safety glass. Mirror dimensions: 500 x 600mm. Can be tilted up to 20°.