Vannitoa Aksessuaarid ja Sisustuselemendid Mediclinics Harjatud Roostevabsat Terasest

Vannitoa Aksessuaarid ja Sisustuselemendid: Mediclinics Harjatud Roostevabast Terasest
Vannituba on üks olulisemaid ruume igas kodus, olles nii lõõgastumise kui ka igapäevaste toimingute koht. Mediclinics pakub vannitoa aksessuaare ja sisustuselemente, mis ühendavad kvaliteeti, stiili ja funktsionaalsust. Nende harjatud roostevabast terasest kätekuivatid ja invakäepided on suurepärased näited nende pühendumusest pakkuda tipptasemel lahendusi.
Mediclinics Harjatud Roostevabast Terasest Kätekuivatid:
Käte kuivatamine on oluline osa hügieenist ning Mediclinicsi harjatud roostevabast terasest kätekuivatid tagavad selle kiirelt ja tõhusalt. Need kätekuivatid on mitte ainult funktsionaalsed, vaid ka elegantse välimusega, tänu harjatud roostevabast terasest valmistatud korpusel. Kvaliteetne roostevaba teras tagab vastupidavuse niiskusele ja korrosioonile, tehes neist ideaalse valiku nii kodus kui ka avalikes ruumides.
Mediclinics Harjatud Roostevabast Terasest Invakäepided:
Turvalisus vannitoas on oluline eelkõige neile, kes vajavad lisatuge liikumisel. Mediclinicsi harjatud roostevabast terasest invakäepided on disainitud nii funktsionaalsuse kui ka esteetika silmas pidades. Need pakuvad kindlat toetust ning nende vastupidavus ja niiskuskindlus tagavad pikaajalise kasutuse. Invakäepidemed on lihtne ja praktiline viis muuta vannitoa keskkond turvalisemaks ja mugavamaks.
Terviklik Vannitoa Kogemus:
Mediclinicsi vannitoa aksessuaarid ja sisustuselemendid on loodud selleks, et täiustada teie vannitoa igapäevast kasutamist. Harjatud roostevabast terasest kätekuivatid ja invakäepided lisavad mitte ainult funktsionaalsust, vaid ka visuaalset elegantsi. Nende toodetega saate luua tervikliku vannitoa kogemuse, kus on tasakaalus praktilisus ja disain.
Investeering Kvaliteeti:
Mediclinics on tuntud oma kõrgekvaliteediliste toodete poolest ning nende harjatud roostevabast terasest vannitoa aksessuaarid on sellele kinnitus. Need on investeering teie vannitoa mugavusse ja turvalisusse ning samal ajal ka stiilse disaini element.
Ühendage stiil, turvalisus ja funktsionaalsus Mediclinicsi harjatud roostevabast terasest kätekuivatite ja invakäepidemetega ning looge oma vannitoas meeldiv ja ohutu keskkond. Mediclinicsi pühendumine kvaliteedile ja disainile tagab, et nende tooted täiustavad teie vannitoa kogemust ning lisavad väärtust igapäevaelule.
Avastage PEGU e-poes Mediclinicsi harjatud roostevabast terasest vannitoa aksessuaaride ja sisustuselementide lai valik ning leidke sobivad lahendused oma vannitoa vajadustele.
Desinfektandi dosaator Mediclinics 1.5L R-V teras harjatud
250 x 110 x 175 mm
• Spray soap dispenser of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, 0,8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall and lever-operated by means of an stainless steel lever.
• Available in four finishes (white, black, bright and satin) these foam soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.
• Suitable for high traffic facilities and for public use.
• Dispenses liquid disinfectant soaps.
177,00 €
Duššiiste seinale
183,00 €
Duššiiste seinale
210,00 €
Dušitugi L-kujuline 800x800x70 RST harjatud matt
Horisontaalne nurga käetugi, 3-punkti kinnitus. Toru d 32 mm.
• 90º wall to wall horizontal grab bar for showers, baths and changing rooms, with three anchoring points and with snap flange covers, made with stainless steel tube, folded in an "L" shape at 90º.
• Designed to achieve barrier-free accessibility in bathrooms and public spaces. This grab bar is suitable for specific spaces for the elderly or people with reduced mobility. Model suitable for collectivities.
• Stainless steel gives this bar great durability and great resistance to rust.
• The bar has three snap flange covers that conceal the anchoring screws to the wall and reinforce, even more, the beauty of the product once installed.
• Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the Electrical Isolation Kit code KA0020.
• Supplied with all the necessary hardware to fix the bar to a brick wall.
General description
Mediepoxi / Medinox series
BD0700C BD0700CS Bright finish Satin finish
90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar for showers, baths and changing rooms, with three anchoring points and with snap flange covers, made with stainless steel tube, folded in an "L" shape at 90o.
Designed to achieve barrier-free accessibility in bathrooms and public spaces. This grab bar is suitable for specific spaces for the elderly or people with reduced mobility. Model suitable for collectivities.
Stainless steel gives this bar great durability and great resistance to rust.
The bar has three snap flange covers that conceal the anchoring screws to the wall and reinforce, even more, the beauty of the product once
Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the Electrical Isolation Kit code KA0020.
Supplied with all the necessary hardware to fix the bar to a brick wall.
Components and materials
BD2700: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 201 stainless steel tube white finish.
BD2700B: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 201 stainless steel tube matte black finish.
BD0700C: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 304 stainless steel tube bright finish.
BD0700CS: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 304 stainless steel tube satin finish.
TUBING: made of stainless steel 32 mm diameter tube, seamless construction. The bending process guarantees the uniformity of the
diameter along the bends.
CONCEALED WALL BRACKET: three units made of stainless steel sheet, 3 mm thick and joined to the bar by welding to the ends of the
tube. It has three holes (BD2700 and BD2700B) or two holes (other references), with a diameter of 6.5 mm that allow the fixing of the bar
to the wall.
SNAP FLANGE COVER: three units that conceal the installation screws made of 1.5 mm thick polypropylene (BD2700 and BD2700B) or
0.8 mm thick stainless steel (other references).
180,00 €
Käetugi 695mm sirge, harjatud R/V teras
Käetugi 695mm sirge
R/V teras AISI304
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 81mm
68,00 €
Käetugi 710mm jalaga ületõstetav
R/V teras AISI304 harjatud
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 85mm
460,00 €
Käetugi 738mm ületõstetav
R/V teras AISI304 harjatud
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 85mm
190,00 €
Käetugi 738mm ületõstetav
R/V teras AISI304 harjatud
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 85mm
225,00 €
Käetugi 845mm sirge
R/V teras AISI304
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 81mm
73,00 €
Käetugi Mediclinics 850 mm ülestõstetav R/V teras harjatud BG0850CS
Käetugi 850mm ületõstetav
R/V teras AISI304 harjatud
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 85mm
240,00 €
Keevisõmbluseta korpus on aluste kinnitatud kahe vandaalikindla poldiga ja lukustatud spetsiaalse Saniflow võtmega
3mm paksune alumiinium alus
Tulekindlast plastist ventilaatorikamber
Termostaatlülitiga F-klassi universaalne harjadega mootor
Alumiiniumist tsentrifugaalne topeltsümmetriline õhuvõtuventilaatori tiivik
Elemendi on termokaitselüliti
Elektroisolatsioon klass 1
Kaitseklass IP23
Tööaeg on 29 sek
652,00 €
-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg
-Minimaalne Energiakulu
-Minimaalset CO2 heitmeid
-Reguleeritav ülekiire mootor
-Kindel ja kompaktne disain
-GreenSeci nimekirjaar
Kuivatuseaeg on ainult 10-15 sek!!!
586,00 €
-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg
-Minimaalne Energiakulu
-Minimaalset CO2 heitmeid
-Reguleeritav ülekiire mootor
-Kindel ja kompaktne disain
-GreenSeci nimekirjaar
Kuivatuseaeg on ainult 10-15 sek!!!
561,00 €
Kätekuivati Mediclinics Machflow harjatud rostevaba terasest korpusega AISI304
Turvaline ja võimas mudel.
Mediclinics Machflow® M09ACS on mati viimistlusega roostevabast terasest kätekuivati, mis paistab silma oma energiatõhususe ja kiire kuivatusvõime poolest. See Machflow® mudel on ideaalne suure liiklusega avalikesse ruumidesse, näiteks restoranidesse, kohvikutesse, büroohoonetesse ja muudesse sarnastesse kohtadesse.
Mediclinics Machflow® kätekuivati korpus on disainitud maksimaalse vandalismikindluse tagamiseks. Toode töötab automaatse sensoriga ja kuivatusaeg on vaid 10-15 sekundit. See mudel on populaarne oma kaasaegse disaini ja erinevate pinnaviimistlusvõimaluste tõttu - kuivati on saadaval valges, mustas, poleeritud ja harjatud pinnaviimistluses, sobitudes seeläbi erinevate interjööridega.
