35.58 EUR
3599 EUR

Seebidosaatorid Kontaktivaba

Seebidosaatorid Kontaktivaba

Kontaktivabad seebidosaatorid on kaasaegne ja hügieeniline lahendus kätepesuks, kus seebi annustamine toimub ilma otsest kontakti dosaatoriga. Sellised dosaatorid on populaarsed kasutamiseks avalikes kohtades, nagu restoranid, hotellid, kaubanduskeskused, haiglad, lennujaamad ja teised kohad, kus on palju inimesi ja hügieen on oluline.

Kontaktivabad seebidosaatorid töötavad tavaliselt infrapunaanduri abil, mis tuvastab käte lähedal olevaid objekte, näiteks käsi, ning annab automaatselt välja sobiva koguse vedelat seepi ilma, et peaks dosaatorit füüsiliselt puudutama. See aitab vältida bakterite ja nakkuste levikut ning tagab tõhusa kätepesu, ilma et peaksite dosaatorit kätega puudutama, mis võib olla eriti oluline hügieeni tagamiseks avalikes kohtades.

Kontaktivabad seebidosaatorid võivad olla erineva suuruse, mahutavuse, disaini ja materjaliga vastavalt kasutuskohale ja vajadustele. Need võivad olla seinale kinnitatavad, lauale paigaldatavad või isegi põrandal seisvad. Lisaks vedelale seebile võivad mõned dosaatorid olla ka vahtseebi või käte desinfitseerimisvahendi jaoks.

Kontaktivabad seebidosaatorid on mugavad, efektiivsed ja hügieenilised vahendid kätepesuks avalikes kohtades ning aitavad edendada hea hügieeni praktikaid, eriti olukorras, kus on oluline vältida nakkuste levikut.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!


for PP102e-7S
140 x 20 x 195 mm

Order numbers:
satin finished: 923136
RAL-powder coated: 923136-RAL

Tootekood: WAG-923136 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
81,13 € (5%)
85,40 €


for WP/PP102e
110 x 450 x 120 mm

Order numbers:
satin finished: 923139
highly polished: 923139-HGL
RAL-powder coated: 923139-RAL

Tootekood: WAG-923139HGL ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
72,44 € (5%)
76,25 €


for WP/PP102e
110 x 450 x 120 mm

Order numbers:
satin finished: 923139
highly polished: 923139-HGL
RAL-powder coated: 923139-RAL

Tootekood: WAG-923139 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
57,95 € (5%)
61,00 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512051BK sinale elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V, 1L mahuti matt must


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid or foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically.
Matte black 304 stainless steel spout.
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic housing and removable tank enable installation beneath the washbasin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel
Total spout length: 115mm.
Supplied with 1-litre tank.


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK
Supply Mains 230/6V
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 333mm (tank + electronic unit)
Length 115mm
Spout length 98mm
Volume 1 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel


Tootekood: DE-512051BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
460,80 € (10%)
512,00 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512521BK pinnapealne elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V 0.5L mahuti matt must

BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK

Deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid soap, foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell.
Spout made from chrome-plated 304 stainless steel.
No waste pump dispenser.
Separate electronic unit and removable tank for installation under the basin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specialist foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
Spout length: 105mm.
Supplied with a 0.5 litre tank.


BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK
Supply 230/6V mains supply
Technology Infrared sensor
Drop height 58mm
Spout length 105mm
Volume 0.5 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512521BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
530,10 € (10%)
589,00 €


Hygienic bag in box system for DAN DRYER's touch-free soap dispensers Björk and Stainless Design.

For use in medical facilities, hospitals, schools, nursing homes and restaurants to reduce the spread of infections.

Packed 8 pcs. per carton, sold in carton lots only.



• Mild liquid soap. pH-value 5.5.

• Fits our touch-free soap dispensers, item no. 282 + BJÖRK.

• The container cannot be refilled and must be disposed of after use.

• Keep in original packaging, tightly closed.

• Store frost-free.

• Shelf life: 36 months after opening.


Product number: 28050 / EAN no. 5-708918-280509
Technical data: 0,7 l bag-in-box liquid soap. 700 g = approx. 700 doses.
Dimensions H: 220 mm incl. tube, W: 90 mm, D: 90 mm
Weight: 0.75 kg
Tootekood: DAN28050 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
147,00 €

Dealabie dosaator seebi/hydroalcoholic gel 1 L kontaktivaba sensoriga R/V teras must

Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre

Ref. 512066BK

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
Vandal-resistant model with lock and standard DELABIE key.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell 
(detection distance can be adjusted).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel cover.
One-piece hinged cover for easy maintenance and better hygiene.
No waste pump dispenser: dispenses 0.8ml
(can be adjusted up to 7 doses per activation).
Option of operation in anti-clogging mode.
Automatic soap dispenser: 6 AA -1.5V (DC9V) batteries supplied, integrated in the soap dispenser body.
Low battery indicator light.
Tank with large opening: easy to refill soap from large containers.
Window allows soap level to be checked.
304 stainless steel with matte black finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm.
Capacity: 1 litre.
Dimensions: 90 x 105 x 256mm.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
CE marked.


Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre

Ref. 512066BK
Supply 6 x AA batteries
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 256mm
Depth 90mm
Width 105mm
Volume 1 litre tank
Thickness 1mm
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512066BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
314,10 € (10%)
349,00 €

Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre 
Ref. 512066P

Electronic liquid soap dispenser, wall-mounted. 
Vandal-resistant model with lock and standard DELABIE key. 
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell (detection distancecan be adjusted).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel cover.
One-piece hinged cover for easy maintenanceand better hygiene.
No waste pump dispenser: dispenses 0.8ml(can be adjusted up to 7 doses per activation).
Option of operation in anti-clogging mode.
Power supply: 6 AA -1.5V (DC9V) batteries supplied integrated in the soap dispenser body.
Low battery indicator light.
Tank with large opening: eases transfer of soapfrom large containers. 
Window allows soap level to be checked. 
Bright polished 304 stainless steel. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm. 
Capacity: 1 litre. 
Dimensions : 90 x 105 x 256mm. 
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s. 
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
CE marked.

Tootekood: DE-512066P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
274,50 € (10%)
305,00 €

Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre 
Ref. 512066S

Electronic liquid soap dispenser, wall-mounted. 
Vandal-resistant model with lock and standard DELABIE key. 
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell (detection distancecan be adjusted).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel cover.
One-piece hinged cover for easy maintenanceand better hygiene.
No waste pump dispenser: dispenses 0.8ml(can be adjusted up to 7 doses per activation). 
Option of operation in anti-clogging mode.
Power supply: 6 AA -1.5V (DC9V) batteries supplied integrated in the soap dispenser body.
Low battery indicator light.
Tank with large opening: eases transfer of soapfrom large containers. 
Window allows soap level to be checked. 
Polished satin 304 stainless steel. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm. 
Capacity: 1 litre. 
Dimensions : 90 x 105 x 256mm. 
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s. 
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
CE marked.

Tootekood: DE-512066S ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
274,50 € (10%)
305,00 €

Wall-mounted electronic liquid soap dispenser, 1 litre 
Ref. 512066W

Electronic liquid soap dispenser, wall-mounted. 
Vandal-resistant model with lock and standard DELABIE key. 
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell (detection distancecan be adjusted).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel cover.
One-piece hinged cover for easy maintenanceand better hygiene.
No waste pump dispenser: dispenses 0.8ml(can be adjusted up to 7 doses per activation). 
Option of operation in anti-clogging mode.
Power supply: 6 AA -1.5V (DC9V) batteries supplied integrated in the soap dispenser body.
Low battery indicator light.
Tank with large opening: eases transfer of soap from large containers. 
Window allows soap level to be checked. 
White powder-coated 304 stainless steel.
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm. 
Capacity: 1 litre. 
Dimensions : 90 x 105 x 256mm. 
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
CE marked.

Tootekood: DE-512066W ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
274,50 € (10%)
305,00 €

Delabie 512111P antivandaalne elektrooniline vedel- või vahtseebi dosaator,  harj. rst

Electronic liquid or foam soap dispenser

Seinale paigaldatav elektrooniline seebi dosaator.
Vedel- või vahtseebi dosaator.
Vandaalikindel mudel ristseinale (TC) kuni 110mm.
Käsitsi kontakti pole: infrapunarakk tuvastab käed automaatselt.
Kroomitud 304 roostevabast terasest tila.
Iseseisev elektrooniline seade paigaldamiseks valamu alla või teeninduskanalisse.
Automaatne seebi dosaator: vooluvõrk 230/6V trafoga.
Taimepõhise vedelseebi jaoks maksimaalse viskoossusega 3000 mPa.s või spetsiaalsele vahtseebile.
Tila kogupikkus: 115 mm.
Tarnitakse 1,20 m painduva toruga kaugpaakide jaoks.
Настенный электронный дозатор для мыла.
Дозатор для жидкого или пенного мыла.
Антивандальная модель для поперечной стены (TC) до 110 мм.
Нет ручного контакта: инфракрасная ячейка автоматически обнаруживает руки.
Носик из хромированной нержавеющей стали 304.
Независимый электронный блок для установки под умывальником или в канале обслуживания.
Автоматический дозатор мыла: питание от сети с трансформатором 230/6В.
Для жидкого мыла на растительной основе с максимальной вязкостью 3000 мПа·с или специального пенного мыла.
Общая длина носика: 115 мм.
Поставляется с гибкой трубкой длиной 1,20 м для удаленных резервуаров.



Ref. 512111P

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser. 
Liquid or foam soap dispenser.
Vandal-resistant model for cross wall (TC) up to 110mm. 
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically. 
Chrome-plated 304 stainless steel spout. 
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic unit for installation beneath the washbasin or in a service duct.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Total spout length: 115mm. 
Supplied with 1.20m flexible tube for remote tanks. 


Electronic liquid or foam soap dispenser

Ref. 512111P
Supply Mains supply 230/6V
Connector 1/2"
Technology Infrared detection
Height 115mm (electronic unit)
Length 115mm
Spout length 98mm
Finish Chrome-plated 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512111P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
444,60 € (10%)
494,00 €


Touch-free ELEGANCE dispenser for disinfectant with a robust, shockproof plastic cover.

The design is simple, elegant and cleaning-friendly.



• Touch-free dispenser for disinfectant.

• Holds approx. 1.1 l disinfectant (= 900-1100 doses).

• For wall mounting.

• Battery-operated, runs on 4 x 1.5 V batteries.

• The front features a disinfectant-level indicator window.

• Also available for liquid soap.

• 2-year warranty.


Tootekood: DAN718+jalg ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädalad
250,00 €


86 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,8
satin finished (standard) 727817
highly polished 731817
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728817

Tootekood: WAG-PP101e-7P ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
463,60 € (5%)
488,00 €


86 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,8
satin finished (standard) 727817
highly polished 731817
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728817

Tootekood: WAG-PP101e-7S ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
353,50 € (5%)
372,10 €


86 x 298 x 121 mm

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,8
Tootekood: WAG-WP102e-7 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
434,63 € (5%)
457,50 €

Desinfektandi sensoriga kontaktivaba dosaator Elegance 1.1L (pattarei), valge plastik

Kontaktivaba desoaine dosaator mahuga 1,1 liitrit (900 - 1100 doosi). Seinapealne paigaldus. Töötab 4 x 1,5 V pattareiga. Toimib desinfitseerivat lahust pihustades



Touch-free ELEGANCE dispenser for disinfectant with a robust, shockproof plastic cover.

The design is simple, elegant and cleaning-friendly.



• Touch-free dispenser for disinfectant.

• Holds approx. 1.1 l disinfectant (= 900-1100 doses).

• For wall mounting.

• Battery-operated, runs on 4 x 1.5 V batteries.

• The front features a disinfectant-level indicator window.

• Also available for liquid soap.

• 2-year warranty.


