15 EUR
427 EUR

Postkastid STALA eramajadele, Õue

Postkastid STALA eramajadele, Õue


    Stala põhjamaisesse keskkonda mõeldud postkast on Soome
klassika – stiilne ja vastupidav.Valikus on 2 mudelit – mahukas
PL-3 ja veel mahukam PL-4, mis sobib hästi ettevõtetele.
Stala lukustatav postkast on turvaline., Abloy lukku on
võimalik uuesti, muu lukusüsteemiga sobivaks sarjastada.
     Esimene nimesilt sisaldub postkasti hinnas.
Postkasti võib paigaldada kas otse seinale või spetsiaalsele
jalale. Valikus on olemas ka jalad mitmele postkastile ning
nende abil saab postkastid paigaldada sobilikult rühmitatuna.
Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

Mailbox stand for 1 mailbox

This weatherproof stainless steel stand is suitable for one Stala mailbox PL-2, PL-3 or PL-4.

Mailbox stand is easy to install. Sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the Stala mailbox to its stand are included. 

Product code PLJ-1
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Height 1705 mm
Tootekood: SPLJ-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
183,00 €

Mailbox stand for 2 mailbox


PLJ-2 mailbox stand is suitable for two Stala PL-3 or PL-4 mailbox models.

The material is weatherproof stainless steel and a combination of stands can be used for larger groups of mailboxes.

Stala mailbox stand is easy to install. Sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the Stala mailboxes to the stand are included. 

Product code PLJ-2
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Width 803 mm
Height 1705 mm
Tootekood: SPLJ-2 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
299,00 €

Mailbox stand for 3 mailbox


PLJ-3 mailbox stand is suitable for three Stala PL-3 or PL-4 mailbox models. 

It is easy to install and the sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the mailboxes to the stand are included. 

The material is weatherproof stainless steel and a combination of stands can be used for larger groups of mailboxes.

Product code PLJ-3
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Width 1136 mm
Height 1705 mm
Tootekood: SPLJ-3 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
345,00 €

Mailbox stand for 4 mailbox


PLJ-4 mailbox stand is suitable for four Stala PL-3 or PL-4 mailbox models. 

It is easy to install and the sturdy structure is installed 60 cm deep underground. Screws for attaching the mailboxes to the stand are included. 

The material is weatherproof stainless steel and a combination of stands can be used for larger groups of mailboxes.

Product code PLJ-4
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel 
Width 1469 mm
Height 1705 mm


Tootekood: SPLJ-4 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
390,00 €

Lock cover for mailboxes PL-3 and PL-4

The convenient lock cover shields the mailbox lock from rain, snow, ice and dust all year round. The cover is made from silicone and it can easily be added onto mailboxes already in use. Just remove the nameplate and cut off the rounded area next to the lock to make the edges straight. Slide the lock cover over the groove of the nameplate onto the lock and put the nameplate back into its place.

Product code PL-C
Warranty 24 kk
Material Silicone 
Width 30 mm
Height 35 mm
Depth 10
Tootekood: SPLC-C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
15,00 €

Mailbox PL-3, stainless steel

Durable Stala mailbox PL-3 is made from stainless steel, it stands all weather conditions from rain to heavy snow. 

Even large newspapers as well as letters fit through the wide opening delivery slot, making the mailbox suitable for both home and company use. The slanted bottom forces mail to pile neatly. Mailbox is easy to empty. 

The box stays efficient and attractive from year to year. PL-3 mailbox is an iconic classic in Finland.

Mailbox includes
- stylish engraved name plate 
- 2 keys and sturdy Abloy lock
Mailbox accessories
The mailbox can be installed onto a wall or on a separate stand. The recommended installation height from the ground to the lower edge of the delivery slot is 100-120 cm.

If you need lock cover for mailbox PL-3 or PL-4, buy PL-C lock cover. It will protect the lock from heavy rain, snow, ice or dust. PL-C is easy to add even older mailboxes.
Product code PL-3
Warranty 24 kk
Material Stainless steel
Width 325 mm
Height 480 mm
Depth 250
Tootekood: SPL-3 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
305,00 €

Mailbox PL-4, stainless steel

Durable Stala mailboxes are made from stainless steel which withstands all weather conditions. Even large newspapers as well as letters will fit through the wide opening delivery slot, making the mailbox suitable for both home and company use. The slanted bottom forces mail to pile neatly.
Mailbox includes
• an engraved name plate 
• 2 keys and a reliable Abloy lock
The box stays efficient and attractive from year to year. 

The mailbox can be installed on the wall of a building or on a separate stand. The recommended installation height from the ground to the lower edge of the delivery slot is 100-120 cm.
Product code PL-4  

Warranty 24 kk 
Material Stainless steel 
Width 325 mm 
Height 650 mm 
Depth 280
Tootekood: SPL-4 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
427,00 €
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