10.2 EUR
634.4 EUR

Seebialus, seebialused seinale

Seebialus, seebialused seinale

Seebialused vannituppa – elegants ja praktilisus igasse interjööri

Seebialus on vannitoa oluline lisatarvik, mis hoiab seebi kuivana ja vannitoa puhtana. PEGU.ee e-poest leiad laia valiku stiilseid ja vastupidavaid seebialuseid, mis sobivad nii modernsesse kui ka klassikalisse vannituppa.

Meie valikus on seinakinnitusega seebialused, mis säästavad ruumi ja lisavad vannitoale esteetilist välimust. Pakume erinevaid viimistlusi – must, valge, kroom, kuld, messing, vask, harjatud kuld ja harjatud vask. Seebialused on valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest nagu roostevaba teras, messing ja Zamac, tagades pika kasutusea ja stiilse välimuse.

Vali kvaliteetne seebihoidja ja täienda oma vannitoa sisustust nutikate ning praktiliste detailidega!

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Brushed steel
Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home.

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard- wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7010 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
334,48 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Polished steel

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7011 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
436,15 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Brass

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7012 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
468,68 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Copper

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7013 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
413,78 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Black

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7014 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
462,58 €


Reframe | Soap shelf

Soap shelf Brushed steel

Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.

Tootekood: UN-7210 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
167,75 €


Reframe | Soap shelf

Soap shelf Hand polished steel

Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.

Tootekood: UN-7211 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
217,57 €


Reframe | Soap shelf

Soap shelf Brass

Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.

Tootekood: UN-7212 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
184,02 €


Reframe | Soap shelf

Soap shelf Copper

Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.

Tootekood: UN-7213 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
184,02 €


Reframe | Soap shelf

Soap shelf Black

Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.

Tootekood: UN-7214 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
201,30 €

Messing, kroomitud

Saab kui kruvida, siis ka liimida

Tootekood: DI640910 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
120,00 €

Messing, kroomitud

Saab kui kruvida, siis ka liimida

Tootekood: DI641010 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
200,00 €

Haceka Allure seebialus,Portselan, harjatud metall

  • Product titleHaceka Allure soap holder brushed sst ceramics
  • Product descriptionGive your bathroom and toilet a nostalgic accent with a modern twist, thanks to Allure accessories. Thanks to the white ceramics and the round shapes of the past, the accessories have a lot of allure.
  • Width114 mm
  • Depth175 mm
  • Height73 mm
  • ColourStainless-steel look brushed
  • MaterialZamac, Stainless Steel - Inox
  • Surface finishBrushed
  • Gloss levelMatt
Tootekood: L1208481 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
42,30 € (10%)
47,00 €





Tootekood: L1208629 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
28,80 € (10%)
32,00 €
Tootekood: 1208547 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
9,18 € (10%)
10,20 €
Tootekood: 402310 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
21,25 € (15%)
25,00 €

Haceka Kosmos kroom seebialus

Haceka Kosmos kroom seebialus seinale

Tootekood: L1208591 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
20,40 € (15%)
24,00 €

Ixi seebialus rest roostevaba teras

R/V terasest


Tootekood: L1208502 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
26,10 € (10%)
29,00 €

Ixi seebialus rest roostevaba teras, must

R/V terasest


Product features Haceka IXI Soap holder metal

  • Product titleHaceka Ixi soap holder mat black
  • Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
  • Width180 mm
  • Depth86 mm
  • Height20 mm
  • ColourBlack
  • MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
  • Surface finishPowder Coated
  • Gloss levelMatt
Tootekood: L1208579 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
40,50 € (10%)
45,00 €

Kosmos seebialus seinale teras

Tootekood: L1208457 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
22,95 € (15%)
27,00 €



Soap dish made of AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish

Tootekood: MAI0118CS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
19,00 € (5%)
20,00 €

• Soap dish, bright finish and made of AISI 304 stainless steel , for wall mounting.

• The AISI 304 stainless steel construction protects the product against rust and ensures quality and longevity.

• Model suitable for the hotel sector and for collectivities.

• Two drain holes and two ridges to support bar of soap.

• Concealed screws design.

• Screws and plugs for installation to the wall are provided.

Tootekood: MAI0118C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
19,00 € (5%)
20,00 €

• Soap dish for wall mounting, made of AISI 304 stainless steel satin finish.

• This soap dish consists in a holder + a dish, both made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 0.8 mm thick.

• With smooth clean lines to suit modern bathrooms, this soap dish is suitable for the hotel sector, for fitting out the bathrooms in the hotel rooms.

• Stainless steel construction ensures durability and rust proof.

• With no removable components.

• It normally goes along with a stainless steel towel rail or towel ring.

• Mounting on the wall by means of two supplied screws.

Tootekood: MAI0050CS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
63,65 € (5%)
67,00 €

• Soap dish for wall mounting, made of AISI 304 stainless steel bright finish.

• This soap dish consists in a holder + a dish, both made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 0.8 mm thick.

• With smooth clean lines to suit modern bathrooms, this soap dish is suitable for the hotel sector, for fitting out the bathrooms in the hotel rooms.

• Stainless steel construction ensures durability and rust proof.

• With no removable components.

• It normally goes along with a stainless steel towel rail or towel ring.

• Mounting on the wall by means of two supplied screws.

Tootekood: MAI0050C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
71,25 € (5%)
75,00 €

Sama hinnaklassis on CR,NL,OG,OL

Tootekood: N1494CR+С1487/1+С1488/1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 nädalad
634,40 €

Sama hinnaklassis on CR,NL,OG,OL

Tootekood: N1487CR ,   Tarneaeg: 7 nädalad
274,50 €

Sama hinnaklassis on ainult GO

Tootekood: N1487GO ,   Tarneaeg: 7 nädalad
457,50 €

Sama hinnaklassis on AG,BZ,CB,CO,CS,FV,GB,GF,NS,RA,TB

Tootekood: N1487BZ ,   Tarneaeg: 7 nädalad
353,80 €

R/V teras AISI 304


Tootekood: UN28500206 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädalad
84,15 € (7%)
90,48 €

R/V teras AISI 304

Tootekood: UN28500201 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädalad
73,75 € (7%)
79,30 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee