176 EUR
1282 EUR

UUDIS! Damixa süvistatavad valamusegistid ja dušisüsteemid

UUDIS! Damixa süvistatavad valamusegistid ja dušisüsteemid

Sisseehitatud duši- ja kraanikausi lahendused.


Vannituba on teie kodu oaas. See on koht, kus päev algab ja lõpeb ning kus saate end laadida. Damixas oleme inspireeritud disainhotellidest ja spaa-kuurortidest ning oleme loonud peitlahendusi ja tooteid, mis muudavad teie vannitoa rõõmsaks kogemuseks. Lihtne ja puhas, kuid mitte kliiniline, sest teie vannituba peaks sobima teie kodu ülejäänud kenade materjalide ja kaunite värvidega. Duši- ja kraanikausitarvikuid varjates saate mittevajaliku peita, nii et miski ei häiri silma. See loob imelise lõõgastuse ja kerguse tunde – väikese luksuse teie igapäevaellu.

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!

Damixa MIXER BOX universaalne süvistatav baas valamusegistile



Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm)

Tootekood: D470470000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
176,00 €

Damixa Osier kandilese plaadiga nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm)  kroom

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D146250000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
234,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm)  kroom

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/mi

Tootekood: D1462600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
176,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) harjatud messing

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/mi

Tootekood: D146267900 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
310,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) harjatud vask PVD

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/mi

Tootekood: D146268700 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
310,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) matt must

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/mi

Tootekood: D146266100 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
275,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) poleeritud messing PVD

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/mi

Tootekood: D146267700 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
275,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) steel PVD

Standard features:

Ceramic cartridge
Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/mi

Tootekood: D146264600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
275,00 €

Damixa Osier nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) steel PVD

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D146164600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
285,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) harjatud grafiithall PVD


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D7462555 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
371,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) harjatud messing PVD


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D746257900 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
371,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) harjatud teras PVD


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D746254600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
332,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) harjatud vask PVD


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D7462587 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
371,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) kroom


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D74625000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
234,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) matt must


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D746256100 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
332,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (180mm) poleeritud messing PVD


Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal


Tootekood: D746257700 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
332,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) Harjatud Grafiithall PVD

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D7461655 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
312,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) harjatud messing PVD

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D7461679 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
312,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) harjatud vask PVD

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D7461687 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
312,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) kroom

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D7461600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
184,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) matt must

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D7461661 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
285,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) poleeritud messing PVD

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D7461677 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
285,00 €

Damixa Silhouet nähtavad osad süvistavale valamusegistile (225-250mm) steel PVD

Standard features:

Build-in depth (min. 63mm - max. 78mm) Rosset, spout and handle in metal Water consumption max.5 l/min

Tootekood: D746164600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
285,00 €




Check valves
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Thermostatic 2-Way built in Shower Mixer Box .

Article no.:






EAN no.:




Simple elegance. That is the very essence of the new range of built-in shower systems and bathroom taps from Damixa - thedesign award winning manufacturer of mixers, taps and shower systems.

With the brand new Concealed products, Damixa takes its timehonored tradition for beautiful Danish design and superb product quality to the next level.

Tootekood: D57034000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
279,00 € (10%)
310,00 €

Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS1 kroom/hõbedane voolik

Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.

Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

Standard features:

  1. Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
    Check valves
    Cover plate and handle in metal

    Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Silhouet SR1 - concealed shower system polished brass pvd

Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box. 

Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

  1. Exposed kit - Thermostatic
  2. Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
  3. 1500 mm Hose
  4. Pine Hand Shower
  5. Wall Mounted Shower Arm
  6. Pine Head Shower


Tootekood: D5716200 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
600,30 € (10%)
667,00 €

Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS1 matt must

Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.

Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

Standard features:

  1. Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
    Check valves
    Cover plate and handle in metal

    Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box. 

Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

  1. Exposed kit - Thermostatic
  2. Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
  3. 1500 mm Hose
  4. Pine Hand Shower
  5. Wall Mounted Shower Arm
  6. Pine Head Shower


Tootekood: D57162610 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
929,70 € (10%)
1033,00 €

Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS1 steel PVD

Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.

Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

Standard features:

  1. Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
    Check valves
    Cover plate and handle in metal

    Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box. 

Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

  1. Exposed kit - Thermostatic
  2. Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
  3. 1500 mm Hose
  4. Pine Hand Shower
  5. Wall Mounted Shower Arm
  6. Pine Head Shower


Tootekood: D5716246 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
929,70 € (10%)
1033,00 €

Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS2 kroom/hõbedane voolik

Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.

Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

Standard features:

Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal

Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box. 

Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 2  built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

  1. Exposed kit - Thermostatic
  2. Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
  3. 1500 mm Hose
  4. Pine Hand Shower
  5. Ceiling Mounted Shower Arm
  6. Pine Head Shower


Tootekood: D57163000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
600,30 € (10%)
667,00 €

Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS2 matt must

Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.

Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

Standard features:

Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal

Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box. 

Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 2  built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

  1. Exposed kit - Thermostatic
  2. Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
  3. 1500 mm Hose
  4. Pine Hand Shower
  5. Ceiling Mounted Shower Arm
  6. Pine Head Shower


Tootekood: D571636100 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
929,70 € (10%)
1033,00 €

Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS2 steel PVD

Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.

Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

Standard features:

Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal

Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts


Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box. 

Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system 

Pine HS 2  built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:

  1. Exposed kit - Thermostatic
  2. Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
  3. 1500 mm Hose
  4. Pine Hand Shower
  5. Ceiling Mounted Shower Arm
  6. Pine Head Shower


Tootekood: D571634600 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
929,70 € (10%)
1033,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee