Köögisegisti Damixa Silhouet 7412855 PRO harjatud grafiithall PVD
120° pöördepiiraja Keraamiline tööorgan Külm start Kummiaeraator - lihtne puhastada 8/l min aerator
Spray function Flexible hose
Lahe disain ja pro funktsionaalsus
Kraan ei ole tänapäeval mitte ainult funktsionaalne tarbeese vaid ka disainiobjekt, mis väljendab köögi iseloomu ja sobib kodu stiiliga.
Silhouet Pro ühendab endas nii laheda disaini kui ka professionaalse köögikraani funktsionaalsuse. Silhouet Pro on varustatud paindliku vooliku ja dušiotsikuga, mis võimaldab valamut täies ulatuses kasutada. Veejoa saab hõlpsasti nurga alla suunata ja sel moel igat kohta puhastada ja pesta ning ühe nupulevajutusega aktiveerite veepihusti, et suuremad pinnad kiiresti ära loputada. Silhouet Pro sobib suurepäraselt moodsasse kööki
ning lisab ka klassikalisele köögile tööstuslikku hõngu.
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d1000mm harjatud kuld ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d1000mm harjatud vask ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d600mm harjatud kuld ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d600mm harjatud vask ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm harjatud kuld ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm harjatud vask ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm must ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm valge ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
UNU mirror with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom.
UNU round Mirror 4130, Ø600 mm with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4130 (purchased separately).