Bideesegistid, pissuaarikraanid ja hügieenidušid – kaasaegne ja mugav valik |

Kaasaegne vannituba vajab funktsionaalseid ja mugavaid lahendusi. Meie bideesegistid, pissuaarikraanid ja hügieenidušid on loodud vastama kõige kõrgematele kvaliteedi- ja disaininõuetele. Need tooted tagavad lihtsa paigaldamise, kasutusmugavuse ja esteetilise välimuse. pakub laia valikut, mis sobib igale vannitoale, lisades elegantsi ja praktilisust.
Bidee ventiil, kraan eelsegatud, või külma veele 1/2"
Isesulguva mehhanismiga, kroom
Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 kroom

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Aged Iron

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Black Chrome

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Brushed Brass

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Brushed Brass PVD

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Brushed Copper

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Brushed Copper PVD

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Brushed Nickel

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 kroom

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Matt must

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Matt valge

Bideesegsiti "shut-off" dušiga, voolik 100 cm HOTBATH MATE KHDS2 Natural Brass

Damixa 1003000 Space valamusegisti , käsidušiga, kroom
- Article no.: 10030
- Finishes: Chrome
- Standard Features:
- Ceramic cartridge
- Scalding protection (38ºC)
- Eco-Save water saving feature
- Without pop up wast
176,00 €
1/2" keermega bidee otsik, kinnitus on komplektis
60,00 €
- Artikli number 17831
- Viimistlused Kroom
- Standardfunktsioonid
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Külm start.
- Põhjaklapiga.
- Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada.
230,00 €
Valamusegisti käsidušiga
- Artikli number 67633
- Viimistlused Kroom
- Standardfunktsioonid
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Külm start.
- Ilma põhjaklapita.
- Pööratav jooksutoru.
- Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
289,00 €
Valamusegisti käsidušiga
- Artikli number 67030
- Viimistlused Kroom
- Standardfunktsioonid
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Ilma põhjaklapita.
- Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
241,00 €
Keraamiline tööorgan. 6l/min aerator
221,00 €
Damixa Space bideesegisti kroom LM
Keraamiline tööorgan
112,00 €
Damixa süvistatav bidesegiti nähtav osa, harjatud teras pvd
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita D470470000
Rosset, spout and handle in metal
1 pihustusviis
1/2" ühendus käsiduši voolikule
Ceramic Parts
Keraamilised sisud
pööratav jooksutoru
350,00 €
Standard features:
Ceramic cartridge
Scalding protection (38oC) Rub-Clean
Eco-Save water saving feature 1 handle
Keraamilised sisud
403,00 €
Valamusegisti käsidušiga
- Artikli number 17030
- Viimistlused Kroom
- Standardfunktsioonid
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Külm start.
- Ilma põhjaklapita.
- Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada.
186,00 €
LP 24R
Urinal Alessi with cover with a radar flushing unit, 24 V DC
- easy installation
- whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
- system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
- adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
- parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
- automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
- possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
- radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number | 01244 |
Code | SLP 24R |
Supply specification
Technical information
Operating voltage: 24 V DC
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 3/4“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber sealing
Keraamiline HOME pissuaar Alessi LAUFEN radariga Sanela integreeritud adapter 230V/AC
Urinal Alessi with a radar flushing unit and integrated power supply, 230 V AC
- easy installation
- whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
- system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
- adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
- parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
- automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
- possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
- radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number | 01255 |
Code | SLP 25RZ |
Supply specification
Technical information
Operating voltage: 230V AC/50Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 12 l/min. (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 3/4“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber seal
Keraamiline HOME pissuaar Alessi LAUFEN radariga Sanela, 24V DC
Urinal Alessi with a radar flushing unit, 24 V DC
- easy installation
- whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
- system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
- adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
- parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
- automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
- possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
- radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number | 01254 |
Code | SLP 25R |
Supply specification
Technical information
Operating voltage: 24 V DC
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 3/4“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber sealing
Keraamiline HOME pissuaar kaanega Alessi LAUFEN radariga Sanela, integreeritud adapter 230V/AC
Urinal Alessi with cover with a radar flushing unit and integrated power supply, 230 V AC
- easy installation
- whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
- system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
- adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
- parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
- automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
- possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
- radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number | 01245 |
Code | SLP 24RZ |
Supply specification
Technical information
Operating voltage: 230 V AC/50 Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 3/4“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber sealing
Keraamiline pissuaar kaanega Vila radariga Sanela, integreeritud adapter 230V/ AC
Urinal Vila with cover, with a radar flushing unit and with integrated power supply, 230 V AC
- economy flushing by 1 liter of water
- easy installation
- whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
- system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
- adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
- parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
- automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
- water flow could be regulated by ball valve
- radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number | 01375 |
Code | SLP 37RZ |
Supply specification
Technical information
Operating voltage: 230 V AC/50 Hz
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (
Water inlet: male thread G 3/4“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber sealing
Keraamiline pissuaar Antero radariga Sanela, integreeritud adapter 240V/ AC
Urinal Antero with a radar flushing unit and integrated power supply, 230 V AC
- easy installation
- whole flushing unit is placed behind the urinal
- system reacts only on the direct use of the urinal (it analyses changes, which are proceeded inside of the urinal, when a liquid is flowing through)
- adjustable flushing time 0,5 - 15,5 s
- parameters adjustment by remote control SLD 04 without the necessity to dismantle the urinal from the wall (acoustic setting indication)
- automatic flushing after each 6 hours non-use
- possibility to regulate a water flow by the angle valve
- radar flushing unit recharges a water to the siphon after each flushing
Order number | 01205 |
Code | SLP 20RZ |
Supply specification
Technical information
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 18 l/min (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 1/2“
Water outlet: inlet fitting with a rubber seal