25.5 EUR
689.3 EUR

WC Harjad Metallist, Tualettharjad Põrandale ja Hoidjad Seinale

WC Harjad Metallist, Tualettharjad Põrandale ja Hoidjad Seinale

Metallist WC-harjad – vastupidavad ja stiilsed lahendused vannituppa

WC-hari on vannitoa oluline osa, mis peab olema nii praktiline kui ka stiilne. PEGU.ee e-poes leiad laia valiku metallist WC-harju, mis sobivad nii klassikalisse kui ka modernsesse vannituppa.

Pakume kvaliteetseid seinakinnitusega ja põrandale asetatavaid WC-harju, mis on valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest nagu roostevaba teras (AISI304 ja happekindel AISI316L), messing ning tsingi-alumiiniumi sulam. Viimistlusvalikusse kuuluvad kroom, peegelpoleerimine, PVD-kate (pronks, messing, kuld, teras, vask, nikkel) ning populaarsed mattlahendused mustas, harjatud kullas, terases, vasest ja messingis.

Vali tuntud kaubamärkide seast, nagu D Line, Haceka, VOLA, Mediclinics, Damixa, Frost, Unidrain Reframe, Ophardt Hygiene ja Nicolazzi, ning loo oma vannitoale funktsionaalne ja elegantne ilme!

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Suur valik kvaliteetseid segisteid ja vannitoaaksessuaare parimatelt tootjatelt! Santehnika müük soodsa hinnaga ja kiire tarnega. Vajadusel vormistame ka e-arve!


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Brushed steel

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7040 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
292,80 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Polished steel

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7041 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Brass

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7042 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Copper

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7043 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Black

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7044 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Brushed steel

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7045 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
353,80 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Polished steel

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7046 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Brass

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7047 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Copper

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7048 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Black

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7049 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,70 €

1 Brabantia Toilet Brush and Holder, Matt SteeEase of use: 

• Corrosion resistant - ideal for the bathroom or toilet
• Holder discreetly covers the brush
• Easy to clean
• Plastic brush - durable and easy to clean
• Matching toilet roll holder, wall bin or pedal bin available

Colour: Matt steel 
Height: 42 cm
Diameter: 12.2 cm 
Brabantia article: 385285

Tootekood: BRAB-385285 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
41,53 € (5%)
43,72 €


Toilet brush by BIG, dimension 372 x 108 mm., SS AISI 304.


Dimensions: H: 372 mm., D: 108 mm.
Weight : 1.12 kg.
Material: stainless steel AISI 304
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand Stability edge : maximum 17 degree.

Tootekood: DL-128008R8001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
398,53 €


Toilet brush by BIG, dimension 372 x 108 mm., SS AISI 304.


Dimensions: H: 372 mm., D: 108 mm.
Weight : 1.12 kg.
Material: stainless steel AISI 304
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand Stability edge : maximum 17 degree.

Tootekood: DL-128008R9001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
398,53 €


Toilet brush by BIG, dimension 372 x 108 mm., SS AISI 304.


Dimensions: H: 372 mm., D: 108 mm.
Weight : 1.12 kg.
Material: stainless steel AISI 304
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand Stability edge : maximum 17 degree.

Tootekood: DL-12800802001 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
416,83 €

Toilet Brush and Holder chrome

Article no.:






EAN no.:



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830100 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
86,00 €

Toilet Brush and Holder matt black

Article no.:



Matt black



EAN no.:


Tootekood: D4830161 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
125,00 €

Damixa Silhouet WC tualetthari koos hoidikuga harjatud grafiithall PVD

Toilet Brush and Holder graphite grey pvd

Article no.:



Graphite Grey PVD



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830155 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
141,00 €

Toilet Brush and Holder brushed brass pvd

Article no.:



Brushed Brass PVD



EAN no.:



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830179 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
141,00 €

Toilet Brush and Holder steel pvd

Article no.:



Steel PVD



EAN no.:



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830146 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
125,00 €

Toilet Brush and Holder brushed copper pvd

Article no.:



Brushed Copper PVD



EAN no.:



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830187 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
141,00 €

Toilet Brush and Holder matt white

Article no.:



Matt White



EAN no.:



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830121 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
125,00 €

Toilet Brush and Holder polished brass pvd

Article no.:



Polished Brass PVD



EAN no.:



Note that an extra loose brush head can be purchased. Item no. 4832800

Tootekood: D4830177 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
125,00 €

Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set with lid 
Ref. 4051C

Wall-mounted Be-Line® toilet brush set with lid. 
Metallised anthracite powder-coated 304 bacteriostatic stainless steel. 
Model with anti-theft lock for fixing. 
Robust model. 
Easy to clean: plastic bowl can be removed from above. 
Plastic bowl with reservoir: prevents the brush from sitting in stagnant water and splashing when next used. 
Toilet brush automatically centres itself in the holder. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm body. 
Dimensions: Ø 90 x 410mm. 




Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set with lid 
Ref. 4051C

Height 410mm
Finish 304 stainless steel powder-coated metallised anthracite
Tootekood: DE-4051C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
126,90 € (10%)
141,00 €

Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set 
Ref. 4048C

Wall-mounted Be-Line® toilet brush set without lid. 
Metallised anthracite powder-coated 304 bacteriostatic stainless steel. 
Model with anti-theft lock for fixing. 
Robust model. 
Easy to clean: plastic bowl can be removed from above. 
Plastic bowl with reservoir: prevents the brush from sitting in stagnant water and splashing when next used. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm body. 
Dimensions: Ø 90 x 330mm. 


Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set 
Ref. 4048C

Height 330mm
Finish 304 stainless steel powder-coated metallised anthracite
Tootekood: DE-4048C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
85,50 € (10%)
95,00 €

Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set with lid 
Ref. 4051MW

Wall-mounted Be-Line® toilet brush set with lid. 
White powder-coated 304 bacteriostatic stainless steel. 
Model with anti-theft lock for fixing. 
Robust model. 
Easy to clean: plastic bowl can be removed from above. 
Plastic bowl with reservoir: prevents the brush from sitting in stagnant water and splashing when next used. 
Toilet brush automatically centres itself in the holder. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm body. 
Dimension : Ø 90 x 410mm. 



Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set with lid 
Ref. 4051MW

Height 410mm
Finish 304 stainless steel powder-coated matte white
Tootekood: DE-4051MW ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
126,90 € (10%)
141,00 €

Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set 
Ref. 4048MW

Wall-mounted Be-Line® toilet brush set without lid. 
White powder-coated 304 bacteriostatic stainless steel. 
Model with anti-theft lock for fixing. 
Robust model. 
Easy to clean: plastic bowl can be removed from above. 
Plastic bowl with reservoir: prevents the brush from sitting in stagnant water and splashing when next used. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm body. 
Dimensions: Ø 90 x 330mm. 




Be-Line® wall-mounted toilet brush set 
Ref. 4048MW

Height 330mm
Finish 304 stainless steel powder-coated matte white
Tootekood: DE-4048MW ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
85,50 € (10%)
95,00 €

Wall mounted.

Height: 400mm
Width: 113mm
Depth: 112mm
Weight: 1,3 kg.
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1106 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
134,90 € (5%)
142,00 €


Wall mounted.

Height: 400mm
Width: 113mm
Depth: 112mm
Weight: 1,3 kg.
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1106-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
134,90 € (5%)
142,00 €

Wall mounted.

Height: 400mm
Width: 113mm
Depth: 112mm
Weight: 1,3 kg.
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FROO1106 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
134,90 € (5%)
142,00 €
  • Aluminium 
  • 167,5х376,7х76 мм
Tootekood: L1208688 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
56,70 € (10%)
63,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee