40 EUR
401.58 EUR

Ukselingid ja Uksekäepidemed

Ukselingid ja Uksekäepidemed

FROST on üks tuntud bränd, mis pakub erinevaid ukselinge ja uksekäepidemeid. FROST on tuntud oma kaasaegse disaini ja kvaliteetsete toodete poolest, mis on mõeldud nii kodude kui ka äriruumide jaoks.

FROSTi ukselingid ja uksekäepidemed on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, nagu roostevaba teras, messing või alumiinium, tagades vastupidavuse, stabiilsuse ja pika kasutusaja. Nende toodete disain on kaasaegne, minimalistlik ja stiilne, sobides hästi nii kaasaegsete kui ka klassikaliste interjööridega.

FROSTi ukselingid ja uksekäepidemed on saadaval erinevates stiilides, nagu näiteks käepide, ling, nupp või hoob ning erinevates viimistlustes, nagu roostevaba teras, kroom, matt või läikiv viimistlus. See võimaldab valida sobiva disaini vastavalt ruumi stiilile ja isiklikele eelistustele.

Lisaks oma kaasaegsele disainile on FROSTi ukselingid ja uksekäepidemed ka funktsionaalsed, pakkudes sujuvat ja mugavat ukse avamist ja sulgemist. Need võivad olla varustatud erinevate lukustusmehhanismidega, nagu lukuava, silinderlukk või südamikulukk, tagades turvalisuse ja mugavuse.

FROSTi ukselingid ja uksekäepidemed on ideaalne valik neile, kes hindavad kvaliteeti, disaini ja funktsionaalsust oma ustele. Need tooted sobivad hästi nii kodudesse kui ka äriruumidesse, lisades interjöörile stiili ja isikupära.



Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

D Line FAT ukselink  AISI 316 roostevaba teras


Fat lever handle. 8x8, Ø70 cc30-38, 33-59, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish. L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm x D:Ø35mm.


Dimensions: L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm. Diameter : Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat lever handle is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

Tom Dixon uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic. That’s why the diameter of our Fat lever roses and escutcheons are Ø70mm. This means, that our Fat lever handle, escutcheons and thumb turns will match lock cases where the backset minus the rebate is a minimum of 40mm. The center distance between the lever handle and escutcheon/thumb turn should also be a minimum of 71mm. For further information, please contact us. 

Tootekood: DK-12900702001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
318,22 €

D Line FAT ukselink AISI 316 roostevaba teras electric blue


Fat lever handle. 8x8, Ø70 cc30-38, 33-59, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish. L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm x D:Ø35mm.


Dimensions: L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm. Diameter : Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat lever handle is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

Tom Dixon uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic. That’s why the diameter of our Fat lever roses and escutcheons are Ø70mm. This means, that our Fat lever handle, escutcheons and thumb turns will match lock cases where the backset minus the rebate is a minimum of 40mm. The center distance between the lever handle and escutcheon/thumb turn should also be a minimum of 71mm. For further information, please contact us. 

Tootekood: DK-179007F1001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
401,58 €

D Line FAT ukselink AISI 316 roostevaba teras messing


Fat lever handle. 8x8, Ø70 cc30-38, 33-59, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish. L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm x D:Ø35mm.


Dimensions: L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm. Diameter : Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat lever handle is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

Tom Dixon uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic. That’s why the diameter of our Fat lever roses and escutcheons are Ø70mm. This means, that our Fat lever handle, escutcheons and thumb turns will match lock cases where the backset minus the rebate is a minimum of 40mm. The center distance between the lever handle and escutcheon/thumb turn should also be a minimum of 71mm. For further information, please contact us. 

Tootekood: DK-179007P3001 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
401,58 €

D Line FAT ukselink  AISI 316 roostevaba teras must


Fat lever handle. 8x8, Ø70 cc30-38, 33-59, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish. L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm x D:Ø35mm.


Dimensions: L:153 mm x W:82 mm x H:70 mm. Diameter : Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat lever handle is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

Tom Dixon uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic. That’s why the diameter of our Fat lever roses and escutcheons are Ø70mm. This means, that our Fat lever handle, escutcheons and thumb turns will match lock cases where the backset minus the rebate is a minimum of 40mm. The center distance between the lever handle and escutcheon/thumb turn should also be a minimum of 71mm. For further information, please contact us. 

Tootekood: DK-129007P4001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
401,58 €

Pebble lever handle


Snap on cover 30/38mm, 33-59mm

Tootekood: DL-128003R8001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
284,67 €

Pebble lever handle


Snap on cover 30/38mm, 33-59mm

Tootekood: DK-128003R9001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
284,67 €

Pebble lever handle


Snap on cover 30/38mm, 33-59mm

Tootekood: DK-12800302001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
284,67 €

Käepide large (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc210mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 210mm, satin


FAT pull handle, large. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 210mm, satin finish.

FAT pull handle, large. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 210mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 245mmxH: 135mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491692309 - Bush head bolt M12x30mm

14491692601 - Bush head bolt M12x60mm

14491692601 - Bush head bolt M12x60mm

14976500157 - Allen key 3mm

A4974102324 -Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

Tootekood: DK-12900802210 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
152,50 €

Käepide medium (keermestatud) Ø35 cc140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras must

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel, must

Thread, Ø35mm, cc 140mm, satin charcoal look


FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 175mmxH: 100mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


12492302612 - Threaded bolt M12x60mm

12492302312 - Threaded bolt M12x35mm, f/glass

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

12497292002 - Fixing tool, f/dome head bolt

Tootekood: DK-129009P4140 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
223,67 €

Käepide medium (keermestatud) Ø35 cc140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel

Thread, Ø35mm, cc 140mm, satin


FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 175mmxH: 100mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


12492302612 - Threaded bolt M12x60mm

12492302312 - Threaded bolt M12x35mm, f/glass

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

12497292002 - Fixing tool, f/dome head bolt

Tootekood: DK-12900902140 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
137,25 €

Käepide medium (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras electric blue

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel, electric blue

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm


FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 175mmxH: 100mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491692309 - Bush head bolt M12x30mm

14491692601 - Bush head bolt M12x60mm

14970100106 - Grub screw M6x8mm

14976500157 - Allen key 3mm

A4974102324 -Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

Tootekood: DK-179008F1140 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
223,67 €

Käepide medium (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras messing

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel, messing

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm


FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 175mmxH: 100mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491692309 - Bush head bolt M12x30mm

14491692601 - Bush head bolt M12x60mm

14970100106 - Grub screw M6x8mm

14976500157 - Allen key 3mm

A4974102324 -Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

Tootekood: DK-179008P3140 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
223,67 €

Käepide medium (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras must

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel, must

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm, satin


FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 175mmxH: 100mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491692309 - Bush head bolt M12x30mm

14491692601 - Bush head bolt M12x60mm

14970100106 - Grub screw M6x8mm

14976500157 - Allen key 3mm

A4974102324 -Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

Tootekood: DK-129008P4140 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
223,67 €

Käepide medium (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, medium - steel

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm, satin


FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 140mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. W: 175mmxH: 100mmxD: Ø35mm. 20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491692309 - Bush head bolt M12x30mm

14491692601 - Bush head bolt M12x60mm

14970100106 - Grub screw M6x8mm

14976500157 - Allen key 3mm

A4974102324 -Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500305 - Fitting f/glass door, Ø12mm

Tootekood: DK-12900802140 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
137,25 €

Käepide väike (keermestatud) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras electric blue

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel

Thread, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin


Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


2492302610 - Threaded bolt M10x60mm

12492302310 - Threaded bolt M10x35mm

12496500304 -Fittings f/ glass door, Ø10mm

12497292002 - Fixing tool, f/dome head bolt

Tootekood: DK-179009F1070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
198,25 €

Käepide väike (keermestatud) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras messing

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel

Thread, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin


Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


2492302610 - Threaded bolt M10x60mm

12492302310 - Threaded bolt M10x35mm

12496500304 -Fittings f/ glass door, Ø10mm

12497292002 - Fixing tool, f/dome head bolt

Tootekood: DK-179009P3070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
198,25 €

Käepide väike (keermestatud) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras must

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel

Thread, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin


Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


2492302610 - Threaded bolt M10x60mm

12492302310 - Threaded bolt M10x35mm

12496500304 -Fittings f/ glass door, Ø10mm

12497292002 - Fixing tool, f/dome head bolt

Tootekood: DK-129009P4070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
198,25 €

Käepide väike (keermestatud) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel

Thread, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin


Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


2492302610 - Threaded bolt M10x60mm

12492302310 - Threaded bolt M10x35mm

12496500304 -Fittings f/ glass door, Ø10mm

12497292002 - Fixing tool, f/dome head bolt

Tootekood: DK-12900902070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
119,97 €

Käepide väike (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras electric blue

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel 

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin



Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491792303 - Bush head bolt M10x30mm

14491792605 - Bush head bolt M10x60mm

14970100077 - Grub screw M5x10mm, DIN 916

14976500106 - Allen key 2.5mm

14974102251 - Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500304 - Fitting f/glass door Ø10mm

Tootekood: DK-179008F1070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
198,25 €

Käepide väike (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras messing

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel 

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin



Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491792303 - Bush head bolt M10x30mm

14491792605 - Bush head bolt M10x60mm

14970100077 - Grub screw M5x10mm, DIN 916

14976500106 - Allen key 2.5mm

14974102251 - Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500304 - Fitting f/glass door Ø10mm

Tootekood: DK-179008P3070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
198,25 €

Käepide väike (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras must

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel 

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin



Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491792303 - Bush head bolt M10x30mm

14491792605 - Bush head bolt M10x60mm

14970100077 - Grub screw M5x10mm, DIN 916

14976500106 - Allen key 2.5mm

14974102251 - Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500304 - Fitting f/glass door Ø10mm

Tootekood: DK-129008P4070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
198,25 €

Käepide väike (puks kinnitus) Ø35 cc70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Tom Dixon collection

Fat pull handle, small - steel

Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin



Dimensions: 105x65mm.

Diameter: Ø35mm. Material: stainless steel AISI 316

Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand

FAT pull handle, small. Bush, Ø35mm, cc 70mm, satin finish.

The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon.

Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion.

W: 105mmxH: 65mmxD: Ø35mm.

20-year warranty.


Lisaks saab tellida Varuosad/aksessuaarid:


14491792303 - Bush head bolt M10x30mm

14491792605 - Bush head bolt M10x60mm

14970100077 - Grub screw M5x10mm, DIN 916

14976500106 - Allen key 2.5mm

14974102251 - Thrust rose Ø26.4x2mm

12496500304 - Fitting f/glass door Ø10mm

Tootekood: DK-12900802070 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
119,97 €

Mööblikäepide ovaalne Ø70x140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras electric blue

Fat flush pull handle, oval - steel

Dimensions: 70x140x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, oval, 70x140mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 140mmxD: 19mm

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-179010F1100 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
183,00 €

Mööblikäepide ovaalne Ø70x140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras messing

Fat flush pull handle, oval - steel

Dimensions: 70x140x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, oval, 70x140mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 140mmxD: 19mm

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-179010P3100 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
183,00 €

Mööblikäepide ovaalne Ø70x140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras must

Fat flush pull handle, oval - steel

Dimensions: 70x140x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, oval, 70x140mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 140mmxD: 19mm

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-129010P4100 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
183,00 €

Mööblikäepide ovaalne Ø70x140mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Fat flush pull handle, oval - steel

Dimensions: 70x140x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, oval, 70x140mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 140mmxD: 19mm

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-12901002100 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
116,92 €

Mööblikäepide ümmargune Ø70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras electric blue

Fat flush pull handle, round - steel

Dimensions: 70x70x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, round, Ø70mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 70mmxD: 19mm. 20-year warranty.

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-179010F1000 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
157,58 €

Mööblikäepide ümmargune Ø70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras messing

Fat flush pull handle, round - steel

Dimensions: 70x70x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, round, Ø70mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 70mmxD: 19mm. 20-year warranty.

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-179010P3000 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
157,58 €

Mööblikäepide ümmargune Ø70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Fat flush pull handle, round - steel

Dimensions: 70x70x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, round, Ø70mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 70mmxD: 19mm. 20-year warranty.

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-129010P4000 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
157,58 €

Mööblikäepide ümmargune Ø70mm FAT D Line AISI 316 roostevaba teras satiin

Fat flush pull handle, round - steel

Dimensions: 70x70x19mm.
Diameter: Ø70mm
Material: stainless steel AISI 316

FAT flush pull handle, round, Ø70mm, satin finish. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protecting against high levels of corrosion. Diameter: Ø70mm. W: 70mmxH: 70mmxD: 19mm. 20-year warranty.

Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.


Tootekood: DK-12901002000 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
96,58 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee