19 EUR
2855 EUR

Professionaalsed segistid restoranidesse ja baaridesse – Maestro, Chef, Delabie | PEGU.ee

Professionaalsed segistid restoranidesse ja baaridesse – Maestro, Chef, Delabie | PEGU.ee

 Professionaalsed köögisegistid on spetsiaalselt loodud ja mõeldud kasutamiseks professionaalsetes köökides, nagu restoranid, hotellid, kohvikud ja muud kõrge koormusega keskkonnad. Need segistid erinevad tavalistest koduseks kasutamiseks mõeldud segistitest, kuna need peavad vastu pidama intensiivsele kasutusele, tagama kiire ja tõhusa veega varustamise ning vastama kõrgetele nõudmistele töökeskkonnas.

Professionaalsed köögisegistid võivad olla varustatud erinevate funktsioonide ja omadustega, mis muudavad nende kasutamise professionaalsetes köökides mugavamaks ja tõhusamaks. Näiteks võivad need sisaldada kiirvoolikuid, erinevaid düüse, spetsiaalseid käepidemeid ja hoobasid, termostaadiga segamissüsteeme ning muud funktsionaalsust, mis vastab köögis töötavate inimeste vajadustele.

Professionaalsed köögisegistid on tavaliselt valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, nagu roostevaba teras või messing, et tagada nende vastupidavus ja pikaajaline kasutamine ka kõrge kasutuskoormuse tingimustes. Disain võib olla ka kohandatud vastavalt köögi vajadustele, näiteks võib olla vaja seina- või laesegisteid, valamusegistit või muud tüüpi segistit sõltuvalt köögi paigutusest ja töövoost.

Professionaalsed köögisegistid on oluline osa professionaalsete köökide tööprotsessist, võimaldades kiiret ja tõhusat veevarustust toiduvalmistamiseks, nõudepesuks ja muudeks köögiga seotud tegevusteks. Nende segistite kvaliteet, vastupidavus ja funktsionaalsus aitavad suurendada köögi efektiivsust ja produktiivsust ning tagavad sujuva töövooru köögis.

Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et professionaalsed köögisegistid on kohandatud spetsiaalselt professionaalsetele köökidele, pakkudes vastupidavust, funktsionaalsust ja mugavust, mis vastavad kõrgetele nõudmistele ja ootustele professionaalses köögis töötamisel.

Kataloog PROFi köögisegistid

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

2-ne Valamu jalaga 1200x700, kõrgus 850mm , R/V teras

Нержавеющая большегрузная двойная мойка на ножках, 1200 x 700 x 850 мм



  • stainless steel bulk double-sink with a sheating
  • without a tap hole (could be made to order)
  • possibility of fine plane regulation by the regulation screws on the supporting legs
  • possibility to order inner sinks in dimensions: 400 x 300 x 200 mm/ 400 x 400 x 250 mm/ 400 x 400 x 200 mm
  • available also in the length 1400 mm
  • material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
  • brushed finish
  • different dimensions could be made to order
Арт. № 93160
Название SLUN 16
Tootekood: SA-SLUN16 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalad
2745,00 €


Auto-rewind 304 stainless steel hose reel - Ref. 5675T2


Auto-rewind hose reel with flexible hose L. 15m and guide rollers: Maximum temperature 70°C.
Flow rate 23 lpm at 3 bar.
Maximum pressure 20 bar, 12 bar with trigger-op hand spray. 304 Stainless steel base and drum Ø 390mm.

Order separately: an angled stopcock with integrated vacuum breaker to prevent the back flow of polluted water into the mains supply.


Auto-rewind 304 stainless steel hose reel 
Ref. 5675T2


Connector 3/4"
Height 400mm
Depth 410mm
Length 186mm
Flow rate 14 lpm
Finish 304 Stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-5675T2 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2855,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5626

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap. 
Single hole deck-mounted mixer with slimline control lever. 
Supplied with F3/8" flexible hoses and non-return valves. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Reinforced, food-grade black flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.


Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5626

Connector F3/8"
Height 1105-1225mm
Drop height 340 - 580mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5626 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
946,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5625

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Single hole deck-mounted mixer with slimline control lever. 
Supplied with F3/8" flexible hoses and non-return valves. 
Bib tap with swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm. 
- 16 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°. 
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism and ergonomic control. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Reinforced, food-grade black flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.



Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5625

Connector F3/8"
Height 1105-1225mm
Drop height 340 - 580mm
Flow rate 16 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5625 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1189,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5630

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms and ergonomic control levers.
- F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves.
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods with back-nuts.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5630

Connector F3/8"
Height 1080-1200mm
Drop height 315-555mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5630 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
920,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5632

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers. 
- F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves. 
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods with back-nuts. 
Bib tap with swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm. 
- 20 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°. 
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5632

Connector F3/8"
Height 1080 - 1200mm
Drop height 315-555mm
Flow rate 20 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5632 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1152,00 €

Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5633

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 150mm centres with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers. 
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails. 
Bib tap with: 
- Swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm. 
- 25 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°. 
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5633

Connector M1/2"
Height 1110 - 1230mm
Drop height 345 - 585mm
Flow rate 25 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5633 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1281,00 €

Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5633UK

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 180mm centres with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers. 
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails. 
Bib tap with: 
- Swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm. 
- 25 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°. 
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5633UK

Connector M1/2"
Height 1110-1230mm
Drop height 345 - 585mm
Flow rate 25 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5633UK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1293,00 €

Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5634

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Wall-mounted mixer, F3/4" with adjustable centres with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers. 
- M1/2" M3/4" offset connectors. 
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer. 
Bib tap with: 
- Swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm. 
- 25 lpm full flow rate achieved within 90°. 
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L.0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5634

Connector M1/2"
Height 860 - 930mm
Flow rate 25 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5634 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1104,00 €

Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5636

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap. 
Wall-mounted mixer, F3/4" with adjustable centres with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic ball levers. 
- M1/2" M3/4" offset connectors. 
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5636

Connector M1/2"
Height 860 - 930mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5636 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
829,00 €

Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5680

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 150mm centres with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers. 
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5680

Connector M1/2"
Height 1110 - 1230mm
Drop height 345 - 585mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5680 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1079,00 €

Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5680UK

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 180mm centres with: 
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers. 
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails. 
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 5680UK

Connector M1/2"
Height 1110 - 1230mm
Drop height 345 - 585mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-5680UK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1085,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 6692

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with slimline control lever. 
Supplied with F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves. 
Bib tap with telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200 - 290mm.
- Flow rate 16 lpm at the outlet. 
- Valve head with control knob. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Reinforced, food-grade, white flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 6692

Connector F3/8"
Height 1105-1225 mm
Drop height 340-580 mm
Flow rate 16 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162 mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-6692 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1073,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 6693

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap. 
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with slimline control lever. 
Supplied with F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
Reinforced, food-grade, white flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. 6693

Connector F3/8"
Height 1105-1225 mm
Drop height 340-580 mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162 mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-6693 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
836,00 €

Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6432

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Wall-mounted F3/4" mixer with 150mm centres with: 
- Valve heads with control knobs. 
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer. 
Bib tap with: 
- Telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200-290mm with 25 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
- Valve head with control knob. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable spray and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 




Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6432

Connector F3/4"
Flow rate 25 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-G6432 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
989,00 €

Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6433

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap. 
Wall-mounted mixer, F3/4" with 150mm centres with: 
- Valve heads with control knobs. 
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6433

Connector F3/4"
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-G6433 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
785,00 €

Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6532

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with adjustable centres 100 - 240mm with: 
- Valve heads with control knobs. 
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails. 
Bib tap with: 
- Telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200-290mm with 25 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
- Valve head with control knob. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 




Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6532

Connector F3/8"
Height 1125 - 1245mm
Drop height 360 - 600mm
Flow rate 25 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-G6532 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1092,00 €

Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6533

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap. 
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with adjustable centres 100 - 240mm with: 
- Valve heads with control knobs. 
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable spray and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 


Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6533

Connector M1/2"
Height 1125 - 1245mm
Drop height 360 - 600mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-G6533 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
885,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6632

Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. 
Single hole deck mounted mixer with: 
- Valve head with control knob. 
- F3/8" flexible connectors and non-return valves. 
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods and back-nuts. 
Bib tap with telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200 - 290mm.
- 20 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
- Valve head with control knob. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6632

Connector F3/8"
Height 1105 - 1225mm
Drop height 90 - 330mm
Flow rate 20 lpm
Width to the wall 35 - 162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-G6632 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1045,00 €

Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6633

Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap. 
Single hole deck mounted mixer with: 
- Valve head with control knob. 
- F3/8" flexible connectors and non-return valves. 
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods and back-nuts. 
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet. 
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m. 
3/4" brass column. 
Adjustable wall bracket. 
Stainless steel spring guide. 



Pre-rinse set with mixer 
Ref. G6633

Connector F3/8"
Height 1105 - 1225mm
Drop height 310 - 550mm
Flow rate 9 lpm
Width to the wall 35-162mm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-G6633 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
835,00 €

Delabie professionaalse köögisegistile pihusti-otsik 1/2" must

Black M1/2" hand spray

Ref. 433010

Black hand spray with adjustable jet and shock-resistant tip. 
Scale-resistant diffuser (nozzle has no mesh). 
Two jet options: rain effect - 8 lpm at 3 bar and concentrated jet - 9 lpm at 3 bar. 
Reinforced polypropylene handle with non-slip grip (improved grip). 
Chrome-plated solid brass. 
Hand spray can be locked in open position using integrated collar. 


Black M1/2" hand spray

Ref. 433010
Connector M1/2"
Height 168mm
Flow rate 8 - 9 lpm
Finish Polypropylene
Tootekood: DE-433010 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
165,00 €

Delabie professionaalse köögisegistile pihusti-otsik 1/2" valge

White M1/2" hand spray

Ref. 433000

White hand spray with adjustable jet and shock-resistant tip.
Scale-resistant diffuser (nozzle has no mesh).
Two jet options: rain effect - 8 lpm at 3 bar and concentrated jet - 9 lpm at 3 bar.
Reinforced polypropylene handle with non-slip grip (improved grip).
Chrome-plated solid brass.
Hand spray can be locked in open position using integrated collar.


White M1/2" hand spray

Ref. 433000
Connector M1/2"
Height 168mm
Flow rate 8 - 9 lpm
Finish Polypropylene
Tootekood: DE-433000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
165,00 €

Delabie profiköögi segistile voolik 1200 mm must

Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433120CH

Black, reinforced food-grade flexible hose L. 1.20m:
PVC sheath on stress area.
Anti-torsion rotating nut.
Flexible hose will withstand temperatures up to 70°C and 5 bar maximum pressure.
Spare part for repairing pre-rinse set components.


Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433120CH
Length L.1.20m
Finish Hytrel
Tootekood: DE-433120CH ,   Tarneaeg: 14. päeva
107,00 €

Delabie profiköögi segistile voolik 1200 mm valge

Delabie шланг для профессионального смесителя 1200mm белый

Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433120

White, reinforced food-grade flexible hose L. 1.20m.
PVC sheath on stress area.
Anti-torsion rotating nut.
Flexible hose will withstand temperatures up to 70°C and 5 bar maximum pressure.
Spare part for repairing pre-rinse set components.


Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433120
Length L. 1.20m
Finish Hytrel
Tootekood: DE-433120 ,   Tarneaeg: 14. päeva
107,00 €

Delabie profiköögi segistile voolik 2000 mm

Tootekood: DE-433200 ,   Tarneaeg: 14. päeva
135,00 €

Delabie profiköögi segistile voolik 950 mm must

Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433095CH

Black, reinforced food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m:
PVC sheath on stress area.
Anti-torsion rotating nut.
Flexible hose will withstand temperatures up to 70°C and 5 bar maximum pressure.
Spare part for repairing pre-rinse set components.


Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433095CH
Length L. 0.95m
Finish Hytrel
Tootekood: DE-433095CH ,   Tarneaeg: 14. päeva
98,00 €

Delabie profiköögi segistile voolik 950 mm valge

Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433095

White, reinforced food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
PVC sheath on stress area.
Anti-torsion rotating nut.
Flexible hose will withstand temperatures up to 70°C and 5 bar maximum pressure.
Spare part for repairing pre-rinse set components


Food-grade flexible hose for catering

Ref. 433095
Length L. 0.95m
Finish Hytrel
Tootekood: DE-433095 ,   Tarneaeg: 14. päeva
98,00 €
Tootekood: IDR-09401 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
155,00 €

Idral segisti seinale 3/4" seinale 09480

Tootekood: IDR-09480 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
189,10 €

Köögisegisti Delabie 2211 käsidušiga väljatõmmatav kroom

Mechanical mixer with retracting hand spray

Ref. 2211

Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer with retracting hand spray suitable for baby baths.
Single hole mixer with retracting hand spray and swivelling spout H. 105mm L. 200mm. 
Ø 40mm standard ceramic cartridge with pre-set maximum temperature limiter. 
Securitouch thermal insulation prevents burns.
Mechanical mixer with retracting hand spray with 2 jet options: flow straightener/rain effect. 
Body with smooth interior. 
Flow rate limited to 7 lpm at 3 bar. 
Chrome-plated brass body and solid control lever.
BIOSAFE flexible shower hose reduces bacterial proliferation: transparent polyurethane flexible hose ensures replacement if biofilm is present, smooth interior and exterior.
Narrow flexible (interior Ø 6mm), low water volume. 
Specific counterweight.
PEX flexibles F⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Mechanical mixer ideal for healthcare facilities, retirement and care homes, hospitals and clinics.
Single hole mixer suitable for people with reduced mobility.


Mechanical mixer with retracting hand spray

Ref. 2211
Connector F3/8"
Height 162mm
Drop height 105mm
Spout length 200mm
Flow rate 7 lpm at 3 bar
Temperature limiter Yes
Finish Chrome-plated brass



Tootekood: DE-2211 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
457,00 €
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