49 EUR
2647 EUR

Termostaadid, Vee Temperatuuriregulaatorid, Group Thermostatic Mixers

Termostaadid, Vee Temperatuuriregulaatorid, Group Thermostatic Mixers

Termostaadid on seadmed, mis reguleerivad vee temperatuuri segistites või dušisegistites, tagades soovitud vee temperatuuri ning vältides ebameeldivaid temperatuurikõikumisi. Üks tüüp termostaate on grupitermostaatilised segistid, mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks mitme väljavooluga segistites, näiteks dušinurkades, vanni- ja dušikomplektides või muudes kohtades, kus on vaja reguleerida erinevate veevoolude temperatuure.

Group termostaatilised segistid on disainitud nii, et saaks reguleerida mitme väljavooluga segistite temperatuure ühe termostaadiga, mis võimaldab mugavat temperatuuri juhtimist kõigis väljavooludes üheaegselt. Näiteks võib see olla eriti mugav dušinurkades, kus on vaja reguleerida nii pea- kui ka käsiduši temperatuure ning hoida neid stabiilsena, et tagada meeldiv dušikogemus.

Group termostaatilised segistid võivad olla varustatud mitmesuguste funktsioonidega, nagu temperatuuri lukustamine, mälu funktsioon, temperatuuripiirangud jne. Need võivad olla valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, nagu roostevaba teras, messing või messing-plastik kombinatsioon, tagades pikaajalise kasutuse.

Lisaks mugavusele ja funktsionaalsusele võivad group termostaatilised segistid pakkuda ka energiasäästlikke lahendusi, kuna need võivad aidata vähendada vee ja energiakulu, võimaldades täpset temperatuuri juhtimist ja vältides liigset vee raiskamist.

Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et group termostaatilised segistid on spetsiaalsed termostaadid, mis on mõeldud mitme väljavooluga segistite temperatuuri reguleerimiseks, pakkudes mugavust, funktsionaalsust ja energiasäästlikkust. Need võivad olla valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest ja varustatud erinevate funktsioonidega, et vastata erinevatele kasutusvajadustele.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

Ref. 731005

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulation of temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
190 lpm - M1 1/2".

Tootekood: DE-731005 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
2382,30 € (10%)
2647,00 €

Ref. 731500

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulation of temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
190 lpm - M1 1/2".

Tootekood: DE-731500 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
2382,30 € (10%)
2647,00 €

Ref. 731055

Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulates temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with thermostatic cell. 
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C). 
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at >65°C leads to premature aging within the system). 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
190 lpm - M1 1/2".

Tootekood: DE-731055 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
2382,30 € (10%)
2647,00 €

Ref. 731004

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulation of temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
140 lpm - M1 ¼".

Tootekood: DE-731004 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
1844,10 € (10%)
2049,00 €

Ref. 731400

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulation of temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
140 lpm - M1 1/4".

Tootekood: DE-731400 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
1844,10 € (10%)
2049,00 €

Ref. 731054

Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulates temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal shocks are possible. 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell. 
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum. 
Pressure differences at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C). 
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at >65°C leads to premature aging within the system). 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
140 lpm - M1 1/4 ".

Tootekood: DE-731054 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
1844,10 € (10%)
2049,00 €

Ref. 731003

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° - 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulates temperature variations. 
Filters and non-return valves can be accessed from the outside without removing the mechanism. 
Thermal shock with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum. 
Pressure difference at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 - 10 bar (1 - 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
90 lpm - M1".

Tootekood: DE-731003 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
1284,30 € (10%)
1427,00 €

Ref. 731300

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulation of temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
90 lpm - M1".

Tootekood: DE-731300 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
1284,30 € (10%)
1427,00 €

Ref. 731053

Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulates temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism.
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with thermostatic cell. 
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C). 
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at >65°C leads to premature aging within the system). 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
90 lpm - M1".

Tootekood: DE-731053 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
1284,30 € (10%)
1427,00 €

Ref. 731002

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° - 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulates temperature variations. 
Filters and non-return valves can be accessed from the outside without removing the mechanism. 
Thermal shock with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum. 
Pressure difference at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 - 10 bar (1 - 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
55 lpm - M3/4".

Tootekood: DE-731002 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
827,10 € (10%)
919,00 €

Ref. 731200

Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° to 42°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulation of temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). 
For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
55 lpm - M 3/4".

Tootekood: DE-731200 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
828,90 € (10%)
921,00 €


Ref. 731052

Group thermostatic mixing valve for hot water circulating loops adjustable from 44°C to 58°C: 
Anti-scalding safety. 
Regulates temperature variations. 
Non-return valves and filters accessible from the exterior without having to remove the mechanism. 
Thermal cartridge with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). 
Interchangeable cartridge with thermostatic cell.
High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. 
Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. 
Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C mini. 
Pressure differences at the entrance: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). 
Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 to 10 bar (1 to 5 bar recommended). 
Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). 
Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring) for bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. 
15% energy savings: optimised heat loss (comparison between a circulating loop at 55°C and a non-circulating system at 70°C). 
Safety and prolongation of system life span (Hot water at > 65°C leads to premature aging within the system).
Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. 
Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 
55 lpm - M3/4". 

Tootekood: DE-731052 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
828,90 € (10%)
921,00 €

Angled isolating valve 
Ref. 730804.2P

Ball valve with filter and testpoint (to connect pressureand temperature gauges).

Tootekood: DE-730804.2P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
419,40 € (10%)
466,00 €

Angled isolating valve 
Ref. 730802.2P

Ball valve with filter and testpoint (to connect pressureand temperature gauges).

Tootekood: DE-730802.2P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
247,50 € (10%)
275,00 €

Ref. 733015

PREMIX COMPACT thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 30 - 60°C: 
For 2 to 7 sanitary points-of-use (depending on the flow rate). 
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails. 
Adjustable temperature from 30 - 60°C, can be blocked by the installer. 
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves. 
Minimum flow rate to operate: 5 lpm. 
Thermal shocks are possible. 
Nickel-plated brass with blue control cap.

Tootekood: DE-733015 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
153,90 € (10%)
171,00 €

Ref. 733020

PREMIX COMPACT thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 30 - 60°C: 
For 2 to 10 sanitary points-of-use (depending on the flow rate). 
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water supply fails. 
Adjustable temperature from 30 - 60°C, can be blocked by the installer. 
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves. 
Minimum flow rate to operate: 5 lpm. 
Thermal shocks are possible. 
Nickel-plated brass with blue control cap.

Tootekood: DE-733020 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
153,90 € (10%)
171,00 €

PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve 
Ref. 732116

Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 - 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water fails.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves.
Minimum flow rate to operate: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Chrome-plated brass body M1/2'' inlets and Ø 15mm conical outlets. 

Tootekood: DE-732116 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
175,50 € (10%)
195,00 €

PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve 
Ref. 732115

Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 - 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: immediate shut-off if cold or hot water fails.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Brass body.
Filters and non-return valves.
Minimum flow rate to operate: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Nickel-plated brass body M1/2'' inlets and Ø 15mm conical outlets. 

Tootekood: DE-732115 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
148,50 € (10%)
165,00 €

PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve 
Ref. 732216

Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 to 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic water shut-off in case of hot or cold water supply failure.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Non-return valves and filters.
Minimum flow rate for operation: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Polished chrome body, hot water inlet F3/8", cold water inlet M3/8"and mixed water outlet M3/8".

Tootekood: DE-732216 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
175,50 € (10%)
195,00 €

PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve 
Ref. 732016

Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 to 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic water shut-off in case of hot or cold water supply failure.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Non-return valves and filters.
Minimum flow rate for operation: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Chrome-plated body, inlets F3/8" and outlet M3/8".

Tootekood: DE-732016 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
175,50 € (10%)
195,00 €

PREMIX NANO thermostatic mixing valve 
Ref. 732012

Hot water thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 34 - 60°C:
For 1 to 2 taps or 1 shower.
Anti-scalding safety: automatic water shut-off in case of hot or cold water supply failure.
Temperature pre-set at 38°C, can be adjusted by the installer from 34 - 60°C.
Non-return valves and filters.
Minimum flow rate for operation: 3 lpm.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Nickel-plated body, inlets F3/8" and outlet M3/8".

Tootekood: DE-732012 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
145,80 € (10%)
162,00 €

Connection kit 
Ref. 732515

Connection kit 3/8" for PREMIX NANO 732216

Tootekood: DE-732515 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21päeva
44,10 € (10%)
49,00 €

Dušisegisti termostaat Oras Oramix 7261

  • Kahva tüüp:Temperatuuriseadekahv, Veevooluhulga seadekahv, Temperatuuri turvapiiraja
  • Mehaanilised osad: Tagasilöögiklapid, Prügipüüdur(id), Surveühtlustaja automaatseks temperatuuri seadmiseks
  • Värv: Kroom
  • Temperatuuri seaded:Turvapiiraja (38°C)
  • Vooluhulk 300 kPa0.23 l/s
  • Rõhukadu vooluhulgal (0.2 l/s)220 kPa
Tehnilised omadused
  • Tagasivoolu kaitse (EN1717) EB
  • Ühenduse mõõt: G3/4
  • Kuum vesimax. +80°C
  • Paigalduslaius: CC150± 3 mm
  • Materjal: Messing
  • Kasutussurve: 150 - 1000 kPa
  • EN standard EN 1111
  • HääleklassII (ISO 3822)
Tootekood: OR-7261 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
207,00 € (10%)
230,00 €

Idral 700.A1/1 seinasisene isesulguv termostaatsegisti dušile


Idral 700.A1/1 seinasisene isesulguv termostaatsegisti on kvaliteetne ja energiasäästlik lahendus duširuumidesse, kus on oluline veetarbimise kontroll ja kasutusmugavus.

 Kvaliteetne materjal – segisti on valmistatud kroomitud messingist, mis tagab pikaealisuse ja vastupidavuse

TMV3 termostaatkassett – tagab ühtlase veetemperatuuri ja kaitseb põletuste eest

Kuue suunaga ümberlüliti – võimaldab vee suunamist mitmesse väljundisse

Paindlik paigaldus – reguleeritav paigaldussügavus 0–25 mm

Isesulguv mehhanism – sulgub automaatselt 15 sekundi jooksul (±5 sek)

Töötab veesurvega 1–5 bar – sobib erinevate süsteemidega

Tänu kaasaegsele disainile ja vastupidavatele materjalidele sobib see segisti ideaalselt nii avalikesse kui ka erakasutuses olevatesse duširuumidesse.


700 series thermostatic self-closing concealed mixer for shower with diverter

  • Chromed brass tap
  • TMV3 thermostatic progressive cartridge
  • Non-return valves
  • Built-in box in plastic
  • Adjustable built-in position from 0 to 25mm
  • Covering plate in chromed Zamak with concealed screws
  • Six-way diverter
Tootekood: IDR-700.A1/1 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
970,20 € (10%)
1078,00 €

Idral 700.A2/1-30 seinasisene isesulguv termostaatsegisti dušile


Idral 700.A2/1-30 seinasisene isesulguv termostaatsegisti on ideaalne lahendus duššidele, kus on oluline veetarbimise kontroll ja kasutusmugavus.
Kvaliteetne materjal – kroomitud messingist segisti ja vastupidav plastist sisekarp
Paindlik paigaldus – reguleeritav paigaldussügavus 0–25 mm
Kuue suunaga ümberlüliti – võimaldab vee suunamist mitmesse väljundisse
Isesulguv mehhanism – sulgub automaatselt 25 sekundi jooksul (võimalik lühendada 40%)
???? Veevool 8 l/min – sobib erinevate veesurve tingimustega (1–6 bar)
Tänu kaasaegsele disainile ja vastupidavatele materjalidele sobib see segisti ideaalselt nii avalikesse kui ka eraomandis olevatesse sanitaarruumidesse.

700 series concealed wall mounted self closing shower mixer with diverter

  • Chromed brass tap
  • Non-return valves
  • Built-in box in plastic
  • Adjustable built-in position from 0 to 25mm
  • Covering plate in chromed Zamak with concealed screws
  • Six-way diverter
  • Self-closing time 25 secs at 3 bars (reducible)
Tootekood: IDR-700.A2/1-30 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
881,10 € (10%)
979,00 €

Idral 700.A3/1R elektrooniline termostaatsegisti dušile, 230V


Idral 700.A3/1R on seinasisene elektrooniline termostaatsegisti dušile, mis ühendab kaasaegse tehnoloogia ja veesäästu, pakkudes hügieenilist ja kasutajasõbralikku lahendust avalikesse ja erakasutuses olevatesse duširuumidesse.

 Kvaliteetne materjal – kroomitud messingist korpus tagab vastupidavuse ja pika eluea
 TMV3 termostaatkassett – tagab ühtlase veetemperatuuri ja kaitseb põletuste eest
 Infrapunasensor – aktiveerimine käe viibutusega 3–8 cm kaugusel sensorist
 Automaatne sulgumine – vee vool peatub automaatselt pärast 60 sekundit pidevat kasutamist
 24-tunnine antibakteriaalne loputustsükkel – tagab vee kvaliteedi ja hügieeni
 Vandalismikindel süsteem – sobib intensiivseks kasutamiseks avalikes ruumides
 Toide 230V – töötab alalisvoolu (6V DC) solenoidklapiga

Tänu puutevabale tehnoloogiale ja energiatõhusale lahendusele on see segisti ideaalne valik haiglatesse, hotellidesse ja teistesse avalikesse pesuruumidesse.

700 series thermostatic self-closing concealed mixer for shower with diverter

  • Chromed brass tap
  • TMV3 thermostatic progressive cartridge
  • Non-return valves
  • Built-in box in plastic
  • Adjustable built-in position from 0 to 25mm
  • Covering plate in chromed Zamak with concealed screws
  • Six-way diverter
Tootekood: IDR-700.A3/1R ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalat
1085,40 € (10%)
1206,00 €

Idral 700.A4/1R elektrooniline seinasisene dušisegisti infrapunasensoriga, 230V


Idral 700.A4/1R on modernne seinasisene elektrooniline dušisegisti, mis tagab hügieenilise ja mugava kasutuskogemuse nii avalikes ruumides kui ka kodustes tingimustes.

* Vastupidav konstruktsioon – kroomitud messingist korpus tagab pika eluea
* Keraamiline segistikassett – sujuv ja täpne temperatuuri reguleerimine
* Infrapunasensor – aktiveerimine käe viibutusega 3–8 cm kaugusel sensorist
* Automaatne sulgumine – vee vool peatub pärast 60 sekundit pidevat kasutamist
* 24-tunnine antibakteriaalne loputustsükkel – aitab hoida vee kvaliteeti ja hügieeni
* Vandalismikindel disain – ideaalne lahendus avalikesse pesuruumidesse
* Toide 230V – töötab 6V alalisvoolu solenoidklapiga

Tänu puutevabale tehnoloogiale ja veesäästlikule lahendusele on see segisti ideaalne valik haiglatesse, hotellidesse ja teistesse avalikesse pesuruumidesse.

700 series thermostatic self-closing concealed mixer for shower with diverter

  • Chromed brass tap
  • TMV3 thermostatic progressive cartridge
  • Non-return valves
  • Built-in box in plastic
  • Adjustable built-in position from 0 to 25mm
  • Covering plate in chromed Zamak with concealed screws
  • Six-way diverter
Tootekood: IDR-700.A4/1R ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalat
1016,10 € (10%)
1129,00 €

Isesulguv termostaadiga dušisegisti Idral 1/2"alla, 15sek

Self-closing thermostatic mixer for shower

  • Chromed brass tap
  • TMV3 thermostatic cartridge
  • Non-return valves


Tootekood: IDR-908.37 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
337,50 € (10%)
375,00 €

PRESTO 35402 termostaatsegisti duši jaoks veekindlas seinasisese karbis, 12-24V


PRESTO 35402 on innovaatiline termostaatsegisti dušile, mis tagab ohutu, mugava ja hügieenilise vee kasutamise. See sobib ideaalselt nii avalikesse kui ka kodustesse pesuruumidesse, pakkudes veekindlat ja vandalismikindlat lahendust.

  • Veekindel seinasisene karp – kaitseb sisekomponente niiskuse ja pritsmete eest
    PRESTO TOUCH puutelüliti – lihtne kasutamine eakatele ja erivajadustega inimestele
  • * Automaatne loputus iga 24h – hoiab ära bakterite (Legionella, Pseudomonas) kasvu
    *Temperatuuripiiraja – eelseadistatud 38°C, et vältida põletusohu
    * Anti-põletuskaitse – vee vool peatub koheselt, kui külm või kuum vesi katkeb
    * Reguleeritav voolutugevus – 8 l/min sisseehitatud vooluregulaatoriga
    * Energiatõhus toide – töötab madalpinge 12-24V AC/DC vooluga

Tänu vastupidavatele materjalidele ja täielikule veekindlusele sobib see segisti suurepäraselt haiglatesse, spordikeskustesse ja teistesse intensiivse kasutusega kohtadesse.

Tootekood: P35402 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalat
1043,10 € (5%)
1098,00 €

Presto tervishoiu komplekt Sanifirst TOUCH MASTERMIX 75700 thermotaadiga dušisegisti


Tervishoiu kraanid ja segistid


> The Product Benefits

Innovative association of a specific ceramic cartridge and a thermostatic cartridge: safety and reliability. Without DHW/DCW cross-connection
Without check valve
Cold body: anti-scalding insulation
Body with a smooth interior: limits the risk of bacterial development (legionella, pseudomonas, etc.) Intuitive control units
Temperature limiter (41 ° C) and maximum flow rate stop limiter
Temperature maintenance and anti-scalding safety
Quick and easy assembly and maintenance
Secure thermal shock: accessible only by technical services
Eccentric fittings with 1/4 turn shut-off valves integrated into the product
Body with docking to the partition: optimized cleaning of all contact surfaces

> Anti-scalding safety

Temperature knob with temperature limiter at 41 ° C. Unlocking secured for thermal shock and accessible only by technical services without removing the knob.

> Anti-bacterial proliferation safety

Unique DHW and DCW no cross-connection system, produced by the association of a specific ceramic cartridge and a thermostatic cartridge compliant to NF EN 1111.

> Model

Shower mixer, downward outlet, wall mounted
Span 150 mm (+/-) 10 mm
Ceramic cartridge and thermostatic cartridge compliant to NF EN 1111

> Flow rate

Factory set to 9 L / min at 3 bar
Maximum flow rate adjustable to 6 - 9 - 12 L / min by the technical staff

> Recommended pressure

3 bar - avoid pressure differences greater than 1 bar between DHW and DCW. Minimum pressure: 1 bar.
Maximum pressure: 5 bar.

> Material

Chrome-plated zamak.

> Connection

Connection exclusively using a fixing plate with M G'1 / 2 connection 150 +/- 10mm span integrating shut-off valves, filtration and acoustic connection (supplied).

> Delivred with:

1-jet handshower ref 75279
wall support ref 75303
anti-stagnation connector ref 60568 smooth gray hose Lg 850 mm ref 75524

Tootekood: P75954 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
675,00 € (10%)
750,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee