Group thermostatic mixing valve for mixed water distribution from 32° - 42°C: Anti-scalding safety. Regulates temperature variations. Filters and non-return valves can be accessed from the outside without removing the mechanism. Thermal shock with no specific lever needed (push-button on the control knob). Interchangeable cartridge with automotive cell. High-resistance chrome-plated brass body. Maximum hot water temperature: 85°C. Differential hot water / mixed water: 15°C minimum. Pressure difference at the inlets: 1 bar maximum (0.5 bar recommended). Minimum pressure / maximum: 1 - 10 bar (1 - 5 bar recommended). Left hand side hot water inlet (red ring) and right hand side cold water inlet (blue ring). Mixed water outlet at the top (purple ring). For bottom outlet: unscrew / place lid at the top and outlet connector at the bottom. Maximum temperature limiter, can be adjusted by the installer. Reduced risk of scalding by limiting temperature at the point-of-use. 55 lpm - M3/4".
"RONDO" vaas 5130 on stiilne ja funktsionaalne kaunistuselement, mis sobib ideaalselt lillede hoidmiseks või iseseisva dekoratiivse elemendina. Selle roostevabast terasest disain on ajatu ja kvaliteetne, pakkudes elegantset viimistlust. Kombineeri vaas teiste RONDO sarja toodetega, nagu kausid või küünlajalad, et luua harmooniline ja ühtne interjöör.