Sorteerimise prügikastid Rossignol Cubatri ilma lukuta

PEGU.EE pakub laias valikus prügikaste, sealhulgas Prantsusmaa päritolu Rossignol Cubatri sorteerimise prügikaste.
Need prügikastid on disainitud praktiliseks prügisorteerimiseks, tagades samal ajal vastupidavuse ja funktsionaalsuse. Kvaliteetne metallist konstruktsioon ja stiilne disain muudavad need prügikastid ideaalseks valikuks keskkonnasõbraliku prügikäitluse jaoks.
Mitmekordne Prügisorteerimine: Rossignol Cubatri prügikastidel on suur valik, võimaldades lihtsat ja tõhusat prügisorteerimist.
Vastupidav Konstruktsioon: Valmistatud kvaliteetsest metallist, mis tagab prügikastide vastupidavuse ja pikaajalise kasutamise.
Elegantne Disain: Stiilne ja kaasaegne disain muudab need prügikastid sobivaks mitmesugustesse interjööridesse.
Erinevad Mahutavused: Saadaval erinevates mahutavustes, võimaldades valida vastavalt kasutusvajadusele.
Keskkonnasõbralikud Materjalid: Rossignol on tuntud oma keskkonnasõbralike toodete poolest, panustades säästva arengu põhimõtetesse.
Lihtne Hooldus: Prügikastide konstruktsioon ja materjalid võimaldavad lihtsat puhastamist ja hooldamist.
Rossignol Cubatri sorteerimise prügikastid aitavad teil luua organiseeritud ja puhta keskkonna, võimaldades samal ajal lihtsat ja tõhusat prügisorteerimist. Tutvuge PEGU.EE valikuga ja leidke endale sobiv prügikast vastavalt oma vajadustele.
Sorteerimise prügikast CUBATRI 2x10L must/pruun RAL8001 BIO
Prügikast 2x10L prügi sorteerimisalus.
- Made in France
- Recyclable material
- Push/pull door opening system with mechanical latch
- Calibrated opening (square: 170 x 170 mm) with opening hatch on top with handle
- Stand for 2 anti-odour filters - supplied with 2 carbon filters (ref 59238 - set of 6)
- 2 hermetic polypropylene plastic buckets with lids and handles - Maximum load: 30 kg for 1 bucket
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Dimension: H760 x P384 x L380 mm
Sorteerimise prügikast CUBATRI 2x10L valge/pruun RAL8001 BIO
Prügikast 2x10L prügi sorteerimisalus.
- Made in France
- Recyclable material
- Push/pull door opening system with mechanical latch
- Calibrated opening (square: 170 x 170 mm) with opening hatch on top with handle
- Stand for 2 anti-odour filters - supplied with 2 carbon filters (ref 59238 - set of 6)
- 2 hermetic polypropylene plastic buckets with lids and handles - Maximum load: 30 kg for 1 bucket
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Dimension: H760 x P384 x L380 mm
Sorteerimise prügikast CUBATRI 2x20L must/pruun RAL8001 BIO
Prügikast 2x20L prügi sorteerimisalus.
- Made in France
- Recyclable material
- Push/pull door opening system with mechanical latch
- Calibrated opening (square: 170 x 170 mm) with opening hatch on top with handle
- Stand for 2 anti-odour filters - supplied with 2 carbon filters (ref 59238 - set of 6)
- 2 hermetic polypropylene plastic buckets with lids and handles - Maximum load: 30 kg for 1 bucket
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Sorteerimise prügikast CUBATRI 2x20L valge/pruun RAL8001 bio
Prügikast 2x20L prügi sorteerimisalus.
- Made in France
- Recyclable material
- Push/pull door opening system with mechanical latch
- Calibrated opening (square: 170 x 170 mm) with opening hatch on top with handle
- Stand for 2 anti-odour filters - supplied with 2 carbon filters (ref 59238 - set of 6)
- 2 hermetic polypropylene plastic buckets with lids and handles - Maximum load: 30 kg for 1 bucket
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Sorteerimise prügikast CUBATRI 40L valge/kollane RAL1021 pakend
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 40L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P380 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
H760 x P620 x L380 mm
65L selective waste bin. Sorting bin for metal waste.
Powder-coated anti-UV steel.
Calibrated aperture identification of sorting type.
"Push" front door with screen printing.
Built-in plastic 65L inner roller.
Anti-corrosion polypropylene pads prevent contact with the ground.
Body of the manganese gray bin and the red opening.
Installation of the garbage can in covered space.
Bag of 100L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm
Prügikast 65L prügi sorteerimisalus.
Calibrated opening identification of sorting type.
Color cover and signage on the door
4 adjustable plastic feet for uneven floors
Installation of the bin in a covered space.
Bag of 80L.
Dimension: H760 x P620 x L380 mm