Soovitatav paigalduskõrgus on 100-120 cm põrandast. Mediclinics Machflow® kätekuivati on eelkomplekteeritud, mis muudab paigaldamise kiireks ja lihtsaks.
-Ülekiire kuivatusaeg
-Minimaalne Energiakulu
-Minimaalset CO2 heitmeid
-Reguleeritav ülekiire mootor
-Kindel ja kompaktne disain
-GreenSeci nimekirjaar
Kuivatuseaeg on ainult 10-15 sek!!!
518,00 €
Keevisõmbluseta korpus on aluste kinnitatud kahe vandaalikindla poldiga ja lukustatud spetsiaalse Saniflow võtmega
3mm paksune alumiinium alus
Tulekindlast plastist ventilaatorikamber
Termostaatlülitiga F-klassi universaalne harjadega mootor
Alumiiniumist tsentrifugaalne topeltsümmetriline õhuvõtuventilaatori tiivik
Elemendi on termokaitselüliti
Elektroisolatsioon klass 1
Kaitseklass IP23
580,00 €
Elektroisolatsioon klass 1
Kaal 3,8 kg
Voolutarve 1,3-4,8 A
Koguvõimsus 1010W-1150W
Kaitseklass IP23
Müratase 58-68dB(2m kaugusel)
Kuivatusaeg 10-15 sek.
515,00 €
Saniflow® sensor operated hand dryers
As part of this wide range of dryers, these are manufactured using a variety of materials and finishes, with different functionalities to be used in any public washroom environment. Automatic and manually operated models, with weld free casing available in a wide variety of materials and finishes, product references granting Saniflow® dryers a proven versatility.
Also, Mediclinics offers the Saniflow® line recessed mounting kit, a solution that was developed for installing this family of hand dryers inside a metal cabinet, in compliance with standard ADA/UNE for eliminating architectural barriers in washrooms.
It is worth mentioning that thanks to their long trajectory and presence, these hand dryers have become a reference nationally and internationally. Some of the characteristics that have made this model unique are its great power and air flow, its 360º rotating nozzle of exclusive design, its internal components for minimizing noise and vibrations and its anti-vandalism features.
Saniflow® dryers are made according to the highest quality and safety standards: Includes a thermal cut off, automatic disconnect system, safety screws and special key opener.
Thus, these are proven models with a long durability and complete reliability, with anti-vandalism features and designed to be installed in high traffic of people such as airports, large hotels, sport centres, large recreational areas and large official organizations, among others
525,00 €
Kätekuivati U-FLOW ultrakiire 8/10 seconds 72.5 dBA Eco mode hõbedane satiin ABS
Uus ultrakiire kätekuivati, käte läbi tüüpi U flow®, ABS-kattega, hõbedane satiin viimistlus
New ultra-fast hand dryer, hands-through type U flow®, with ABS cover, satin finish.
• U-flow automaatne kätekuivati ABS-kattega, hõbedane satiin viimistlus.
• Selle uuenduslik ja ergonoomiline U-kujuline disain võimaldab täielikku liikumisvabadust, muutes kätekuivatamise ainulaadseks kaitse- ja hügieenikogemuseks.
• U-Flow on "käte läbi", kiire, energiasäästlik, keskkonnasõbralik, hügieeniline ja stiilne kätekuivati, sobilik suure liiklusega rajatistele.
• Sellel on üks paar IR-andureid mõlemal "U" avause küljel käte kohesteks tuvastamiseks.
• Masinale on lisatud kiirühenduse / lahtivõtmise komplekt (pistikühenduse süsteem), mis võimaldab kätekuivati kiiret ja ohutut paigaldamist ja eemaldamist, muutes hoolduse palju tõhusamaks ja vähendades samal ajal kulusid.
• Sellel on HEPA-filtri keskmine osa, mis filtreerib õhus olevad tahked osakesed (õietolm, tolmulestad, tubakasuits jne), parandades oluliselt õhu kvaliteeti.
• Kaasas on ionisaator ("Ion Hygienic" tehnoloogia), mis puhastab õhku negatiivselt laetud osakeste (anionide) kaudu, kõrvaldades paljud õhu kaudu kantavad osakesed ja mikroobid, muutes selle tervislikumaks ja puhtamaks. Need ioonid pärsivad mikroorganismide paljunemist tootes kogu selle eluea jooksul.
• Biocote® antimikroobne ja antibakteriaalne kaitse hõbedaioonide tehnoloogia alusel. BioCote Antimicrobial Technology vähendab bakterite ja hallituse kasvu kuni 99,9%.
• Maksimaalne õhukiirus 350 km/h.
• Kuivatab käed vaid 8 / 10 sekundiga.
• Reguleeritav mootorivõimsus võimaldab elektritarbimist reguleerida vahemikus 420 kuni 1100 W.
• 30-sekundiline turvataimer.
• Madalaim müratase oma kategoorias (72,5 dBA ökorežiimis).
• Takistab vee sattumist põrandale: sellel on kaks eemaldatavat veepaaki ja seda saab otse ühendada tualettrantši kaudu reovee eemaldamiseks.
• Sellel on lõhnu neutraliseerivad pärlid, et luua vannitoas puhas ja meeldiv õhkkond. (Viide RCFB001).
1345,00 €
Kätepaberidosaator Mediclinics DT2106CS roostevaba teras AISI304 harjatud
Korpuse paksus 0,8 mm
AISI 304 roostevaba teras
kaal 1,8 kg
Rätikud max 260x100mm
C/Z volditud rätikute mahutavas 400-600 tk
116,00 €
Korpuse paksus 0,8 mm
AISI 304 roostevaba teras
kaal 1,8 kg
Rätikud max 260x100mm
C/Z volditud rätikute mahutavas 400-600 tk
125,00 €
• Bathroom towel rail with double bar, 600 mm in length with double wall fixation and a hidden wall mounting system, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, from Mediclinics’ Aura series.
• With an up-to-date design which brings a minimalist and creative touch to your bathroom, this towel rail is ideal for finishing off elegant and modern spaces.
• This double towel rail is very resistant and durable thanks to its high-quality, anti-corrosive and highly resistant stainless steel, and is perfect for ensuring that your bathroom is always tidy and your towels perfectly placed.
• An essential bathroom accessory, this towel rail is ideal for bathrooms in hotels, restaurants, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as for your own home.
• Product suitable for public use.
• Includes stainless steel hardware kit for an easy, convenient and quick installation on brick walls.
67,00 €
• Straight towel rail for bathroom, 600 mm in length with double wall fixation, from Mediclinics’ Aura series.
• Made from AISI 304 stainless steel, this bathroom towel rail has a hidden wall mounting system.
• Practical and functional, these wall mounted towel rails, with a minimalist design, are perfect for creating fresh, elegant and modern bathroom spaces.
• Ideal for installing in your own home or in the bathrooms of hotels, restaurants, hospitals and nursing homes. Product suitable for public use.
• It allows you to optimize and keep the bathroom space tidy, making it one of the most essential bathroom accessories.
• Thanks to the high-quality, anti-corrosive and highly resistant stainless steel, these wall mounted towel rails are extremely durable.
• Includes stainless steel hardware to install the towel rail on a brick wall.
55,00 €
• Straight towel rail for bathroom, 600 mm in length with double wall fixation and a hidden wall mounting system, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, from Mediclinics’ Harmonía series.
• This towel rail has a minimalist design and is ideal for finishing off elegant and modern bathrooms, as it is one of the most essential bathroom accessories.
• Ideal for bathrooms in hotels, restaurants, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as for your own home.
• Product suitable for public use.
• Maximum functionality which allows you to keep your bathroom perfectly tidy, through the means of a very practical solution.
• Extremely durable thanks to the high-quality, anti-corrosive and highly resistant stainless steel.
• Includes stainless steel hardware for installation on brick walls.
49,00 €
• Bathroom towel rail with shelf, with four fixation points and a hidden wall mounting system, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, from Mediclinics’ Aura series.
• With an up-to-date design which brings elegance and creativity to your bathroom, this towel rail with shelf allows you to keep your towels tidy and nearby for a greater level of comfort when getting out of the shower.
• The high quality of the stainless steel makes this bathroom accessory very resistant and durable.
• Its four fixation points and hidden wall mounting system allow this bathroom towel rail with shelf to be securely fixed to the wall with the screws perfectly out of sight.
• An essential bathroom accessory, this towel rail is ideal for bathrooms in hotels, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as for your own home.
• Product suitable for public use.
• Includes stainless steel hardware for installation on brick walls.
158,00 €
• Towel rack made of AISI 304 stainless steel with a hidden wall mounting system and four fixation points, from Mediclinics’ Harmonia series.
• Its up-to-date and functional design gives it a touch of elegance and creativity, while it also allows you to keep your towels tidy and nearby for a greater level of comfort when getting out of the shower.
• The high quality of the stainless steel makes this bathroom accessory very resistant and durable.
• The hidden wall mounting system of this towel rack and its four fixation points mean that the installation screws are not visible and that it is perfectly fixed to the wall.
• An essential bathroom accessory, this towel rail is ideal for bathrooms in hotels, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as for your own home.
• This bathroom towel shelf is also suitable for public use.
• Includes stainless steel hardware to install on brick walls.
175,00 €
• Straight grab bar with snap flange made of AISI 304 stainless steel, for horizontal, vertical or slanting installation.
• Suitable for specific bathrooms for people with mobility problems, elderly people or the handicapped. Model suitable for both home and public use.
• This safety bar provides an easily accessible grip all around.
• Highest durability and rusting resistance.
• Optionally, they have a kit to avoid electrical conductivity (code KA0020).
• Stainless steel nuts and volts for masonry walls included.
55,00 €
Käetugi 537mm sirge
R/V teras AISI304
d 32mm
toru paksus 1,5mm
Pelavajutav äärikukate d 81mm
59,00 €
General description
L454 x L869 mm
Grab bar, 90o angle to the right (BAD090C & BAD090CS) or to the left (BAI090C & BAI090CS) with snap flange cover, made of stainless steel AISI 304, for showers, baths and changing rooms.
These grab bars are very useful and highly recommended to achieve barrier-free accessibility both residential and public spaces.
Concealed screw mounting flanges.
Highest durability and rusting resistance.
Mounting hardware for brick wall is included for easy installation.
Components and materials
BAD090C & BAI090C: AISI 304 stainless steel, bright finish.
BAD090CS & BAI090CS: AISI 304 stainless steel, satin finish.
TUBING: made of 32 mm diameter tube, seamless construction. The bending process guarantees the uniformity of the diameter along
the bends.
CONCEALED MOUNTING FLANGE: three units made of AISI 304 stainless steel, 3 mm thick. Incorporates two Ø 6.5 mm screws holes
for wall mounting.
SNAP FLANGE COVER: three units made of stainless steel AISI 304, 1.5 mm thick and Ø 82 mm. Each cover snaps over mounting
flange to conceal mounting screws.
153,00 €
material:AISI 304 stainless steel | finish:Satin
90º angled grab bar
Solutions with several ergonomics and functionalities and with the possibility of having different materials and finishes. Mediclinics offers professionals a wide range of grab bars for toilets to help persons with reduced mobility use the facilities. Within this range, two product lines are available:
Medinox Series
State of the art design, high durability and easy to maintain. The process used for bending the grab bars guarantees uniformity in the diameter of its curves. Built using AISI 304 stainless steel with a bright and satin finish.
Mediepoxy Series
Solutions manufactured with a corrosion resistant treatment, ideal for very harsh environments, with a low need for maintenance and long durability. The grab bars for toilets are made of steel with an epoxy finish.
Mediclinics grab bars for toilets include a snap flange cover for installation out of sight, offering a perfect visual finish and allowing to be easily blended in with the decoration of the room.
Apart from the grab bars for toilet, Mediclinics provides shower seats made of AISI 304 stainless steel, which are robust, safe and suitable for installation in harsh environments.
153,00 €
Components y materials
FOLDING BAR: folded in a trapezoidal shape and manufactured with a 32 mm diameter AISI 304 stainless steel tube satin finish. Both bar ends are welded to the vertical column, made of a 32 mm diameter stainless steel AISI 304 tube. The grip zones of the bar have a safety anti-slip finish to improve the user safety. It incorporates a paper roll holder 120 mm length, made of a 6 mm diameter AISI 304 stainless steel rod.
WALL MOUNTING PLATE: made of an AISI 304 stainless steel satin finish rectangular plate of 125 x 100 mm and 10 mm thick. It incorporates four Ø 8 mm countersunk holes, to fix the bar to the wall.
FLOOR MOUNTING PLATE: made of an AISI 304 stainless steel satin finish circular plate of Ø 75 mm and 5 mm thick. It incorporates three Ø 7 mm countersunk holes to fix the bar on the floor.
UNLOCK HANDLE: made of black thermoplastic.
BG0089CS Satin finish
Technical specifications
Grab bar and column diameter Wall mounting plate thickness Floor mounting plate thickness Paper roll holder diameter
700 x 835 x 100 mm
Ø 32 mm 10.0 mm 5.0 mmØ 6.0 mm
545,00 €