Sensoriga IR segistid, kontaktivaba elektroonilised kraanid

Sensoriga IR segistid, kontaktivaba elektroonilised kraanid
Kontaktivaba ja sensoriga segisti - Mugavus ja hügieen teie käteulatuses
Kontaktivabad ja sensoriga segistid on tänapäevased lahendused, mis pakuvad kasutajatele mitmeid eeliseid ja muudavad veekasutuse tõhusamaks ning hügieenilisemaks. Need segistid on leidnud laialdast kasutust nii avalikes kohtades kui ka erakodudes, kuna need tagavad kasutajatele parema kogemuse ja aitavad vähendada veekulu.
Üks suurimaid eeliseid kontaktivaba ja sensoriga segistite juures on nende mugavus. Kasutajad saavad nende segistitega vett käivitada ja sulgeda ilma, et peaksid puutuma kokku segisti käepidemega. Piisab vaid käe liigutamisest segisti anduri lähedal ning vesi voolab automaatselt. See on eriti mugav näiteks köögis, kui käed on määrdunud või hõivatud ning pole võimalik segisti käepidemele ligi pääseda.
Teine oluline eelis on hügieen. Traditsioonilised segistid võivad koguda mustust ja baktereid, eriti kui neid puudutatakse määrdunud või märgade kätega. Kontaktivabad ja sensoriga segistid vähendavad oluliselt bakterite levikut, kuna neid on võimalik kasutada ilma segistit füüsiliselt puudutamata. See on eriti oluline avalikes kohtades, nagu restoranid, hotellid, lennujaamad, koolid jne, kus paljud inimesed puudutavad ühte segistit.
Lisaks aitavad kontaktivabad segistid vähendada veekulu. Kuna vesi voolab ainult siis, kui andur tuvastab käe lähedust, on vee raiskamine välistatud. See aitab säästa nii vett kui ka energiat ning omakorda vähendab veearveid.
Kontaktivabad ja sensoriga segistid on kaasaegsed, stiilsed ja funktsionaalsed lahendused, mis täiustavad igapäevast veekasutust nii avalikes kohtades kui ka kodus. Need segistid pakuvad mugavust, hügieeni ja säästlikkust, muutes need populaarseks valikuks paljudele inimestele, kes soovivad parendada oma veekasutuskogemust ja hoolida keskkonnast.
Kontaktivabad ja sensoriga segistid on saadaval erinevates stiilides ja kujundustes, mis võimaldab neid sobitada igasse interjööri. Lisaks traditsioonilistele värvi- ja viimistlusvalikutele on paljud tootjad loonud ka nutikaid segisteid, mis võimaldavad reguleerida vee temperatuuri ja vooluhulka läbi nutiseadmete.
Erinevate kasutuskohtade jaoks on saadaval erinevad tüübid kontaktivabu ja sensoriga segisteid. Näiteks on olemas seinale paigaldatavad, kraanikaussi paigaldatavad, dušialused ja vannitäitesegistid. See annab kasutajatele võimaluse valida just neile sobivaim lahendus vastavalt vajadustele ja eelistustele.
Paljudel kontaktivabadel ja sensoriga segistitel on ka täiendavad funktsioonid, mis muudavad nende kasutamise veelgi mugavamaks. Näiteks võivad mõned segistid olla varustatud temperatuuriseadistusega, mis võimaldab eelistatud vee temperatuuri määrata eelnevalt ning seejärel seda lihtsasti käivitada. Samuti on olemas segisteid, mis pakuvad "ajutise veevoolu" funktsiooni, mis lülitab veevoolu automaatselt välja pärast teatud aja möödumist, et vältida liigset veekasutust.
Üldiselt on kontaktivabad ja sensoriga segistid praktilised, kaasaegsed ja keskkonnasõbralikud lahendused, mis sobivad suurepäraselt igasse ruumi. Nende kasutamine aitab optimeerida veekasutust ja tagab samal ajal hügieenilise ning mugava kasutuskogemuse. Üha enam inimesi eelistab selliseid segisteid nende tõhususe, säästlikkuse ja esteetilise väljanägemise tõttu, mistõttu võib neid leida üha enamates kohtades nii avalikes ruumides kui ka kodudes.
Kroom FMM-nr:1641-0000
- Temperatuuriseade nupuga, akutoitel (aku kaasas)
- Vandalismikindel, kest üleni metallist
- ECO funktsioon (vett ja energiat säästev õhusti 5 l/min)
- Aegreleega loputuse lõpetus üleujutamise vältimiseks
- 30-sekundiline loputusaeg (anduriga)
- Võimalik välja lülitada 60 sekundiks (näiteks puhastamiseks)
- Madal voolutarve, pikk eluiga
- Võimalik kuuma veega läbi loputada, et desinfitseerida legionella vastu
- IP-klassi andur, IP67
- Keskkonnasõbralik materjal, pliivaba, niklivaba
Paigaldamine: - Anduri automaatne kalibreering
- Pärast seadistamist sobivale temperatuurile, on võimalik nupp asendada ehiskaanega
- Kõiki mudeleid on võimalik kasutada nii 6V aku toitel või 12V vooluadapteriga
- Võrguvoolu kasutamiseks on tarvis paigaldada vooluadapter 1623-0000 ja toide FMM 1619-4000 või teise võimalusena trafo FMM 1619-3000
- Pehmed PEX® voolikud koos integreeritud tagasilöögiklappide ja filtritega (roostevabast terasest)
- Ava läbimõõt Ø 33,5–37 mm
Seaded: - Reguleeritav maksimaalne temperatuur
- Programmeeritav hügieeniloputuse funktsioon
- Seadistatav loputusaeg
Keskselt juhitav mudel: - Komplektis kaabel, millega on võimalik juhtida hügieeniloputust
- Loputus toimub, kui sissevool on suletud
BINOPTIC Delabie 512051BK sinale elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V, 1L mahuti matt must
BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser
Ref. 512051BK
Liquid or foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically.
Matte black 304 stainless steel spout.
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic housing and removable tank enable installation beneath the washbasin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel
Total spout length: 115mm.
Supplied with 1-litre tank.
BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser
Ref. 512051BKSupply | Mains 230/6V |
Technology | Infrared sensor |
Height | 333mm (tank + electronic unit) |
Length | 115mm |
Spout length | 98mm |
Volume | 1 litre tank |
Finish | Matte black 304 stainless steel |
512,00 €
BINOPTIC Delabie 512521BK pinnapealne elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V 0.5L mahuti matt must
BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser
Ref. 512521BK
Liquid soap, foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell.
Spout made from chrome-plated 304 stainless steel.
No waste pump dispenser.
Separate electronic unit and removable tank for installation under the basin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specialist foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
Spout length: 105mm.
Supplied with a 0.5 litre tank.
BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser
Ref. 512521BKSupply | 230/6V mains supply |
Technology | Infrared sensor |
Drop height | 58mm |
Spout length | 105mm |
Volume | 0.5 litre tank |
Finish | Matte black 304 stainless steel |
589,00 €
Damixa kontaktivaba valamusegisti Silhouet Touchless PRIVATE grafiithall
Touchless basin tap graphite grey pvd
Standard features:
Ceramic cartridge Rub-Clean Standard installation 6l/min aerator Sensor
Easy handle regulation of temperature and flow Small velcro attached battery container
No extra space requirement
507,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti harjatud messing pvd
Harjatud messing PVD
507,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti kroom
410,00 €
Touchless basin tap matt black
Matt black
487,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti mat valge
Mat valge
Keraamiline tööorgan
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Standardne paigaldus
6l/min aerator
Kontaktivaba andur
Mugav hoob temperatuuri ja voolu hõlpsaks reguleerimiseks
Takjapaelaga kinnitatud väike akumahuti Pole vaja ruumi lisakapi jaoks
487,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti Public harjatud messing pvd
Harjatud messing PVD
Claus Rantzau
507,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti Public kroom
Claus Rantzau
410,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti Public matt black
Matt black
Claus Rantzau
487,00 €
Touchless Valamusegisti Public mat valge
Mat valge
Keraamiline tööorgan
Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada Standardne paigaldus
6l/min aerator
Kontaktivaba andur
Eelmääratud temperatuur ja veevool Takjapaelaga kinnitatud väike akumahuti Pole vaja ruumi lisakapi jaoks Hügieeniline
487,00 €
Delabie 512111P antivandaalne elektrooniline vedel- või vahtseebi dosaator, harj. rst
Electronic liquid or foam soap dispenser
Ref. 512111P
Liquid or foam soap dispenser.
Vandal-resistant model for cross wall (TC) up to 110mm.
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically.
Chrome-plated 304 stainless steel spout.
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic unit for installation beneath the washbasin or in a service duct.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Total spout length: 115mm.
Supplied with 1.20m flexible tube for remote tanks.
Electronic liquid or foam soap dispenser
Ref. 512111PSupply | Mains supply 230/6V |
Connector | 1/2" |
Technology | Infrared detection |
Height | 115mm (electronic unit) |
Length | 115mm |
Spout length | 98mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated 304 stainless steel |
494,00 €
Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 170mm 388035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 388035
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height: 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 388035Supply | Main supply 230/12V |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 170mm |
Spout length | 175mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
756,00 €
Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 170mm 488035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 6V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 488035
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height: 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 488035Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 170mm |
Spout length | 175mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
895,00 €
Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 250mm 398035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 398035
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height 250mm, for countertop washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 398035Supply | Mains supply 230/12V |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 250mm |
Spout length | 185mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
825,00 €
Delabie elektrooniline kraan eelsegatud veele 250mm 498035 M3/8" BINOPTIC TAP 6V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 498035
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
Battery-operated with 123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexible with filter and solenoid valve M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Drop height 250mm for countertop washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 498035Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 250mm |
Spout length | 185mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
959,00 €
Delabie kontaktivaba eelsegatud/külmavee kraan seinale 379MCHB BINOPTIC TAP 230/12V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 379ENCB
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Filter and solenoid valve M3/8".
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
Recessed installation.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (limits bacterial niches).
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC electronic tap
Ref. 379ENCBSupply | Mains supply 230/12V |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 200mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
745,00 €
Delabie kontaktivaba elektronik segisti 478MCHB M3/8" BINOPTIC MIX 6V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 478MCHB
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium battery-operated.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds. every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water(reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Side temperature control with standard lever control and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 478MCHBSupply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 110mm |
Spout length | 135mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
1067,00 €
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 478MCH
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium battery-operated.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds. every 24hr after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water(reduces niches where bacteria can develop).
Side temperature control with standard lever control and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 478MCH
Supply | 6V battery |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 110mm |
Spout length | 135mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
952,00 €
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 478MCH15
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium battery.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Duty flush (~60 sec. every 24h after last use).
Active, infrared movement detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated solid brass body.
PEX flexibles with filters, solenoid valves and Ø 15mm conical inlets.
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with a smooth interior and low volume of water (limits bacterial niches).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 478MCH15
Supply | 6V battery |
Connector | M1/2'' Ø 15mm |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 110mm |
Spout length | 135mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
1007,00 €
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 488MCHLH
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature and ergonomic LH lever.
Drop height 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 488MCHLH
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 170mm |
Spout length | 175mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
989,00 €
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 488MCHLH15
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves Ø 15mm.
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature and ergonomic LH lever.
Drop height 170mm for semi-recessed washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 488MCHLH15
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M1/2'' Ø 15 |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 170mm |
Spout length | 175mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
1079,00 €
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 498MCHLH
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves M⅜".
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature and ergonomic LH lever.
Drop height 250mm for counter-top washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 498MCHLH
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 250mm |
Spout length | 185mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
1055,00 €
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 498MCHLH15
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
123 6V Lithium batteries.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush 60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated brass body.
PEX flexibles with filters and solenoid valves Ø 15mm for compression fittings.
Fixing reinforced by 2 stainless steel rods.
Anti-blocking security.
Spout with smooth interior and low water volume (reduces bacterial development).
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature and ergonomic LH lever.
Drop height 250mm for counter-top washbasins.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 498MCHLH15
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | M1/2'' Ø 15 |
Technology | Electronic |
Drop height | 250mm |
Spout length | 185mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
1111,00 €
Delabie kontaktivaba elektronik segisti seinale 379MCHB BINOPTIC MIX 230/12V matt must
BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 379MCHB
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set flush ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Filters and solenoid valves M3/8".
Chrome-plated brass body.
Matte black chrome finish.
Cross wall installation ≤110mm
Cable for sensor L. 120mm, flexibles and mounting all pass through the same hole.
Anti-blocking safety.
Spout with smooth interior and low volume of water (reduces bacterial niches).
Side temperature control with standard lever and adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
BLACK BINOPTIC MIX electronic mixer
Ref. 379MCHBSupply | Mains supply 230/12V |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 230mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
Finish | Matte black chrome |
929,00 €
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493416
Wall-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V Lithium batteries.
Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Duty flush (60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated metal body L. 130mm.
Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws.
F3/8" stopcocks.
For cross wall installation.
Anti-blocking security.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493416
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | F3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 130mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
659,00 €
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493406
Wall-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V Lithium batteries.
Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Duty flush (60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated metal body L. 160mm.
Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws.
Recessed inlets 1/2".
Anti-blocking security.
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
10-year warranty.
Provisional availability 2nd half 2020, please contact the sales office to check availability.
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493406
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | 1/2" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 160mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
605,00 €
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493516
Wall-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V Lithium batteries.
Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Duty flush (60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated metal body L. 190mm.
Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws.
F3/8" stopcocks.
For cross wall installation.
Anti-blocking security.
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493516
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | F3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 190mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
725,00 €
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493506
Wall-mounted electronic basin mixer:
Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V Lithium batteries.
Reduced-stagnation solenoid valve and electronic unit integrated into the body of the mixer.
Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.5 - 6 lpm.
Scale-resistant flow straightener.
Duty flush (60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Active, infrared presence detection, sensor at the end of the spout optimises detection.
Chrome-plated metal body L. 220mm.
Cap fixed in place by 2 concealed screws.
Recessed inlets 1/2".
Anti-blocking security.
Side temperature control with adjustable maximum temperature limiter.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
10-year warranty.
Provisional availability 2nd half 2020, please contact the sales office to check availability.
TEMPOMATIC MIX 4 electronic mixer
Ref. 493506
Supply | 6V batteries |
Connector | 1/2" |
Technology | Electronic |
Spout length | 220mm |
Flow rate | 3 lpm |
671,00 €