Tootekood: DAN718 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-3 nädalad
130,00 €


86 x 298 x 121 mm

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,8
Tootekood: WAG-WP102e-7P ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
527,35 € (5%)
555,10 €


86 x 298 x 120 mm
950 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,7
satin finished (standard) 727820
highly polished 731820
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728820


86 x 298 x 120 mm
950 ml paak
Anduri desinfektsioonivahendite jaotur tugevast, idusid vähendavast ja hõlpsasti hooldatavast roostevabast terasest (AISI 316L).
Roostevabast terasest ümarate vertikaalsete nurkadega korpus, nähtavad pinnad on satiinviimistletud ja harjatud.
Muud saadaolevad pinnad: vt allpool.
EWAR® eModule puutetundliku juhtimisega desinfitseerimispumbaga 950 ml mahutiga.
Mõeldud käte tavalistele desinfektsioonivahenditele.
Kontrolliava täitetaseme näitamiseks.
Juurdepääsetav lukustatava hingedega korpuse kaudu.
Sama võtmega silindrilukk korrosioonikindlas tsinkvaluvormis.
eModule patareitoitel kahe 1,5 V Baby / LR14 patareiga.
Toiteallikas saadaval lisavarustusena.
Kulunud osi saab moodulitena vahetada.
Paigaldus: nelja kruviga läbi võtmeavade ja ühe valikulise vargusvastase avaga tagaseinas.
Tarnimine sisaldab kinnitusmaterjali ja patareisid.
Kaal (kg): 1,7
satiin viimistletud (standard) 727820
kõrgelt poleeritud 731820
(värviline) plastpulber - kate 728820
Tootekood: WAG-PP102e-7P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,40 € (5%)
494,10 €


86 x 298 x 120 mm
950 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,7
satin finished (standard) 727820
highly polished 731820
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728820


86 x 298 x 120 mm
950 ml paak
Anduri desinfektsioonivahendite jaotur tugevast, idusid vähendavast ja hõlpsasti hooldatavast roostevabast terasest (AISI 316L).
Roostevabast terasest ümarate vertikaalsete nurkadega korpus, nähtavad pinnad on satiinviimistletud ja harjatud.
Muud saadaolevad pinnad: vt allpool.
EWAR® eModule puutetundliku juhtimisega desinfitseerimispumbaga 950 ml mahutiga.
Mõeldud käte tavalistele desinfektsioonivahenditele.
Kontrolliava täitetaseme näitamiseks.
Juurdepääsetav lukustatava hingedega korpuse kaudu.
Sama võtmega silindrilukk korrosioonikindlas tsinkvaluvormis.
eModule patareitoitel kahe 1,5 V Baby / LR14 patareiga.
Toiteallikas saadaval lisavarustusena.
Kulunud osi saab moodulitena vahetada.
Paigaldus: nelja kruviga läbi võtmeavade ja ühe valikulise vargusvastase avaga tagaseinas.
Tarnimine sisaldab kinnitusmaterjali ja patareisid.
Kaal (kg): 1,7
satiin viimistletud (standard) 727820
kõrgelt poleeritud 731820
(värviline) plastpulber - kate 728820
Tootekood: WAG-PP102e-7 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
365,09 € (5%)
384,30 €


148 x 448 x 120 mm
950 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank. 
  • Tank with large, lockable refill opning.
  • Designed for standard disinfectants. 
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, removable front panel with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts and front panel can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: 150 x 450 x 110 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 3,4
Tootekood: WAG-WP208e-7P ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
573,71 € (5%)
603,90 €


148 x 448 x 120 mm
950 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 950 ml tank. 
  • Tank with large, lockable refill opning.
  • Designed for standard disinfectants. 
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, removable front panel with fall protection. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts and front panel can be replaced as modules.
  • Installation dimensions: 150 x 450 x 110 mm
  • Mounting: With four screws in wall opening through fixing holes in the side walls. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 3,4
Tootekood: WAG-WP208e-7S ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
521,55 € (5%)
549,00 €


85 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,7
satin finished (standard) 727343
highly polished 731343
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728343

Tootekood: WAG-WP101e-7 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
423,04 € (5%)
445,30 €


85 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing; all corners fully welded, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With two screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,7
satin finished (standard) 727343
highly polished 731343
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728343

Tootekood: WAG-WP101e-7P ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
504,17 € (5%)
530,70 €

Desoaine spray dosaator Mediclinics sensoriga kontaktivaba 1000ml R/V teras must

• Automaatne seinale paigaldatav pihustusseebi dosaator mahuga 1 L, valmistatud roostevabast terasest AISI 304, paksus 0,8 mm.
• Saadaval neljas viimistluses (valge, must, särav ja satiin) need seebidosaatori mudelid on funktsionaalse, jõulise ja trendika disainiga, mis sobivad kokku Mediclinicsi uue vannitoatarvikute sarjaga. See võimaldab sellel seebidosaatoril ideaalselt sulanduda igasse ruumi.
• Sobib tiheda liiklusega rajatistesse ja avalikuks kasutamiseks.
• Tasemenäidik, mis asub seebi dosaatori esiosas. See näitab pidevalt seebi dosaatoris saadaoleva seebi taset.
• Töötab 6 AA leelispatareiga (pole kaasas) või valikuliselt vahelduvvooluadapteriga. Tellige viide DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO, et saada automaatne seebiautomaat, mida saab vahelduvvooluadapteriga vooluvõrku ühendada.
• Doseerib käte desinfitseerivat pihustit.



Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish

• Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick.

• Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.

• Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use.

• Level display located in the front part of the soap dispenser. It constantly indicates the level of soap available inside the soap dispenser.

• Operates on 6 AA alkaline batteries (not provided) or optionally, with an AC adapter. Order reference DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO to receive the automatic soap dispenser able to be connected to the mains with the AC adapter.

• Dispenses hand sanitizer spray.

Tootekood: MDJS0039AB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
220,40 € (5%)
232,00 €

Desoaine spray dosaator Mediclinics sensoriga kontaktivaba 1000ml R/V teras poleeritud 

• Automaatne seinale paigaldatav pihustusseebi dosaator mahuga 1 L, valmistatud roostevabast terasest AISI 304, paksus 0,8 mm.
• Saadaval neljas viimistluses (valge, must, särav ja satiin) need seebidosaatori mudelid on funktsionaalse, jõulise ja trendika disainiga, mis sobivad kokku Mediclinicsi uue vannitoatarvikute sarjaga. See võimaldab sellel seebidosaatoril ideaalselt sulanduda igasse ruumi.
• Sobib tiheda liiklusega rajatistesse ja avalikuks kasutamiseks.
• Tasemenäidik, mis asub seebi dosaatori esiosas. See näitab pidevalt seebi dosaatoris saadaoleva seebi taset.
• Töötab 6 AA leelispatareiga (pole kaasas) või valikuliselt vahelduvvooluadapteriga. Tellige viide DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO, et saada automaatne seebiautomaat, mida saab vahelduvvooluadapteriga vooluvõrku ühendada.
• Doseerib käte desinfitseerivat pihustit.



Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish

• Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick.

• Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.

• Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use.

• Level display located in the front part of the soap dispenser. It constantly indicates the level of soap available inside the soap dispenser.

• Operates on 6 AA alkaline batteries (not provided) or optionally, with an AC adapter. Order reference DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO to receive the automatic soap dispenser able to be connected to the mains with the AC adapter.

• Dispenses hand sanitizer spray.

Tootekood: MDJS0039AC ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
190,95 € (5%)
201,00 €

Desoaine spray dosaator Mediclinics sensoriga kontaktivaba 1000ml R/V teras satiin

• Automaatne seinale paigaldatav pihustusseebi dosaator mahuga 1 L, valmistatud roostevabast terasest AISI 304, paksus 0,8 mm.
• Saadaval neljas viimistluses (valge, must, särav ja satiin) need seebidosaatori mudelid on funktsionaalse, jõulise ja trendika disainiga, mis sobivad kokku Mediclinicsi uue vannitoatarvikute sarjaga. See võimaldab sellel seebidosaatoril ideaalselt sulanduda igasse ruumi.
• Sobib tiheda liiklusega rajatistesse ja avalikuks kasutamiseks.
• Tasemenäidik, mis asub seebi dosaatori esiosas. See näitab pidevalt seebi dosaatoris saadaoleva seebi taset.
• Töötab 6 AA leelispatareiga (pole kaasas) või valikuliselt vahelduvvooluadapteriga. Tellige viide DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO, et saada automaatne seebiautomaat, mida saab vahelduvvooluadapteriga vooluvõrku ühendada.
• Doseerib käte desinfitseerivat pihustit.



Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish

• Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick.

• Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.

• Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use.

• Level display located in the front part of the soap dispenser. It constantly indicates the level of soap available inside the soap dispenser.

• Operates on 6 AA alkaline batteries (not provided) or optionally, with an AC adapter. Order reference DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO to receive the automatic soap dispenser able to be connected to the mains with the AC adapter.

• Dispenses hand sanitizer spray.

Tootekood: MDJS0039ACS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
190,95 € (5%)
201,00 €

Desoaine spray dosaator Mediclinics sensoriga kontaktivaba 1000ml R/V teras valge

• Automaatne seinale paigaldatav pihustusseebi dosaator mahuga 1 L, valmistatud roostevabast terasest AISI 304, paksus 0,8 mm.
• Saadaval neljas viimistluses (valge, must, särav ja satiin) need seebidosaatori mudelid on funktsionaalse, jõulise ja trendika disainiga, mis sobivad kokku Mediclinicsi uue vannitoatarvikute sarjaga. See võimaldab sellel seebidosaatoril ideaalselt sulanduda igasse ruumi.
• Sobib tiheda liiklusega rajatistesse ja avalikuks kasutamiseks.
• Tasemenäidik, mis asub seebi dosaatori esiosas. See näitab pidevalt seebi dosaatoris saadaoleva seebi taset.
• Töötab 6 AA leelispatareiga (pole kaasas) või valikuliselt vahelduvvooluadapteriga. Tellige viide DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO, et saada automaatne seebiautomaat, mida saab vahelduvvooluadapteriga vooluvõrku ühendada.
• Doseerib käte desinfitseerivat pihustit.



Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish

• Automatic wall-mounted spray soap dispenser of 1 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0.8 mm thick.

• Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.

• Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use.

• Level display located in the front part of the soap dispenser. It constantly indicates the level of soap available inside the soap dispenser.

• Operates on 6 AA alkaline batteries (not provided) or optionally, with an AC adapter. Order reference DJS0039A/B/C/CS-TRAFO to receive the automatic soap dispenser able to be connected to the mains with the AC adapter.

• Dispenses hand sanitizer spray.

Tootekood: MDJS0039A ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
198,55 € (5%)
209,00 €
Uudis , alates Oktoober 2020!
NEWS - available october 2020. Uses 6 pcs. AA batteries (not included). Can be mounted directly on the wall or on our stands for table or floor can be purchased. With sensor. 500ml / 600 doses. Nova2. Touchfree
Height: 217mm
Depth: 112mm
Diameter: Ø89mm
CC: 114mm
Weight: 2 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1978 ,   Tarneaeg: Alates Oktoober 2020, 2-4 nädalad
337,25 € (5%)
355,00 €
Uudis , alates Oktoober 2020!
NEWS - available october 2020. Uses 6 pcs. AA batteries (not included). Can be mounted directly on the wall or on our stands for table or floor can be purchased. With sensor. 500ml / 600 doses. Nova2. Touchfree
Height: 217mm
Depth: 112mm
Diameter: Ø89mm
CC: 114mm
Weight: 2 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1978-BMG ,   Tarneaeg: Alates Oktoober 2020, 2-4 nädalad
443,65 € (5%)
467,00 €
Uudis , alates Oktoober 2020!
NEWS - available october 2020. Uses 6 pcs. AA batteries (not included). Can be mounted directly on the wall or on our stands for table or floor can be purchased. With sensor. 500ml / 600 doses. Nova2. Touchfree
Height: 217mm
Depth: 112mm
Diameter: Ø89mm
CC: 114mm
Weight: 2 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1978-BCB ,   Tarneaeg: Alates Oktoober 2020, 2-4 nädalad
443,65 € (5%)
467,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee