Valamud roostevabast terasest

PEGU.EE pakub kvaliteetseid ja vastupidavaid valamuid roostevabast terasest. Roostevaba teras on populaarne valik, kuna see on vastupidav, korrosioonikindel ja hõlpsasti hooldatav materjal. Valamud on oluline osa iga köögi või vannitoa sisustusest ning roostevabast terasest valamud sobivad suurepäraselt kaasaegse ja stiilse ilme loomiseks.
Vastupidavus: Roostevaba teras tagab valamule vastupidavuse ja pika eluea.
Korrosioonikindlus: Materjal on vastupidav korrosioonile, mis on eriti oluline veega kokkupuutuvates piirkondades.
Hügieeniline: Roostevaba teras on hõlpsasti puhastatav ja säilitab kõrge hügieenitaseme.
Kaasaegne Disain: Valamud on saadaval mitmesuguste disainide ja stiilidega, sobitudes erinevate sisekujundustega.
Mitmekülgne Kasutamine: Sobivad nii köökidesse kui ka vannitubadesse, tagades praktilise ja stiilse lahenduse.
PEGU.EE valikus on erineva suuruse, kuju ja disainiga roostevabast terasest valamud, et rahuldada erinevate klientide vajadusi. Lisaks funktsionaalsusele on need valamud ka vastupidavad ja pakuvad kaasaegset välimust. Tutvuge PEGU.EE valikuga ja leidke endale sobiv roostevabast terasest valamu, mis täiendab teie kodu või äriruumide sisekujundust.
Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!
Pesurenn Intra 1500 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega
Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.
Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex
Pesurenn Intra 600 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega
Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.
Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex
Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback
Ref. 181020
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
L. 700mm, 1 service. With no tap hole.
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 10.6kg.
Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback
Ref. 181020Height | 465mm |
Length | 455mm |
Width | 700mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
2076,00 €
Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback
Ref. 182020
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
L. 1,400mm, 2 services. With no tap hole.
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 18.8kg.
Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback
Ref. 182020Height | 465mm |
Length | 455mm |
Width | 1400mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
2946,00 €
COMMISSARIAT stainless steel washbasin for recessed installation
Ref. 160330
Wall-mounted washbasin, cross wall installation for service ducts.
Interior basin dimensions: 290 x 290 x 350mm.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Stainless steel thickness: 2mm.
Rounded edges prevent injury.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
Vandal-resistant: water inlet and outlet cannot be accessed by user.
Supplied without water controls. We recommend electronic control: ref. 447100.
Weight: 12.5kg.
COMMISSARIAT stainless steel washbasin for recessed installation
Ref. 160330
Depth | 350mm |
Length | 290mm |
Width | 290mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
969,00 €
Delabie Hügieeniline valamu kõrge tagaseinaga. RST AISI 304 L500
Hügieeniline seinakinnitusega valamu Ref. 188000 on loodud vastama meditsiiniasutuste ja haiglate kõrgetele standarditele. Valamu on varustatud 450 mm kõrge tagaservaga, mis tagab tõhusa pritsmekaitse ja hõlpsa puhastamise. Valmistatud 1,2 mm paksusest 304 roostevabast terasest, millel on poleeritud satiinviimistlus ja bakterite kasvu takistavad omadused. Selle sügav kauss vähendab pritsmete riski, pakkudes mugavat kätepesukogemust.
Peamised omadused:
- Kõrgus: 665 mm, pikkus: 450 mm, laius: 500 mm
- Poleeritud satiinviimistlus, 304 roostevaba teras
- Sujuvad servad ja sügav kauss lihtsaks puhastamiseks
- CE-märgisega, vastab Euroopa standardile EN 14688
- Varustatud 1¼" äravooluga, ilma ülevooluta
- Kaal: 10,2 kg
1140,00 €
Surgical scrub-up trough with high splashback
Ref. 182000
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
L. 1,400mm, 2 services. With no tap hole.
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning.
Drainage on the right.
Without overflow.
Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 24.2kg.
Kahekohaline kirurgi valamu kõrgema tagaseinaga.
Materjal: AISI 304
Pikkus : 1400mm
Valamu sügavus: 350mm
Laius: 520 mm
Tagaseinas ava sensorjuhtimisega segistile
Tagaseinas 2 ava kangsegistileTECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS
Surgical scrub-up trough with high splashback
Ref. 182000Height | 725mm |
Length | 520mm |
Width | 1400mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
3050,00 €
Delabie Kirurgiline valamu kõrge pritsmekaitsega – 1 töökoht RST AISI 304 L700mm
Ref. 181000 kirurgiline valamu on mõeldud haiglate ja tervishoiuasutuste professionaalseks kasutamiseks. Tugev konstruktsioon bacteriostatic roostevabast terasest tagab vastupidavuse ja kergesti puhastatava pinna. Kõrge pritsmekaitse (360 mm) hoiab töökoha puhta ning sobib nõudlikesse tingimustesse.
Peamised omadused:
- Seinakinnitusega disain
- Valmistatud bacteriostatic 304 roostevabast terasest
- Kõrge pritsmekaitse: 360 mm
- Siledad pinnad ja ümarad servad kergemaks puhastamiseks
- Parempoolne äravool, ilma ülevooluta
- CE-sertifikaat, vastab EN 14296 standardile
- Mõõdud: kõrgus 725 mm, laius 520 mm, pikkus 700 mm
- Paksus: 1,2 mm
- Komplektis kinnituselemendid
Height | 725mm |
Length | 700mm |
Width | 520mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
2171,00 €
Delabie Kirurgiline valamu madala pritsmekaitsega – 3 töökohta RST AISI 304 L 2100mm
Ref. 183020 kirurgiline valamu on mõeldud professionaalseks kasutamiseks haiglates ja tervishoiuasutustes. Tugev bacteriostatic roostevaba teras tagab vastupidavuse, samas kui siledad pinnad ja ümarad servad muudavad puhastamise lihtsaks. Madal pritsmekaitse (75 mm) tagab puhtuse ja tõhususe töö ajal.
Peamised omadused:
- Seinakinnitusega disain
- Valmistatud bacteriostatic 304 roostevabast terasest
- Madal pritsmekaitse: 75 mm
- Siledad pinnad ja ümarad servad kergemaks puhastamiseks
- Parempoolne äravool, ilma ülevooluta
- Kolm töökohta, ilma segistiaukudeta
- CE-sertifikaat, vastab EN 14296 standardile
- Mõõdud: kõrgus 440 mm, laius 455 mm, pikkus 2,100 mm
- Paksus: 1,2 mm
- Komplektis kinnituselemendid
- Kaal: 27 kg
3089,00 €
Delabie kolmekohaline kirurgi valamu kõrgema tagaseinaga. RST AISI 304 L 2100mm
Surgical scrub up trough with high splashback
Ref. 183000Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
L. 2,100mm, 3 services. With no tap hole.
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
CE marked. Complies with norm EN 14296.
Weight: 34.9kg.
Surgical scrub up trough with high splashback
Ref. 183000Height | 725mm |
Length | 2100mm |
Width | 520mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
3220,00 €
Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan
Ref. 161700
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing left hand WC pan with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top, with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7-second time flow, M½".
Available with 2 buttons cold water/mixed water.
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7-second time flow, M¾".
Water inlet: washbasin M½", WC M¾".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin trap.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC, water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan
Ref. 161700
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4332,00 €
Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan
Ref. 161800
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing central WC pan with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top, with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7-second time flow, M½".
Available with 2 buttons cold water/mixed water.
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7-second time flow, M¾".
Water inlet: washbasin M½", WC M¾".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin trap.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC, water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan
Ref. 161800
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 850mm |
Width | 400mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4332,00 €
Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan
Ref. 161600
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing right hand WC pan with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top, with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7-second time flow, M½".
Available with 2 buttons cold water/mixed water.
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7-second time flow, M¾".
Water inlet: washbasin M½", WC M¾".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin trap.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC, water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
Combi KOMPACT HW/CW - washbasin and floor-standing WC pan
Ref. 161600
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4332,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 160700
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on left sidewith recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
[Formerly ref: 0610030007]
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 160700
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 160400
Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on left side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
[Formerly ref: 0610030004]
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 160400
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 160800
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing central WC panwith recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
WC pan central to the unit.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
[Formerly ref: 0610030008]
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 160800
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 160300
Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
[Formerly ref: 0610030003]
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 160300
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 160600
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
[Formerly ref: 0610030006]
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 160600
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 162400
Washbasin combination unit with cistern, mounted WC pan on left side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 162400
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4833,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 162700
Washbasin combination unit with cistern, floor-standing WC pan on left side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 162700
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4833,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 162500
Washbasin combination unit with cistern, mounted WC pan in centre with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 162500
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 850mm |
Width | 400mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4833,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 162800
Washbasin combination unit with cistern, floor-standing WC pan in centre with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 162800
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 850mm |
Width | 400mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4833,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 162600
Washbasin combination unit with cistern, floor-standing WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sides and 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
KOMPACT washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 162600
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4833,00 €
KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 166400
Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on left sidewith recessed toilet roll holder.
Service duct installation (through-the-wall).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Left hand WC pan
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand).
Weight: 30kg.
[Formerly ref: 0616130004]
Technical features
KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 166400
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 615mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 166700
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on left sidewith recessed toilet roll holder.
Service duct installation (through-the-wall).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand).
Weight: 30kg.
[Formerly ref: 0616130007]
KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 166700
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 615mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 166500
Combination unit: washbasin and WC pan suspended centrallywith recessed toilet roll holder.
Service duct installation (through-the-wall).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Central WC pan
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand).
Weight: 30kg.
[Formerly ref: 0616130005]
KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 166500
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 615mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 166800
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing central WC panwith recessed toilet roll holder.
Service duct installation (through-the-wall).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand).
Weight: 30kg.
[Formerly ref: 0616130008]
KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 166800
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 615mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
Delabie KOMPACT TC WC+valamu vasakul põranda antivandaalne R/V teras AISI304
KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 166600
Combination unit: washbasin and floor-standing WC pan on right sidewith recessed toilet roll holder.
Service duct installation (through-the-wall).
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlet: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand).
Weight: 30kg.
[Formerly ref: 0616130006]
Technical features
KOMPACT TC washbasin and floor-standing WC combination
Ref. 166600
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 615mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 166300
Combination unit: washbasin and suspended WC pan on right sidewith recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted with cross wall installation via a service duct.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel unit thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface for easy cleaning.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws:
makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproofpush-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC equipped with time flow flush valve, 7 second time flow, M3/4".
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/4".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
200mm threaded rod can be cut to size (other lengths available on demand).
Weight: 30kg.
[Formerly ref: 0616130003]
KOMPACT TC washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 166300
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 615mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | 304 polished satin stainless steel |
4172,00 €
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 162300
Washbasin combination unit with cistern, mounted WC pan on right side with recessed toilet roll holder.
Wall-mounted installation with 3 access panels, 2 on the sidesand 1 on the top with theft prevention TORX security screws.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel body thickness: 2mm.
Rounded corners and edges for improved safety.
Smooth surface is easy to clean.
Suitable for prisons, police stations, etc.
WC pan is completely welded to washbasin, no screws: makes cleaning easier and prevents concealment of objects.
Washbasin equipped with time flow tap: stainless steel tamperproof push-button and anti-blocking system, 7 second time flow, M1/2".
WC fitted with 6-litre cistern.
Water inlets: washbasin M1/2", WC M3/8".
Recessed horizontal water outlet: Ø 100mm.
Supplied with washbasin siphon.
Easy to install: only one water outlet for both washbasin and WC,water inlet and outlet already connected.
Weight: 36kg.
KOMPACT washbasin and wall-hung WC combination
Ref. 162300
Height | 1000mm |
Length | 735mm |
Width | 725mm |
Thickness | 2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
4833,00 €